The Jealous Curator launched in 2009, as a place for me to show artwork that “made me jealous”. Yes, I was jealous of other artists’ work, their lives, their success, their studios. I felt like I’d never have any of that – and I was right – because I wasn’t making art! I was stuck, and so busy comparing myself to everyone else that I didn’t even allow myself to be creative. It was awful. I started the blog to document the work I loved, but more importantly, I wanted to find a way to flip the jealousy into something positive – admiration and inspiration to be specific. It worked!
As I move forward with the site, I’ve realized that what I’m most interested in is, of course sharing/exposing the work of talented contemporary artists through my daily posts, but I’m also absolutely fascinated with the self-doubt part – the insecurities, inner-critics, creative blocks, and of course the jealousy that all of us have to deal with at some point. If we share openly about this, about the vulnerability that comes with being creative, all of us will benefit.
This lead to the idea behind my first book, titled “CREATIVE BLOCK“, that was released by Chronicle Books in 2014, and then a more in-depth follow up book, titled “Your Inner Critic Is A Big Jerk”, which was released Fall 2016 – both as a hardcover and as an audio book. (I also did a TEDx talk on the subject, if you’d like to watch it.). In October of 2018, my latest book, “A BIG IMPORTANT ART BOOK – Now With Women” hit shelves worldwide, and a followup will be released Fall 2019 … stay tuned!
Want to know more in five minutes or less? Here’s a little peek into ‘The Jealous Curator’:
Danielle Krysa has a BFA in Visual Arts, and a post-grad in graphic design. She is the writer/curator behind the contemporary art site, The Jealous Curator (est.2009), and has curated art shows from Washington DC to Los Angeles, San Francisco to Toronto. Danielle creates her own artwork as well – mixed media collages which combine found images, paint, and as much humor as she can pack into each title. When she’s not in the studio, Danielle is writing books : “Creative Block”, “Collage”, and “Your Inner Critic Is A Big Jerk” were the first three, and her fourth book, “A Big Important Art Book – Now with Women”, was released in October of 2018. Danielle has also had the great pleasure of speaking at TEDx, PIXAR, Creative Mornings, CreativeLive, and was interviewed for several video segments on
I came across your blog last week. There is some great stuff on there. I thought I would pass a link on to my website. I am not so big on self promotion but I figured my work might fit with your style. Maybe not.
The Crinoline Flowers are a pretty popular series.
hi daryl,
great work! i actually really love your ‘women’ series. keep your eye out for a post next week : )
I absolutely adore this blog
*blush blush*
thanks so much : )
I am jealous of your blog and of your wonderful eye for art! I hope you don’t mind if I post about you on my blog about art and a lot of other stuff.
And I know exactly what you mean about getting inspired and jealous at the same time. Ugh!
Do I mind? Absolutely not… post away!
Thanks so much for the sweet words Elisabeth : )
I love this blog — in fact, sometimes I consider myself the jealous blogger! 😉 I enjoy the concept and execution, not to mention your personal style. If you’re interested I’d love to have a guest post from you on my blog!
i’d love to! thanks for asking : )
i’ll send you an email…
hello – love your blog – i would like to mention my friend amanda fullerton – she’s from dartmouth nova scotia canada and makes headpieces (which i wore at my wedding) but also has a beautiful party site on etsy – check her out!
thanks meghan – i’ll check her out : )
If you are going to be super jealous of any one person, it has to be Su
Blackwell. She is totally amazing!!!
wow. there’s tomorrow’s post! thanks barbara : )
I love your blog and your picks! I had to blog about some of your recent ones… thanks for finding all these cool artists!
thank you!
Your blog has become a huge source of inspiration because you seem to find lots of work that makes me jealous too. 🙂
I’m a photographer and I make altered books. I’ve had two bodies of work on the go for the last year.
Imaginary Girl:
Altered Books:
Keep up the wonderful blogging that you do.
thanks rachael : )
We love this site and feel very jaloux… so we guess it is working!
Lovely curation! What a great space you’ve created here….
(And might I suggest a browse of my work?)
will do! thanks : )
Wonderous blog….
Should check some of this kids work…………………..
Wow, there’s so much to be jealous of! Absolutely adore your aesthetic. Thank you!
Thank you!
Can you be jealous of dead artists, too?
fancy site!! i love it. i thought you might enjoy some of my work as well…
thanks rebecca : )
i’ll go and check out your site right now…
Dear Jealous Curator,
I like your blog in a lot of ways, I really do. You have impeccable taste and your writing is erudite and charming, for the most part. And I understand the “jealous” thing for the hook that it is. But I have to be up-front with you, this is a break-up letter. I won’t be reading your blog anymore. It’s coming off my RSS feed. You see, jealousy is such a negative feeling. It’s such a heavily charged word, pregnant with both failure and an inability to come to terms with one’s own shortcomings. It’s also filled with the potentially evil desire to see the subjects of one’s envy fail as well. It’s a form of evil eye, really, and I’m disturbed by it. I understand that maybe you’re not literally jealous. But the word repeated over and over has become more burdensome every day. So this is goodbye. Thank you for all the colorful and well designed memories. I wish this could have ended differently between us.
Dear Oren,
Well, I’m sorry to hear that. Clearly the jealousy that you’re talking about is a very different one than I’m referring to. I once heard someone say that if you keep your jealousy of things/people a secret it can become a toxic poison that eats you alive (which i totally agree with), but the moment you say it out loud it becomes admiration… so that’s why I’m saying it out loud. And honestly, this way of viewing it as been amazing for my own art work. Instead of seeing new work and wishing that my work looked like that, I can truly appreciate it, share it with all of you, and move forward with my own work knowing that every piece of art is different and “jealousy-worthy” to someone.
Thanks for reading as long as you did. Sorry if the word is too much for you.
The Jealous Curator
ps. The jealousy thing isn’t an intended “hook”… it was really how I felt before I started the blog. My own work was being totally crippled and I was tired of it. I wanted to turn the jealousy on it’s head, and somehow make it work for me in a positive way… and now it does. Just wanted you, and anyone else that happens to be reading this, to know.
Great curating. I’m jealous of all the artists that have graced the pages of your blog. I’m bookmarking you and would be delighted if you took a moment to peruse my work for consideration. or
Keep up the great work.
thanks joey : )
i’ll go and have a look at your site(s)
thank you!
I just have to say that this is a wonderfull space – love your finds :o)
I’m jealous too….great artists.
thank you so much kristina… that made my day : )
I just stumbled upon your blog and have to say I’ve very impressed. Extremely well written. Hope you keep it going. Check out my work and let me know what you think.
I love the fact that you are not an elitist type of curator and that fine art, design and crafts all come together here with the lines between them blurred. You see only art.
thank you so much marija!
that’s one of the nicest comments i’ve ever received – it totally made my day. xo
I more than love your blog! I just found it, and it’s already in my favorites!
You’ll be part of my daily reading now!
Thank you!
wow! thank you xx
I don’t know how to email you..
by Kirsten Lepore
via swissmiss
this will work! thanks
ps. there’s an email icon in the top right of my site … looks like a little envelope.
I completely agree with your 2011 note on jealousy. As an artist, your blog is very cathartic for me because I often look at other people’s work and feel inadequate about my own. But just voicing it really does transform my jealousy into admiration, not to mention inspiration and validation. Thank you for what you do here 🙂
thanks so much jessica… i really appreciate hearing that! i would never want anyone to come away from this place feeling anything but inspired.
: )
Hi I really like this blog. Just thought I would pass my website along.
thanks jordan : )
Love your blog Danielle, Louise from GBH passed it on!
Not sure if this is your style, but my sister’s friend makes these amazing (Icelandic) landscapes from food!
I’m in love….
thanks michelle! that’s so funny… i’ve actually seen those photos before! just a few days ago actually… weird! thanks for passing on the link!
d ; )
Hey there “Jealous Curator”,
What a great blog you have here!! =D
I stopped by after a friend recommended it to me………….so it’s needless to say, I’m damn impressed by your level of taste.
Keep it going ~
*thomas c. chung*
thank you so much thomas… those are some very nice words! : )
Just discovered your blog, love it, am jealous of your eye, and posted a link to you on our facebook site. Keep up the great work! John
I am so truly inspired and jealous–your site delivers all that and more! It goes directly on my menu bar, top billing.
Thanks for sharing.
oh my gosh! such nice words on a wednesday morning!!! thank you so much xo
Am posting a couple of urls to my etsy shop where I sell prints of my drawings and my flickr site. I sketch on-site aim to capture the essence of the moment
Hi, I really enjoy the blog and thought you might be interested in seeing some of my collage work. I use vintage books and magazines to creative surreal and absurd landscapes
Also have started a collaborative collage book project that is being passed from artist to artist
not here for self-promotion, just to let you know i’m jealous at the jealous curator!… real cool selection of beautiful and high quality art.
a true bookmark!
my compliments.
Gregor Wintgens, Amsterdam
thanks so much gregor – really.
Hi there! so… friend just sort of told me about you and your site is pretty amazing and I love all the things you’ve posted….so many neat artists out there. He’s kind of pushing me to show you my work so…….look what I made! (haha)
molly – thanks… i’m going to check out your site right now! : )
I’ve been following you since a long time… and I must confess I’m jealous of you… your taste, your selection, your background. I really love your job/blog!!!
thanks nella! very sweet words : )
Olá,adorei o site ,parabéns!
Aproveito para mostrar meu trabalho com esculturas em cewrâmica aqui no Brasil,este é meu site
Hello! Sensational idea of your blog.
Rodrigo Andrian.
amazing place.
I’ll back here.
I think your blog is very interesting. It definitely gives things a more personal feeling to each post you do. Being “jealous”. Haha…I’m always telling myself “I wish I thought of that” when I see art that moves me.
Anyway, I figured I’d give your blog a shot as well. Take a look and let me know what you think. Thanks!
Hi, from West Wales U.K.
I enjoyed your piece on Marla after just viewing ‘my kid could do that’ for the first time, It is a shame that they never got to the truth of the matter but either way, as long as the child’s right to be a child isn’t invaded again, then who really gives a damn.
Thanks for an entertaining piece, and I hope you have a little time to view my meagre efforts.
Many Thanks
oops sorry
Other art and stuff
I am also a member of an arts group we set up in Llandeilo called Frank Art.
We are a group of like minded individuals that set a task every 2 weeks to produce a piece of art based on a theme set by each member in turn.
Click on the link to follow… Hope you enjoy..
I love the Idea of this website! Please take a look at my work 🙂 I am Bay area artist and would love to collaborate with your site. Thanks!!!
I am jealous this is not my Blog! Congratulations for the fantastic work. It’s all very well thought and with a beautiful selection of projects.
I will take my chances to submit a project I ‘ve just uploaded that I call ‘Superheroes’. It tries to establish a humorous conversation between ‘Superheroes’ of modern art & design, with Pop Superheroes like Superman and Lady Gaga. Would be delighted if you wanted to publish it:
Keep up the great work!
Hey there Jealous Curator,
I love your blog too 🙂 – I’ve had a quick goosey gander and feel amused and inspired all at the same time! I’m curious to know….where are you based?
I’m a curator with budding plans to work with the Jealous Gallery very soon. I’ll drop you details of the show if cool? And I’ll revisit your blog again soon!
Thanks for a refreshing 15 mins,
The Countryside Curator x
hi rosie… yes! keep me posted on your show with the jealous gallery… i’m jealous! ; )
How are you?
I’m a Brazilian girl who likes A LOT to draw and paint many different worlds coming from my imagination.
Maybe you can see some here
I would love if you could share some of these worlds
Thanks a lot!
I’m really really jealous of the jealous curator! This blog is absolutely fab. As a just starting blogger your blog is a real inspiration.
thank you! ps. your blog looks fantastic!
hi!! your blog is incredible, congrats!!!
great blog!! I thought I would send along my website … just in case.
I specifically wanted you to check out the series “fam farm” and/or “une obsession tranquille”
thanks for your time!!!!!
beautiful drawings jillian!
Hello beautiful blog. shearing my last colors
here my videos
good trip
I absolutely love the concept “I’m jealous of …” – damn, I wish I thought of that when I started my blog!!! All the best – even though I’m jealous ;0).
your blog is lovely!
Hello there.
Superb blog – wow!
Would you be jealous of these ‘Attention Seekers’?
Radiant Fields, featuring work by Benjamin Edmiston (Brooklyn), Edward Max Fendley (DC) Steven Riddle (Baltimore). Recently opened at NUDASAHNK in Baltimore, May 28th the show runs until June 25th. We all had a great time installing the exhibition and hanging out at the opining enjoying some ice cold Natty Boh. Please check out the opining and Installation photos over at the NUDASANK’S blog. Any support you have to offer would be much appreciated.
Steven Riddle.
i’ll go check it out – thanks steven (and congrats on the show!)
Joining in late… I just saw this post now. The title of your blog, and the subheading, are the very reason I was drawn to it (as are many of my artist friends). I know that feeling so well: I love this– and I hate it that I didn’t think of it myself! Just want to say that I have that very feeling about your blog, and I give the url to my painting students. Yours is the art blog I check in with most frequently. Yes, I’m jealous– and proud of it!
thank you amy. really. that means so much coming from you (because, as you know, your beautiful work makes me crazy jealous!)
Holy smokes, I am in love with your blog. I’ve been following it for nearly a year, and lately can’t wait to check it daily to see what amazing-ness you have discovered. As an art educator, it’s refreshing, and btw… the jealous word is perfectly fine for me. I am happy-jealous about lots of wonderful things. Thanks so much, and good luck with the art making!
allison, i kid you not, that made my day… and probably my whole weekend! thank you so much for your sweet words! xo
Hi! I absolutely love your site. I love it when I find new blogs that I can bookmark and check when I need inspiration (which is daily). It is awesome that you find art that you love, and are jealous of, and then share it with the world. I thought I would pass on my link in case you are interested.
thanks jenny! your work is lovely : )
Join me in being extra jealous of the art by angela singer (im also jealous of the meaning behind) i try to make something similar but it just looks like it but not it (sobs)
love! thanks for the link debbie!
I hope you don’t mind, but I posted about you in my blog 🙂
I just can’t get over how exactly you described that jealousy feeling of other people’s art/design – basing a blog on jealousy is a very interesting idea and I think it’s really working for you 🙂
All the best,
Love this blog. Love your taste. very inspiring. thank you.
thank you so much naz : )
Thanks for the steady influx of inspiring images – love your blog and FB page!
thank you greg!
Thanks to you I’ve discovered the ceramic work of Michelle Summers which I now completely am inspired by (I skipped jealousy and went straight to the top!).
It’s weird, being an artist and having to deal with all the ups and downs of personal creativity and then see so much great art (thank you internet!) and somehow keep leaping and swimming upstream (happily!). I wouldn’t have it any other way except with periodic retreats, hermitages and down time in the studio with no jealous curators serving up tasty dishes! 😉
Wow! I’m jealous of you. I want to be you.
Glad to have discovered your site. Thanks.
wow right back! thanks so much lauri : )
We’ve just discovered your blog… Wow ! It’s such a unique space filled with all sort of ” worlds ” that definitely make us think about that word ( jealous ) exactly the same way you do. It doesn’t make us fall and think about how small we are, but it gives us wings and makes us want to make more, knowing that it’s possible. Looking at all these artists, so different from one another, creates a powerful feeling that we’d never want to lose.
Great job ! We’ll come back here.
thank you… really, thank you! i’m so glad you understand the “jealous” i’m talking about : )
i don’t know what’s taken me so long to get my butt over here– i adore your guest posts on sfgirlbybay.
finally clicked through today- jeeesh i’ve been missing out! why i am i perpetually late to the party??
thanks for the awesome.
Your blog is so amazing. It’s always full of such a diverse and interesting assortment of great work. it really is a great surprise every post (and never a disappointment)
We just launched a great project that you may like!
I’ll be producing one thousand porcelain bottles in collaboration with ten illustrators. Here’s our first edition of one hundred bottles with illustrations by Nolan Pelletier:
Thanks for the great blog, amazing!
very cool! thanks so much for the link alexx!
i’m watching the reasons of your jealousy!
So I just this very moment experienced the very feeling of total inspiration and and “crushing jealousy,” when I came across Takashi Iwasaki. Specifically the embroidery work.
When I found this artist, I blurted out to my husband, “god I can only dream of being this good! It’s just mind boggling.”
He said, “Well, I’m not the best at my job…”
I said,”Well, I think it’s healthy[to be jealous].”
Then I read your bit about the toxicity of jealousy. I couldn’t agree more that jealousy is dealt with best by letting it free and saying it out loud. That’s what being an artist is. At, least to me. Being true about all of your emotions, and letting them free. Even if it isn’t the most appealing thing to do. I thinking admitting jealousy is rather brave.
I look at the work of Takashi Iwasaki, it makes my brain go nuts. This kind of jealousy makes me dream bigger than I could ever dream on my own. I love your blog for that very reason. I stop by everyday. It feeds me so much inspiration. Well, I could ramble on forever about how much this blog means to me…
Really, I just want to say thank you for being jealous!
wow carmen! thank you so much for your very kind words about the blog, and for so openly sharing your reaction to takashi’s work… funny enough i actually have a post about his work in my drafts folder ready to roll later this week! great minds think alike ; )
ps. carmen… love your knit chain necklace! gorgeous work!!!
we would like to promotion our artists to you!
they are so young and love paint so much… Can you have a look at this site : / and tell me how about you feeling?
thanks and best regards,
thanks! i’ll go check it out : )
I feel like such a sap! I got a little carried away with my post…*blush*
I’m really excited to see the post for Takashi! I stopped by here to see if you had posted anything in the past, and got totally carried away. 🙂
p.s. I’m so flattered that you like my necklace. Maybe I should make more…
yes! you should!!
Love your site! Thanks for the inspiration.
thanks so much john!
Just came across your blog while doing a project for art class, and found it so interesting! I love that you take a negative emotion and turn it into admiration and positive advertising. It’s just great, because lots people (women especially) are plagued by jealousy in their everyday lives, with the media, and men telling us how to be/what to look like. I just wanted to share an artist with you:
She’s really great, and thought you might appreciate her work.
Thanks for blogging (:
peace and love.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate all of your sweet words : )
Thanks for the link… so funny, my brother actually just sent me her portfolio a few weeks ago! Weird.
I just stumbled upon a new artist and popped over to see if you’d featured her yet…and you haven’t! So check out What this woman does with found paper blows my mind. I have such a soft spot for art which uses found materials…I guess that’s why I’m drawn to quilting. 🙂
Also, I just have to say…I’m jealous of The Jealous Curator. 😉 I stop by every day for a healthy dose of admiration and inspiration. Thanks so much for such a wonderful blog!
wow! amazing work… thank you sheila!!! (and thank you for such lovely words about my blog… you made my day!)
Hi Danielle, just read about you in my favorite mag Sunset. Great blog, very inspiring indeed! Just thought I would you give you one more “jealousy” to share with your friends 😉
I stumbledd on your site for the very first time and I can totally relate to what you mean!! Yes, so many artworks have caught my breath away and “wished” I could have or should have thought of that before.
It’s not the true green monster jealousy, rather it’s more of an admiration…I love it when works of art makes my heart stop beating for a split second.
Keep up the great work. Don’t pay any attention to “negative attitudes.” Life is too precious to deal with negativity.
thanks nyla xo
What a beautiful space you’ve created! I plan to return often.
Just to show you my handmade collage, to see if you like them to be featured in your blog.
You can see them here (in Personal Projects):
That’s all. Thanks a lot for your time and have a nice day.
thanks jorge… i’ll go have a look right now!
I like your blog and was hoping for a mention in case you like my stuff.
Greatings from Amsterdam.
How exciting to find your website. I saw your article in the November issue of “Sunset” magazine. My husband finally was able to pursue his dream after he retired from Disneyland about 5 years ago. We’ve run out of walls and now have an off-site storage to store all his originals (over 100). Have no idea how to reach art lovers and buyers. Hopefully, you’ll love his art as much as I do!
Charie Baker, the loving wife & art lover
Love the blog . . sooo inspiring!
thanks ruth : )
taken care of! i’ll email you : )
Love your site. Fan for a long time.
I only wish you were jealous of me.
Great Work!
Ran across an article on you in the November issue of Sunset Magazine, I immediately went to your blog and…I was jealous! What a fabulous idea and it really inspires me to see all these other wonderful artists out there! Please take a look at my website and hopefully oneday I’ll see myself on your blog! Take care.
Thanks Roxy! : )
Someone sent me this link. I love your sensibility. I am including a link of my candles that carry fables, the scent conjured from a moment in the story (
Keep up the bloggage!
Hello! We are some independent artists from Brazil and we would like very much to have our work featured in your site, hope you can help us!
Here is our video:
Melosomo is a combination of sounds and visual manipulation created by Lucas Moreira and Matheus Bazzo, a single scenario of simultaneous feelings and imaginary landscapes.
This is a treasure trove! I love it!
At the risk of sounding tacky, I thought I might introduce you to some of my cousin’s artwork
Keep up the good work!
thanks anne! not tacky at all… i’ll go check it out right now! : )
Just wondering if you’d like to see some fashion as Art for a Giveaway and/or Review on your blog?
Sure – if it’s right for my readers! : )
Send me an email about what you’re thinking! contact (at) thejealouscurator (dot) com
Ok, one more! Holy Cow!
Made my day!
oh yes – love his work!
Your site is such a great resource for inspiration!
thanks melissa!
ps. i love your waterslides!
I am an Italian contemporary artist, I make collages and acrylics as well, that you can see on my website. I would be honoured if you could be jealous of my artwork, so let me know if you need more information about my activity, more material, for example, to know it better.
Luciano Botta
Love your site and will pass along to others. Take a look at my work and let me know if it can help your mood.
I’ve been following your blog since I discovered it through art hound and I love the content you post. Keep up the great work.
I was hoping you would have the time to check out my newest illustrations that can be found here:
Thank you and take care.
beautiful blog. adding it to my list. i am a text based artist and was thrilled to see you appreciate it to. started a new project called the word portrait project. check it out. it might interest you.
keep up the great work.
I have seen the words “Jealous Curator” around the blogosphere, etc. for a while now, and I am DELIGHTED (and jealous) to finally have seen what you are doing here! I love your blog. I have some “computer time” scheduled today, so I am going to look at and read as much as a can.
Even the comments list here is filled with wonderful links. It’s too much! I’m jealous! Can’t wait to pour over!
I really like what you’re doing on this blog. I’ve just come across it today and will be returning!
I just saw this site and love it. Definitely bookmarking this right now. Thanks for all the hard work you do!
Hey found you through The Hairpin and so happy I did! I wish I made this site. Maaaybe you wish you made these sculptures?
[…] been visiting the Jealous Curator for quite some time now and always find great art to browse and get inspired by. Whether […]
Really inspiring. The work you pick seems to all be good and interesting because its all work that honestly inspires you, there’s no pretense in the blog. Thanks.
thank you! so much! : )
Just found your blog, via Pinterest – thanks for sucking up hours of my time! Are you a Vancouverite like me? I’m sure you’re always on the prowl for new jealousy fodder, so thought I would post a link to see if you liked my stuff. I’m near enough to stalk!
Just discovered your blog and am so happy I did! You’ve revealed some great artists here & I’m excited to spend too much time looking through your posts. 😉
I am jealous of Mary’s Granddaughter, whom I found randomly. I wonder if you would be, too? Love that I found you also.
Hi, just came across your blog from a pinterest link. I love it! Thanks a lot—now I’m going to be even less productive at work!
Hi there
My friend has the most amazing project going at the moment called The Abandoned Boudoir.
I think there might be some Australian things you might love on there and the project is seeking funding and housing to go to USA and Europe. Check
Thanks for your blog – it rocks!
thanks donna – i’ll go check it out! : )
Hi !
Thank you for sharing your tastes, your website is the best place on the internet. I totally relate to your feelings. In art, jalousy is not a negative emotion, it’s only hidden admiration.
Here’s a link I’d like to share with you : . It’s full of hilarious and insightful illustrations.
Take care and keep up the good work.
Dear Jealous,
When I found your blog, I spent a whole day absorbing it until there was no more to consume. You have great taste!
I hope maybe my drawing are to your liking 🙂
Thank you,
thank you so much carabella! i’m going to check out your portfolio as we speak 🙂
Nice to see your hypothetical curations, I do this myself, the essence of curating , maybe
What an interesting PhD topic Iain! I’d love to hear where you end up after your studies!
Hi, I just came across your blog and fell in love. Inspiration, admiration and joy that there is so much beauty and talent manifesting itself in this wonderful world, all in one place!
Keep it up!
And thank you 🙂
Truly enjoy your perspective and the wide range of innovative mediums, artists, and styles you bring light to. Definitely bookmarked and part of my daily morning internet check.
Your site is glorious! It’s fast becoming my favorite place to check daily. Keep up the excellent work. 🙂
oh, thank you so much elaina! ; )
I love and am jealous of your blog and I want you to be jealous of me!
A wonderful, refreshing blog full of incredible artists. Thanks for taking the time to curate it 🙂
well thank you for taking the time to visit kendra! : )
I’ve learnt so much about the Arts from your blog than trying to catch up with magazines, newspapers and spreading the word. I understand ‘the jealous’ part completely.
thanks so much luna… what a lovely comment to start my day with! xo
I absolutely love your blog. I find the use of the word jealous interesting. English has always been a language that morphs and evolves and at the same time I admit to feeling a little differently about your choice of words. It is a fabulous choice in that it sparks interest and is the marketer’s prerogative to do so, however, I do feel that one of the strengths of the English language is that it offers such a rich choice of words to use to convey our meaning with stark clarity such that it seems a shame to try to say otherwise. Perhaps far better to understand that the juxtaposition of meaning is meant to startle and I am certainly thrilled to see your result.
Ps. I looked up the definition again myself prior to writing this entry to confirm current usage, and when I look up the definition in the dictionary I don’t see your positive definition. I do see that the definition offered is a feeling of “resentment” or even ” anger” . Admiration is just that admiration.
true enough louise… but when i started ‘the jealous curator’ back in 2009 i did have feelings of resentment and anger, so the name was pretty bang on. as the years have passed i’ve learned a life-changing lesson about morphing that jealousy into admiration (which feels amazing!)… but it’s a little late to change the name ; )
Hi! Thank you for an amazing blog, just absolutely love it! I follow you and girlbybay regularly and is always inspired by you. Just wanted to give you a recommendation of a fine art artist that I think you would like and would suit your blog, I think…and hope!:
thank you so much nivin! (for the link and for the very kind words about the blog!) xo
Hey Lovely lady, I adore this site. Now that I have snooped around your space check out mine?
Thanks for your time and for supporting the arts
thanks so much stacie! i’ll go have a look : )
I’m still loving this blog a few months after discovery. You feature some really beautiful and inspiring work here.
If you ever have a moment, I have a website at
thanks nicholas! i’ll go and check it out : )
Wonderful collection of art to ponder. Please have a look at my website and consider my work for inclusion.
Wonderful blog! I refer people to it all the time and have a link to it up on my site as well. Thanks for the great work you do!
hi there,
I came across your blog when one of my facebook friend posted your link on her wall, and I’m hooked eversince!
I’m an ex-advertising person as well, I’m a designer at heart and I do freelance now, logos, illustration and I paint and exhibit from time to time..
I can say that I’m jealous (in a good way) of all your posts, you have a great taste in art. and I was wondering if you’d like to have a look at my work, and maybe feature me in your blog!
here is the thing, I’d like to feature the sketches, they are my new babies that I’m so proud of them,
“the sunny girls”
this idea started as a doodle I did when I was on the phone with someone..a girl wearing big shades and lots of lines and flowers coming out of her head..
then we traveled to Greece for summer and on one of the Greek islands I found lots of stones, and wherever I go I hear about artists who come here for summer, then when they see these lovely stones they draw on them, then they leave them behind when they travel back home..
I did the same, I drew on the stones then I left some with friends we met there, and I brought some back home, but also, when I came back home, I have developed this girl, into drawings with pencil & ink on A3 papers, and I can see my self doing so much more on the concept..
please view the artworks in this link
what do you think?
and if you want you can “like” my page in FB “lama khatib daniel’s art page”
hi lama – thank you so much for sending me your work! what a great idea (leaving drawings on stones). you’re sunny girls are lovely, but they’re not exactly my taste… but lovely none-the-less! have you reached out to any illustration blogs? they look very illustrative to me. good luck with your work!! : )
I’m jealous of the the jealous curator!
the site is brilliant! congrats 😉
thank you! (i’m pretty jealous of you too… love your bags!!) : )
hi jealous curator !
I’ve stumbled upon your blog – and i love it! I know how you feel – I’m an artist myself (digital illustration, graphic design & of course painting), when i see a nice piece of art I usually think “I can do better than that” or “this doodle costs how much???!!” – but you know, it’s the idea that counts, and whoever thought of it first – wins.
oh, and I loove Andy Warhol 🙂
You might find some interesting art/ideas from my pinterest board
and i’m sure you’d enjoy this book
…and if you’re still not tired reading my comment:
Hello Jealous Curator,
I’ve been browsing thru your blog for about an hour now and I enjoyed the artwork here! My name is Juri Romanov and I am an artist too, and I was wondering if you can take a look at my work.
I specify in abstract art and kids art and it will be an honor If I have some of my artwork in your blog.
Thank you,
I think the word jealous is absolutely perfect and not negative in the least. I guess not everyone has a sense of humor.
I am jealous of the Jealous Curator! (am also a big Shaun Kardinal fan…)
thank you so much saylor… and yes, i can seriously not get enough of shaun kardinal!
Love your blog. There is real energy here!
thank you so much ruth! : )
Hi Jealous Curator,
Love you blog.
We are a new blog and would love to be able to feature you and your creative workspace on our site. If you would be interested please just email us at and we will send you the simple interview questions and a little more about what we are looking for.
Thank so much!
Hello Curator,
I admire the aesthetic quality of your blog… you have a innate ability to find interesting and completing work. I have discovered and shared many new artists with friends, colleagues, and students from visiting your blog. Thanks.
thank you so much michael! : )
Hi there! I’ve been following your blog for a while now, and recently I just got a job at an art gallery-cum-retail space, and I was just wondering if you would be ‘jealous’ of the artist’s work 🙂
congratulations diane! and thanks for the link… i’ll go have a look : )
I’m hooked on Jealous.
I came across your blog a month ago, and love pretty much everything you post! You’ve got a great thing going here. Not only are the works you display inspirational, but YOU are inspiring, and I really dig that.
I’m a design professional myself with a love for painting & collage. I’ve got works you might like, but this is not a plug for myself; I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your site.
Gotta admit, there is one thing I am jealous of: your Girl Crush Tea Parties. What? No Guy Crush Tea Parties? (Ok, that does sound weird.) But seriously, is there any chance males can join the club? If no, you won’t hurt my feelings. I understand the bond and connections girls share when they gather and converse. I just wish you offered a coed event too. I mean, who doesn’t like cupcakes?
ha! that’s a really good idea tom! it kinda just morphed into “girl” crush because so many of my readers are women… they were the ones commenting when I first brought this up way back when. BUT you’re right, the boys are allowed to come too! so far it’s all women that have signed up, and i’ve been a bit curious to see what the dynamic would be if there were a few guys in the mix. everything is full for 2012, but i’ll make a point of doing a few “co-ed” tea parties in 2013 … deal? ; )
love your site and thought you might like to share this with your readers:
I just read this :
Metro Art is announcing new opportunities for artists as part of Phase 2 of the Metro Expo Line.(in Los Angeles)
Just stumbled upon your blog. It’s awesome. And I thought that jealousy was just me, so relieving to see so many people living in such jealous admiration;-) I not only suffer from a similar pang of (jealous) feeling when I see art works, but the problem where I’ll have an idea, and think about it for so long and so deep that the work is often finished before I even begin… I might just live vicariously through others’ work! Lol.
i have that same problem! i ended up forcing myself to do a ‘painting per week’ project for 12 weeks – it really helped! i got a bunch of little 4″ x 4″ canvases and before the week was out, a painting (or collage, or drawing) had to be finished. try it! (and let me know how it goes!)
That’s a great idea! I’ll give it a go and get back to you! (stressed out-the pressure is on! Lol;-)
ha! go for it! and if they’re bad that’s ok… lots of mine were bad, but a couple of them were surprisingly good. they were great idea starters for bigger pieces that i really like. go for it… embrace the suckage! ; )
I’m hoping to go to grad school soon and coming to your blog always gives me that little bit of extra fuel I need to hit the studio after those long days at work. I totallyyyy understand that mix of deep respect, surprise, and jealousy It can be so inspiring, though! Luckily, most of the people I’m “jealous” of are my best buddies and it’s just another way they motivate me to be better.
that’s the best kind of jealousy… the kind that motivates you, and gets you excited to be in the studio! good luck with grad school : )
wow – if i can swear – holy fuck, you have quite an eye – beautiful stuff, over and over again. i’m jealous and a bit depressed. keep up the great work. sigh…
ha! thank you … but don’t be depressed! i wish i made mosaics like you!
Hey Jealous Curator –
Love your site and thought you might want to check out Ibrahim A Ahmed iii’s work…
Also if you get a chance please check out mine
Thanks! Best of luck in the future.
thanks for the links nicole! best of luck to you too : )
Hi JC,
Check out this artists work. John Zoller
I first fell in love with his Color & Learn series and now I love his Painting Drawing Series.
Cool Blog !
Peace SO
thanks susan : )
I really love your blog, thank you for doing it.
maybe you will be jealous of the vanessa palomba’s job:
Hello Jealous Curator!
I just recently found your blog and I love it!
I am a recent grad too and I am trying a ‘photo per week’ over the summer to help motivate myself for a new show I am working on.
If you have the chance take a look at
all best,
ooh, i love one-a-day projects!!! they’re perfect for getting those creative juices flowing… and your work is fantastic! thanks for the link elise : )
Hello again.
I’m extremely jealous of Sue Benner’s nests and thought you might want to take a peak.
I’d love to buy prints of her quilts or even postcards….
Curious – how do you find all of the wonderful artists that you post about? im a recent art grad – and honestly, i havent been excited about art in a long time – not until i found this blog.
thanks for that!
thanks so much dana – that’s an amazing compliment! i find the artists online, via shows i go to, and honestly… a whole bunch of submissions show up in my inbox every day. i’m really lucky : )
I absolutely love this blog. You have helped me discover new ways of seeing and such a range of creativity!
I invite you to look at my art and photography in hopes that you may wish to showcase my work. I primarily explore visual art with my camera and through mixed media collage paintings.
This link is to my Flickr “Greatest Hits” page.
My work has been featured in Life Imitating Art Magazine, CrossCurrents Magazine, the Toronto Quarterly, Syncopated Chaos, Sublime Rush, Art Nectar, Touched By Fire, and more. I have recently exhibited at the Pilot Gallery in Toronto, the Toronto Public Library, and the Royal Ontario Museum.
My creative statement as an artist and writer is as follows:
“Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery—celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: ‘It’s not where you take things from—it’s where you take them to.’”-Jim Jarmusch
Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. If you require any further information, do not hesitate to ask. You may enjoy the information about my books and my visual artwork on my website,
Lorette C. Luzajic
Greetings from sunny Miami.
I like your blog, well done.
I am an artist, check out my new series Painting Drawing.
I bet you hear it all the time, but i am jealous of your curating.
Would love to know what you think of my work! ranges from textiles to stationary to illustration.
All the Best!
Love the site!
Also keen on your review, like many…
My personal work:
Work of Auckland Print Studio (stone lithography in New Zealand):
thanks so much john! i’ll go have a look right now! : )
wanted to share a recent project with you…the Elevationists:
cool! thanks rob : )
I love the concept, of jealouscurator, I love your web site, it is an inspiration for me, Congrats
Would love to know what you think of my work
I think your site is wonderful, so much love!
I was hoping you would like to take a look at my collages, would love to know what you think…
Thank you,
Just wanted to make you jealous:
Thank you for your blog !
I stumbled across your blog through Pinterest and I’m hooked onto it! I just subscribed!
yay! thanks theresa : )
Love your blog… I’m not much of a reader of blogs because there are JUST. SO. MANY of them… but I really appreciate yours, and and glad I’m not the only one who feels that fine line between inspired and jealousy 🙂
whoops! butter fingers… sorry for the double *and*!
well, for a lovely comment like that, i’ll totally take a double and! ; ) thanks so much wendy!!
Hello dear the jealous curator!
Your blog is so great!! and your work as a curator too!! Congratulation!!
I would like to know if you could be jealous of me?? 🙂
here my blog:
Get nice time!!
Thank you for having such a beautifully curated spot on the web – I’m jealous of you! 🙂 What an inspiration. I’ll continue to watch what you share with the rest of us.
You nailed the art jealousy thing perfectly 🙂 thanx & I’m jealous of your blog idea
I love art and I love your blog too. Thanks for share your treasures.
I hope you will develop an app for iphone 🙂
Good luck!
Hi! I posted here about a month ago (I was the jaded art grad). Instead of lamenting the state of art though, I decided to make a blog (yes, I had some inspiration).
Would love if you had the time to check it out –
Thanks so much!
yay! congratulations… stick with it, and it might just change your life (i’m speaking from experience!)
Hi Jealous Curator,
I love your blog!
I am the art director at Studio By The Tracks, a non-profit in Birmingham, AL where we teach art to students who are primarily autistic. From looking over your blog, I think you might find our student work interesting. I hope you will check out our website or *friend* us on the Facebook. 🙂
[…] — The Jealous Curator […]
Just came across your blog a few weeks ago and absolutely love it. As an artist I totally understand the “jealousy” you feel when viewing other artists’ works. As a registrar and curator I also see and appreciate how you present and curate the jealousy. Good job, am now following on twitter and put your blog in my reader!
thanks so much erin! : )
I love your blog! What are your sources? How do you find all those great artists?!
If you have a moment, please go check my website: I feel you are going to like it 😉
Dear Jealous Curator,
you are fabulous curator with very strong style and idea of things you like!
Maybe when you have free minutes you can tell me your opinion about my work.
I will appreciate it a lot!
Thank you
Have enjoyed browsing your finds & love being led to artists who are new to me!
With that being said, I ran across some work that fascinated me to the point that I spent over an hour going through her Flickr photostream. The artist’s name is Fiona Watson, & she has two Flickr accounts – the one that immediately drew me in is under the name “fiona watson art”, link here ~
Her main account is under the name “wildgoosechase”, link here ~
I think you’ll like her work as much as I did 😉 Or maybe you’re already aware of it, but I didn’t find Ms. Watson on a search of this site.
And thanks for introducing me to so many artists I never would’ve found on my own! Keep all the good stuff coming.
Trish W.
thanks so much for your sweet words and the links! i’m going to check them out right now : )
I landed on your blog via Pinterest (Photo with work by Sarah Gee). Love your original tone of voice in the way you present yourself as a curator: a jealous one. 🙂
Wonder if this might do the trick:
Everything your see there is created with only 10 basic cubic forms. Possibilities with people.
Check out the prints:
thanks petra! : )
Hello, I came across your blog couple of weeks ago and I absolutely love it! It is very inspiring. A lot of great work.
I was hoping you would have the time to check out my newest work “Needleprint” that can be found here:
Thank you,
Want to get jealous of some Buenos Aires urban art??
Check out the trailer for our documentary on urban art and activism in the streets of this fascinating city!
I suspect you might be jealous of Perry House.
Can I submit my work to you?
please do!
Here is my website. Take a look. Hope you like my works.
Ciao Ciao
I wish you were also jealous of me…
Would love for you to take a look at my work!
I just came across this blog yesterday. You seem to have the exact same taste on art as I do. I love love love this blog!
thank you jennifer! : )
It’s quite possible that I fell in love with this blog from the first post I saw. Thank the Tumblr gods I found you. Seriously, I’m jealous I didn’t think of this!
Awesome. I love discovering new artists. Thanks so much! (I totally just added this site to my bookmark bar.)
wow – thank you so much kellyn! xo
hello! i am a fellow blogger and LOVE your site! can you email me back? thanks! – rose
Just love. So much.
Thank you for this blog. It’s a jewel!!
Just wanted to say hello from South Africa- I love your blog and wanted to tell you about you might find it interesting as we cover local art and design as well as interiors and fashion. I also do guest posts on Poppytalk.
very cool! thanks sara, i’ve got it bookmarked : )
Hello from England!
Thanks for all you do with your blog – I love seeing the work of the artists you feature and enjoy your writing. I’ve found loads of inspiration from your blog.
I’d also like to share my work with you; I work mainly in photography and mixed media. I love abstraction … and find truly abstract photography challenging and rewarding.
I invite you to visit and would love you hear your thoughts, especially with regard to my abstract work.
i’ll go check right now! : )
Really love the blog and the idea of it,
and I am definitely familiar with that inspiring yet pretty painful jealousy you are talking about!
We are a french collective called A.S.A.P! using pretty much every media we can to do what we do, and I hope you’ll enjoy!
Hi! I love your blog so much!
My collaborator Adi and I have been working on a series of motivational PSAs that I think would be rad for the jealous curator and all its readers. We just released the third PSA, Be Cool, this week. But also make sure to check out the first two, Darkness and Loops.
JIMMYnADI are a creative duo living, dreaming and hustling in Los Angeles. These Motivational Public Service Announcements are made for creative minded people to help keep everyone motivated to keep going, have a clear mind, and to constantly do your best.
We hope you love them.
Hi there! I stumbled across your blog by randomly browsing through tons of other blogs and sites and now – I may be a little bit in love…
You feature such amazing artists and it’s all so very inspiring!
Keep up the good work – I really, really enjoy your little corner of the internet!
thanks so much sandra! : )
hello jealous curator
a perfect name for your blog. and amazing stuff you post. found you via boooooooom (not sure about the number of o’s in there). been hooked ever since.
here’s a link to one of the projects i’ve been working on the side –
do check it out please. and let me know what you think.
As a fellow designer, I COMPLETELY relate to that feeling… there is no other way to describe it; it is both soul-crushing and inspirational. You’ve nailed it, and that is why I love your blog!
thanks katie : )
Hi JC!!
I just discovered your blog and am HOOKED. I also noticed others have been posting links to work they think might entice your eye and satisfy your readers! I’d love to know your thoughts on my Notebook Series. They are large-scale canvases (some as tall as 6 feet) that I paint to look like sketches on looseleaf paper. I show my work here in New Orleans and always have people say, “I wish I had thought of that!!” It’s such a simple concept, and I did not anticipate the universal appeal and effect the paintings evoke from visitors to my shop. I’m thrilled that it inspires a sense of nostalgia and recognition in people of all backgrounds and ages. Please see examples at the link:
Thanks so much!!! I also invented the Wish Dog ( Funny little critters that blow smoke from their mouths while manifesting your wishes.
Thank you for all the work you do to inspire, enrich, and curate!!
Love xoxo
Hi there Jealous Curator,
Like you I have spent my professional life in commercial design as an Art Director and latterly as a Creative Director. Over the last few years I have been producing my own images.
My work loosely splits in to two streams. Digitally created work and Photography (not always created with a camera and found here ).
Your blog is fascinating and a regular stop off point for me on my art travels around the web.
Thank you
Hello Jealous Curator,
I love your blog and I would like to subscribe. How do I do it?
(When I press ‘subscribe’ this comes up : This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below????). Sorry if I sound silly : ) THank you
BIG FAN…but I, like Anna, can not seem to subscribe and I am not sure why. any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much…..
hm! so weird… ok, i’ll have my programmer look into it! thanks for letting me know!
ok, it works for me… which browser are you both on? maybe that’s where the trouble lies?
Hi Jealous Curator,
I absolutely love your blog! It is so inspiring, and indeed constantly makes me wish I had thought of stuff first:) If you have a moment, please check out my website to see the series I just completed–they seem right up your alley. They’re 6 graphite portraits with embroidery inspired by vintage photos of my female relatives (they are on the ‘current works’ page of the site). Thanks again for the incredible blog!
ooh! very cool. i just pinned “elsa” to my pinboard! : )
Jealousy is a negative emotion? It is also negative to comment negatively on the internet. Your site is great! And I too feel that same “negative emotion” when I see work I love. “Why is that not in my head?” & ” I need to work more” Have a great day, so glad I happened upon you site!
Hi J-C!
I have a friend who has talked about “Angry Artist Syndrome”, which is essentially the same thing as being a “jealous curator”. I’ve never described my feelings as such; perhaps my enthusiasm for all of the amazing art out there crushes any jealousy or anger I may have for not thinking of it first. There is ALWAYS the inspiration that comes from seeing all of this incredible art, and it has made me a better artist. Who knows – maybe someday someone will be “jealous” of my artwork! 😀
Thanks so much for showcasing all of this incredible talent for us! And about your amazing blog – I wish I had thought of it first. 😉
thanks mel! when i started 4 years ago, i really was jealous (not in an angry way, more in a sad way). now however, i’ve learned that there truly is a place for anyone that wants to make art. yes, you’ll come across work that you wish you did… but now that’s fuel to get back into the studio!! : )
i love your blog. its awesome. one of my first stops for inspiration.
I’m an illustrator based in London working in fine line pen on paper. Please take a quick peek at my work and if you like, feel free to post 🙂
Happy new year!
thanks chrysa – i’ll go check it out : )
Since you last posted about my work, I’ve been doing this….Here is an update of my new work… enjoy !
yes! michelle told me you were up to something new… it looks amazing!
Hi, I love your selection.
Have a look to my photo if you have a bit of time to is my blog:
I come to your site often and this last time I was searching for Mary Jane Ansell’s work. Nothing came up so I wasn’t sure if you’ve seen her portraits. Super gorgeous and realistic with kind of a dark moody feeling about them.
wow! gorgeous! thanks for the link lea : )
You are very welcome! I thought she was right up your alley 😀
I just remembered another artist I wanted to name drop. Nora Ann Francis Martin-Hall. She’s a genius. I swear she was a flapper in a past life 🙂
good afternoon,
this web site has my work, I prefer art works
maybe you will publish your web site? moreover I am express thanks for your this web site…
best regards
Jealous or not?
ha! thanks eva… i’ll go look at your portfolio : ) thanks for reaching out!
Hi! like your blog! I was having a hard time with the email button on here. Can you send me your email? 🙂
hm? weird! it’s : )
I really love your blog and your taste about the art.
I wanna share my website.
check it out when you available 🙂
Hope you like it♥
[…] jealous of the Jealous Curator, a blog about artwork that she loves and wishes she had done herself. WHY DIDN’T I THINK OF […]
[…] der “about me” page steht dazu folgendes: There is one moment, in the first few seconds, when you look at a piece of […]
Thanks for always keeping us so inspired and hungry to be better at what we do. I love the art you choose to feature, and wanted to tender my website for you to check out, if you’d like. 🙂
I’ve been a fan of yours for a long time and am always looking forward to what you find next! Have a beautiful day –
wow! stasia, and sylvia… lovely work! thanks so much for sending your links!
I just stopped by your blog “for a minute” and now find I’ve been here all morning! Really nice selection and variety. I’ll tear myself away now but I’ll be checking back regularly.
If you are interested in letterpress, I’d love it if you took a look at my work…
Congratulations on so many years with this blog! I wish I had known about your blog when I was still at school…it would have helped with all the raging jealousy and those moments when I lacked any bit of inspiration.
Admittedly, I’m still a jealous artist but I’m a happier one too now that I found my little illustration niche. But there’s always room for more jealously of all the amazing artists you post here!
(probably not the art you normally like but I wanted to share anyways:
I’d love to be featured in your blog or contribute to one of your shows! I am an artist living at WOODEN NICKEL HOUSE in New Hampshire. My work was featured in MAGICAL REALISM: THE ART OF KIM MORROW RUSSELL and I’ve sold at THE AMERICAN FOLK ART MUSEUM IN NYC and I am represented by VESSELS AND JEWELS in New London New Hampshire.
I forgot to post my blog! Here it is:
thanks kim! i’ll go check it out this afternoon : )
I enjoy your posts via facebook and blog.You have a great eye! For what it’s worth you can check out my work at and
hi… i just found your great blog and subscribed to you on FB. love your eye and your honesty 🙂 looks like you have more than enough on your plate, but if you have time to check out my fabric designs (and/or wool work), i would be most grateful. i’d love to have my work featured on your site or in your book if there is a place for it. many thanks… kim
Great blog. Great eye. American contemporary painter here.
Dear Jealous Curator,
Thank you for providing your readers with thoughtful posts that keep us all informed about the work others are making. Your blog introduces me to “hidden gems” one at a time. The recent Richard Vergez post was outstanding.
I’m excited to share my recent work with you, so when you have a chance, please check out my website. Also, I’m part of a curatorial collaboration in Kansas City, MO called Plug Projects that I think might interest you. Thank you…Caleb
thanks so much caleb! (and your work is fantastic!!!)
hi from Bermuda
hi 🙂
cheers from Saudi Arabia..
you should come check out the cool artist from my part of the world, im sure youll love us!!
oh i’m sure i would! send me some links if you’ve got them! : )
I love your blog! I found you through the great series you do over at SF Girl By Bay. Always an inspiration for ideas of how to hang work up in a space. (I’m a printmaker who’s always rearranging things at home!)
oh thanks so much alyson (and your work is fantastic!)
This is a great blog! You should check out the paintings, drawings, and stitching of Carri Jobe… you’d really like her style…
I’m jealous of the jealous curator! Brilliance and wit. Loud applause.
I absolutely love your blog which i just discovered today. Thank you for all of the inspiration and the soul-crushing jealousy.
Your blog is fantastic! I stumbled upon it through Emily Henderson (who I love) and I am so happy to find you! I definitely understand the jealous/love while browsing the artists you have featured. It’s seeing other’s amazing work that pushes me in new directions. I will be a daily reader! Also super interested in The Fig House! I lived in Los Feliz for 5 years and would love to contribute to this amazing project! Find my work on Etsy here…
and here’s ma blog too;)
Thank you and have a brilliant weekend!
I’m so happy I came upon this blog! I love your concept and am excited to follow you. You are so approachable and I love that in a person 🙂
A friend sent me a link to the Emily Henderson Blog about The Fig House. I think every artist dreams of having a 10,000 sq. ft space to fill with art. What fun!!!
I would love to share my work with you. It is a process I having been developing over the last three years. I am able to do this process on any photo of any size. The Africa Series will be featured soon by Bono’s organization ONE! I am proud of the work and I hope you enjoy.
Blessings to you in all you do and have a great evening!
Thought you might like this:
Hello, I came across your site recently and enjoyed perusing! I wanted to send along my link:
thanks laura! your work is so cool!
I just discovered your site through and think it’s brilliant! You’ve obviously struck a chord with the “jealous” thing. As soon as I read the tagline in your banner I was like, “I’M NOT ALONE.” At one time I “retired” from painting for about six months after seeing the work of an artist who’s work I thought was amazing. The thought process was, “If this guy is making stuff like this why should I even bother.” Luckily, the “retirement” ended when I realized I had to draw/paint to survive. After doing it for so long it had become a necessity, like breathing. Cheesy, I know, but it’s true. That was years ago and now I’ve been living off my art since 2004. Anyway…
I wanted to tell you about a project I just launched on Kickstarter. It’s called “The Puzzle Painting” and came about as a response to living off the sales of art to survive. I love painting BIG things, but they are sometimes difficult to sell, so I’ve been painting a lot of smaller pieces for the last couple of years. This “Puzzle Painting” idea fulfills my selfish need/desire to paint BIG, but keeping the work accessible by selling pieces of it. If you have a minute please take a look at it:
Thanks for your time and the awesome blog!
– Jeff
oh, thanks so much jeff! no. you are definitely not alone!!! ; )
your project sounds fantastic – thanks so much for sending me the link!
LOVE your blog! and I feel the same way as Daryl!
Thanks and be well,
Good morning, dear Ms. Curator!
I’ve set your blog as my homepage so that every morning I wake up to your beauty du jour. It is a lovely way to start the day. Thank you.
Thought you might like this:
Thanks again for promoting beauty and spreading the love.
oh, thanks so much carolyn!!! (and thanks for the link – great stuff!)
not sure if you have heard of: Australian Artist Rona Green, her work is stunning:
Thank you, i really like your blog/website!
hi jess! thanks for rona’s link – it’s great stuff! and thanks for your sweet words about the site : )
hello there,
Thank you so much for being such a wonderful sorce of inspiration on all of my insecure days, which are more frequent then I’d like to admit. I’d just like to pass along a good friend of mine’s work :
Math Monahan (come on, his name is Math!)
oh thanks abby – and we all have those insecure day… more frequently than any of us would like to admit! and thanks for the link to math’s work (SUCH a cool name!)
FANTASTIC BLOG!! Words can’t describe how inspired I am right now.
oh! thanks so much liz : )
So happy to have discovered a new blog to add to my blog-obsession-list and with a unique outlook. I posted today with one inspired by your blog, and curated my own little mini-list. Thanks for the great posts!
i saw that on twitter! thank you so much! : )
Hello Danielle
I am Ximena Steevens, and with Mauricio Velez are the artist duet known as Abstractus since 2002, when we decided to condense all of our material and conceptual experimentation and research (personal and aesthetic) within a concept, to reflect the truth in ways that help to find freedom from the turbulent world around us. Ours, has been an evolutionary process of shared exploration throughout Europe, North and Latin America.
Our work draws from the use of collective thoughts and interpretations from life’s distinctive array of facets, comprised by emotional crossing motivated by our relationship and distinct aesthetic experiences. (We are husband and wife since 2000).
For us art is more than a form of intellectual entertainment represented in a desired object, but the most advanced form of language that invites our reason and instinct to become a substance that fills the void of a clear reality that is asphyxiating us but we avoid to observe.
“Present human existence as a paradoxical fact is the core of Abstractus work. Trough art, we question the alienation that we all love so much, while unsustainable future is under construction by careless insiders in this impassive chaos.”
Abstractus’ work raises the possibility of an isolated reality in the paradox of objects and the mental properties of subjects that are limited by their own truth full of trickery. Our work is an existential ratification, a palpable object filled with texture, form and color, to be placed explicitly face to face with humanity and its immediate surroundings.
We make use of all types of combinations, mixed techniques, installations and photographs to confront the spectator with a puzzle with each one of our art pieces. Our own mixed technique is based on the combination of materials, photography, photo installation and image manipulation, and right is the mature result of more than ten years of shared study and exploration. Nowadays we can affirm that there are lots of Abstractus’ pieces in many different places in the world, and our CV includes more than 30 exhibitions in New York, Chicago, Montreal, Brussels, and Amsterdam among others.
I’d like to invite you to visit ABSTRACTUS collective website and/or Facebook page.
Hope you find Abstractus’ art interesting.
Looking forward hearing from you,
Best Regards
Ximena Steevens
ABSTRACTUS (Steevens & Velez)
Hi Danielle,
I wanted to thank you for what is really a fantastic repository of contemporary artwork. You featured my friend Jillian (Ludwig) Dickson’s fantastic work a little while back (she has gorgeous new drawings!) and I am in the process of contacting one of the commenters above about a possible curatorial project, so you also help to keep artists abreast and in touch with one another.
I would like to share my own work with you. The most recent work is in the top three albums.
Thanks so much and congrats on your forthcoming books!
thanks amy! i’ll go check out your work – thanks for sending it my way : )
Hello, I discovered your blog through Artsy Forager, Your selection is really fantastic and so surprising! With my partner we thought perhaps you might be interested by our photographic works that take place exclusively underwater.
Here is the link of our website:
Hope you enjoy!
Thanks for giving emerging artist the possibility to showcase there work!
Hello again, I would just like to specify our work is composed of ephemeral sculptures and installations of transformed daily objects documented underwater photography. Not really marine life imagery…
Anyway thought it was worth mentionning.
totally got that! ; )
Wonderful curations- I am continually inspired by your blog and the beautiful artwork you feature. So, thank you!
I’m a newbie to the online world of art but here are some of my collages:
Continue to inspire 🙂
Hello. I love your blog and use it regularly in teaching the concept of a consistent body of work to my high school AP Studio Art class. The last time I showed the site to them, my students asked if I’d ever been featured. I said no. They said why. I said there are millions artists out there. They said, it’s a blog, just submit your stuff. I said, can I do that? They said, duh. So, here goes nothing. Thanks.
accompanying blog:
ha! oh, kids today! ; )
thank you so much for sending the link (love your black and white work!). i’ve bookmarked and plan to look closer later this week. thanks so much brian, and tell your students i say hi! : )
I’ve checked your blog daily for the past two years – it is wonderful, a real treat during the day. I’ve always thought my work would fit in well and wanted to pass along a recent performative/photographic project of mine. The photos are all titled “Make Due and Mend” and feature a hand knit body covering that I knit over the course of a year.
They can be found on my website
Just wanted to submit a link to a series of mine : )
An A to Z of Absent School Girls
hi rebecca! gorgeous, and creepy! love it! 🙂
I have a serious crush on all of your crushes.
You have an amazing eye.
I’ve learned about so many wonderful artists from your blog.
Thanks so much.
thank you so much linda! that made my day : )
My pleasure!
Would you do me the honor of checking out my work?
I would die & go to heaven for your thoughts and dare I say (if you think it worthy) a feature?!?!? yikes. just throwing that out there.
of course! on my over right now : )
Hi from Spain!
I´m jealous of you, such an amazing blog, congrats.
I love seeing the work of the artists and this blog has been in my favourites since long time ago.
I´m a visual artist Madrid based mainly focused in works with paper and collages.
Please take a quick peek at my work and if you like:
raúl lázaro
ooh! so good! thanks for the link raul!
Your creation are damn WONDERFUL!
I’m from Belgium and I love it!
Is it possible to buy or not?
Thank you and I wish you all the success you deserve
Kind regards,
hi justine!
i don’t currently sell any of the work on my site, but i am just dipping my toe into the world of art buying, so if you need help getting pointed in the right direction, i can definitely help! : )
Hey! I’m a big fan of your site, I’d love it if you could check out some of my work –
i’m my way there, right now : )
I find your blog very inspiring, fresh and refined. I feel really jealous of you…
I want you to be jealous of me to!
So I’m sending you a link to my shop:
Check my “Banana bracelet”.
I hope you find motifs to feel that mortal sin! 🙂
Kind regards! Maria Filipe
Blogs or other media that highlight notable fine artists are more rare than they should be – so I nominated your blog for a Very Inspiring Blogger award (here: XOXO, Dani @ Painting Sunny
oh! how sweet! thank you so much Dani – that totally made my day!
Hello from Belgrade, Serbia!
I love, love your blog, and I have been regular guest here over a year.
I was wondering if you will be interesting in check out some of my work
Hello there!
Long time lurker and fan of you blog here!
I’ve just found an artist I thought you could like (simple illustrations, bright colours… and she uses pastel coloured Bics too! ), hope you’ll like it!
lovely! thank you : )
I have been an avid fan of your website, having followed it for a long time now. I recently came across an artist that I felt you might appreciate.
here is a link to there stuff.
cool! thanks david : )
My names Peggy, I run a paper craft and design business called Peggy Rose Pink which sells handmade paper creations. I am a big fan of your website!
I have recently uploaded a tutorial on my blog showcasing how to make mini paper roses and I thought I would share it with you so your lovely readers can see how to make roses too!
The link to the tutorial is
Hope you guys like it :).
Kind regards,
thanks so much peggy! they’re so pretty!!!
I really love the work you post about. The sensibilities of each artist is really refined without being stuffy. I wondered if you had any interest in posting about my work.
Hope to hear from you and will look forward to reading and looking more.
All the best,
stunning! thanks for the link alyssa : )
I just discovered your website through Emily Henderson’s blog! Love, love, love it! It’s going to take awhile to get through all of your posts!
I have a recommendation for you: my friend Jaime Rovenstine’s work is beautiful. Check it out at
Looking forward to more posts!
Thank you so much for creating such an inspiring blog, it really help me get though my degree and im please to say i have now graduated! hooray!
You might be interested in my work? maybe not?
but i’d love it if you could have a look if your not to busy?
My two graduate projects are –
Eco Systems – Developing a tile systems that works of living wall systems to controls and restricts plant growth to create pattern.
Seeded Concrete – A NEW material I developed in my second year at university, a developed concrete that can actually support plant life. You can cast objects like normal concrete and once watered, imbedded seeds are able to grow. Also 100%biodegradable.
I know you love new design concepts. So if you write a post i would be over the moon. but if not i hope you enjoy.
Many thanks,
William Lee ‘the surface designer’
cool! thanks william – and thanks rachel (jaime’s work is lovely!)
This is an amazing site! So much talent, so little time! I could hang out on this site for hours!
I have a salvaged surfboard sculpture series “Ocean Arrowhead.” Please feel free to visit my page if you have a moment:
Am I worthy?
Thank you,
45 minutes has gone by since I landed here through Artstomer. Really great collection, and indeed, jealousy inducing.
Wanted to pass along a link to the Flat World series of photos.
Thanks for looking and excited to keep up with your curating.
thanks chris! heading over to your site right now ; )
Another recommendation! I was looking at Richard Renaldi’s website as I love the concept and photography of his Touching Strangers project. And then I saw his Elderly Gay & Lesbian archive project and my jealousy really kicked in – it is so beautifully done. Here’s the link, I hope you enjoy them too!
You have made a wonderful blog. I love dipping in to it as I’m not in the art world and its a moreish place to visit that always feels like just what I was needing. Thank you!
Hi there jealous curater,
I would like to send you a press release about a beautiful project I just did.
all the best from Germany, Markus
ok! send it to : )
Your blog is awesome!
I’m so totally honored and grateful (and surprised!) to be a part of things on here today 🙂
Thank you so much and best to you,
oh thanks malissa… so glad you saw the post! your work is gorgeous! : )
Dear Jealous Curator,
I just found your website and I must say it is pretty spectacular. I feel the same way as you do. Being an artist myself, I am always thinking, “why didn’t I think of that”! I love so many different forms of art and your curated collections are wonderful. When will you be in TN next? I just moved to the state and would love to see one of your shows or talks.
Kim Johnson
oh thanks so much kim! no plans for TN at the moment, but i loved chattanooga so hopefully i’ll be back someday! enjoy your new home : )
i love this blog! i can relate to this so well. i am painter who gets inspired | jealous when i see beautiful work.
i have an undergrad degree in fine arts and a grad degree in digital art | design. even though i work in a creative field, there is nothing like painting and drawing for yourself and no one else.
thank you for this blog!!
thank YOU elizabeth : )
thank YOU! : )
Hi hi 😀
I saw that you curated this month’s artworks over at Darger HQ!
Thank you soooooooo so much for letting me discover all these new artists.
My faves were absolutely “Pink Favorite” by Launa Bacon & “Candy Blot Test #1” by Thomas C. Chung!!! 🙂
Love love,
– Mandy.
Hi there, me again!
Did you already see these supercute works?
If not, I think you’ll love them :>
Thank you, have a good day!
yes i did… very sweet!
Dear Jealous Curator,
we (theCORNER magazine) love your inspiring work and would like to show you our work too. We have made it two our second Issue of our Magazine and have a lot of great written stuff.
May we can work together in some point, that would be wonderfull for our really young online art-magazine.
thanks robert – i’ll check it out! congratulations on issue 2
You should really check out my friend Sunny’s “Unwoven Light” installations. If you ever met her you’d quickly see why her name is Sunny– warm and inviting …just like her art. 🙂
Def check out the video!:
YES!! i’ve seen her work – so beautiful! the only reason i haven’t written about it, is that everyone else just wrote about it! : ) she’s bookmarked though and i’ll totally show her work over here too : )
Hi!!! I love your blog and follow it almost religiously. It´s so fun to discover people out there that have a great eye for art. Thanks for all the inspiration 🙂
Since I´m at it just though I´de send you my “info” to look at if you ever get bored. Icelandic/Swedish art…..;) Taking my first big steps from being a graphic designer to entering the “Art” world.
Best Regards!
thanks unnur – i’ll go check it out right now : )
Howdy. I found your blog by accident, I like it. Heres my art if you feel like taking a look. Thanks, L.
cool – thanks lyle! : )
Love your blog! Been following it for over a year and keep on recommending it to all my artist friends.
If you get a chance to check out my website, like to know if you would be interested in writing about the work. My installations do not get featured on blogs– it would be an honor! Keep up the awesome curating!
Best Regards,
oh thanks so much jen! i have your paintings bookmarked already (they’re fantastic!), and your installations are gorgeous too… i think the reason your installations haven’t been featured on blogs is just the documentation. can you get someone to take more photos of them? you can tell they’re amazing, but if the photos were cleaner/crisper they’d be super easy to feature! : )
Hello! Your eye is amazing, I have taken so much inspiration from so many of your artist choices! I would looooove if you would be willing to look at my work. I have an illustration shop at etsy,com/shop/dahlmissy and a fine art website at
Thank you sooooo much for being here and posting so often!
lovely! thanks so much for the links … BOOKMARKED! 🙂
Hello, hello!
My dear friend, Mary Gaspar, told me about your site in regards to my own creative flow…..she thought you’d enjoy taking a look at my hand-embroidery work that I first learned 4 years ago and enjoy making my own patterns.
Very basic as of yet, and I am starting to incorporate more fabrics and ink into the ideas…..
All the best to you! LOVE your site!
Thank you for promoting all the amazing work that is out in this world.
oh mary is so sweet! such an amazing supporter of this blog (which i super duper appreciate!). speaking of sweet, your work is so cute! love that little sheriff badge 🙂
Time-lapse of a full wall drawing animated & musically inspired.
Hi again!
Still loving your site, posts & mission! After reading thru many of these fun interactions, I realized that I had not invited you to view my work. Another very amazing site that I have recently become involved with is Artistic Moods. You would love – if not already in love. 🙂 Anyway, I would be honored to have you visit my world.!portfolio/c1qax
Have a TREMENDOUS day!!
cool! thanks shari – i’ll go check it out : ) you have a TREMENDOUS day too!
Nice site… you have a great eye! I would love to know your opinion of what I think is the best work of my life… (my work is in major museums worldwide) If you have 5 minutes the video does a pretty good job of describing and getting you close enough to see the work. (large scale photographic abstractions on the Infinite).
See very poetic gallery video here:
Thomas Brummett
Press Release:
Thomas Brummett / Recent Photographs
Of Earth and Heaven: Selections from the Series Infinities
September 21st to October 26th 2013
Reception for the artist September 21st 3pm to 6pm
Schmidt/Dean Gallery
1719 Chestnut Street, 4th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103
See the video of the exhibition with interviews here ( this is a great poetic work in itself…)
Installation shots here:
Thomas Brummett is exhibiting “Of Earth and Heaven, Selections from the Series “Infinities” at the Schmidt Dean Gallery in Philadelphia.
These complex and layered photographs combine stars, snow, mold grown in the studio, magnolia blossoms, and custom “light projections”
that manipulate circles of confusion to render images made from of the cosmos and earth. Known for his painterly photographic depictions of nature, Tom is becoming decidedly more abstract with this impressive new body of work.
I stumbled upon your blog around a month ago and it quickly became one that I check quite frequently. I just relaunched my website a few days ago with a bunch of revamped images and if you have time I’d love for you to check them out to see if they could be featured.
Keep posting and keep inspiring! 🙂
cool! thanks joey : ) on my way to check it out!
You are splendid! I enjoy your blog daily!
I don’t know if you take submissions but I’d love to be considered for your site. Find my work at
Thank you for taking time to compile this site. It is always inspiring !!
your work is fantastic frances!!!
You HAVE to check this artist out. I just came across her and thought of your blog immediately. She does meticuloulsy embroidered leaves. Simply unbelievbly awesome. (I don’t know her, so I’m not just promoting a friend.)
yowza! those are fantastic! thanks for the tip, brian! : )
Dear Jealous Curator,
I love reading your blog. I especially love the cross-stich collages, glass trees and Marta Spendowska’s work. Thanks so much.
thank YOU louise : ) … i love those ones too!
Tоday, I ωent to the bеaсh front
with my kids. Ӏ found a sea shell and gaѵe
it to my 4 yеar old daughteг and said “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.”
She put the shell to her eаr and screamed.
There was a hermit crab inside anԁ it pinched heг ear.
Ѕhe never wants to go bаck! LoL I know this
is comρletely off topic but I had to tеll sοmeоne!
my web page – cleaning service (
“uplifting inspiration… & total soul crushing jealousy”
OMG! I LOVE YOU You are totally brilliant (& weirdly reading my thoughts)
I just found your blog today & I am addicted
Looking forward to more more more!!!!!
Sharon Kelly
yay! glad you found me sharon : )
Dear Jealous Curator,
I just love your eye. This is a project we are working on with Nick Cave that might make you jealous 🙂
The more exposure we can get the more likely we can make it happen.
Thanks for all your do,
Hey Jealous Curator. I’m Pete. My partner, Lena, and I have a print/illustration team in SF called Night Diver Press. Just the two of us. We make screen prints and t-shirts but we really specialize in small editions of books. We’re almost finished with a series of 5 called Heavens + Humans. Lena does the illustrations then I screen print and bind them. All by hand.
Anyway we’ve made a small prototype edition and just started a Kickstarter Campaign to fund making a complete edition of 25 sets. If you’re interested we’d like to know if/how you could help us promote it and what you’d need from us.
Thanks so much for your time and please let us know your thoughts.
oh! i’ll go have a look – thanks so much for the head’s up, and congrats on your project!
Your blog is awesome! I saw it mentioned somewhere and I couldn’t help but go through most of your installation posts. If you have some time you should check out my work. Thanks for your time and keep on posting!
posted two new series to…..if you have a moment please have a look.
thanks frances! these are great! still in my drafts folder!!! sorry – it’s been a crazy week or two around here : )
just pre-ordered your book on amazon!!! can’t wait!
yay! thanks!
I’m an artist, photographer, and art educator and I LOVE your blog. I completely understand where your jealousy comes from – I feel like my jealousy of other artists comes from a similar place. My kids in my class always laugh because I’m constantly telling them that they need to look at more artists, now I will be steering them towards your blog as evidence.
I have my own inspiration blog on tumblr as well if you want to see the artists that make me (and my 15 year olds, haha) jealous.
Thank you for what you do!
oh, thanks so much mara! yes, send those 15 year olds over here!!! 🙂
I just came across your blog and love it! It’s so great to be introduced to new artists and their amazing work. I am jealous of thejealouscurator! I would love you to look at the art work of my best friend. I am totally jealous of her ability to make the coolest contemporary art! She would also love to expand her clientele and we’ve both agreed that California is the place to go. Check her out at and let me know what you think.
thanks so much daiva! i’ll go and check her out right now : )
hello you jealous curator!
i have so much fum in your blog! Really cool idea!
im an artist from israel, lieving in berlin, After seeing some knitted work you put here, I thought you might also find interest in my work …
You are very, very welcome to visit my website!
Keep up the excellent work! Many thanks and a lovely day!
just came across your blog from a friend of mine –
it’s awesome – keep it up – fabulous concept! – Louisa.
thanks louisa! : )
I see in your space the love of enjoying being inspired and not as much sharing of your own work. I like to talk off-topic, which is where I go to see the world: all over and in crevices. Although you are focused and devine, I see my views have company! Thank you for your fresh and true work – let’s look around! I was surprised to find myself in a similar but differently- organized area. Thank you.
Hello, I can’t say enough, your collection inspires me weekly, thank you.
If you have a second, please check out Sketchbook friday at
thank you for all the inspiration, now I´m jealous too, great blog!
Thanks for your site, and congrats on the book, it’s wonderful after all your work to have this tangible object to come out with.
yes! that’s how i feel too… when your work happens online, it sure feels good to actually hold something in your hands! thanks adam : )
Hello jealous curator!
I am very jealous of your site. Please check out my work here if you have a minute!!!
will do! thanks nicole 🙂
Hello, I absolutely love all the work you feature! So inspiring! If you have a moment, I’d be honored if you checked out my work at 🙂
Thank you!
i certainly will… clicking NOW! ; )
I don’t know how I stumbled on your blog a few years ago, but I never miss a post! I love the art that you have exposed me to and it truly is worth every bit of envy! I am an artisan jewelry designer. Yes, I have had my art jewelry in exhibitions and most notably of late two pieces selected for the Showcase 500 Art Jewelry Necklaces publication by Lark, but I wanted to share with you a local artist in our artists cooperative that I am a part of. His name is Alexander Landerman. His website features a beautifully produced video showing timelapse of how he makes one of his letterpress and charcoal works of art. I am smitten with the detail in his work! I think you might be too! I hope you will check it out:
wow. gorgeous!!! thanks so much for the link erin (and for never missing a post!) 🙂
Love your site, and the fact that you actually read the comments. If you’re feeling the need to curate, take a look at my work here:, Thanks!
Hi! Firstly, I’d like to say how inspiring your curation skills are – I’m a big fan of your website and love your taste! I am an Art student hoping to go into gallery/online curation and would love the opportunity to gain some more experience in the area. Do you work alone in the upkeep of our website? I would love to be able to help! Either way please feel free to check out my blogs…I also upkeep Pinterest, Flickr & Saatchi Online accounts.
Thank-you so much!
Hey! I love the works and artists that you feature on your site! I am a Montreal based artist/illustrator and would love to have the opportunity to be featured on your site. 🙂
Here’s the link:
Keep up the great work!
Hi there! I love the blog and never missed a post. I would love to be included if you think the work fits. Thanks for all the amazing work you have turned me on to. Best, Naomi McCavitt
hey, I recently found your blog and fell in love with the caption! Really that is the feeling I feel I’m wandering in art galleries most of the time. I do make some art works sometimes but I think I lack creativity so I thought I better just learn and enjoy the arts rather than making it haha:)
I started an arts blog a month ago, even though I can’t find time to post a lot of stuff now, hopefully I’ll be working on it to make it better and better in coming days.
Loved your blog, hope I also have an amazing blog like this with lots of amazing followers who enjoy the same interests with me!
do it! it’s so rewarding, and amazing to create a group of like-minded people so that you can all enjoy the work together! good luck!
Your posts have been a bright point in my facebook feed for over a year now. I love your celebration of the artist while admitting the jealousy. If only everyone would do that!
Keep posting so this artist in the middle of nowhere can keep enjoying!
All the best
oh thanks lindsay! i sure will… no plans of EVER stopping : )
Hello! A friend of mine just introduced me to this blog, and after seeing your post about Stephanie K. Clark, I hoped that you would enjoy my artwork as well, which also explores the use of embroidery in art, but in a very different way. I’d be flattered if you’d take the time to look!
Hello! I love your blog! I just found it today via Art Hound. I’m an artist from Portland, Oregon and I’m currently working on a series of “dumpster abstractions”- painted woodcarvings inspired by the rust, scratches and peeling paint I find and photograph around town. I’d love it if you’d take a look at my website- I just spent 6 hours updating it just for you! Thanks so much, I hope I made you jealous! -Evan Orlando
ooops- forgot to mention that you can find my dumpster abstractions under the “woodcuts” tab on my website. Thanks for looking! -Evan
cool! i’ll pop over and have a look! thanks evan : )
wanted you to be the first to know that i have new work up on my site….new series called MISTYPOLOGIES….. .would love to hear your thoughts if you have time. hope all is well
oooh! cool, and really weird! in a good way! : )
hy ,cool site!! would you want to see my pieces? I’m an artist italy based.. maybe you’ll like my works ! 😉 Bye Chris
Hey there,
I was on your site and noticed that you used WordPress as your platform. I thought I’d reach out and invite you to use our free advanced content delivery WordPress plugin that reduces bandwidth costs. In addition to reduced bandwidth costs your site will also experience improved image serving based on your end users geographical location like a traditional CDN. This Swarm plugin also comes with a free advanced video player and only takes a few minutes to install.
Although we are a type of CDN you can run our plugin concurrently with your CDN (or any host) and we actually encourage it. For example, we have many sites running us on top of MaxCDN, Cloudflare, Cloudfront and others for maximum efficiency.
I was hoping we could discuss further and you’d allow me to send you our special private invitation (bypass link). As an early adopter you’ll bypass the Professional Paid Plan that we’re working on implementing.
Something different…
beautiful inspiring collection.gorgeous created designs here!Many thanks for sharing.
Hi! ive followed and enjoyed your blog for years and have even sourced artists to show at our gallery in canada! so thank you and keep it up! here’s a glimpse at the painting i do:
lovely! is your gallery in thunder bay? that’s where my husband grew up! : )
youre kidding! yes! whats his name if i may ask 😛 i hope you guys get time to visit once and a while
[…] with some of the most innovative and creative women I have ever met at a Crush event put on by Danielle Krysa, a shaker in the art world (watch out, she’s doing unreal things). It was empowering to be […]
Hi Jealous Curator!
I just wanted to say I LOVE the Fig House artwork! The different rooms and their well thought-out galleries are really a wonderful inspiration. I only wish I could take a trip out to see it in person! I also wanted to send you a link to my website. My work is very modern and organic. I hope you enjoy!
Have a great 2014 and I will look forward to seeing what you choose this year!
Kim Johnson
hello!! a friend of mine sent to me you creative and inspirate web, wow it’s not easy found interesting art web nowadays.. there’s so many.. but this is one to keep it as reference! I let my work looking fordward to appear on day 😉
Best wishes from ibiza**
I totally admire your dedication to your blog. It is constantly updated and full of new inspiration. The kids at school love to use it for research purposes and to find new ideas. An absolutely precious resource.
Thank you so much!!
x x
oh thank you so much, aissa!
Hello, My name is Molly and I am an artist working with adornment on and off of the body. I work with objects found on the street and collected materials such as shoe heels and rubber. Here is a link to my website.
There is so much amazing work on your blog! Thank you for the inspiration/jealousy 🙂 It is wonderful to have a resource like this to get excited about new work. Thank you!
Hi Danielle- I simply loooooove your site.
I’m hoping that you can help me as I finally have enough money to purchase from one of your featured artists BUT !!!!!! I can’t seem to find her or remember her name !
She does sculpture with crochet/knitting over animal forms (and I believe that you have a piece of hers). The one I remember (and hope is still available) is a pale-ish blue wolf with a lemon in its mouth.
I REALLY need to learn to bookmark this stuff . Thanks so much, Tracey
rachel denny!!!! yes, she (and her work) is amazing!!! if the wolf with lemon isn’t available, you can contact her to do a commissioned piece (that’s what i did to get my hot pink deer head!) …
good luck! let me know what you get : )
Hey there Danielle!!
Holy freaking moly!!!! This is such a great site for inspiration!!! Thanks for curating such a beautiful collection of work!!! It is so varied but all so so nice!! I can’t wait for your book to come out!!
Just wanted to stop by and say hello and thanks for a nice nice site!!
I’m leaving my work here:
But, it is probably not as finished and refined as the stuff you publish, but I’m still working 😉
Happy New Year!
hey erin! your work is great… especially love the text work (i pinned a few!). do you sell those anywhere? etsy?
hi, danielle, happy new year!
i’ve been keeping up with your blog and facebook for the past few months and thought i’d finally be in touch. there are a few artists — cig harvey and paulette tavormina, to name two — that i think might really be up your alley. you may already know about both of them (how do you keep everyone in your head?!) but i want to be sure. you can find both of them on our website..alongside several other greats.
thanks for sharing your great eye!
very best,
Oh man, thanks so much Danielle!! Funny that you ask…a couple friends asked for prints, so I’m in the process of printing some on nice paper! I’m happy to send you one!! 🙂 I have been thinking about setting up an etsy site, but I don’t have one yet!
PS Maja….great suggestions!
good for you! go for it! let me know when you have an etsy shop and i’ll be your first customer 🙂
Hello! I recently found this blog and I’ve been having a blast looking through it. I love the huge range of art that you feature and can only imagine the hours you’ve put into it. Thank you for dedicating so much time to creating a beautiful little corner of the Internet for all to enjoy.
I wanted to share with you my recently-launched Kickstarter campaign, a project where I’ll draw the dreams of those who support it.
I’m not sure if you feature stuff like this, and no worries if you don’t. It would be great if you just took a look and tell people about it. Thanks for your time! 🙂
Have a great day,
There is only one word to shout out: LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE….your blog makes me feel really happy…
ps: I know someone from Ottawa, Michelè Provost, maybe you can check her out…she has definitely artworks worth showing in your blog….have a great day and happy belated 2014…thanks again…
LOVELY!!! I am so thrilled to have found your blog. I want to eat all of this work. Totally yummy and stunning, you have a GREAT eye! Thank you so much for scouring the planet and posting this amazing work. I can’t wait to show all my students!!!
With gratitude,
Jenni Freidman
thanks, erin! cig’s work seems very in line with yours!
Stumbled upon your blog and really love it. It’s inspiring.
you have a great blog. i’m totally using you as inspiration for my own. keep up the great work!
You are awesome, totally awesome. I admire you and all that you create AND, I have a wonderful friend, somewhat like yourself (artist, self doubting genius) who lives in Oakland, CA and would love to share her work with you to check out. I tell Adele, that she is my muse; that her artistic genius inspires me – – as does yours. Adele Crawford is her name, her website is and I know you will enjoy her creative genius AND perhaps begin that Girl Crush in Oakland. Keep up your creative genius and stop the self doubt!
oh thanks so much barbara! i’ll go check her out… thank you! : )
LOVE this blog and now I am jealous. Wish I had more time to check it out and be inspired. I will have to mark it and come back and visit when I have more time. Great work/collection!
As someone who works in the fine arts but is not an artist, I completely understand that feeling of “I wish I thought of that!”
I really enjoy your blog at every update. Its so interesting and well balanced in terms of your choices. Thanks for being an additional voice out there for us artists. Your support is needed. We all make our work regardless of the audience and its so inspiring when others see it and encourage us to continue. Heres a link to a series of lithograph’s I just recently completed at Litho Shop in Baltimore MD. They are called ‘Cracker bags’ & I’m very excited about them and hope you enjoy them too! Thanks for taking a peek…..
Warm regards, Rachel H.
KONICHIWA from Japan!
I love your website! I run/have a blog ( which is about overseas art works, design, illustrations and inspirations to share for Japanese people.
I would love to post about your site! It’s just cool!
and I’m very enjoying your website from Japan! Lovely!
I like to come back to your website more often. I also know right away when I love a piece of art
at first sight. Thank you for now!
Marijke Gussenhoven, Netherlands
Finch is a Textile artist you have to see if you haven’t already!
Love love love and very jealous of you and your artist
nice blog and great pieces of art!!
Maybe you could be interested in my work :
keep up the great work
greetings from France
I’ve been following (jealously) along with you for years! Especially in moments of utter frustration after graduating art school and feeling lost, your site has continued to be such a great source of inspiration! I don’t often shamelessly share links of my work but I thought you’d like a recent illustration project I did for my design studio. You can check it out here:
and the original patterns and illustrations here:
Either way, keep doing what you’re doing, ’cause it makes me happy 🙂
oh thanks laura… glad i could be there (i had lots of those moments after graduating from art school too!)
ps. those cards are gorgeous!!
Hi there, I just wanted to let you know that I LOVE the work you post and have been following your blog for years… I wanted to share my own work and think you might like some of my drawings and encaustic pieces. I’d love for you to take a look!
thanks so much nikki! i’ll go look : )
Hello there!!
I recently redesigned my website (it’s almost done!!) and it would mean so much to me if you could take a look! and my etsy has some other recent work!
Thank you so much!
Your blog has given me countless hours of entertainment and inspiration! Thank you for sharing 🙂
-Elizabeth 🙂
I just wanted to recommend an old friend of mine for you to take a peek at his artwork. It is imaginative, detailed, trippy and creepy at times – everything you want in fine art, yes?
thanks caitlin and elizabeth.. i’ll pop over and look! : )
Hi Jealous Curator,
I have just started following you on social media and would really appreciate you taking a look at my work I am an Australian abstract expressionist artist.
Thank you,
Carolyn 😎
Hi – How can I subscribe to your blog?
Thank you
Hi Danielle,
I’ve been finding awesome new inspiration through your blog for a few years now, so I thought I’d finally bite the bullet and share my own site to see what you think. Stay jealous!
Hey…Hello! I really like the concept of jealous curator…Would you like to curate some of my works if you are jealous enough?
It would be fun having a curator with this name! Thanks to be playful with life!
My websites:
and more
Hi Danielle,
Love your blog and thought I would drop you a link to my website. I am painter in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Thanks so much for posting awesome inspiring work!
Hi I love your blog!
I recently discovered the work of Japanese artist Yoshimasa Tsuchiya and thought you might like his stuff. He makes these really adorable, whimsical sculptures of different creatures that are sculpted from wood but are very delicate looking, almost as if they are made from porcelain. Just wanted to share it with you. 🙂
Your blog is AMAZING! Thank you for the inspiration!
Would be so thrilled if you wouldn’t mind checking out my work sometime 😉||NoFacet-_-NoFacet-_-NoMerchRules-_-
ooh, lovely! thanks so much sarah and kristi!
I’ve been following your blog for over a year now, I figure it’s about time I point you to one of my good friends… He’s been working insanely hard since graduating from Pratt and his newest work on his blog really shows it. Hope you enjoy!
Zack Lank:
Thanks for your time,
thanks so much alison! what a talent!
Oh thank god!
You’re still here.
I am late to the party (been living on a strawberry farm in Africa) and for a second there I thought maybe this was a blog of the past. But here you are! Glorious!
i’m not going anywhere any time soon 😉
What a great idea for a blog. I wish I had thought of it 🙂 Just wanted to say I think you’re doing awesome work and to encourage you to keep it up! If you have time, check out my new art blog: It’s relatively new but I’m proud of it. Take care.
thanks so much eric… and your site is gorgeous! lots of great picks – enjoy the ride {it’s pretty addictive!} 😉
I want to first congratulate you on all of your success, I have been enjoying your features for years now and you are getting better, bigger and brighter. I support your choice to not go to school for this and instead, get the real world, hands on knowledge – I think that that’s what makes you unbiased and more open minded.
My name is Mina and I make Fine Art Photography – I am a transplant from Europe and found solace in art and photography after moving to NYC, it has been both my catharsis, therapy and kept me connected to myself. My portfolio includes a series of vivid, colorful and lighthearted pieces. Saturated hues, scratches, textures, and blurred motion combine to add a certain charm and nostalgia to each print.
I think (hope) you and your readers would appreciate my work, you can view more of my work at
I hope you have a relaxed week! 🙂
ah! so lovely mina… they make me want to go on vacation right this very minute! thank you so much for all of the lovely words about TJC. this comment made my day!
Hello TJC!
I just wanted to say thank you for such an amazing blog, I look forward to checking in to discover new emerging artists to inspire me every week.
When you get a second I would love it if you took a look at my work:
I live in SF so I hope to see you March 5th! Congrats on the book!
I always enjoy experiencing your fabulous finds! I recently started a blog to document a project I am working on titled, “I Just Don’t Read Like I Used To,” in which I cut up books to create mixed media portraits and other images. I would be thrilled if you take at my site.
TJC, L O V E your site! What a killer place to catch some inspiration (and feel the jealousy)! I’m sure you have artists lined up- but- if could find the time to scope my work I promise you will not be disappointed. I would love to add to the creativity and uniqueness of your site! I appreciate your time 🙂 CHEERS, Badway
thanks sam! i’m popping over to look right now! : )
[…] similar in spirit and sufficiently different in execution, in whichDanielle Krysa, better-known as The Jealous Curator, asks artists from around the world working in various media to crack open the vault of their […]
[…] similar in spirit and sufficiently different in execution, in whichDanielle Krysa, better-known as The Jealous Curator, asks artists from around the world working in various media to crack open the vault of their […]
Hey! Have been following your blog for a while – always such an inspirational selection of works. Also loving Creative Block, congrats!
Just wanted to share my work with you – in particular I think you’d enjoy my collages, which can be found in the first two albums of my site!
Looking forward to many posts to come!
gorgeous! thanks so much for the link david ps. you’re up today!
Thank you TJC for maintaining and sharing such an visually rich and diverse collection artists. Among others, I am particularly drawn to your posts of work by Meghan Stratman, photos and sculptures of Marcela Cárdenas, photography by Autumn de Wilde, as well as the collaged paintings by Elizabeth Amento, Amy Alice Thompson, and Jose Romussi.
Your quote “stopped in my tracks” resinated with me. While scrolling though your curatorial selections that’s the exact feeling I got when I stumbled onto these artists. Thanks!
You may find my own work speaks to your sensibilities as well.
Heroic singing cowboys of the 1950’s are the cultural source of my work. The contemporary hero cowboys I am creating are street and eco-conscious, built from everyday discards – scratch tickets, cracker boxes, juice cartons, business cards, candy wrappers, and junk mail. The color palette is dominated by primary colors, echoing the innocence and purity of the singing cowboy while speaking to today’s technologically amped–up audience. As a nod to the costuming of the 50’s era icon, the works are often embellished with brightly colored pieces and elements such as rhinestones, glitter and silver studs – an equally contemporary fashion consciousness.
Thank you again Danielle, and thank’s for looking!
Cheers – Keith
cool! thanks so much keith! i’m popping over to have a look. thanks so much for reaching out (and for your very kind words!)
Wonderful blog? Do you accept by e-mail works of young artist? 😀 And what is the way to send you some photos? 😀
i do indeed… but i prefer a link to a site. my poor inbox can’t take all of the photos that show up there 🙂 please send a link to
Hi Danielle – a friend introduced me to your blog yesterday. I love the concept of turning jealousy into inspiration! Also looking forward to reading Creative Block – we can all use some help in that direction! I’ve recently started my own art blog that includes my paintings and little stories about the circumstance/process behind them. Definitely a work in progress, but I’m hoping others can relate to their life in some way or become inspired. Feel free it check it out –
Thanks! Vicki
oh thanks vicki – glad you found your way over here! and good for you for getting your blog going… it has been life changing for me! good luck! : )
I’m Gail Folwell, a sculptor with a Design and Fine Art background. ‘Handle The Art’, from Folwell Studios is brand new. These are solid bronze, with a silver/grey patina, pulls and knobs. I believe that sculpture should be touched and I hope that art collections will grace the walls and halls of new and seasoned collectors everywhere. I hope you’re “jealous….in a bad, toxic, soul-crushing way”! I’d love you forever if I got a mention in your blog! Design and Fine Arts have finally broken all the boundaries and having lived on both sides of that fence, it’s exciting. Designed products are the new canvas for conceptual and affecting works of Art. More people are starting to understand that it’s not just about how it looks, it’s about how it makes you feel. ‘Handle The Art’ was a personal collection created for our own home. The hardware garnered much attention, as did the house, winning multiple AIA awards. I’m recognized for contemporary, figurative bronze sculpture. My art is in the Denver Art Museum and I’ve done monumental public works for cities across the country, among them, Vail, CO, Frisco, TX, Universities in Ohio, Alabama, private collections and galleries, Claggett/Rey in Vail, I Wolk/Maisonry in the Napa Valley, Hunter Kirkland in Santa Fe and Walker Fine Arts in Denver. I’d love to know your thoughts!
Beautiful and warm blog that I enjoy perusing with a cup of tea whenever I have the time. I am not sure if my work will fit as its a bit darker in theme but I thought perhaps you might enjoy the simplicity of my embossment drawings or my mono prints. My site is I hope you have the time to take a quick look at the work. Thank you and happy monday! – Brynn
You have a quality site.
Here, add some more.
Polymer clay illustration.
Wanted to give you a shout out. Love your book!! I bought it first, then found your site. I’ve dared never to admit the jealously I experienced when I saw other’s art that I admired- lord, the burning in my chest. (I guess I never even realized it myself!) But over the last years, I am working on “not being that person!” I decided that I rather be inspirational than confrontational! I rather not spread negative energy to the world and for my own wellbeing ! I must say – it takes my breath away about how much talent is out there and how much you’ve highlighted. So thank you !! I find when I’m happiest with myself and others when I’m living my truest self! I have always said the biggest compliment I can give an artist is that “You made me think in a different way! “
oh i’m so glad you find me nonney, and love your perspective on appreciating other artists work! that truly is a huge compliment to any artist!
Hi Danielle, I really enjoy reading your blog. I’m writing you to find out of you know of a good curating 101 book to recommend to a visual artist who doesn’t have an eye as sharp as yours. I’d like to know more about the topic and need some basic concrete guidance. Thank you for your time and for your wonderful work! – Jason
hey jason! thanks so much! hm. a book. i have no idea! i’ve always just gone by gut instinct (which i’m sure you can do too!) but if i come across anything i’ll let you know : )
Dear Danielle,
Thank you for creating such a calming space of encouraging art jealousy.
I’m eager to read your book!
I wanted to share my work:
All the best,
[…] the void comes Danielle Krysa’s (AKA the Jealous Curator) new book Creative Block. She interviews fifty visual artists about […]
I adore this blog, came across it today and you have featured some fabulous artwork 🙂 i would love for you to check out my miniature work, would be great for it to be published on such a beautiful website 😀
heres a link to my portfolio and society6
I pine after so many of the artists you feature here and thought I might just leave you my website for your consideration.
I wish you great happiness!
thanks zoe 🙂 i’ll go take a look!
Dear Jealous Curator,
can you please have a look at
Hopefully it will attract your attention positively!
Kind regards!
hello, i like very much your blog, you post a lot of great stuff, thank you for sharing.
here is a link with some drawings, hope you`ll like it.
have a lovely day.
I love reading all of these comments of others who have also been inspired by your blog (not to mention the material and descriptions that are posted on the curated blog!) I am a soon-to-be-college graduate attempting to continue to live this blissful life where my only job is to work on my art. A friend of mine (and fellow student) was recently published on your blog and she so inspired me (and encouraged me) that I figured I might as well send you my work as well. I hope you enjoy it!
[…] Projects from 50 Successful Artists, στο οποίο ο Danielle Krysa, γνωστός ως The Jealous Curator, ζητά από καλλιτέχνες από όλο τον κόσμο να ανοίξουν το […]
Dear Danielle,
(This email is for you, not a blog comment.)
It was wonderful to meet you tonight, and the panel was terrific. Here are some of the sites I mentioned that I’d tried to send you recently via FB:
Here are the embroidered eggs, seedpods, etc.:
Do you know Kate Williamson’s book/series, A Year in Japan? It’s a watercolor diary:
I think you did see those wild Dutch embroidered portraits of scientists and their animal subjects :
Okay, that’s it for now.
All the best,
thank you jeanne!! xo and yes, so wonderful to actually meet you in person!
Dear Jealous Curator,
My name is Matt Panuska, and I am an artist and Illustrator. I’m also a big fan of the blog and a regular reader. The plethora of photos and detail shots is something that is missing from most art blogs, and it’s something I’m always looking for. I just wanted to say hello and share my work with you. Attached is a link to my work, and perhaps you could take a look at it. Hopefully you like it, and thank you for your time!
I am sharing your site with our students and colleagues. As soon as the jealousy I felt from looking at your site subsided, I came to my senses and wanted to share images…maybe you will find them interesting, or perhaps as an interesting screen-saver (?)
You do a lovely job on this site and I am grateful having discovered it.
For the photos mentioned, please visit:
and follow my name.
thank you!
Dear Danielle,
Huge fan of the site, and hopefully I will be able to see you in person in Vancouver soon when you do your talk. I thought you would like to take a look at my butterflies I create:
Please carry on the fantastic work.
Regards, Chris.
oh! they’re gorgeous! looking forward to meeting you too chris!
Hi Danielle,
I started following your blog a few weeks ago and I love it 🙂 I also appreciate how frequently you post! I love looking at pretty things, its such a nice break from my mundane office cubicle 😛
I wanted to share with you a link to an artist that I really love. Take a look here:
He has a range of subject matter. I like some of his architecture pieces, and I love his landscapes, but I just think these flying cars are adorable.
Anyway, I know you are bombarded my links to websites all the time, but that’s what you love, right? Discovering new art 🙂
so fun! thanks for the link (and very sweet words!), adelaide! : )
Finally found another source of inspiration! Thanks for this great blog! How you have come to this blog is pretty much where I am at right now with my own work. Almost a standstill yet I create and trash works constantly in my mind. I would be honored if you could take a look at my work when you get a chance. It goes in several directions, but enough said.
my ballerina, sleep, and heart series good places to start.
thank you in advance and thank you again for putting together such a great site and source of inspiration!!
John C Miller
A student sent me a link to your site. LOVE Love love.
One more. At first I was going to ask you to look at my work, then I thought, I bet she has a lot of creative readers. So I started clicking on your readers. YEP, lots of creativity hanging out here.
[…] The Jealous Curator […]
Awhile ago you featured my prints from vintage photos – Project B – and I am still getting people saying they found me from your blog! As a thank you, I want to send you my new pocket size book, CAMERA ERA. email your mailing address: or contact via my site. Really, thanks again, barbara
On your radar?
good one! thanks (again) jeanne! 😉
Hello!! I love your blog, if I’m ever feeling eh.. I always look through your blog to find inspiration. I just ordered your new book and can not wait to get it. Thank you for doing what do :D. If you are not too busy I would honored if your viewed my portfolios online. I am a abstract painter and fine art photographer.
Happy Creating,
thanks so much, ann! i hope you like the book! i’ll pop over and look at your portfolio : )
Dear Danielle,
I’m following TJC blog for quite a while and I thought this easter-weekend: Let’s give it a try. I wonder what you think of my illustrations. I make pen drawing and it would be amazing if you can take a look at it.
Congratulations on your second book. And that is on the shelves om MoMa! I’ll look forward reading it. Your artists-choices feel very fresh in the contemporary art scene to me.
Best wishes and have a nice easter,
Suzanne (The Netherlands)
I love our web site!! It is realy wonderful page with great artists!
I would very glad if you view my web site. I am a mixed media artist. I use natural material for my art
My best wishes,
Warm Regards
I was introduced to your webpage through pinterest and now I have been constantly going to your webpage for inspiration.
I hope you have time to look through my art and give me feedback.
Thanks for daily inspiration.
just sent you an email 🙂
Hi Danielle!
My name is Dilla, a student from Indonesia who’s currently studying a Communication at the American University of Rome, Italy. I’m currently working on an art and illustration magazine for my thesis project. I have read your book “Creative Block” and I think it’s wonderfully inspiring! I really love the art, the interviews, and the “unblock creative! challenges! So I decided to write the book review for my magazine 🙂 I also interviewed some of the artists you featured such as Holly Farrell, Arian Behzadi, Trey Speegle, and Alyson Fox and it’s very interesting to know what each artist think about the book! I would like to ask you more about it, where should I send it to?
Also, I’m a beginner illustrator, perhaps you can take a look some of my works on 🙂
Thank you Danielle!
Kindest greetings from the Eternal City,
wow! thanks dilla : ) you can email at:
Hi, TJC. I am a long time fan of your curated site and thought you might be interested in this person’s work:
Melissa Wilkinson
I am a painting student of her’s and she is amazing!
Thank you for sharing art with us all!
cool! thanks so much for the link jessica : )
Love the creativity you share and thank you for many inspiring words for all! Curators are also creative, ya know! (Y)
Hey Danielle,
I hope you are having a good day. I am a huge fan of your site, I love all the inspiration it brings. I know you are a very busy lady, but if you get a chance I would love it if you took a look at my paintings. Thank you so much!
thanks lindsay! popping over there now : )
Hey Danielle,
from time to time I take a walk in the world wide web – in search of inspriring blogs – especially in the field of arts. (I’m a German based painter myself…) A few weeks ago I came across your work – and – WOW – I really love your idea and your high quality collection!!!! Great idea!! I wondered if it would be ok to you if i write about your work on my blog? … And – of course – it would be great if you might want to take a closer look at my work… 🙂
All the best to you and thanks for loads of creative input!
Best wishes!
thanks tanja : ) yes, i’d love it if you wrote about the blog. thank you! (popping over to see your work now)
Hi Danielle,
Just wanted to catch you up on my most recent body of work from a show last month in Denver…drawings/collages made out of snake skin and wasps nests and copper…!paper-wasps-and-snake-skins/c1soz
There’s an installation that went with these at:!what-remains/c1d3u
Now back to browsing loveliness on here, you always find the best stuff!
Thanks for keeping the blog, it has been a fun discovery for today!
I’m in Eugene, OR, where I gave an artist’s talk today, and one of the questions was, “What do you do when you get into a rut or get stuck?” Did I have book for them! I told them all about Creative Block and gave them a little bit of the art-school history you had shared in NYC (this was at a college). I’ll let them know you’ll be in Portland very soon.
oh that’s fantastic!!! thanks so much jeanne! (again!) ; )
What a well curated blog you have!
I am a fashion designer and artist committed to critically exploring the intersections of fashion, art, and feminism through a unique combination of concept driven and hand crafted items. I’ve recently shown my first series of fine art pieces, Little Thoughts: Embroidered Self Portraits. I would love to see them among the mix at The Jealous Curator.
Thanks for looking and for inspiring so many!
I’m supposed to be promoting an art show and I’ve been combing through your blog for over an hour. After this comment I’m off to look into GREAT.LY.
Here’s an artist you might like-
Thanks for all you do, and have a great weekend!
thanks so much katherine! (for the sweet words, and for the link to morgan’s work!)
Hi the Jealous Curator,
Hello, I’m Chie who is an artist. My friend told me this blog and really impressed & loved your choices of works. Then, could you check my works when you have time? There are many fun works. I hope you love them!
Thank you very much for your time!
Featured your beautiful book on my young little blog today.
Love it.
oh! thank you so much sylvia! : )
It just occurred to me that you might not have seen the AMAZING work of Keun Young Park, who disassembles and reassembles photos into the most ethereal images:
whoa. good one! thanks jeanne!
Dear Jealous Curator,
I found your blog because you featured a friend of mine in the past. I thought to submit to you informally here, as I see others have done the same. I had a nice long session scrolling through your picks, and very much enjoyed it. I did a show called “Collisions” that portrayed paradigm shifts as experienced personally through moving abroad from Los Angeles to Tokyo. My website shows a selection of these paintings as the first four in the gallery page. I really appreciate your consideration! I did notice that my style is a bit different than what you usually post, so it may not be something that goes with your site, and if so I totally understand.
Keep up the awesome online curation!
Benjamin Adelmann
HI there,
I just wanted to pass along the work of a friend of mine, because as a longtime follower of your blog I think you would really love her work:
I wanted to submit some artwork for your blog. My wife and I have collaborated on a series of wicked sick found object sculptures over the past year. They are explorations in identity and personality; surrealist portraits inspired by medical imagery (those awesome Body Slices that used to be displayed at the Museum of Science & Industry in Chicago) and created using found objects that my wife and I have collected since forever (memories, bits, treasures, trash and love). We wanted to create something that explored personality and character in a unique way that expressed something very personal for us yet still let other people find something for themselves as well.
You can see the work at (along with other potentially brain imploding art – beware).
We are really proud of these pieces. They are personal, beautiful, odd, original and tell special stories.
Thank you very much for your time and sharing the wonderful work you have found.
have a great day
Xavier Wynn
You do good work,
I think I do good work,
Maybe you will also.
Here it is,
What the heck.
Thank you.
First of all- thank you thank you! This blog brings me back from the blahs and the can’t-dos and the mundane and really pushes me to create. It is like nothing I have seen and I appreciate it so much. Thank. You.
Secondly- the most lovely woman I know just “retired” from teaching Art to pursue her work full time. She has work that I am 100% jealous of, and I think you will adore her and her story. Where I am a blabber mouth, I don’t think she would ever toot her own horn, so I just wanted to toot it for her. She also let’s her little girls paint on her work and incorporates it in to enormous, dreamy paintings.
I hope her work resonates, and thank you again. Can’t wait to get your book and keep finding reasons to create.
oh, thanks so much kelly… that totally made my day!
that’s so exciting for your friend!! good for her! i’ll pop over to her site and have a look : )
Just joined Pinterest, found you there first. Way cool! Perusing your blog now. Way too much jam.
See that you are getting a number of these daily; here we go again.
Cheers, Maryann
Timothy,Any chance we do not need the ISC supplicant with Windows 7? One can only hope….I’ve installed, tested and read a bit about Windows 7. The beta does offer roughly %10 improvement in performance. And it is more compatible with 3rd party software.However, I am kind of taken aback by the fact that MS releases this new OS only 2 years after Vista.Thanks,Stan
Adore this blog! Absolutely fabulous finds. If you like, take a peek at my recent paintings at!
Wow. It is such a delight to find someone with such a great eye for art. I had to close my gallery of 97 local artists at the end of last year and miss the breathtaking variety of art on my walls. It did give me the chance to play with my own work, so there is always a silver lining. I so look forward to seeing more incredible work, thanks to you. If I’m not being too forward, I’d like to introduce you to my own work, encaustics, oil pencil and pastel on slate tiles. I love how the human form and stone go hand in hand. I hope you enjoy them. Thank you!
I love love love your blog, the way your write, what you say, your whole way. You inspire me! Thank you xx
I believe my first comment on here was made a couple years ago during college. I’m back to let you know that your eye for beautiful work has inspired me all the way through school and beyond. I still seek your blog when I’m feeling unsure of where I should go next with my work and I always leave excited with my absolute love for art rekindled. Thanks so much for that. I see you get this often, but if you’d like to take a peek at my illustration work, I’d be beyond honored (it involves cats, flowers, vintage lingerie and swirly hair, yay!) and P.S. congrats on your book!!
congratulations!!! how exciting! can’t wait to pop over and a look… on my way right now! : )
Danielle, do you know the drawings of Joan Linder? I’m guessing you’ll like these:
Just wanted to say how much I appreciate your blog and eye for intriguing work. It’s stayed right at the top of my Feedly page. I’ve also included my website if you’d be interested in taking a look at my work (they’re game-like Plexiglass pieces). Thanks for the ongoing inspiration!
thanks so much tyler! i’ll pop over and look : )
I did not know I could submit for a post here .. 🙂 I hope I’ll have the honors
much love !
This is a great blog! I’d just like to introduce you to my work.
Hi there
I love your blog- you have gorgeous work on here. I regularly use this as inspiration for my students at work (I’m an artist educator). As a UK artist/designer/maker I have recently started making work again to sell (mainly for children) and would love it if you would take a look. I’m influenced by nature, traditional nursery rhyme and stories and my imagination!
Thanks so much 🙂
Meant to add my website 🙂
My name is Layce Boswell, and I absolutely love your blog! I have found some great artists and inspiration on your blog. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind taking a look at my online portfolio (listed above); it would mean a lot to me 🙂
heading over there now – thanks layce : )
Hello – I came across your blog a week ago and I have to admit I’ve been feeling jealous with you ever since. It’s been a great source for inspiration and I look forward to seeing the featured artist every morning. It’s as addictive as my morning tea!
Thank you!
oh thanks so much, ruby! xo
Wonderful blog! beautiful art…love the blog’s name!
What a fantastic blog!! So much inspiration here!
I discovered your blog a few weeks ago and have since been totally captivated and inspired by its content! So glad to have found you.
a link to my own work, if the mood strikes you :
Congratulations on your success with the book! I love seeing your posts on my FB feed; I have found quite a few new “art crushes” through you! Thanks!
If you could take a peek at my website I would be thrilled. I make very small architectural paintings.
Thanks again!
Hi there, this is not a post to ask you to look at my site or anything, to be honest I just stumbled on this site today and seriously…. it is amazing! What a fantastic idea, I know I am going to spend hours on here! I just wanted to say thanks for you work!
Hey there, it’s so great to see that you are still keeping up with the comments after all this time! Maybe I can spark some inspiration/jealousy with my abstract project on my page 🙂
Really glad to have stumbled upon your page. Found you via Crated’s twitter.
thanks deshaun … i’ll go take a look : )
Good Day,
It It’s Been quite sometimes the It see the artwork on your site. From what I Have seen and sofar taste wise, I think you might want to take look at some my work.Its something I assume you might like
KInd Regards
thanks sam : )
Oh, oh, oh, I can’t wait for you to see the work of Ruth Marten — incredible, subtle, mischievous and mysterious drawn interventions on found botanical/zoological/historical illustrations. You may have to view in full screen to see what she’s done — she blends her own work so seamlessly with the original.
This website is mostly a walk-through for all of the data you needed about this and didn’t know who to ask. Glimpse right here, and also you’ll positively discover it.
I just wanted to say that your blog is wonderful. Also, I read with sadness the Facebook post about the teacher who had a negative effect on your painting and congratulate you on picking up the brush again. As an art teacher, I often hear of destructive comments being made to students and it is terrible every time. Everything you do adds to the world and you have done way more for people than that “teacher” ever could. Huzzah!
Bonjour TJC,
Thank you for reading this.
I would like to introduce myself, I am Steves Bouvier and I work with photography.
I have paired with Jose Campos to produce a small exhibition titled -PORTRAITS-.
We have booked the Shipton street gallery (E27RZ) in London for the month of August 2014.
The opening soirée is on the 7th of August from 7-9pm and we would love to have your
feed back on our work and your help to pass the word.
Please have a look of the work we are producing at these address:
Jose :
Steves :
Thanks again.
Thanks so much for keeping up such a well-curated blog. I check it daily for inspiration and a general kick-in-the-pants reminder to keep working on my own stuff.
Thanks again,
I love your blog so much. Every thing you wrote and post on your blog are very inspiring. If you have sometimes, Please take a look at my work in my website. http://www.sirikulpattachote I would love to hear your feedback and please check out my ongoing solo show here.
Dear Daniella,
I wish to tell you a bit about insecurity and a real good source for a ‘writers’ block…. Since you write about it and have a great sensibility for what can drive you to keep going on creating work, i thought I would share my latest experience with you (and your blog readers)….
Last week I was at a retirementhome for an exposition of my lastest work. You should know that I’m not someone who finds it easy to expose my work. I’m a pretty closed person and find it hard to send my work into the world, so this was quite a step for me.
But, that said, at the moment I had put my work on the walls I thought that it was all hanging nicely, at my satisfaction and feeling quite content.
Following I shared this on my facebook account etc.
Untill…. this thursday, when the director of the retirement home came to me to make ‘his’ comment about my work. This is what he told me;
He had received some messages from inhabitants of the retirement home that they found my work a bit too intense, they felt unsafe with it and thought it was a bit scary even. There had been feelings that connected to the the ones people felt about the whole plaincrash situation in Ukrain (in Holland, where I live, this is quite intense at the moment). He really didn’t want the inhabitants of his retirementhome to feel unsafe (me neither of course), so he kindly asked me to remove some of the works that caused the feeling of unsafeness.
Yeah…. Maybe you can understand that that gave me some conflicitng feelings. On one hand i felt pretty humiliated that he asked me te remove some work, a bit angry too, but on the other hand it’s also a compliment that obviously the work gave people something to think about and, not less important, feel someting! The last comment I make is, of course, rational, not emotional.
A pretty good base for insecurity end a ‘writer block’, isn’t it? Especially when the base isn’t so solid to begin with….
Welll, this is what I just wanted to share with you. Thank you for ‘listening’ and thank you very much for your nice blog and inspirering shared artwork!
Greets from the Netherlands!
Wow. Good for you… so impressed that you could see the positive part of that experience, and rightly so! Clearly your work made an impact! Now you just need to find a gallery that can handle “unsafe” work : )
Another local artist told me you might like you look at my work…I love your website!
I am such a big fan of your blog… that I’m the jealous of the jealous curator curator….. hahah…. I was hoping you could look at my links. maybe you’ll like them, maybe you’ll love them.
thank you,
love from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
s. arden hill
Thank you for sharing the arts and artists! So many inspiring posts! Absolutely fabulous! Love this blog! I’m a freelance illustrator, painter and graphic designer. If you like, take a peek at my recent paintings at
Hugs from Atlanta, GA
Thank you for everything you do. I’m glad I stumbled onto your blog. I’ve been following you for a few months and I’ve definitely been inspired by some of your posts. I’d love to return the favor and share my gift with you Thank you again for your time, in every way possible.
I stumbled upon your blog a few weeks ago from SF Girl by the Bay, and I have to say, I absolutely adore it! I love the concept behind it; I admit, I definitely do identify with artist jealousy. In fact, I think it has been a lot of the absolutely paralyzing artistic block I’ve been experiencing for the last two years or so. I have been trying to climb out of it recently, but it is a challenge. Finding your blog and reading your about section is definitely inspiring; it’s hard to turn the jealousy into inspiration, but I think it can be done.
Anywho, reading your blog made me think of my friend Hilary, who I have most certainly experienced artistic jealousy over! I thought you might want to check out her work; she makes fabric dolls, acrylic/screenprinted paintings, and screenprints. Here are a couple links to her works:
Hope you are having a good one!
How do you submit artwork to your site gallery. Is there a process or do you simply give a web address for your viewing?
Soraya x
Sydney Australia
hi! you can just email me a link at – thanks!
Hello TJC! I completely adore your blog. I’m starting a BFA in photography at SFAI and I want to grow out of what I’ve been comfortably making the last few years and your blog inspires me to do that! Hopefully one day you’ll be jealous of my art work as well 😉
Good luck on everything!
Hi there, Great site, great blog.
This self promotion thing is difficult but hey ho…this is my site. Ive just been selected for the Threadneedle Prize and am going to be on tv in the autumn of this year…hope you like my work, have loved the work you have featured so worth a try. All the best with your jealous curating 🙂
Thinking you might like Julia Kuhl: — hope all is very well with you! Just told a Toronto artist friend about your event there.
What kind of research do you do to come to these conclusions? Thanks for sharing!
[…] just a few short weeks a new book comes out by the awe inspiring Danielle Krysa of Jealous Currator. Xochi Solis is just one of the artists that I love that will be […]
Have you seen these woven portraits? Spooky, but I think you might like them . . .
so so good, jeanne! thanks!
I’m raising my hand on behalf of my two super talented, humble, +
non-promoting friends.
David Hollier
Lynda Bostrom
They make me jealous all the time.
(In the good way)
Hello there!
thank you for sharing a lot of great artists! loved the paintings of jennifer tyers. Cheers!
ups* wrote my online portfolio wrong!..
got it! thank you 🙂
Hello TJC, we are a small group of (similarly jealous) curators based in Los Angeles – we have a show coming up we’d love to tell you about by sending you a press release and jpegs – is this possible?
The artists’ name is Kim Kei and her work is amazing –
Thanks, CFJ
Please disregard last message, just saw the contact email in a previous post. Love the site.
Just love the incorporation of plants on the recent post. I am inspired to leave you a link to this work as there are some botanical subjects involved. Inspired by what you do for viewers and sharing all you do 🙂
I don’t want to post… just wanted to say to you privately that i read the article on you in the Opus newsletter …and your experience at UVic was excruciatingly similar to mine.
i’m sorry to hear that ida… but i can’t tell you how many people have told me that exact same thing. not a great consolation, but at least we know we’re not alone! thanks for leaving the message – i totally appreciate it
Hello TJC,
I have enjoyed your site very much over the years!
I’d like you to invite you to view my daughter’s website- she has used her method of papercutting to help her cope with chronic depression and anxiety. What she does to relax and calm herself would drive many people crazy! She has started to enter her work in local artshows in our area.
Many thanks, Heidi
that’s amazingly inspiring… thanks heidi! i’ll pop over and have a look 🙂
I would like to submit my contemporary artwork to your blog. Your site is so inspiring and my artwork can really compliment your content.
Everything you need to know is at And if it’s not there just shoot me an email or call me at 973-946-8997. Unless I’m teaching my 2 year old her abc’s, I’m always available to talk!
Thank you,
Hi – I just landed on your site! It’s amazing…I thought I’d give it a shot and send you the link to my new website. Who knows? Maybe you’ll see something you like! Best, Jackie
Hi, I would like to submit my works to your blog.
Your blog is amazing and give me a lot of inspiration.
I have two projects to submit.
If you have more questions, feel free to email me.
Looking forward to hearing back from you. Thank you!
Hello JC
I’ve been following your blog and Twitter feed for a while. Always inspiring, so thank you 🙂
We are based in Singapore and run the only Asian gallery of galleries and art consultancy. We would love to invite you to do a Guest Blog. My email is Our website is
Hope we can do this
All the best, Tolla
Curator & Art Consultant
@giveart on Twitter
Hi JC,
This might sound like an obvious question, but do you accept submissions from artists and if so, do you have a specific step-by-step process?
Thanks very much for everything you’re doing to promote the creative work of others!!
hi christopher – yes i do. you can just email me a link to your website … (thank you!)
Hi, i think what you are doing is fantastic and i have to say “why didn’t i think of it”. I am an Art Director at an advertising agency and after 16 years, i want to start work in my own stuff and perhaps live off of it.
If you want to take a look at my work, here is a link:
Hope you like it and any comments are more than welcome.
Saludos AD
I’m an artist too who is inspired by my jealousy! My iPhone has brought me photos of everything I love and can save for inspiration. Please send me your blog.
We just love your blog♥
thanks! 🙂
your jealousy is inspiring!
oh good! that’s the idea 🙂
[…] I can’t promise you won’t still be a little jealous. Oh, just go ahead and read what she says herself!) […]
Hi! I’m a painter based in Montréal, Canada! Really digging your blog! Have a look at my website if you have a minute!
I have been following your inspiring blog for years and I cannot express enough praise to you and the artists you feature. Your work is very much appreciated by myself and a world of other creatives that visit regularly. Thank you so kindly.
I’ve just found this blog, how interesting! Along with a 1000 other requests, I add mine to give a look at my work! 🙂
This is a great place to find inspirations and to see talented artists out there with their work. I am a visual artist and I love mixed media and colours. Here is my portfolio if you would like to take a look:
🙂 cheers
I hope you have the chance to see my work in analog photography.
From El Salvador, Central America : )
Your blog alone is a “damn, I wish I thought of that!” it is lovely in every way! It also makes me happy that you are a firm believer and advocate for female artists and image makers. If you find some time at all, please take a look at my work. I’d be honored.
Thanks for sharing all the inspiring and beautiful artwork, it’s a pleasure to follow you on Facebook.
Well, I confess to have envy when I see things online too, and well, it can lead to inspiration too-but sometimes I fall into a few moments of pathetic self-beating..which is then helped by creating, so I guess either way, it is good! You can visit my world of art/writing/farm if you wish, maybe someone will say, “I wished I’d thoughtof that!”
I thought you might like these tiny driftwood houses:
Congratulations on everything that’s been happening with books and shows!
All the best,
thanks jeanne! xo
Forgot, if you have a minute you can have a look at my website:
Wow, I found a good source of inspirationon your website! I’m a french artist and I appreciate what you do for the artists. Keep up the good work!
Happy December!
Just wanted to say thank you for creating a beautiful space to discover contemporary art! It’s delightful to explore your blog!!
A few mixed media works you might enjoy:
All the Best!
thanks so much, sabrina 🙂
I still can’t believe I found you. I actually screamed out loud when I read the first lines of the info. I have spent all day searching artists,ideas,projects,sites to feel this jealousy on purpose this time and find a way to deal with it. I wrote this comment only to say that I am so jealous of you and I thank you for that 🙂
Hi Danielle,
I was on a trip last week to SF, and on a bookstore in Haight St. I came across “Creative Block”. I immediately bought it, because as an artist myself, I can relate so much to the stuff published there. Thanks for sharing so much!! I’ll now dig on your blog!!
Check my web:
All the best,
I am really enjoying your blog, and I’m looking forward to the going to the show at the Bedford Gallery. What a great group of artists! Thanks for sharing!
I make ceramic sculpture and would love for you to take a look.
take care,
thanks tiffany 🙂 popping over to your site now!
Hi Danielle,
Thanks so much for the work that you do promoting artists! You do a fantastic job curating, and have created a beautiful site. I always keep an eye on the blog and your instagram for inspiration!
I am a painter in Maine, and have a new series of colorful little paintings that I turned into a 2015 calendar- take a peek if you are so inclined!
Thanks so much, and keep up the amazing work!
Tessa O’Brien
thanks tessa! i’ll go over and have a look 🙂
Still loving your site. Also really enjoying your book The Creative Block. I’m working on a new series called A Very Brief Period in Time. If you have a moment, take a look. Thanks for all the inspiration!
Nancy Benton!AVery%20Brief%20Period%20in%20Time/c1m8l
I absolutely love your site! I visit it every day during my lunch break. I have been so inspired by all the wonderful artists and I am super thankful that you are collecting and sharing all different types of art. I am currently working on a series call “For what it’s worth” that uses vintage photographs. Not to toot my own horn but I think you may find some of my work interesting. I would love to see a curated post of all diffent types of artist who use, repurposed and deconstructed found imagery related to family albums and snapshots. ( Even if it didn’t include my work :). . . )
Keep up the good work and I will catch ya during my next lunch break.
Thanks for feeding our eyes and reassuring our doubting minds. For this, we as artists say a deep thank you! You have given me a new appreciation and now love for collage. Though I haven’t done very much of it, I am wholly captivated and amused by those who can. Keep on keeping on, Sister!
You’re welcome to take a teeny peek at my work when you get a chance:
oh, thank you so much shawna… that made my day! 🙂
water – wine -bread – falafel:
see the first four pictures on this board:
I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. I’ve been looking at it for years and it’s always nice to see something new and refreshing when I feel like I’m in a rut. It’s also exciting when I see you post artwork by artists I know!
Thank you for all the inspiration over the past few years, I have long admired your aesthetic and curation.
Here is a link to my website, I’ve finally gotten a few of my own works onto it. I hope you enjoy!
I am so pleased to read your blog after a friend turned me on to it:) I have been using Instagram (@simonarri) to showcase my work mainly and I never thought about blog features for promoting. I had the hardest time approaching galleries and talking about my work. After gaining followers on Instagram, I realized what I wanted a lot from my art is for strangers to like it. I love showing my friends, but somehow I felt they were required to say it was good. I didn’t realize this before pushing myself to put my art out there, and it gave me more confidence in speaking with galleries. I’m currently in 3 shows and one of them was from a New York gallery liking my feed. Please have a look at my site:) I am concentrating on making the doughnut dioramas right now.
Thanks so much,
Hello! Just wanted to drop by and say that I absolutely love this blog. I also recently have learned to turn jealousy into being able to be inspired. So great to find a blog that embodies just that! I am an illustrator and would love it if you could check out my work:
Hope your new year is turning out great so far!!
A friend just turned me onto your blog. She has been involved in the Bedford Gallery in Walnut Creek, CA for about a year now. She suggested my sending you to my etsy site to show you some of my art work. I am just getting started showing my greeting cards and all print sizes of my artwork. What do you think?
i’ll pop over and take a look kristen – thank you! 🙂
Love, love, love your blog!
Hi Jealous Creator,
Just launched today, a new and simple archived system of my automatic drawings are now live. Hope you like them.
Hi attended your talk in summerland -quite enjoyed it. Thankyou Michael
oh, thanks so much michael – it was a fun evening 🙂
Hey there!
I’ve been reading your blog for years and finally got up the courage to send you a link to my work. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for all the great inspiration!
so great sophie… i love those “springs!” (and the sausages, of course!) 🙂
Super simplified, super tiny, melty bead versions of iconic album covers. Enjoy.
Can’t. stop. drawing. Surface design obsessed! Thank you for taking a peak!
Hi Jealous Curator 🙂
This video is part of what will hopefully be a series of macro photography of everyday objects (among other things), scored by myself. Hope you like it!
Hello Jealous Curator. Your blog is simply awesome – I am so glad I found it. I love art and design, but I am not an artist – so I didn’t really feel jealous, just happy & inspired looking at all this curated art. 🙂 I usually do an art or design inspired post every Wednesday on my blog, and this week I featured you! Let me know if you are open to doing a guest post sometime. Much love & light!
[…] – All the images are from the website ‘The Jealous Curator‘. If you love art, do check out her blog, I promise you won’t be disappointed! I spent […]
Dear Jealous Curator
I want to thank you for having such a great eye and generous heart.
I’ve just seen the wonderful artist Arnaut Van Albada on your site. Such nutty joyful, and weirdly sombre paintings.
So then I fell down your rabbit hole, looking looking looking. What a treasure trove!
If I may be so bold…you may like to take a sly peak at my site
Hello Jealous Curator! )
I`m Anna & I`m an independent artist-illustrator. on behalf of the many artists whom you supported I want to say thank you ! you`r doing a very-very important job.
It`s hard to be an independent artist as you know. As for me, my dream is to work & to make people happier , to inspire them . But I don`t know how to promote myself at this moment – to tell the truth I even don`t know how to do it, I just draw & draw & draw…
So I would be mooore than grateful if you can help me somehow, if I deserve it of course !
Here is my link : .
Thank you for your attention!
All my best wishes, Anna
Hi. What a great site. My mom, somehow, with her still limited internet savvy, posted a link on my facebook wall. After perusing many pages I immediately felt compelled to get in touch and share my work. See if it scratches any itches for you.
My art ‘pseudonym’ is Toblerusse and it is what I use for my domain as well. I call my style abstract architecture and have a heavy M.C. Escher influence. In a sense, looking as his work makes me jealous the same way you describe in your site profile.
I’ve recently started on a long project involving Air Jordan shoes. I plan to do 23 paintings for this series and my rough estimate is that it will take about a year longer. I’ve completed 4 so far. And I’ve been derailed by some other (fun) pet/animal related painting projects in the past few weeks.
Long story short, I’d love it if you checked out my work and love it even more if you liked them enough to feature some.
Ron/Toblerusse –
I absolutely love your jealous admiration blog! It’s the treasure box find of the day. All artists need to take time off occasionally to see what’s going on in other studios. It’s inspiration that drives the creative brain. Thank you so much for your searches, discoveries and shares.
I started a blog on a whim a while back inspired by artists who make small things. My artist partner and I had our tool shed burn and after the insurance company paid for repairs we redesigned it into a small ‘play’ gallery… started having shows of both our miniature works and other artists and friends. It eventually turned into a blog featuring the art of the small. I loved that process of looking into a world that I had wandered into as a child with a fascination for small things. You can visit it at
Our works are large scale public art projects, installation sculptures and large flying kite works so it was a refreshing jump into the looking glass.
Again, lots and lots of appreciation of your “Damn… why didn’t I think of that!” blog. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve said that as well. It’s all brain and heart food.
I saw the article about you in Sunset Magazine.
I am watercolor painter and woodblock printmaker.
I also have a small business called ‘Hyacinth Press’ where I produce and sell hand pulled woodblock printed greeting cards. Please check out my work. Thanks.
Instagram: hyacinth_press
I keep coming across images on Pinterest that link back to you, and I share your jealousy/desire/feelings of utter indulgence when consuming them. I am a New Zealand artist, with no personal website but I have sent a link to my gallery. I would love to send you some more images to look at – there are a few more on Pinterest too if you search my name – although I spend much more time in the studio than on the computer. Best, Cathy
Hi Jealous Curator (who is no longer jealous :))
Thank you for all your work and inspiring people to take the step of promoting ones artwork. You are doing a great job and I love your picks.
I myself is a collage artist like you and hope that you will have a look at my website or check out my instagram: stilhedistuen
Have an amazing day!
Best, Stine Munk
Hello TJC,
I just bought your book, “Collage” at a little shop in San Francisco. After reading the book, I decided to check out your blog….ummmmm, soooooo good!!! I’m sure you’re a busy lady but if you’d like more work to check out here is my website…
Keep up the great curation!
Melissa Arendt
hi melissa … that is crazy. i already have your work in my drafts folder as we speak. weird!
Hallo TJC,
there is so much great stuff on this side! I would be happy, if you could took a moment to check my work for consideration. I do collages in a classical manner, with a sharp blade, scissors and glue. One big focus is the exploration of architecture and the urban, utopian space.
Many thanks from Berlin,
I have followed and constantly obsessed over your blog for over a year now. Its wonderful and it has inspired me. I basically want to do what you do. I am currently a Junior in the Art History program at Oklahoma State University and am looking for a summer internship, with that said I would LOVE to intern with you! I would greatly appreciate an email response to discuss that possibility.
Thank you so much for your time and awaiting your response!
Hi!!! 🙂
I just wanted to say thank you for making your blog!!! I love reading it and I love seeing inspiring art on Instagram and Facebook everyday!!!
I definitely struggle with the same issues… I had to just start drawing without anything on my mind in order not to think of something I saw that I loved so much… It’s great to be inspired, but sometimes you just love it so much you end up painting it hahah 🙂
I am not sure if you’d be interested in taking a peak at my shop, I know you have plenty of artist, but maybe! 🙂
Thank you again for all of the wonderful posts!!!
I’m an embroidery artist currently based in Lyon, France. I follow you on Instagram and also visit the site, it’s great! If you have time you should check out my website:
instagram is @ffembroidery
Thank you 🙂
Thanks for six years of beauty and inspiration. Have you seen Jessica Todd Harper’s photography? Stunning. I don’t remember seeing her work on TJC. I just saw her new book and thought you might like it.
Thanks again for being a champion of art.
We just wanted to let you know about the new addition to our hand drawn map series by illustrator Jenni Sparks. After many months of hard work, our Paris map is complete! Take a look here
Best wishes,
whoa! that’s insane! thanks for the link
Hi Jealous Curator,
Following your “I wish I though of that”-feeling to the bone and having seen many great works and artists on your site (..even contacting Mark Bradley-Shoup to sell through our site in Belgium because of your post) I almost feel obligated to send you this link to a dear friend of mine Liesje Reyskens from Belgium, Her work and way of creating settings has always been a treat for me to look at. For the real experience download her free app “Liesje Reyskens” and bring some of her pictures to life. If you are intrested I can send you some picture cards of hers. Have a great weekend! C
Hi Jealous Curator, needless to say, I’m a big fan 😉 We met in person at a talk you gave in Toronto last year and I’ve been meaning to contact you ever since! I’ve recently taken the leap into a full-time art practice, which is both thrilling and terrifying! You’ve been an inspiring touchstone throughout the process. I’d love you to take a gander at my paintings, hopefully they resonate with you 🙂 I’ve recently been accepted as a maker on and am just working to set up my shop with the new wood block pieces. Please let me know if you have any questions.
All the best, Erin
Elena Vizerskaya is one of the best photo artists today. Her photo art is stunning, imaginative and very diverse.
Currently, we started an IndieGoGo campaign to support two of her new very unique projects. These projects are quite unusual and we would be glad to start sharing some very interesting details about them.
We hope that you will check out her art and this campaign and will write about it if you like it. This is worth taking a look at. And we need art community’s support.
Thank you for your attention.
All the best,
Eugene Efuni
Just came across your blog today and suddenly realized, I can certainly relate to being a jealous curator too! I love the idea of your blog and your honesty. Can’t wait to look through everything and be inspired.
I like the art you feature. Mine is on
I was wondering what you think.
Hello! I am a visual artist from Brazil and I came across your ig on instagram and that’s how I found the blog! I absolutely loved it!
I would like to share my work with you…I paint most of my works with my hands and I choose very feminine themes..
Best regards!!
Hello! I have been enjoying your site for well over a year now. I always look forward to your posts and makes every week a little brighter! Thank you! Keep up the great work! -ja
thanks so much, jorge!
Please take a look at my new work on my site. I think you might like it for you blog. I am also coming to your talk this friday in Vancouver for Creative mornings.
Tristesse Seeliger
wow! gorgeous, and officially bookmarked! see you on friday 🙂
Hi there!
Thanks for your super inspirational blog! I’ve been reading it for years now.
I’m an artist from Rotterdam, the Netherlands. I paint and illustrate and today I feel I have to send you my website 🙂
Please take a look if you like!
Kind regards, Marleen (Stroke a Bird)
Hi Jealous Curator,
“TEEMING”, my solo exhibition of large scale paintings, is opening this Thursday night at the upper west side Manhattan art gallery Susan Eley Fine Art. .
The show will consist of brand new large scale paintings from my new “String Theory” and “Everything Changes” series. Select paintings from String Theory were just featured at PULSE New York, where they garnered a very positive response. Here is a link to my website: , and directly to String Theory paintings here : I’d be thrilled if you would feature the exhibition here! Thank you!
Yesterday was my first time at Creative Mornings Vancouver! You set the bar high! I loved your presentation; there was so much that I as a writer can relate to! The Humble Pie analogy was flawless, your sincerity and vulnerability were palpable…
For my collection of stories, The Stranger Project – est. 2014, I go out and meet strangers, hear their stories, and then write about them. It doesn’t get any easier, but tapping in to my own vulnerability, my willingness to face rejection, and my new-found ability to not take it all personally, I rise to these challenges every time.
The three examples you used of ‘unblocking activities’ only made me want to hear about the other 47! I make the rules and play within them daily. Thank you Danielle, as Mark said, you were speaking directly to me
I look forward to exploring TJC further, and regularly!
be well
wow! thank you so much colin… that totally made my night! your project sounds amazing! i’ve bookmarked it and i’m going to go back and read everything tomorrow.
ps. so amazing that you’re that open and vulnerable with strangers. don’t know if i could do it!
Fond greetings! I have created an overstuffed and obsessive ode to the good common birds of Toronto, and elsewhere. It is unorthodox avian art photography, maybe, and there is writing there too. Anyhow, I submit it to you with respect and admiration for what you do:
thanks jack! popping over to look now 🙂
I enjoyed your site throughly was hoping you could take a look at my art.
sorry *thoroughly
Some fantastic work here. Thanks for sharing !
With best wishes, Stephen
Hello TJC! I been following your curation for years now. Allways inspire and thrilled me to see great work, the blog is amazing. THANK YOU, cause you inspired me to move forward with my own creations, and re building my whole life to be able to have an “art life”.
I´m sharing with you my tumblr, where you can check on my work, be free to share it if you feel like it.
Bests, flor.
Greetings from London!
I have been enjoying your site for a few years now. Wonderful finds! Very inspirational!
I am an artist myself, so certainly understand the feeling of “Damn. I wish i thought of that.”
Maybe you would be interesting in my newest piece. Its called the Unconscious Library. Made entirely from paper (Apart from the bottles) and contains over 100,000 paper elements. Has taken roughly a year to complete.
Looking forward to seeing more posts from you,
All the best!
I just came across your blog actually through listening to the Being Boss podcast. I just wanted to tell you how wonderful your message and honesty is, and how much it resonated with me. As someone who is trying to launch my own design and art collaboration business while also navigating self doubt, and jealousy, and admiration, and motivation and well…life all at the same time, it really is so nice to hear other people that I admire are feeling and dealing with the same emotions. Thank you for sharing, and writing and creating!
Many thanks,
oh, thanks so much julie! i had so much fun talking to those guys… and yes, sooooo many people feel the same way. good luck with your business!!!
Hi Danielle,
I love your blog TJC – I hope to be as good a writer as you one day!
I’m emailing you because I represent a number of very talented artists
(many of whom are women) and I thought I’d get you to take a peek over at – we do conduct interviews with our artists as well
over on our glimpse section. If you think it fits with the content on your
blog I’d love to provide you with anything you need – I even have a press
kit if you’d like 🙂
Wonderful blog TJC. Enjoy your viewpoint, responses and fascinating curations.
My artwork might be of interest to you.
Beauty and terror.
Pictures of my current show can be found at and on
Twitter @elainetwsalt
Hi there. I came across your site after reading a well written write up of yours. I think there is a good chance you would like my work.
I’ve been off the art world’s radar for the most part appearing only in small time galleries but I feel I’m closer to emerging on a national or even international level in the next several years. Perhaps you can help. People really respond to my sculptures and I’m excited to share them with a larger audience.
Please check out works from my 2nd found wood faces series at
More sculptures and photos exist but I have yet to do a more advanced photo shoot. If you would like to see more please contact me. My site will give you the gist of the medium.
No one is ever really jealous of me or my work. But it is still fun. Please check it out,
Love and appreciate all that you do here.
hilarious dwayne … love your text pieces!
Hello Jealous Curator! I used to hear great feedback about your blog and you from my friend Rebecca Chaperon. I am really enjoying all your posts through this blog and facebook. Thanks for sharing great art work in the world. 🙂
Hi JCurator! i’m an artist that does photorealistic oil paintings with a surreal twist, they have been labeled as Subversive by some curators, i’d like to know what you think of them if you have a minute to take a peek at them 🙂
P.S. I LOVE the honest insight you display on your blog;)
I have followed you for awhile on Instagram but I had never come to check out your site. You’ve found some amazing things! And it’s nice to see multiple photos and get a bit of a write up on the artist (since on Instagram it’s just the one shot). Lots of people showcase art but I think you have something really innovative and fresh. As an artist I appreciate how thoughtful your site is!
If you’d like to see what I paint my work can be found at
Thanks again!
thanks so much, emily! i’ll pop over and check out your work right now 🙂
I’ve been a long time fan of your blog! I am an artist & an educator and you are constantly introducing me to such talented Contemporary artists that I love sharing with my peers and students. I’ve been working collaboratively in performance & video for many years but I have recently returned to my love of painting and am having my first solo show! I wanted to share what I’ve been working on with you,
Thanks again, love what you’re doing!
Your blog has been one of my favorite parts of the day for the past couple of years. I love seeing new work from all over the world every day while I work towards my BFA. I’m graduating in a couple of days and then I’ll be at SAIC working on my MFA. I love seeing what you have to say about all the artists. You are so encouraging and thoughtful!
Thanks for sharing!
(the work from my BFA show is on my site)
thank you so much, molly! congrats on the BFA and good luck with the MFA!
I have really been enjoying the architetural and landscapish work you have posted lately. In particular Stephanie Clark and Anne Canfield.
I am a painter living in Charleston, South Carolina and my work is also based on landscape and architecture.
If you would like to check it out it can be found at
Love your blog, so much inspiring work.
Many thanks,
Hi there,
I just came across your blog on Instagram. You have a really great selection of artworks on there.
I wanted to show you my work, and see if you like it, to eventually get fetaured.
Looking forwards to your thoughts.
All the best,
Love, love your blog. I am also a huge fan of Jennifer Sanchez. I was wondering if her inspiration is rooted in the work of Beatriz Milhazes, a Brazilian painter. The work of Ms. Milhazes was a huge inspiration for my paintings, although lean toward a raw, urban influence. If you would like to see my paintings and contemporary, see I will continue to follow!
I absolutely LOVE your blog!!! I’ve never been much for blogs but yours keeps me coming back each day to discover new and amazing artists. I’ve just finished my Art history degree and would love to go into curating, especially the work of emerging artists. I’m so glad I came across your blog because it has been so inspirational! Thank you 🙂
wow – what a compliment! thanks so much alexa! good luck with your own curation (it’s a pretty fantastic job!)
Hi Danielle,
You have a wonderful blog and curatorial eye! Thanks for featuring artist Chris Turnham who we featured earlier this year in our gallery. This May 23 we are exhibiting art by Elle Michalka who was an art director on the cartoon Steven Universe and is also friends with Chris. Her work is reminiscent of Eyvind Earle, Grant Wood and other mid century american painters but with a contemporary sensibility.
You can see some of her work here:
and a link to her event here:
Thanks for the inspiring blog!
As a young girl I struggled (and still do) with jealousy over others’ confidence and security in their art and selves. I dropped out of Art School at 20 years old because I was so convinced of my failure that would eventually be exposed because I was surrounded by so many amazing talents! I couldn’t see it in myself. I am now a 45 year old adult woman who has lived and grown to find the love for myself that allows my jealousy to turn into inspiration. Within the last couple of years I have begun filling my world with art and creation again. I started my own shop online and am loving my work with fabric. I would love to inspire other jealous artists to create and love art! And themselves. I wish I could go back and finish my time at Pratt where I received a partial scholarship as a National arts Scholarship recipient. The older me is jealous of that girl. The younger me is jealous of the older me confidence! C’est la vie!
Check out my work at my shop:
And on Facebook at lollyshop
I am looking for art blogs to show my strange experimental film on.
I like your blog, hopefully this makes you jealous.
Latif U
Hello Jealous C.
why not
Hello there,
I wanted to thank you for all the time and energy you put into creating such an interesting blog. I often trawl though it when in a painting slump, looking for inspiration. Thank you for sharing your finds and inspiring me and so many others.
I have a show opening next week in Sydney, Australia (June 3-20, 2015) – The Faraway Nearby. It is my second solo exhibition, and I must say I have a healthy set of butterflies nervously fluttering around at the moment!
All the Best,
I’ve been reading your blog for years and I look always look forward to discovering new artists and new processes. I thought I would gather my courage and share with you my latest project, described on the website I also have a website:
Yikes, self promotion is scary…
ha! yes it is… i’m terrible at self promotion, so yay for you for doing it!!! popping over to look right now : )
Just stumbled upon your blog last week and thought my work could be an interesting fit. Particularly, I just finished a film project called “Lover” which is an attempt to make a film about sex that is actually heartfelt and emotionally honest.
So often, filmmaking distorts the reality of sex on screen. It’s either insincere, over the top, or just flat out vulgar.
Spending time with real couples in long-term relationships, this film is an attempt to capture intimacy, true connection, and the revelation of falling deep for somebody else.
Have a look:
All the best,
Good Afternoon JC!
I represent Robert Deyber, an artist that for the last several years has explored the realm of surrealism. His work predominately features the visual interpretation of idioms, euphemisms and cliches which creates a unique and almost interactive quality to Robert’s paintings. After coming across your wonderful blog I think his aesthetic would go well with the focus of your website and the audience that follows it.
Here’s a link to Robert’s website that also includes a frequently updated online portfolio.
Any additional information can gladly be answered through the email address provided, I hope if you get a chance to look that you enjoy his work!
Warm regards,
love your blog and the idea behind it 🙂 Maybe you’re interested in my “CameraSelfies” series which – in the meantime – has been featured by CNN, LUI magazine, LensCulture & currently on the cover of german photography magazine ProfiFoto. The idea: what if our cameras grew tired of pointing only at us? After all, these poor lenses can only take in so many pouty lips, sideways smiles, theatrical winks and staged kisses. What would it look like if the photo cameras decided to take their own selfies for a change? On background of contemporary wallpapers? 🙂
Perhaps you’ll like the one or the other 🙂
Greetings from Germany & all the best for your cool blog,
Jürgen (Novotny)
Beautiful New Interview Magazine dedicated Drawing
I’ve been following your blog for a while now and I think you have a great eye. It is great to have spaces like TJC, where we discover those amazing artists hand by hand with you.
I would love to know what you think about my work…. (I feel totally awkward doing self promotion)
thanks so much vitoria : ) … i’m going over to look right now!
Wow, what a wonderful selection of gorgeousness. I feel like a jealous curator sometimes too; that’s why I started my blog & agency Roth Illustration, for art and illustration talent from Rotterdam, Holland. Hope you’ll get inspired by the work of these 10 fantastic artists! (Well, actually there are 11, but Trompette de la Mort works as a duo 🙂
Thanks so much in advance for your reaction!
Bye, Zita
i’ll go look – thanks zita!
Just chanced upon your blog while looking through the Land of Nod kids art and happy I did! Love your writing style and just the whole premise!
I wonder if there might be something of interest on my husbands art shop that might catch your attention when curating the kids line or for your own blog? I’m a big fan of the Chaplin, Miles and the Piano Man, if I can say so myself:)
hi! my name is kim, and im an art student from lima, peru. im a huge fan of your blog!
im currently working on a project for one of the classes im taking this term, about social media and its place/effect on the art world. i was wondering if you’d be willing to tell me about your experience with the blog, and maybe answer some questions as well?
if you are, is there an email address i could contact you at?
thank you so much for your time (:
hi kim – you can email me at … i’m traveling all next week, but send your questions and i’ll see what i can do! ; )
Hi JC,
I love the modern aesthetic of your blog – I’ve recently launched a Kickstarter for an idea to which we often here ‘I wish I’d thought of that!’
It’s called Susheco – it’s a reusable sushi container – collapsible, slim and transportable (It becomes about the size of an ipad).
Would love to hear your thoughts about it
I’d like to submit the work of a good friend of mine named Kajola Morewood, an Inuit artist and Emily Carr grad based in Vancouver. Thought you might want to take a look at her amazing map/drum series at
Thanks for your time and for your lovely blog,
cool – thanks shawn!
Hi JC!
I stumbled across your blog today looking for a source of inspiration for a poetry/collage project I am currently working on – I am so glad I did!! I will be checking back regularly to admire and feel inspired by all your posts.
I am a graduate Illustrator and would love for you to have a look at my collage/mixed media work at
Many thanks,
cool! thanks jemma – good lu ck with your project!
Hello Jealous Curator, its very awesome and inspirational to see the huge support you provide to emerging artists, a lot of them unfortunately dont have the exposure they deserve because their environment doesnt present much opportunities, there arent enough galeries or institutions that grant help for artists that are newcomers, or many other reasons, so its a very cool and refreshing idea to create websites where we can share great art through the internet, i tell you this because im on the path to become a curator, the art i have found while searching on the internet has left me very excited and motivated… and even a little jealous too 🙂 i understand completely the feeling when i look at the creations of talented artists, such as this one that does amazing oil paintings
i just discovered him recently and plan on having him as one of the featured artists in a website im developing to also showcase the works of skillful young painters and sculptures, your blog has been a big inspiration and i’ll continue to visit regularly, thank you in advance and please take care.
Gina Vazquez
Hello Danielle,
I love your blog and look at it often, it’s such a great source of inspiration for me when I really need it! I feel like my work would fit well and that you might like it so here’s my website, I’d love it if you took a look!
thanks so much ashley! i’ve got you bookmarked 🙂
Very cool and interesting Blog! !! Very inspiring!!! I know this feeling of a creativeblock so Good! !!
I make paintings and fotographie since a few years! This year i plan my first exhibition! I’m Very nervous about this and it feels like i’m not able to make Good Art until this date! 🙂
Maybe you want to check out my website!
Lovely greetings from Austria!
Hi!!! Long time reader, first time commenter. 🙂
I’ve always loved this blog. The work on it is exciting and interesting. I would love to be among the artists you feature on your site. My artwork is on my website above. If you pull down the drop down menu you can see it all. Hope you like it.
[…] Danielle Kryssa: Homegirl is the best. She has worked with Oprah among other big names, yet she still had time to […]
Who can I summit the work of Mr.Black Brain?
The works of Ariel Vergez aka. Mr. Black Brain is about vivid graphics wave of comics to be enjoyed and combined it with a large dose of knowledge, consciousness and history all wrapped up in one. The work itself is a unique hybrid of painting through many mediums. It is made up of layers of wood, canvas, and fine prints, which gives contradiction between the flatness of a fine pint, wood and canvas giving his work a three-dimensional feel.
Hello The Jealous Curator 🙂
Really happy to have stumbling across your page (via pinterest btw) It was through the post of Anne Lindberg’s installation work, ‘Placemakers’. Incredible creator she is!! What beautiful and tedious work! Would have loved to seen this in person. You have a wonderful eye for art and I thoroughly enjoy checking out who your new posts are about 🙂
I want to drop you my blog site, which has a few new works Ive recently completed. Photography is my medium. The most recent topic posts are done in double exposure and fine art, also a bit of pop art. Following those posts are a lot of travel photography. However I would just like to point out the newest posts 🙂 Take a look if you have the chance.
Keep on ‘arting’ it!
Hey Danielle, Hope you are having a great day. Please take a look at my site as there are some new works up.
Hello Danielle,
My name is Haejin Park, and I am a recent graduate, studied illustration at Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). I found your blog long time ago, and it has been a great source of information and inspiration.
I live & draw in New York now. I am very passionate about my work and stories, and I am looking forward being a freelance illustrator. I want to share my illustration with you, and I would love to get featured on your site! My work is colorful and unique, I hope you find it interesting 🙂 You can check my work here
Keep posting wonderful art.
Dear Jealous Curator,
My name is Carolina Lopez Cruz and I am from Cali, Colombia. I have been following your website for a long time and I am obsessed with everything you post! It really inspires me to create everyday! I want to share my website with you! I hope you like it!
Carolina Lopez Cruz 🙂
Your posts always brightens my Facebook feed! I wanted to share some recent work with you. Thank you for the daily inspiration!
oh, thank you so much courtney! i’ll go take a look (thanks for the link!)
Hi Danielle!
Your posts are consistently flooring, without fail, every single one. It’s amazing!
I had a brief chat with you and your publicist when you gave a talk at ECUAD months ago, and felt very encouraged. Thank you again!
I updated my website with some new work since then and I’d like to share it with you!
hi priscilla! yes, that was a great talk! it was so nice to meet you… hopping over to see your new site! : )
Dear Jealous Curator,
Greetings from the far far Asia! I stumbled upon your site recently. Love the idea behind it, love how it’s all put together – simple, classy… and very well written! I will definitely bookmark it.
Recently, I have launched a Sketchbook project on Kickstarter in collaboration with another 2 very talented artist from South East Asia, Kerby Rosanes and Vince Low, the project is called TIGA | Sketchooks with Beauty, Art & Soul. Three of us (which is Tiga in the Malay Language) have contributed our art (and our soul) into this refined collection of sketchbooks, notebooks, and art prints. – all designed to share our passion of illustration to the world to inspire one’s own creative journey.
Please do spend a little time to check out the link
I assure that you’ll find at least one piece or art (24 pieces in total) that will blow your mind away and perhaps get a little ‘jealous’ of 🙂 Would love to know what you think about it.
Greetings Jealous Curator,
My Daily art blog sustenance, Your blog helps guide and cultivate an aesthetic and feel that I was looking for. Continual inspiration, hitting all the right approaches, continuously appeasing my senses, and challenging my mind and my approach. Thank you for all your hard work and commitment. Please check out my newest work that has been a breakthrough for me leading to endless possibilities. Thanks for your time, I hope you enjoy the work.
I put my email twice on the post above, whoops!
Greetings Jealous Curator,
My Daily art blog sustenance, Your blog helps guide and cultivate an aesthetic and feel that I was looking for. Continual inspiration, hitting all the right approaches, continuously appeasing my senses, and challenging my mind and my approach. Thank you for all your hard work and commitment. Please check out my newest work that has been a breakthrough for me leading to endless possibilities. Thanks for your time, I hope you enjoy the work.
Hello Jealous Curator,
Thanks for the cool stuff / inspiration you posted here!
My name is Tracy Hung, I’m a LA based designer and illustrator.
I would like to tell you about my recent endeavor: Minimal Portrait Project,
an Instagram project inspired by the lovely moments I see on my daily feed,
both friends and strangers.
I illustrate them in a minimal bold style, using a white gel pen.
You can see them here:
I hope you like them!
and thanks for your time 🙂
lovely tracy! actually i have a question for you about another one of your projects… could you drop me a note at … THANKS!
Have you ever come across the work of Julie Buffalohead? I think her work fits really well with your website’s aesthetic and mission. Her work is wonderfully whimsical but also deeply personal.
Hope you enjoy them!
YES! love her work… i wrote about her ages ago (might be time for a new post!) thanks johanna : )
Hi Danielle,
Your blog is such an inspiration! I really admire your sense of style and aesthetics and the fact that you give the opportunity to new artists to show their work. But most importantly that you take the time to actually look at their work and reply to their comments!
I am currently in a ‘be bold, be spontaneous’ phase so I thought I just share my work as well!
Thank you for your time!
Be well,
thanks eleni : ) i’ll go take a look! thank you for reaching out
Hi Jealous,
cute name for someone so supportive of others 😉 I’m an artist living and working in Berlin and I would be so happy if you took a moment to look at my work. I love your website and your sense of humor. I feel understood when I read what you write!
Much love and respect,
Hi there! I am a dedicated and passionate surface and textile designer; entirely self taught all while being a stay at home mom to three young kiddos! Would love for you to take a look at my designs that all begin with my sketch pad and pencil.
Thank you!
Amy Reber
Hiello Jealous Curator,
Beautiful blog! Very stylish, elegant and great sense of humor…I love it! I am an artist not big on self promotion but, I think my new collection, “Portraits with Fruits” would fit with your style. Here is the direct link from my site:!portraits-with-fruits/c1m8e
I hope you like it!
Thank you
Hi jealous Curator,
Thankyou for showcasing so much fabulous talent out there. Its both overwhelming and super inspiring at the same time and I look forward to checking them out. If you ever get the chance I would love for you to have a look at my drawings. i draw what I see and I kind of think you might enjoy them. Happy curating 🙂
Hey Danielle,
I came across your site via a Saatchi Art blog. I love your eye! Plus your site is clean and your writing is really engaging and accessible. Bravo!
I have a friend who is an organic abstract artist who works on wood and aluminum. Her pieces make me feel like I’m looking at the cosmos, tropical waters and ancient bedrock (you’ll see what I mean when you look!) I haven’t seen any work like it before and would love to pass a note to her of what you think! is where you can find her work.
Be well,
Hello! I’ve been following your Instagram for a while now and absolutely love it. I always look forward to your posts and have found some of my favorite artists thanks to you! If you get a chance, check out my website. I’m also in the middle of a 365 day drawing challenge over on Instagram (@sallustration). Oh, and my friend Lisa Krannichfeld has some awesome work that I think you’d like! (@lisakrannichfeld)
I just found your blog on Pinterest. The work you show is mind blowing and yes very jealousy provoking. But my jealousy is a little different. I am an “older” artist. I have been creating my whole life but did not have the time till now (retired from making $$$) to spend it on my art. What I am jealous of is time. I wish I had more life ahead of me to put into creating. The work is so different and exciting now. An artist now can use any media to produce art. I started years ago in what was called Soft Sculpture and that was considered a ” craft” and not art. Now there are no boundaries. Thanks for this wonderful blog.
i get that… but now you have lots of TIME! i still have to work every day and squeeze in art when i can… i’m jealous of you! good luck, have fun, and enjoy every second!
I’m jealous of your eye! What a great space you’ve created here….
Might I suggest a browse of my work? I would be so honored to have you showcase my work as an emerging artist
thanks jane! i’ll go check it out : )
Hi! I’ve been following your instagram and I love your posts. I’m an emerging artist as well, and I would love for you to check out my work. I create jeweled mugs out of clay. I’m borderline obsessed with clay haha. It would mean the world for me if you gave a look at my clay stuff 🙂
popping over now tiffany : )
Hello Ms. Curator,
I have been following you since 2013, after taking 6 years off to produce my greatest work (my girls). Your site has been a wonderfully (jealous) inspiration — motivating me to keep my work fresh and engaging. I would love if you had a moment to see what you’ve inspired in me over these last few years.
Keep inspiring!
What a great site, I love your kind energy which shines through your blog! Actually, this blog is another reason I love the internet! Thank you for putting positivity out there.
Should you be interested in my Silhouette Studies- here’s my blog
Take care and keep curating!
Katherine Scrivens
Hello !
I’ m italian illustrator and I discovered your site today, it’s so special and stimulant.
Thanks to your work many artists have good visibility and many readers good information.
Thanks for your time,
Thanks for the great selection of art! Here is my work:
Hi Jealous,
me again. I have a new website.
I’m constantly torn between “my work is great” and “my work is shit” is this what everyone goes through?
yes. yes it is. 😉
Good evening JC,
Thank you for it all.
oh i am enjoying your blog so much, thank you for that!
i hope you will never get tired of that 😉
and i wanted to introduce myself:
hi, i´m karo knitter and this is what i do:
nice to meet you 🙂
Hi Jealous (?) !
I found you through Pinterest a few years ago, and have been following you ever since! I love the concept, and as a maker have definitely felt that pang when I see something truly inspiring. But, after many years of making I think I’ve finally hit a good stride with my work, and creating pieces that really feel authentic to who I am as an artist AND as a person. Now, I’m working to make it my livelyhood.
It’s been difficult to reconcile the shiny temptation of the gallery world, with what else I actually need to do to pay my rent. But the combination I’ve struck has me hopeful–I’m a painter using thick acrylic sheeting as my canvas, and from the remnants of working in conventional shapes I make miniature painted pendants of wearable art jewelry.
I can’t thank you enough for offering sympathy with my frustrations earlier on. It felt great to know someone else, too, was jealous and kicking themselves SO hard.
There is such an interesting array of genres here, and I really appreciate what you’re brining to the internet.
Art Kid Love!
Mary Mooney
This is great! I am an artist and educator and just came across your website while looking for new ideas for my high school art classes. I look forward to showing this site to my students! It’s a fantastic look at what is happening today, which is really what I want my kids to learn about.
oh that’s great! thanks so much justin : )
Hi Jealous Curator!
Thank you so much for always keeping us inspired!
I recently launched a new website that I would love for you to take a look at.
All the best from Copenhagen,
Lotte Maja Bjerre
i’ll go take a look – thanks lotte!
Just stumbled across the work of Andrea Cowch and was blown away! Thought you might like it…
If you ever need a Lobster painting ….. I’m your artist!
Also selling on
thank you x
Hi Jealous Curator Blog, I am a fine art photographer, and publisher of my own artist books on Grid Cities. My latest work is on the Bastide towns of southern France, and the photographs are beautiful representations of medieval façades taken on a large format camera over a period of three years. I would love it if you considered my work for your blog. You can see the projects at and the books on my website if you follow the link. If you like the work, I would be happy to send you a copy of each book for review. Thank you for your consideration. Fred in Barcelona- Congrats on the blog- really cool!
Hello Jealous Curator!
I am an admirer of your blog for a long time now and I finally feel ready to suggest to you to have a look at my collages. I would hope that they can make you a little jealous 😉
I am quite new to this…it would mean a lot to me!
My portfolio:
and saatchi where i joined two days ago:
Thank you and all the best from Berlin,
great! thanks so much lara – i’ll go take a look tonight! thank you 🙂
Hi Jealous Curator!
I really enjoy your site and daily inspirations!
I recently launched a new website that I would love to have you check out.
thanks rebecca! (your “hereafter” series is gorgeous/so spooky!)
Hey Danielle!
I have a new website address! Here it is:
I hope someday I can be featured on The Jealous Curator!
[…] similar in spirit and sufficiently different in execution, in which Danielle Krysa, better-known as The Jealous Curator, asks artists from around the world working in various media to crack open the vault of their […]
Hi!! I’ve been a long time follower of your site. (I’m obsessed, actually.)
Please check out my work when you get a chance. I’d love your opinion.
thanks! xoxox
here’s my facebook page:
ha! thanks kelly! going over to look right now ; )
Hi! I have always been a huge fan of your curation and wanted to reach out about this new project I’m working on called Quarterly Editions, where fans could subscribe directly to their favorite artists and receive unique art in the mail.
We’re launching David Saracino, Alonzo Felix, and Lotta Nieminen this week. I thought your readers would be interested in this type of service and I would also love your suggestions for artists/illustrations/designers you think would be a great fit for Editions as well! We’re constantly looking for artists on the rise.
Thank you so much !
Your curating great works, you put some lights on very interesting people, very inspiring artists.
Perhaps you could be interested in my artwork?
A virtual exhibition of some of my artworks :
I invite you to take a look at my images on my website at the address below.
Looking forward to reading you. I wish you a great day!
Best regards,
Pierre-Paul Pariseau
i’ll go look – thanks pierre-paul : )
Hey there!
Just started listening to your podcast and love it! I definitely felt the same way about my art history classes; give me the juicy details! Have you stumbled upon a podcast that have your approach but focus on non-contemporary pieces? Thanks for any recommendations!
thanks angelica! i haven’t heard of a podcast like that, but i’ll keep my ears open and let you know ; )
We visited TJC after our dear artist friend told us about it few days ago and we are instantly in love with all the artworks on your website! We are Flower Couture, a collaborative platform based in San Francisco letting flowers bloom on people worldwide. Please have a moment to visit our flower x people projects 🙂 Thanks in advance!
Dear jealous curator,
You featured my work last year, I was so happy. I wanted to show you a new series of animated gifs, hope you will like them 🙂
Hi Danielle…I somehow just discovered your site and podcast…the podcast makes my early morning workouts so much more manageable! Thank you for finding and featuring fabulous contemporary art. My son started full day school a couple of years ago, and I’m back in the studio. I wondered if you might check out my work at I make little doll like figures whose limbs are found objects, and I am just starting to change scale in larger installation pieces. If you had a moment, I would love for you to see it. Thank you so much for creating a place where we can discover, grow and thrive as artists! Best wishes, niki
Hi Jealous Art Curator!
I just found you on instagram and love your eye. Thought I’d pass along my website for you to check out.
Hello! I am so happy I found your blog (thank you to my professor and Visual News!). I am currently a sophomore in college! My major is Arts Management (looking into concentrations in History, or Anthropology, and possibly a minor in psych?) My first assignment for my Writing in the Arts class is to find someone in the arts who I find inspiring, that helps me shape my own vision for my career path. I am so inspired by you already for numerous reasons. I would like to work in a museum one day, whether contemporary art, or a natural history museum- I’m not entirely sure yet. The jealously you felt before it turned to inspiration is something I can say I have felt in the past. Just this week, after seeing some beautiful pieces, I started painting again. After also being confused on what to do with my future, I am now actively moving towards a possible future with museums. I have always wanted to be an author since I was little (I have four books that need editing but I have them, and I hope one day to share them with the world). While it is a different subject from what you have written, I still find it incredibly amazing, and I am looking into your books now as well. I just wanted to share this with you, and tell you how inspiring I have found this blog, and you obviously ahah!, to be 🙂 which is why I will most definitely be mentioning it in my paper. Keep doing what you’re doing!
oh, thanks so much cassandra – i’m so flattered! good luck with all of the exciting learning/choices ahead of you!
I invite you to discover SAFARI URBAIN / PARISIAN WILDLIFE, a new experience of street art in the streets of Paris.
Website :
Press-Kit :
Making of :
Safari Map :
It is a very strange and surprising vision of the Parisian wildlife that offers us the French artist Julien Nonnon. In his last work SAFARI URBAIN, a series of photographs featuring animals redesigned and projected on facades of buildings through an embedded video-projection system. A clever mix of street-art and video-mapping, all made during a new night getaway in the streets of Paris.
Thank you for your attention.

Great blog! I’ve been working on a series of 3×3 inch paintings of New York and thought I’d pass them along. You can check out my website or my Instagram at @dl_warren. Let me know what you think. Thanks!
Hello Danielle,
I’ve just found your blog/podcast (can’t believe that it’s taken so long!?)
Just wanted to pass along congratulations, and thanks for being a great resource. Your podcasts (along with art critical), keep me happy company in the Studio.
If I may be so bold… perhaps you may be interested in my work?
I would love to know what you think.
I hope September treats you kindly.
Dear Danielle,
As a new fan of Creative Mornings Vancouver, I unfortunately missed your very entertaining and valuable talk on Humility. I listen to it now. Often. Especially when I am drawing things. As an untrained artist, I took a huge step forward in humility this year – and launched my e-portfolio website!
If you would be so kind – is my gathering of artworks. I hope they will resonate with you. I am proud, but humble, afraid but fearless. And you inspire me and make me laugh!
Deep Thanks – Ura Jones.
We love your blog and you recently featured one of our artists, Scott Gardiner. We thought you might also like Rajni Perera’s Maharani series and Muvindu Binoy’s series of collage
Hey TJC!! Wow your blog is SO cool! I came across it after seeing your feature on one of my friends, the illustrator Aimee Bee Brooks. Then I got sucked in and kept browsing the archives – I particularly love Lisa Wright’s paintings. I’ve never seen them before. I’m an illustrator too, and wanted to pass along a link to my site – A feature would be amazing, but regardless keep up the good work 🙂 Your new fan, Sam
Good Afternoon,
I have been a fan of your blog for a while now, it’s full of beautiful work. My husband and I have recently started a gallery together in a small town called Whitley Bay in the North East of England
Our first exhibition is of the work of the amazing Carolynne Coulson Her abstract paintings are stunning and we would love it if you would have a look at them.
Thanks for all the inspiring posts and for Creative Block, I’ve found it really helpful with my own work.
Rachael Rickwood
[…] & a post-grad in graphic design. She is the writer/curator behind the contemporary art site, The Jealous Curator. Danielle has curated shows in D.C., Vancouver, Chattanooga, L.A. & San Francisco. In 2014 […]
Hi Jealous,
Your podcast has been keeping me company in my studio, it inspires and pushes me along. I love hearing about other artists journeys and processes, thank you for that! I know you are one busy lady, but of course would love for you to review my work – Have a wonderful week!
thanks logan… i’ll take a peek!
Please don’t change the name of your blog. It’s perfect. The second I saw it, I trusted you. And you have lived up to that trust. What wonderful work you’ve spotlighted. Hope you continue. thanks.
wow. what a compliment! thanks becky : )
Hey Danielle!
First time caller long time listener here 🙂 I really dig your blog and podcast.
I thought you might enjoy this short documentary portrait about LA artist/designer Geoff McFetridge my company just finished:
Thanks, Dan
ooh, cool! thanks dan!
Hi Danielle,
I’ve been following your website for a few months now with great pleasure. If this isn’t obnoxious, I’d like to give you a link to an artist that I think you’d like:
I just discovered him tonight and thought his work would fit perfectly in your curated virtual gallery.
BTW, I’ve just curated my own show — a photo show. It’s been a real gas, and really a great opportunity to think carefully about / look carefully at the photos I’m presenting.
Keep up the great work. You’re very inspiring both in what you show and how you express yourself creatively.
thanks so much joey – going to check you both out right now 🙂
I’ve followed your blog for a couple of years, and while I’m not a visual artist, the art you share tugs at me. I’ve really enjoyed the peeks at a more contemporary style from what I see often around me and it has expanded my idea of what I like. Thank you for that.
One of my brothers is an artist (, and although his style is more traditional, it has a freshness that perhaps approaches a contemporary aspect. Some of his works appeal to me more than others, and I think it may be a bit of modernity applied to some of his traditional subjects that appeals to me.
I’m getting him your book for his (belated) birthday. I know he will love it. Thanks again.
Hi there Danielle,
I have recently discovered your blog (cant quite remember how!!!), and get art for my inbox every week..I live in rural France with my partner and kids …living the good life… which can feel culturally remote and isolated sometimes, so its great to get to see the work you post from other artists all over the world … thanks 🙂
I am a budding photographer… my passion is the colour, form and texture in the natural world… if you get a chance please come over and check out my website: or my facebook page :
my best wishes from France
Love your posts! Thanks!
thank YOU 🙂
I´ve been following your blog for years and would love to show you my latest series Notes on a Place.
Have a great day 🙂
wow! lovely kimmo!
First- Wow! Much admiration, big appreciation, and thankfulness for what I have learned and been exposed through your work- The quality is so consistantly so high that it is a dearly valued resource-
You featured some of my work way back in early 2012, which was also very appreciated-
I just want to clear up one thing- I have never produced fabric! I worked as a a surface designer for many years, and then the design blogs then the Pinterest train ran amok with people pinning my work under Fabric! Patterns!
I used to do original paintings that I then sold to to large companies, untill I reached a point in my life when I could focus on my fine art work full time-
(you could see some of my work here if you have a moment:!5066)
I have seen a few times online were people were complaining about not being able to buy my ¨fabrics¨or ¨prints¨online, but I never said I had any to sell in the first place!
Anyway, just wanted to clear that up because being typecast as a ¨fabric¨ designer makes me feel sad
and lonely!
Much respect
ah! i’m so sorry! yes, i probably found you under textiles somewhere and just assumed that as well… i edited the post! : ) thanks for getting in touch
I’m new to your site/blog and am really enjoying it. I especially enjoyed discovering Santiago Salvador. Thanks for sharing.
I thought you might like to see some of my work:
Keep curating and inspiring 🙂
Just fanmail to say I love your site and the thoughts behind making it.
ah, thanks so much! : )
Hello Danielle,
My name is Manuela Lendoyro. I really like your blog, you are very inspiring!
I would love for you to check out my work:
Thank you so much for your time,
all the best from Spain 😉
A delicious one stop site of tasty art…super. thanks!
If you get a sec….
Great blog!
Love to see some familiar names ( Laurent Craste or Myriam Dion) and discovered some great artists like Keith Lemley ( that’s just pure talent!)
Not a lot of conceptual art though (ok, I might be preaching for my parish 😉 )
All the best
Thank you for the great blog while supporting art and artists.
All the Best,
Just happened upon you blog. What a great concept! I think most artists can relate to feeling that ‘wish I’d thought of that’ feeling. But, alas, we are compelled to create what we create, otherwise it wouldn’t be honest. Love the tidy art you have up now…can’t say I’ve ever been accused of being too tidy, but can appreciate it all the more.
I’d love it if you popped onto my site to see what my creativity spins.
I look forward to falling farther down the rabbit hole on your site and find more things to be jealous of!
Your blog has inspired me all summer and beyond, thank you for sharing your eye for great art.
I would like to submit my work if you have a minute to look at it.
Hello Jealous Curator,
first of all thank you for this wonderful blog!
I finally decided to write to you;) My name is Manuel Pablo Pace, is a painter – portraitist Italian and I live in a small town near Venice.
I wanted to point my last solo exhibition in Paris, which was inaugurated on October 15, at the gallery Blacks Contemporary Art, where I presented 25 works, including four new unpublished works that are part of the cycle The ALLEGORIES LOVE.
is a reinterpretation of the 4 allegories of Paolo Caliari, called Veronese.
4 are oils on linen 100×150 cm respectively, changing the frame reminiscent of the 35mm film.
The landscapes proposed come from nature and from the woods that surround my office, placed in a valley near Venice.
Available for any questions or further information, I would be very grateful for the publication.
Best regards
Just listened to episode 55 of Tiffany Han’s podcast and so loved hearing your perspective. Also having been the kid wearing the matching sweater set that didn’t fit in at art school – it was just so fascinating to hear your story and I’m so glad that it led me to checking out your site!
sweater-sets unite! so glad you found me hannah ; )
Dear Curator,
hello! I love your FB page and I love your attitude.
I hear that you like collage. Without being presumptuous, if you get a chance, perhaps you’d like to check out my collage work on my FB page?
Hi Jealous Curator!
I’m a long time fan of your site and enjoy seeing a fellow human being be as passionate about sharing artistic beauty and creativity with the rest of the world as we are.
I just wanted to let you know about our company’s subscription box which seeks to do the very same thing your blog does–bring authentic creativity to the world and support hard-working and talented artists.
Every 3 months we send subscribers limited-edition, autographed art prints from emerging and established artists. We also include a limited-run t-shirt designed by an artist, stickers and other fun stuff. You can see our past box examples here.
Each box is only $65 right now, which is a great deal for gallery-quality, collectible art that’s limited and autographed. And our feedback has been AMAZING.
Just thought I’d let you know in case you are looking for boxes to include in any future posts.
Scrolling through the comments people leave, I’m in awe of how kind, supportive, and engaged you are with the people who are so inspired by you and want to reach out on a limb. You’re changing the artist-curator relationship and it’s so wonderful to watch. What an exciting time to be involved in the art world. Also, your podcast is truly wonderful — please never stop! There’s nothing more inspiring to me as an artist to listen to two people who love and create art talk about it. Swoon!
oh, thank you so much sara! this online space has become a wonderful home for me… and yes, the people who come here everyday are amazing! i’m truly honored that they want to come along for the ride ; )
I came across this guy and he does some amazing paper stuff.
cool! thanks jeannete : )
Hi Danielle!
My name is thierry and I’m a long time fan, first time ‘caller’.
I would be incredibly grateful if you would take a look at my work. Shameless self promotion! I’m an emerging artist who could use all of the exposure and advice I can get, especially as I don’t actually have a proper name for what I do. Pop pointillism? Epoxy dot art?
I’ll leave this with you!
Thanks a million!
thierry levesque
Absolutely love what you do! You are an inspiration for having such an amazing blog! Would love for you to check out my work. I have two solo shows in November in Philadelphia.
Deirdre Murphy
Hi Danielle,
Just wanted to thank you for taking the time to make this amazing site. It is the perfect place to find inspiration on the days I can’t make it out to see shows.
I’d love it if you would take a look at my paintings:
Thanks so much,
thank you sophia! and i’ll pop over there now – thanks for the link 😉
Howdy! I am totally in love with your website and I just started the Creative Block book as well. I’m forever in love with “the object on the white page” and thought maybe you’d like to see some of my stuff? Mostly pencil/watercolor with the latest being my “40 songs 40 years” sampler I did for my birthday ( Also, I do portraiture – including a series of roller derby teammates wherein the paper had been “toned” by having them skate on it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! xo
Hey Danielle!
I’m an artist from Germany, and right now I’m writing on something which considers the plain “beauty” and “uglyness” in art, and how this aesthetic claim develops in our lives.
And ever since I know your website, the first thing I notice on my mind is “oh my god, how amazinlgy beautiful is that”
Maybe you could write me a mail with a few thought regarding this!that would be just simply very nice 🙂
have a great weekend,
Hiya :)! Genuinely in love with your mind, the pieces of art you choose to blog about are just my style…currently failing art at the moment but your blog has deffo given me a good push and something to think about. Some of the pieces that you recommend highly I have decided to use as part of my coursework it is so inspirational and to hear your views really puts some of the pieces into perspective and shows me new ways to explore them through art, please continue to share your views with us who have no vivid imagination or eye when it comes to great art.
Thanks again, you have really helped me 🙂
I just discovered your “WOO” website… ! I am a young french artist working on shape&material’s transmutation through time and space : “metabstraction”. I would be so glad if you get few time to have a little look to my stuffs. I am not a talker.. but maybe my art would speak about me a bit deeper :).
Have a wonderful day,
Hello Danielle,
I have been following your trail of artist for a long while, love getting lost in it and finding creative creatures to admire/inspire. I would be very grateful if you took a look at my site
Thank you!
Hi Danielle,
I’ve made a new series of work entitled “Inside-out Paintings” in which the mistakes and repaints that occur and then are covered up within the pigment layers are exposed as the outward surface. I’d be very glad if you checked it out:
Thank you for your consideration and good luck in your endeavors!
Benjamin Adelmann
Excellent blog, love the content of your shows & such thoughtful writing….
Its been a joy cruising around the site.
Hope you might check out my latest work:
Hi there,
Thanks so much for always providing great artists and photos to check out! I follow your blog as part of my research for my own work.
I also wanted to shamelessly note that I’m currently working on a large-scale knitted installation with a partial grant from the Surface Design Association. To fill in gaps in funding, I’ve created a kickstarter campaign that can be found here I hope you’ll consider checking it out.
Thanks so much! Happy curating 🙂
Hi Danielle,
I wanted to thank you again for including my work in the upcoming Fresh Paint magazine edition. I’ve been meaning to write to you anyway to tell you how much I love your podcast. It’s super inspiring and you are a lot of fun to listen to. Thanks again for everything you do to support artists. And your collage work is really beautiful, by the way.
oh, of course! love them… can’t wait to see the final issue! (and thank you for the kind words about the podcast AND my work) 😉
Hi Danielle,
This blog is awesome! I’ve just made a large paitning out of 20 pints of my own blood and I wanted to send over a link to my website for your consideration:
Many thanks,
Danielle, have you seen the work of Hinke Shreuders, a Dutch artist??
SO COOL, I think you would really like it. I love love love the podcast, so inspiring, it’s a creative block un-blocker in and of itself. Thanks for everything you are doing, it has opened up a lot of art to so many people. I’m jealous!
ooh, good one! thanks leah! (and thank you for the very nice words about the podcast) : )
Hi Danielle,
i think you have a lovely blog, i wanted to point you toward my work in case you like it!
keep up the good work
Hi Danielle! I love the work you are doing–ALL of it! I’m jealous, inspired and get a community feeling when I listen to your podcasts! OMG Making art is hard! And now I know it’s hard for everyone, not just me 🙂
I would love for you to check out my friends work. We shared a studio for 3 years and she is the bomb! I’m so J of her! Hope you like it. (I didn’t tell her I’m doing this because that’s what jealous people do– they creep). Xoxo!
thanks pam! and i’ll pop over and creep, i mean, check her out
Funny! Love this blog, big smile.
Keep up the good work,
Hello Danielle,
I’ve been following you on Pinterest for a few years now and secretly hoping you’d see my work and be a little jealous and feature me on your blog. I see here that people write in and introduce themselves. If you would take a moment and have a look at my website, I would be delighted. I really love your blog.
Thank you,
Tess Felix
i’ll go look – thanks tess! : )
Hi Danielle,
my new short animated movie “I have dreamed of you so much”, based on the poem of Robert Desnos is just on-line, I very would like to share it with you 🙂
Regards from France
You post the most inspiring artists! I’ve discovered quite a few new favorites here on your site… and it’s great motivation for a fellow painter. If you’re willing, please check out my new series of jungles and swimmers at Thank you, Marisa Keris
thanks marisa! going to look right NOW ; )
Hello Danielle,
I was overdosing on your podcast and heard you mention the whole how to price your own art thingie a couple of times. I thought I’d share my experimental (and almost scientifical) method. Spolier alert- it might involve cows.
Here’s the experiment explanation
And the results/conclusions
(Hope those links are ok, ipad wouldn’t let me copy paste and I just typed them in).
Hugs from a super fan in Belgium!
haha! YES! so smart maria!
Wonderful website! I am an emerging artist, and I would love if you would check out some of my artwork and consider it for a feature on your blog (or anywhere!).
I post almost daily on Instagram: @pizzazzdesign – which has the most comprehensive gallery of my work. You can also find example of my work here:
I look forward to hearing from you! 🙂
Hi JealousC,
I came across your website when my friend Brooks was featured on it a little bit ago, and now I check it regularly for inspiration.
I’m an aspiring children’s book illustrator and I recently documented the making my first storybook, Brian Wonders, through a series of online journal entries. Would love to share the book and the blog with any of your readers interested in publishing a book on their own. The journal uses early sketches, photographs and time-lapse videos to shine a light on the process of making a storybook. I’m leaving you a link to the book’s website below:
All the best!
thanks victor – i’ll go look! : )
Many thanks for including my work in the current Fresh Paint Magazine 10th Edition! Very wonderfully curated selection!
of course shari! and thank you ; )
Thank you for what you do. I would like to suggest an artist. I am on a public arts committee in a small city. Art is a hard subject here since it is mostly a working /blue collar town. This artist is amazing and caught my eye years ago. Her name is Barbara Schaffer. Please look at her work and maybe you will see what I see in it. I see movement.
Hello! Love you blog, and always enjoy your podcast as well! I just wanted to suggest an artist for you – her name is Johanna Wilbraham. She is a UK artist now based in Melbourne, Australia. She does large-scale portraits in oil, but uses the oil in a way that has a similar effect to watercolour. They are stunning!
Here is her website if you’d like to take a look:
Hope you love it!
Please check out my website, I really think you may like it..
I WISH I DISCOVERED YOU BEFORE I LOVE YOUR WEBSITE! I can literally relate to what you mean. I used to think that “jealousy” is only in me and sometimes I felt weird about it.
My comment will probably get ignored, but it’s still worth a shot.
It would mean the world if you went and checked out my work. My work mostly revolves around my love for doodling and digital art.
Here’s the website. I hope you check it out!!
You might like it 🙂
Much Love,
I found this site while looking for some Illustration blogs. Cool stuff! I get that “I should’ve thought of that” feeling all the time. I would love it if you checked out my stuff. Its mostly robots, animals and weird stuff.
Always looking for women involved in art!!!!! My recent solo show just got a feature in the New York Times – would you consider checking it out? I would be honored to be included in your amazing group of followers and your own idea and true passion for art!
popping over now, betsy : )
Hey there Ms. Curator! I really enjoy following your blog and instagram…you always have the most amazing stuff up. Sometimes I share with my students the artwork and artists you write about, as I am an art teacher—but I’m trying to work more on my personal artwork and thought you might like to take a look at my new website and/or my instagram @artgirlsy. You might remember me because I applied to Fresh Paint Magazine when you curated! Thanks, Happy New Year*** Jamia
Hello Jealous Curator 🙂
A few months ago when I stumbled upon your website, I laughed at first with your honesty towards your own jealousy and found it refreshing. Then, of course, I wished I could be doing something about my very own artsy jealousy.
For some time now, I’ve been thinking of launching a blog / website about inspirational things I find online mostly dedicated to videogames, art and design. I would love to know how do you keep finding new stuff and if you have any advice regarding that that you would like to share.
I realize nowadays people must fill your e-mail inbox asking for you to look at their work but, how did you get started at first?
Thank you and congrats on this wonderful project!
Joana Maltez
hi joana – in the beginning i just spent a TON of time online looking for work that i loved… i still do in fact : ) now a lot of my content comes from people submitting their work, which is great! a lot less legwork ; ) mind you, i still spend hours on pinterest, gallery sites, and looking at the link love lists on artists sites (if you find an artist you like, chances are they’ll be friends/admirers of other artists whose work you’ll like too) good luck!
[…] out her About Me page to learn more about her career as an artist and her idea […]
Damn, i wish i would have made these portraits by Jody Jessop:
Hello Jealous Curator,
As a photographer recently interested in collage, I must admit I have been enjoying your collage-a-day on Instagram. Your color pallet and subject matter are rather aligned with my interests; but I believe I might enjoy your ‘titles’ even more. I’d love for you to check out my current collage attempts (@allieellisphotography) and let me know what you think.
[…] out her About Me page to learn more about her career as an artist and her inspiration […]
This is a wonderful, informed and addicting blog. There is so much great stuff out there, well done, you’ve really tapped into something special. I could spend all day here!
Happy to have found you.
thanks matthew!
I am happy that a friend introduced me to your amazing blog – I have been looking around for an hour or so by now and I loooove it. You have a new fan!
Handfelt is my art medium – perhaps nice to add some more on felt on your blog too?
Best wishes from the Alps
I stumbled across your blog and immediately thought you’d appreciate the work of Sophie de Oliveira Barata. If you haven’t already seen it her website is here:
I love the way she makes art out of disability.
Wow! I really enjoy your blog. There is nothing like this in French (well I think so…). I will love if you could look my art! Have a lovely day!
Dear jealous curator,
I have been following your site since the beginning, wonderful how it has grown into a force to be reckoned with especially knowing that it came from a modest and pure thought. Respect for you.
Love, Barbara
thanks so much, barbara : )
Your blog was highly recommended to me. I certainly am envious of what I see here–high quality and exciting! If it’s not too much trouble, please consider my website.
Thank you,
Joyce Kubat
Dear jealous curator,
I am a Polish artist living currently in Portugal
I am following your blog almost from the beginning and I just love the kind art you post here!So inspirational in many ways!I hope you don´t mind sending you a direction to my blog.Hope you will like it! 🙂
Been following your site for years! Always inspiration for my practice and pass on this great blog to my students!
If you get a chance check out my installations and paintings @
thanks jen! i’ll pop over and look – tell your students i say HI ; )
Hello Jealous curator,
I really enjoy your blog, it’s always been a great window into other artists’ world, so thank you very much for that!
Because of the diversity of works you curate here, I thought maybe I could give it a try. 😉
So if ever you have the time, that would be great if you could check out my work on my website or instagram ( )
Thank you!
Hi Jealous curator,
I have been reading your blog for sometime now, and I feel inspired to see the work you feature! Thank you so much for sharing some of the lesser known art with the world.
When you have a chance, please take a look at my work and see what you think… and
All the best,
Hi Danielle!
I really enjoy your blog and I would love to contribute. I am a a digital artist & animator based in Chicago. I am currently finishing up a 6 year project, dealing with time, space, memory and the Universe. I create cosmic retro designs with glitter! Below is a link to my website, Instagram sketches & to my short film Impermanence, which delves into the thoughts and motivations behind my work.
Hi Danielle,
I have been following you on your blog and Instagram for a while, but I just heard your interview on Smart Creative Women (yeah, I’m a few weeks behind) and it just made me burst out in tears. I started grad school for painting many years ago and had an advisor who was leaving that year and he was just totally un-invested in my work, he didn’t care what I did — until, at the end of the year, he sat me down and “suggested” that I clean out my studio (though this was not coming from the head of the program, just him, I later came to find out). Regardless, it destroyed me. I changed paths, left art, and even got a degree in theatrical costume design. But all I really wanted to do was paint. It took almost 7 years from that grad school experience until I had confidence again to attempt my own art again.
Anyway, I couldn’t believe that you also experienced a professor being defeating to you, but you were able to come through it with such success. I just wanted to thank you for sharing your story, and helping me to know that I’m not the only one.
oh. that’s awful jennifer, but i’m so glad you found your way through (and you and i are not even close to the only people that happened to! important thing is that you picked up your brush again!!!)
Hello Danielle!
Just found your blog and I really like it! Very strong, thought provoking work on display here. I was wondering if you would check out my work? I think you would dig my female series from last year and some of my new work as well. Let me know what you think and keep up the great work!
Hi Danielle!
I’m a Hobart-based artist, working across various disciplines. I’ve got some stuff happening and I’d like to show you a bit about it… so here’s a linkypoo:
Thanks Danielle!
I love love love the podcasts, so great to not feel alone with a case of the doubts!
Thanks for sharing and connecting – will there be another girl crush? I wanted so much to attend one of these events but it looks like they aren’t happening anymore?
thanks elle : ) … i’m not doing girl crush at the moment, but it might come back in 2017 (fingers crossed!)
Hi Danielle.
Love the diversity of your blog. Check out the blacksmithing of Tobbe Malm. All sorts of emotions from those tiny little guys!
Love love this blog!!! Very beautiful, very well put together. I’m on it very often looking for inspiration for my own work.
Hi there! I LOVE your blog. I am a total beginner to art – I know absolutely nothing. Your blog makes beautiful things accessible and enjoyable to me regardless of my lack of knowledge. Thank you for sharing these beautiful images.
ah, thank YOU karly… what a lovely compliment!
Just adore your blog. I wanted to introduce you to a friend and artist from India. His name is Sameer Hazari. He is the most followed painter in India on social media and has been doing disruptive things for a while. Do have a look at his work on – and his Facebook page is – It will be amazing to know if it makes you jealous!
hi danielle! love the jealous curator. wanted to send along some of my work… Instagram: @edithwyoung
I’m really glad to have found this blog. This is hugely inspirational. I’m not on Tumblr or anything, so it is rare for me to find art that is so easily captivating. Bravo!
But. I actually wanted to ask you something that may be off the beaten path of your regular curation tastes. I’m currently an intern for an app called Siren. It’s a new dating app, a self proclaimed “anti-Tinder”. Centered around creating an atmosphere that stimulates community and conversation, it was originally targeted as a way for women to leave the people shopping and otherwise objectifying environment of other dating apps behind.
The cool thing is: the CEO and CMO are both artists and designers before they were businesswomen. Check out the CEO’s design/performance art installations. THEY. ARE. GREAT. :
My point being, the Siren app itself was created with a beautiful artistic flare and it’s mission is definitely one based in innovation and transforming landscapes. I’m wondering if there a way for it (or Susie) to be featured on your site. Check out the apps website too! : I think this is definitely an idea that spurs “Why didn’t I think of that” while also inspiring.
Let me know your thoughts (feel free to email me). Thought I’d reach out.
Again, fantastic digital gallery you’ve created. I really admire your ability to turn such blocking feelings into something productive and inspiring. Well done.
Best & Brightest,
Siren Community Relations
I love your podcasts. I listen when I’m painting. I think I have listened to all of them now but I might go back to the start… 🙂
Hi, Just wanted to say I am loving the podcast! The Esther Pearl Watson interview is my favorite so far.
Love your whole concept of sharing. Look up Phyllis Shafer Facebook South Lake Tahoe. Best artist in this area. Enjoy.
Love your posts and your thoughtful integration of fine art and craft. I would love for you to take a look at my work:
Thanks! <3 Anna
nice to see such a great platform, you guys rocks!
Also want to promote myself if I can 🙂 I d like to find some curator which can help me with my way and development as I am self-taught photographer and self-publisher; do I have such chance?
Now working with my new projects about “life today”
Best regards guys!
See ya
I wanted to reach out from Epiphany Products as an interested follower
of We’ve recently teamed up with NYC based artist
Michelle Currier ( to co-develop a new
type of paint brush called Spaghetti Heads! We’ve had many artists
test out our prototypes and they love the ease of use and wonderful
textures created. We also know that teachers and students alike love
We are currently running a kickstarter and wanted to share it with
Please don’t hesitate to reach out should you have any questions.
We appreciate your support!
Kind Regards,
Matt Spelman
Matthew Spelman
Chief Financial Officer – Epiphany Products Inc. | 347.978.2277 (cell)
325-28 East 21st Street | New York, NY 10010
Hey Danielle,
Such a great site and way to re-peak my excitement in new art! I wanted to pass along a series of mine for consideration that got some notice while I work on a new one. Thanks and looking forward to more work!
Whoops! Here it is:
Thanks for keeping my Instagram feed interesting. You’ve introduced me to a lot of new artists to follow 🙂 from your most recent features I saw a lot of fiber artists/artists doing embroidery. I do some similar works of embroidering on acrylic paintings if you’d like to check out my website:
I also have some photos of my most recent show posted on my IG: @rapscallion_
All the best!
I needed to let you know that your blog inspires me so much! I don’t even know how I found it but, I am so glad I did. I am an art teacher and I first starting showing my students work you featured to get them excited about new work. But, your words and featured artist excite me 🙂 I recently started focusing on my own work again, and your podcast are amazing. I love hearing from the artist…
Ah, thanks so much Mal!
I am an artist for new media an sculptures and i am running an exhibition called VYGER.
Maybe it fits in your blog.
If you are interested and you like to post it on your blog, please download the pictures and description of the exhibition.
please let me know if you need any other information about me or the project.
i am looking forward to hear from you.
Hello, great blog and great concept! I wanted to mention to you my dearest friend Giorgia Brugnoli, an amazing illustrator, maybe you’d like to check out her work!
Thank you!
have you seen this, danielle?
you might like….hope you do.
I’d like to show you my collage art project DIVAS IN SHAWL. It’s a collection of hand made collages with whire lace shawl. I try to imagine and interpret the style icons’ images with decorative patterns of the Orenburg shawl. No PhotoShop, only paper photo and real shawl.
I post my collages on my instagram page.
Please, could you have a look: #DivasInShawl
Hope to hear from you soon!
Kind regards,
wow… so lovely! thanks for pointing me to it rimma : )
Hey, love your blog and would love to know if you’d be interested in featuring any of my work? Here’s my site… . Would be great to be featured, but won’t be offended if not.
Many thanks,
Hi, great blog.
I’m writing to introduce our new global exhibition guide, which I hope you’ll love: ART.WORLD! 4,000 current shows in 500 cities.
Sign up for a free account to follow your favorite artists, curators, galleries and museums, and ART.WORLD keeps you up to date on all their shows:
I’m so happy to have found your blog-I’ve already been enjoying the instagram feed for a few months now. Love the name, a sentiment I can relate to, all too well…
I have a new body of work for an upcoming show called “conversations with Hopper”, its a series of oil paintings that deal with the urban landscape and the genre of urban painting, with a nod to Edward Hopper’s iconic work. Please check it out when you have a moment!
Thanks, and keep up the great work!
Peter Harris
Love your blog! I’ve been following ever since you featured my friend Elizabeth Amento a while back. I wanted to share links to two recent series of silverpoint and watercolor works:
Hope you enjoy and keep sharing the great work!
-Andrea Evans
Love your blog! It’amazing.
I’m an artist from chile and i just listening the interview whit samantha french, who is very similar to my work (i work with paint and the images it’s also pool and human figures in the water) but different…
My web is if you want to see it.
Thanks so much for the interview whit samantha, it was very funny!
Hello, I’d like to share and submit my Artwork and brand with you for consideration as a feature. I’m a Montreal Canada based visual artist, I work in several mediums of paint and mixed media. What i do is create my art under my brand Enjoy Artwork, I’m creating original yet affordable art product for sale at my Online Shop and local Art shows. I like to keep my brand, fun, clean and simple while merging an interactive online component with my website. Please have a look at what i do at Enjoy Artwork, thank you. Enjoy!
Here’s a link to a video i created of my latest works
My website
I’d just like to say how much I love your blog, the work you share is always so interesting. My work explores the complexities of childhood, I work on vintage school rulers and blackboards and wondered if you would like to take a look?
Thanks so much,
Your blog is really, really nice! I only recently discovered instagram and your blog, which a small haven in the overload of images 🙂
I am a painter & printmaker from Belgium. If you have a spare moment, feel free to check my website where you can find my paintings & prints. My most recent work and work-in-progress can be found on my instagram account ‘elslesage’.
My recent work is inspired by my grandmother’s house. After she died, the house was emptied and sold. Because I had a close relationship with my grandma and spent much time as a child in her home, I wanted to translate my farewell to my grandma and her home into visual work. With my camera fixed on a tripod on 130 cm height – the eye level of an 8 year old – I captured small details in her house: cracks in the wallpaper, remainders on the wall of gone picture frames and crucifixes, the statue of dear mary in her garden, … These traces form the starting point for my most recent visual work.
Anyway, enough talking 🙂
I would to love hear what you think about it! Thanks!
Bye bye,
Hi /
Cool Blog !
I am an artist and I maintain a conceptual wallpaper practice where I make abstract patterns out of everyday items: gum, toilet paper, fruit roll ups, sponges, and bindi dots to name a few / There are 64 patterns in my continuously growing archive / I designed this new website / it is interactive / you can create your own dream wallpaper room / i’m also interested in the internet as studio space /
I’m a longtime fan of yours. I’d like to share my beads with you. Take a look if you please, I would love to send you a piece if you find yourself interested.
Hi! I love your blog, I’ve discovered many of my favorites artists here. I’m sharing my work with you if you’re interested 🙂 My most recurrent themes are femininity, nature and domestic life. I’m interested in exploring a sensitive way of viewing the world, vulnerability and feelings. My web is thank you so much!
Hello, Danielle. First thank you for all the extra pleasant dog walks. You’re a weekly walking companion via Art for Your Ear and we always have a fantastic time. So thanks! Second I have an artist for you to check out. She’s a classical portrait artist using plastic debris collected along the shore by her home for her palette. See her work at
Catch you on our next walk! Georgia
thank you georgia, for the link and the nice words! “see” you on saturday! 😉 it’s a good one!!!
I love your blog and thought you wouldn’t want to miss our new show with brand new work by Christian Faur – his first new body of work in 5 years!
Encaustic artist Christian Faur’s all new body of work, “Waxed Fruit,” challenges the limits of pointillism by tackling the succulent colors, subtle textures, and intricate lighting of vibrant still life imagery. Each piece is made entirely with hand-cast encaustic crayons, over 60,000 were used to make this new group of work!
See the show at, scroll to the bottom for process videos and images!
“Waxed Fruit” is on view at Sherrie Gallerie in Columbus, Ohio through April 10th.
Thank you for your time! – Margaret
Found this to be quite humourous: We recently removed one of your Pins because it went against our policies on sexually explicit or pornographic content. The Pin was from your “LOL” board and it originally came from We also took it down from everyone else’s boards. We don’t allow images that are inappropriate for the general public, like sexually explicit Pins, anywhere on Pinterest.
Thank you very much for your great job!This is the hugely inspirational place!
I’d like to share my floral collages and pressed flowers illustrations with you if you’re interested 🙂 My web is
thank you!
Hi Danielle,
Hey thanks again for your past support of my work, love what you are doing. I have a show opening the 9th of April titled “Mapping the Rockies”. All new work that investigates my ongoing interests in mapping and mountain geography. The show is at Ian Tan Gallery in Vancouver, opening the 9th and runs till the 30th. Here is a link to my artist page.
David Pirrie
great! thanks david… i love your work so much! good luck with the show and if i’m in town i’ll come by and see it in person : )
I recently reinterpreted some of my favorite album covers as animated gifs and thought you’d appreciate the series!
Direct link:
Thomas John Hayes
Love your blog. I am part of the ‘Famous Artist Collective’ and in time will share the work we are doing.
Would love for you to take a look at my work.
Hi Daniella,
Love your site. Thought you might enjoy my Sunset Selfies series.
Simple cardboard cutouts come to life in silhouette at sunset. They’re funny and unique.
Keep up the great work.
On facebook at or Instagram @sunsetselfie
All the best,
Hi Daniella,
I enjoy reading your blog and think you might like my images.
Want to share my story?
Have a look at my new PR movie:
I recently liked a pin on Pinterest and they removed it as “pornography” and linked it back to your blog. It simply said, “My inner critic is an asshole.” Are they serious? I cannot believe that in this day and age, they would do something so asinine!!!!! Love your blog, things here are gorgeous, different, and a breath of fresh air. You’ve got a fan in me! 🙂
thanks sherry… yeah i heard about that. so ridiculous… considering some of the things that ARE on pinterest (women in thong underwear for example… but ANYWHO)
Thank you for this wonderful place to vent, view and admire.
I’ve curated a show with work by Maira Kalman and five other great female artists at The Arts Council of Princeton. Happy to send you a catalog if you’re interested.
oh yes! i love maira kalman’s work! can you email me at … thanks diana : )
[…] The Jealous Curator: […]
Hi,i came across your blog from an amazing art piece i found in pinterest.
I think you might like my artwork..
Hi Danielle,
My name is Marvan. On May 18th, we are planning to launch the first online system in the world for Art Quotation, Automated Rating and Real-time Trading, based on principles applied to capital markets; it has recently been called the NASDAQ for art, as it will definitely create major changes by affecting the way people invest in art. Find out more about ARTSTAQ:
In this sense, I would like to establish a long-term cooperation with about 5 global media partners with whom I’ll exclusively share in advance the latest updates about our innovations, technologies and platforms. Our first press release about our Public Launch is planned to take place on April 15th, i.e. 3 days before presenting it globally through our communication channels.
Here’s a link to the first 2 global art exchange platforms based on our ARTSTAQ Standard: and
I just wanted to say hi and to see if you’d be interested in following and being a part of our journey.
Thank you so much, I look forward to hearing from you,
Skype: marvan.shamma
Twitter: @marvanshamma
Phone: +971509433378, +420777858922
I really like your blog, and I have a project you might like, it would be amazing if you could take a look at my project ‘The Room of Isidore’!
Thaks :)!
First of all amazing blog.
I think you should check this out:
But when I saw this young Artist I just wanted to share this with you.
Hope you like it!
Hi Danielle! I’ve been following your blog for quite some time and refer to it often for inspiration. I’m wondering if you might take a minute to browse my work?
Hi Danielle, I love what you do and as an artist, appreciate the care and attention you bring to promoting the art you love. I have a show on now in Toronto and was hoping to draw your eyes to the thing that I love to do. Thank you for continuing to inspire.
All the best, Erin
I’m a single mom with four kids and i want to get my art to a wider audience. I rely on my art to support my family and if you had any insights on how to take “the next step,” it would be appreciated.
I’d love to send you a packet of original art/multiples/mail art. Thank you!
Hi Danielle,
I wanted to check in with you again and show you my new work. It is all about the Penrose shape. I have been doing mixed media map collages using the Penrose shape tessellations that have branched off into large hand made wood panel acrylic paintings using geometry and colour palletes to accentuate the 3D aspects of the forms. I am super proud of this new work and hope you like it. On my site the first 9 images are all of the Penrose shape. This is math and art together!
The Penrose shapes are geometry that was named after Roger Penrose a mathematician and physicist who developed this tessellation.
Hi Danielle
I wanted to share a project I’ve been working on recently called “Next of Kin.” It’s a new digital art series that consists of contemporary floral still-lifes containing my toddler’s finger paintings. It’s a way of preserving his paintings but at the same time pushing my artistic abilities in new directions.
This project was born out of many finger painting sessions I’ve had with my two-year old son who enjoys doing art as much as I do. I found myself very inspired by the bright palette of his kid’s finger painting set and the freedom of his strokes.
Here’s a direct link to it:
ah, so so sweet!
I just subscribed to your site discovered courtesy of Seth Apter’s page. I LOVE the name of your blog – really catchy! Looking forward to reading more of your subjects of envy!!!
You are a genius, and your blog site is just wonderful. My art is rather simple but I enjoy sketching, painting with water colors and acrylic as well as digital art. I use to be a digital art and abstract snob but after joining a wonderful website online, the other artists works really fascinated me and AH HA I now do both. I find abstracts to be exciting and wonderful additions to my online galleries. I hope that you like some of my work, it would be great to see some of it on here. I also enjoy photography, and I look at things a little different than I use to and find my creative juices come alive when I just let go and do it. My son was instrumental in changing the way I create and look at art. He was sick of my landscapes and told me go broader Mom, so I did in a big way. Now he says Mom, keep it up, you’re finally looking good! OUCH!! I hope you like some of simple works. Thank you for creating this fantastic site. Is it ok for me to pin on my Facebook and Pin Interest sites? I have a lot of artist friends who are struggling to get their work and names out there. They are from all around the globe and I fell in love with their creativity and have included them in on every site I go to. You are so right other artist bring out the creativity in other artist and wake up feelings we never thought of before. Thank you again. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Your blog was highly recommended in an Art newsletter I subscribe to and I must say I am very impressed. Your taste is impeccable and the selection could not be more varied. However, I did see one category that did not appear and was wondering if you had reviewed any Pyrography? I burn art on wood, paper and leather with a simple wood burning tool. A very traditional method that’s been around for decades. I’ve just had my first gallery show at The Art Forum in Waco, Texas and would love to share with you. I can also be found on Instagram with the same name Wood_burning_by_Marsha. I think you will appreciate the simplicity of line and amount of detail that can be achieved with patience and heat.
Keep up the great work.
So enjoy your blog!!! I am a newbie painter, just two years painting and only started at age 55 after 30+ years in the corporate world. I was just featured on our local PBS Arts Plus episode and was hoping you might take a look at my art for a possible feature? I’m hoping to reach a larger audience and your followers are amazing. Thanks so much for your consideration.
Best regards,
Mary Mirabal
oh that’s so exciting… good for you!! i’ll pop over and check out your work : )
I’m seriously struggling with jealousy and resentment towards the work and success of the closest person to me I’m my life- my partner.
Is there anyone out there who can help me?
hi stephenie… have you read/done “the artist’s way”, by julia cameron? there’s a whole section of the book just about that kind of thing. i’d highly recommend it… it changed my life.
What an inspiring story!
I know what you mean about jealousy driving hard work. In my situation, I am not the creative, but seeing other artists’ success inspires me to keep plugging my neighbour’s art every day. She is a well respected children’s book illustrator whose work is absolutely magical.
I hope you don’t mind me posting her shop:
I can’t wait to start listening to your podcast!
Hi Danielle, I’ve been a subscriber to Art For Your Inbox for a few months now, and it never fails to inspire new ideas, which is the best gift you can give an artist. I see you get endless requests for reviews, but I wondered if I could add one to the pile? I could use more exposure from influential curators, as I’m something of an oddity: a woman creating contemporary Arabic calligraphy, in media such as cut paper and wood. If my work tickled your fancy, a feature would be so helpful 🙂 Thank you either way as I really enjoy your newsletter!
Hi Danielle. I came across your blog via an email from Artsy Shark. I hear you when you talk about feeling jealous when you see the works by other artists. I find it actually inspires me to work harder and improve my work. I specialise in seascapes and am currently working on a series of turtle paintings to help support the Turtle Hospital in Townsville, Qld, Australia, which I would love you to take a look at 🙂!turtle-paintings/lp5s1
I have that book, the artists way. I began it a long time ago and didn’t think of it as a resource for myself right now.
Thank you for the suggestion.
Hi Danielle, I follow your blog from Italy!
(sorry for my english!)
Could You take a look at photography and project of my niece?
Thank you for patience and attention!
Great blog, lovely, interesting work!
Hi Danielle,
I just discovered your blog, and love what I see and read here! Wonderful choice of artists!
If you would be interested in something different?
In my long term project Talking Walls, I paint poetical murals that come to life in stop motion animations. Images often correspond with the natural environment of the wall, the history of the building or city in which it stands. In that sense, the paintings that emerge are an attempt is to materialize the history and images buried deep into the brick and cement. In my universe, images continuously turn up, evolve and disappear, but they always leave their traces.
On my website (tab: Talking Walls Movies, and Talking Walls Cities) you can find my work. Would be great to be considered. Greetings
Hi Danielle,
I just finished a line of hand-drawn / digitally inked/colored shawls. I would love to hear what you think of my designs. You can see the finals here:
Just discovered your podcast and am loving it! The Esther Pearl Watson one is my favorite so far. Take a peek at my website to see if you like any of my paintings!
Hello, Ms. Curator. I am a Jealous Curator fan, reader and listener, but never a nuisance
I thought you might find the abstract photography of San Franciscan Thea Schrack a portfolio worth viewing. Here’s a link to her oceans series:—classic—2014.html
Cheers, -Kate
wow! so cool! thanks so much kate : )
Hello, just wanted to say hi! We are an artistic duo of Catalina and Mariia Rodriguez. We paint one canvas simultaneously together and we also work together on photography projects. We are inviting you to see our work.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Catalina and Mariia
Hi there,
I love what you choose to curate and would be thrilled to have you check out my “Collage Project” portfolio on my website,
Thanks so much!
I’ve been a big fan of your blog since I randomly stumbled upon it a couple month ago. As an artist myself, it is very inspiring to come upon all these different artists through your blog!
Please check out my website ( if you have any time, I feel you might enjoy my Clam Shell Matching Game. Thank you!
I don’t know exactly how I got here today, but this blog just made my day. I will be posting some interesting articles and news on art and architecture in so check it out! This blog is refreshing and inspiring. Great work!
Hi Danielle
Love your blog and your podcasts..I’ve been binge listening for the last few days, locked in my studio in Melbourne, frantically trying to catch up on commissions!
I just wanted to let you know your submit link isn’t working. I was thinking of sending you some of my work but I’m terrified at the thought , so perhaps it’s just as well?
Keep up the fantastic work!
ha! thanks brenda 🙂 the submit button just opens your email so you can message me…
How have I not stumbled upon your blog sooner? I love the voice that you are sharing and how you are inspiring me already as a budding artist.
thanks kendra! : )
Just stumbled onto your blog.
I am a “seasoned” professional artist….re-invented myself 25 years ago at the age of 40 after a 20 year career in NYC in the garment industry. I was a successful fabric designer and owner of my own fabric converting business. (My company converted raw goods into finished goods, and sold millions of printed yards to manufacturers who made it into garments).
Sold my business and left NYC at 40, married with 3 children, to move to Florida. Needed to nourish my soul by doing fine art while raising my children. That didn’t last for long, and within a few years I got into the field of Public Art. Take a look at my website:
Totally relate to all you have said, and to many of the comments made by other artists.
hello there
i am really impressed by the “unwoven light” installation. i wonder if i can work it out in my own office. can you please help me find out what material it is made of, or do you know any online sources to help me out in this?
Danielle, you are delightful! I found you on my news feed, I’ve forgotten the source, and am gobbling your interviews up! Thank you! Do you have submission guidelines at all? How many pieces can I email you without causing annoyance? P.s. I love your laugh and voice.
Have you ever seen this art video by Alain de bottom? I show it to my students every year and reference when people need to be reminded about why art is important. he is a great speaker and writer – maybe for the podcast?
I noticed that you curated an exhibit at the Honfleur Gallery in DC. I visited the Honfleur gallery recently and wrote a blog post about it. Hope you can read my post and enjoy it! URL:
i did! in 2012… i think? i’ll go check out your post : )
thanks for bring my daily vitamin! you have no idea how what i see fills my soul-sorry for corny-ness, its true.
Thanks for running this blog… I check it every morning after class over breakfast & coffee. 🙂
Hello Danielle,
I enjoy your blog. I would like to share a story tip. Thank you for your review.
-Heather Clark
Sky Stage, a Transformative Building-Scale Public Artwork, Opens in the Shell of a Burned and Boarded Building
Frederick, Maryland – Artist Heather Clark, in collaboration with Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Digital Structures research group, has launched Sky Stage. Sky Stage temporarily transforms a boarded property in Frederick, Maryland’s downtown historic district into an interactive building-scale living art work.
This pre-Revolutionary War building, was damaged by a major fire in 2010 and has no roof. The plywood boards on the doors and windows have been removed to reveal a center for arts and culture. Framed by historic stone walls, Sky Stage’s open-air theater seats an audience of 140 people among trees.
The centerpiece of Sky Stage is a digitally-designed two story living sculpture with ribbons of drought-resistant plants that twist and wind through a wooden lattice and the building’s doors and windows. State of the art green roof technology has been modified to support the spiraling plants. Rainwater is collected from an adjacent roof and stored in a cistern to irrigate the plants and trees.
Artist Heather Clark collaborated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Digital Structures research group who computationally designed and engineered the sculpture’s complex wooden lattice with custom geometry-generating algorithms. Professor Caitlin Mueller and Research Fellow Kam-Ming Mark Tam led the engineering effort.
Frederick Arts Council is overseeing the day-to-day operations of the theater in partnership with AmeriCorps. Together, they are facilitating local residents and community groups to run creative endeavors within the historic shell. Working with the public, Sky Stage offers drama, music, children’s story time, art classes, dance, history, literature, and film.
Sky Stage will be open through July 2017.
To learn more:
love it! just wrote you back : )
Hi there! I love your site and the idea behind it so much- I’m not sure if you ever see works like those in my link but you may like to see something new all the way from South Africa? Sirkel makes amazing wearable metal sculptures in their “Modern Day Saints” collection- I hope you like them!
[…] Danielle’s concept of being a “jealous curator” came in 2009 when she saw artworks that she wished she had done. But she turned jealousy into creativity. Danielle says on her website: […]
heads up to an artist I think you will fall in love with…
Big fan of your site – I pass it in to friends a lot! Is any of the work for sale?
what an amazing concept! thumbs up! stumbled on your wonderful site through pinterest. Brilliant!!
when you get a chance do have a look at art web site. Hope you’ll like what you see!
[…] am in love with Danielle Krysa‘s collages. And I am also the proud owner of one of her originals. Yay! The title of this […]
Wow I am jealous of the Jealous Curator! Such an amazing site! Aaaaand bookmarked. Please don’t ever stop what you’re doing. Thanks in advance for the inspo. 🙂 PS please please check out Sarah Benning at if you have not already!
Love your website and am totally addicted to your podcasts… I only discovered them recently and so am listening to them non stop! They are doing a lot for my inspiration and belief that I can also make great art one day 😉 There are two artists I would love to suggest for your podcasts one day, if you can! They are the photographer Brooke Shaden and new york artist Samantha Keely Smith. How I would love to get inside their heads for an hour or so!!! Take care and keep those podcasts coming please!
i’l see what i can do ; )
Hi Danielle,
I love your podcast. Thank you for developing and sharing it.
Hello Danielle,
I just wanted to let you know how much your site and podcast have meant to me since I discovered them. I first found you through the Creative Block book and now have all of them and follow your sites closely. I have gotten so much relief, comfort and inspiration from the podcast in particular that I had to let you know what a service you are providing. I so love your honest approach and am proud of you for sharing your great work as well. So thanks again, you are much appreciated!
wow – thank you so much lori! that totally made my day : )
I love the efforts you have put in this, thank you for all the great posts.
thank YOU! : )
I follow your page on Facebook, thank you for your work. As a collage artist, I think you wrote ” your inner critic is a big kerk”, for me 😉
Here is the link to my site, and a youtube “making of ” video ” And don’t be jalous, you have many talents on your own 😉
Merci et bonne continuation from France !
This website has always been a joy to follow. As an art writer myself, this is a delightful gift as it keeps me updated with all things artistic. I’ll never forget the first artist you opened my eyes to- Claire Harvey…. And since then, I’ve been hooked.
Keep up the great work and I look forward to the next artist and the next inspirational piece for my writing.
From the Caribbean with love~
Its amazing that I found your your blog. Being a designer, I understand that thought of Damn! I wish I had thought of that! all too well. I am enjoying my time here. Do visit our newly started blog Thanks.
Hi Danielle,
Love your site, I’m always discovering new artists here! I wanted to let you know about Evening with Hopper, my new series of paintings opening in a solo show at the Mira Godard Gallery in Toronto April 29th – May 27th. The show is comprised of 12 oil on canvas paintings that place the works of well-known painters such as Edward Hopper and Canadian painter Lawren Harris into crisp, modern, architectural settings. I hope to create a new context to evaluate their iconic paintings, and start a discussion on the continuing power and relevance of urban painting to a contemporary audience.
You can see the paintings in the show here:
Thanks, and keep up the great work!!
that sounds amazing…. going to look now.
Hi Danielle!
I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your blog and podcast.
I’ve been making art my whole life but only recently started taking it seriously again after a long break (I was a graphic designer for quite a while too). As a way to jump start this change I embarked on a 100 day project which I finished last week. Your podcast really helped me get make it to the end, especially on those days when I wasn’t inspired. It’s been great hearing other artists tell their stories and hearing about your own as well. Nice to know that I’m not alone in my struggles! Also, “Your Inner Critic is a Big Jerk” is now one of my favorite books. Please write more stuff – and keep making fabulous collages!!
Thanks and if you’d like to see my work you can find me on instagram:
oh, thank you so much nora! aren’t 100 day projects great? they really can work miracles (and i’m so happy that my podcast and i could be along for the ride!)
Hello Danielle,
I will be honest I am fairly new to reading your blog page. I am a young artist who is still trying to find my place in this large art world. Many of the artist’s you have posted about I have followed since school. As I looked at their work I dreamt of becoming as known and bold as they. This site is a brilliant reminder to use these great artistic minds as an engine and site map into your own. I am delighted to continue to read your posts from now on. It would be a privilege to have you look at my artwork at
Thank you very much
My name is john Owen from NC. I actually observed my wife has been
viewing your website on my laptop and i guess she likes your piece of
work, I’m also impressed and amazed to have seen your various works
too, : ) You are doing a great job. I would like to receive further
information about your piece of work and what inspires you. I am very
much interested in the purchase of the piece (in subject field
above) to surprise my wife. Kindly confirm the availability for
immediate sales.
Thanks and best regards,
Hi John 🙂 That’s very sweet of you … whose work were you interested in? I write about different artists each day.
Hello, I just want to add that I so enjoy reading your Art For You Inbox emails every weekend, and catching up on the blog. Thank you! It’s always a great mix of artists I haven’t seen before, and I find it very inspiring and great motivation to keep going at my own practice. There are so many people making such
I would be so grateful for any feedback on my work. I feel I’m at a huge crossroads, in a rut, and I know to move forward I need to try and get as much critique as possible even if it might not be what I want to hear. It’s the best way to step back and reassess what I’m doing. Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated.
Thanks, and happy weekend! ☀️
Kitty Hillier
Falmouth, UK
*brilliant work
Hi, I’m looking for a sketch that was on your website. It was looking at the back of a girl in a skirt who was standing in front of a window and looking into a fishbowl she was holding.
hi linda – that’s the work of katie evans …
I admit to having found your blog only recently, but I am hooked! I love getting my dose of pretty in my inbox, and it’s comforting to know that at least one other artist on this planet spends a disturbing amount of daily hours coveting the uber talent of others. Like you, it inspires me to always do better. Always better. I would love to be considered for your jealousy one day.
How can i submit my photography work?
Hi Danielle, I’m a long-time reader and listener. I really appreciate all the work you do in maintaining this excellent website as well as publishing books and interviewing artists. When I saw this week’s work by Wanda Bernardino I just have to ask… why do so many artists feel the need to disfigure women’s faces and bodies? I read Wanda’s statement about “forcing the observer to re-examine the attribute of identity,” but when she gives no other identifying information about the people in their clothing or their background, all we have are fairly bland compositions with these stark white defacements. When I scroll through your Pinterest gallery, I see face after face dissected, melted, replaced, removed…and find it unnerving. Brian Donnelly’s work in particular was so disturbing I haven’t listened to his interview yet. Does it seem to you to be a trend? Even your avatar has no face. 🙁 Anyway, again, I appreciate all that you’ve done. Thank you!
hi genevieve – in this case, you’d have to ask the artist. i know a lot of artists who use found images (either found paintings or found images for collage) remove the faces because of privacy/copyright concern. a lot of other artists do it to remove that one specific person – ie without a face the viewer might be better able to see themselves as the figure in the work … just a woman, just a man … not that specific person from the original image. i think each artist has their own reason for it (i used to do it with photos of my grandmother, mainly because it felt way too personal to be using her face in my work, but i wanted her presence there). anyway, not a super clear answer, but i don’t think there are a lot of those when it comes to art 😉
Hi. I work with Broadway and Off Broadway shows and I was wondering if you could provide me pricing information for advertising and sponsorship on the The Jealous Curator: Art For Your
Ears podcast? Thanks so much for your help!
Ray Crisara
Marketing Associate| Red Rising Marketing
315 West 36th Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10018
P: (212) 419-0115 Ext. 701
Sharing the work of a painter I love (and think that you might as well):
thanks! i’ll go look : )
I’d love to share my whimsical paper mache critters and ceramic wall plaques with you.
I love your blog 🙂
I just wanted to say I’m taking a writing for the arts class this semester and our professor told us to find an art related blog to follow that related to our interests and I’m so glad I stumbled onto yours! You’ve already given me some great inspiration. 🙂
Hi Danielle
I don’t live off my art, I live for it. My goal is for people to get my message, that we are all the same, no one is better than another.
Since I cut and weave my paintings, I am not competing with anyone except myself.
Kind regards
Hello Danielle.
Thank you for you contributions to the art world, and for making culture so accessible.
I am an artist that recently moved to Chicago from Cleveland. Trying to get my footing in a bigger city has its challenges and it’s work like yours that helps to fill-in lonely late nights of endless research and art applications with inspiration and renewed energy.
If you can spare a moment, would love your feedback on my latest works which involve constructing or performing science didactics in order to deconstruct previous narratives of “universal truths”. Big Bang, Birth, Mitosis become feminist and queer in the origin stories in my work:
With appreciation and admiration –
[…] hours to do the coloring. (Thank you Patton Oswald, Mitch Hedberg (yes, I know you’re dead), Danielle Krysa and “Sawbones.” You could spend a lot less time and still make something […]
I have a 3 hour drive twice a week and usually listen to a podcast as radio stations keep fading out. Found your by accident and now they keep me company on the long routine drive. I love art and have a large (over 600 works) collection of well known and totally unknown artists.Been collecting since 17- long ago. Started with a $75 purchase from a large art museums purge/sale bin – it was a small Warhol with certificates!! Those bargains are long gone (so is the purge bin). It excites me that there are other folks out there who share thus passion. Sooner or later I will work my way through all your past podcasts much to my enjoyment. Keep up the good work. Cheers
oh! thanks lou… that made my day!
Hi Danielle,
Long time admirer, first time caller.
I just made a short film profile of friend and painter Adam Sorensen. I thought you might enjoy his work, he has a new show opening in Portland next week: and
Thanks for all your inspired and inspiring creating and collecting!
Hi Danielle,
I have really enjoyed your work and relate to the “jealous” aspect you so so honestly admit to. There is a an artist that I showed wit years ago, whose work is so amazingly beautiful to me, that I have a hard time viewing it, because I find myself not wanting to be so influenced by it! This sounds crazy and anti-productive, but, I imagine not so uncommon among fellow artists. I tried to submit my work, but can’t quite grasp the “mail” system you have . I’d love to be considered here. My website:, and blog:
Thanks so much!
thank you SO much for creating this blog as well as the podcasts. i listen to the podcasts daily. i recently rounded out a research-based master’s degree in the UK in which i wrote about rembrandt’s mughal drawings for my thesis. while i don’t create art necessarily (i write about it, research it, eternally admire it:)), the podcasts have been exceedingly helpful in reminding me that in the art world, the only constant is change and that most creative-oriented people have nonlinear paths. thank you again – looking forward to all that is to come!
thank you so much rachel – what a wonderful compliment! congratulations on your masters!
Let us introduce to you our work!
All the best!
Hi Danielle,
Your story sounds so familiar, that I had to leave a comment.
I, too, was in the same point once, where I secretly dreamed of being an artist, but was too shy to even try. I was jealous at my older brother, who was always better at drawing than I, jealous at my class mates, jealous at pretty much anybody who had the courage to try. And boy was I afraid of people’s judgement.
So in my envy I realized that I had to use this negativity, and turn it to something that fuels me. I bought a pencil and a sketchbook, which almost felt like I was committing a crime, and started doodling – without telling anybody, of course. It took a long time until I had the courage to show any of my drawings even to my boyfriend, but for me his positive reaction was an approval to continue.
And here we are, a few years later. I have my own website ( and Instagram page (@maarit.hanninen), where I post my art for the whole world to see, and couple of years ago my brother came to me and said that my work is better than his. Although I realize that one cannot compare these kinds of things, it did feel like victory! Whenever I show my work to my family members and friends, they all tell me that they had no idea I could make something like that. Well, guess what? Neither did I.
I’d like to invite you to take a look at my site. I feel like some of my work would go well with the theme of your site, and I would be much obliged to hear your thoughts!
Wishing you a lot of success on your artistic path.
Best regards,
well THAT is a fantastic story, maarit! following now!
Hi Danielle … I’d love to have dad’s Blue Christ regularly enjoyed by people. Please see http://www.BlueChrist.ART and watch the awesome video of his masterpiece. BEST WITH FULL SCREEN AND AUDIO (narrated by a famous voice).
Please share dad’s Blue Christ story … Cheers, Chook 🙂
Hi Danielle — You pour a lot of yourself into your podcasts. Your authenticity, enthusiasm and story telling draws us all in. People open up to you in delightful ways during interviews — no really, I just can’t wait to hear your next one!
You have a gift for making people feel heard and for seeing past the surface of things. As a self-taught artist living in the Texas hill country, I work mostly in isolation from other artists. Thank you for sharing the untold journeys of so many other brilliant makers. And for asking those questions we all want to know. And telling the swan-lake transformations so many of us have taken from doubt and failure to creating work that is both something uniquely themselves and swoon-worthy.
Keep at it!! And I love your son’s ‘would you rather’ questions! It’s great to see how you weave him into the process.
thank you so much, courtney! that absolutely made my day xo
I’m not certain if you live in the DC area but I was wondering if you might enjoy attending the Ralph Steadman Retrospective and artist lecture June 16th At American University Art Musrum at the Katzen Art Cehter. I’m compiling our guest list and thought of you. Andrea Harris Exhibitions Coordinator.
thanks so much andrea, but i live on the west coast of canada … a bit too far from DC : )
I am president of
Each year I produce 75 colorful news articles: 1 on each of our 25 Best Galleries & Museums In America, and 1 on each of the 50 categories of art winners [scored by these galleries/museums]. I used to publish these with HuffPost, but this year they stopped allowing contributors – so I am looking for a new venue.
Here are examples of the artist articles [HuffPost]:
Here are examples of the gallery articles [HuffPost]:
Thom Bierdz
Phillip Chancellor III on The Young & The Restless
Author of Forgiving Troy, and the upcoming Young, Gay & Restless .
[…] But Mich’s comment, so simple and straight to the point, echoes in essence the same thing Danielle Krysa said in her blog, The Jealous Curator: […]
Incredible blog! I was so jealous while watching your page, good job!
Also, hope you will feel jealous too:)
Beautiful concept of blog. I think each one of us felt jealous of other artists at some point in our lives. Keep up this amazing work.
I would like to send you a press release for a pop-up I’ve put together of interactive art installations and performances. To what email address should I send it?
sure : )
I recently listened to your podcast with Terrence Payne and was inspired by how he dramatically switched media. I did the same thing not too long ago – switching from printmaking to ceramics. A lot of people were like “whaaat???” But, as you said, that’s what artists do! We explore and move forward, and change things up to find new ways to communicate, even if it means having to learn something completely new. I’m really enjoying your podcasts – you make my morning commute bearable! Thank you for bringing all sorts of interesting artists to my eyes and ears. If you’re curious, please take a look at my print and ceramic explorations on Instagram @melindalaz
Sending warm regards from Denver, CO.
ahhh! that’s so exciting, melinda! officially following along on instagram 🙂
Hello Danielle,
I have written before to tell you how much I love the blog and podcast and the more I listen, the more similarities I have seen in our journeys. We are about the same age, have one kid close in age, have had long periods of not making art and are coming back at it. What I wanted to share this time is another podcast I listen to that blew my mind about oil paint and I thought you may appreciate it after hearing the one with Janna. Savvy Painter also interviews artists, but she has also done a few with the founder of Gamblin paint and this is the one to check out first: Enjoy and good luck with everything you are doing! All the best from Omaha, Nebraska!
ah, so cool! thanks so much lori … i’ll go listen!
I’d love for you to check out my work and I love what you do!! Here’s my instagram as well : @mollyhowellart
following : )
Hi Danielle,
I’ve recently discovered your blog which is awesome 🙂 I was wondering if you may be interested in sharing some of our artists work from the Central desert of Australia. No problems if not, any feedback would be very welcome and we’ve been working hard on our Instagram too if you are interested.
Thanks so much for your time 🙂
Guy x
Ashley Longshore was one of the best interviews I have heard in…forever…She is fun but she is fucking serious…! Great Interview.
Hi Danielle, I’ve been enjoying your podcasts for a few months. I usually listen to them while i’m weeding / gardening here in Victoria, BC. I was so choked that i couldn’t see you when you were here at Poppet Creative, hopefully you make it back to Victoria. I obtained my BSW at UVic and while there I took year long of Art History and LOVED it! During your interview with Michelle Kingdom, you mentioned a paper similar to Yupo but more absorbent ~ sounded like “keraskin”? Could you please let me know the name of it? Many thanks, Danielle! Keep on keeping on!! ~kari
hey kari : ) it’s called terraskin … they have it at opus in victoria (in the big flat paper drawers!)
Hi Danielle ,
I just found your blog and I will be very happy if you can share our artists in Vietnam on your blog .
My website is
Many thanks ,
Thien Nhan
Lovely, I just found you. Wonderful.
Wonderful reading about you and how you got started as The Jealous Curator. Started following you on Instagram too. Here you can see my work as well.
Thanks for your time!
Hi JC,
I’m the founder of a Canadian start-up company from Calgary that is building an online blockchain platform called “UppstArt” where people can purchase original artwork directly from emerging artists and re-sell it whenever they want for a low commission, a portion of which goes to the artist as a resale royalty. We are very passionate about how the marriage of art & tech can support emerging artists and raise awareness about the lack of resale royalties in Canada and the US.
If you think your readers might have any interest in what we are doing, I’d love to chat further and have the opportunity to convince you that we are doing something really significant in the art world. We are at if you want to check us out!
All the best,
– Steve
Hello Danielle, I manage an artist and we have been on a journey to get him seen and bring awareness to his and his brand. I would love to send you a presentation of his work in the hopes that you may feature him on your blog …
I see there is an email for submissions but does not say what needs to be sent or in which format, etc. If you could assist me with this I would appreciate it
regards Chantal
ps, I LOVE!! your glasses as seen in the pics on this website, in search of a new pair myself….
hi chantal – just a link to his site will be great (that way i can see if the work is a fit for my site). thanks!
Hi There, thank you, I will email you the link or you can see it here
Dear Chantal, I am writing to you from Montevideo, Uruguay, bringing you my visual artist dossier so that you can know my work and my career, I am using a Google translator, I hope the translation is as faithful as possible. I send you a hug from here and I am at your disposal for doubts or questions, Daniel Melgarejo
Link Dossier:
Danielle, I’ve been listening to your podcast forever, I’ve read your books (Your Inner Critic is a Big Jerk is my personal fave). I love all the work you curate as well as your own playful collages. After being an adoring fan for so long, I’m finally stepping out of the shadows to say hello and just want to tell you to keep up the amazing work! You have changed my life. <3
oh, thanks so much christine! xo!
Mark Schwartz is an accomplished shoe designer and artist. He has been designing shoes for over 30 years for some of the biggest names in our industry.
Born in New York City, Mark has traveled the world gaining inspiration for his ideas from artist Andy Warhol, who Mark beneficially watched at work and knew for four years. Warhol encouraged and helped Schwartz cultivate his artistic renderings of shoes while Schwartz was working for Roger Vivier as an assistant designer and creative director. Mark Schwartz is now pioneering a new shade of talent within his work by exploring the grace and eclecticism of footwear as works of art.
[…] out this edition of the Chase Jarvis Live Podcast with Danielle Krysa, on how Your Inner Critic Is A Big […]
Heard you this morning on CBC: what a treat! I found Jealous Curator years ago, have dropped in whenever I’ve remembered to, and have always found art I’ve been astounded by. It was great to hear the backstory to what prompted this great career you’ve built for yourself, though so sad to know of your years without making art. I’ve heard similar art school stories. I’m an art quilter, and despite having won an award at Quilt Canada for one of my pieces this year, it’s been a trough year for me as an artist. I’ve spent too much time this year celebrating others’ art and not enough making my own: now I’m blocked. I’m going start re-reading “Creative Block” today and am looking forward to buying and reading your subsequent books. Thanks for the encouragement. And congrats on the new, sleek look to the blog! All the best from Greenwood, south of you in Boundary Country.
oh, thanks anne! sheryl is a great interviewer : ) good luck with the block – i have no doubt you’ll find your way out of it! here are a few of my favorites from “creative block” for you to try:
[…] The Jealous Curator […]
very sorry to hear about your father, Danielle. May he rest in peace, and may you find the time and space to grieve and honour his life.
[…] (2009 February) About. Retrieved 10/16/2018 from […]
I simply love your work and the artists you share with the world. Many have been the impetus that has made me return to my practice full time and begin a Masters Degree. I thank you for this. Please check out my current work. I think you might like it.
loooooove it! ; )
I love this blog and feel very happy…
I am a Abstract painter from India. Please have a look on my website
Give me a feedback if possible.
Thank you.
Hi Danielle,
Absolutely love your Instagram feed – always full of incredible stuff. I make miniatures of people, places, customs and events from history, some with tiny skeletons (not as dark as you’re thinking), that I’d love for you to check out. My Instagram, historybones, even has a few pieces that I’ve put to stop motion. I’m really trying to get my work out there and your site is so well respected. Would love to hear your opinion. Thanks so much!
Lee Harper
Hi Danielle,
I love every one of the stories you uncover about the impact that a great teacher can have. One of my architecture professors, Karen Tashjian, has been a wonderful mentor and friend throughout my college career. She left teaching to pursue her artwork and I can proudly say her first show opened last night and was a huge success!
If you would like to see her beautiful work, here is the link to her website:
Hi Danielle,
Just a quick hello to say thank you! I work from home and listening to your podcast while I’m painting makes me feel like I’m in a busy, creative open studio – much much appreciated!
thanks, jen! 🙂
[…] Here is a blog page: […]
I had the same idea back five years ago, when creating my online gallery. It’s about to be put on hiatus while I focus on work of my own again but think you’d like to see what’s been featured over time.
Feel free to email me your thoughts, thanks!
[…] discipline, or your customary techniques, from time to time. When writer Danielle Krysa, known as The Jealous Curator, feels blocked, she rethinks her process “by trying to do the opposite of what I normally do—if […]
I have been looking through your site today. It is so inspirational. I think that a lot of artists struggle with self promotion. I know that I do.
I try hard to put my work out there but, apart from sales of physical paintings from real galleries, I find it a slog. My online work just gets pinched by bad people and sold on nefarious web sites.
I will be reading your blog and probably ordering one of your books to see what advice you have.
Anyway, I love your blog, thank you!
thanks alita … don’t give up! there are good people out here too : )
Your sites an inspiration! I’d be so grateful if you’d take a look at my work. Paper cut is my primary method but I often combine this with print, folding and collage. My husband is a pioneer in 3D printing and we joke that our household has all forms of printing, from letterpress to outer space.
Thank you in advance for any thoughts or comments you might have.
Hello, I just discovered your podcast and it is very interesting. Looking forward to following you now.
Hello Mrs. Krysa, I love to read regularly the very interesting reports in your Internet platforms and I greet you very warmly. The numerous extraordinary contributions and your personal commitment to the art is very impressive and commendable. It would be a great pleasure and honor for me if you take a look at my latest artistic series titled Art4Heart. The expressive peculiarity lies in the fact that real medical stents were used for the objects. I would be very happy if you find the Assemblage series interesting and you might even like it. Website: . Respectfully yours, Gunther Lill.
Can I just say that I have listened to your interview with Ashley Longshore about 20 times and shared it equally as many?!? Goodness. All I can hear is her saying “Jump. B*tch!” That is just what I need to hear. I’m an artist, but my art has been put on hold while I move, and get my life back in order following divorce. Also, I’m an architect and am ready to just do work on my own…. which will allow me the freedom to paint! So… Jumping is key!
wooooohooooo! jump, indeed!
[…] Danielle Krysa, aka The Jealous Curator, is the brains behind Creative Block: Advice and Projects from 50 Successful Artists. This book […]
Hello The Jealous Curator,
During this difficult and devastating time, Moco Museum wants to share our art more than ever. It’s our wish that people around the world can safely view Moco’s Top 10 highlights from the collection.
My name is Brian and I work at Moco Museum in Amsterdam. We are an independent museum, committed to exhibiting an inspiring collection of modern and contemporary art. As you know, many cultural institutions and museums have closed until further notice in hopes to flatten the curve, following national policy surrounding COVID-19.
We admire your inspiring platform for modern and contemporary art. Your story has connected and embraced a global community of art lovers and fellow-sharers. Would you be willing to share Moco’s Top 10 with your followers? We hope you find this email well and look forward to your response. If interested, I will happily send our list along with photos and texts. Stay in and stay safe.
Best regards,
Moco Museum
Hi Danielle!
I would love it if you could check out my work for a possible feature. I love what you’re doing here and I think I would be a good fit!
Hi Danielle, It feels very selfish asking this, but will the podcast be coming back soon? I’m on my own creative journey, as nearly everyone here is, and your interviews, and just hearing you sharing your own experiences, really sustains and encourages me. Thanks for all you do to share people’s amazing work and personal artistic journeys with we fellow travelers. XO
hi sue! yes it will… i’m hoping sometime in october (i’m recovering from major surgery and the fatigue is REAL!) 😉
CBC NxNW sent me here!! 🙂 I love this, and the Danielle Krysa site. I think I will go and make some art soon. Thank you.
Hooray! That’s what I like to hear 😉
Hi Danielle,
Thank you so so much for all that you do for the art community. I believe you would enjoy the works of the amazing Christiane Cegavske. She is a modern day stop motion film master, among other things multi media. I first fell in love with her work when I discovered “Blood Tea and Red String”, a hypnotic hour or so long feature. I had the pleasure of curating a show with her a couple years back and she is as much a delight as are her works! Her website is
Hi Danielle!
Love the site and the sentiment behind it! I recently started a similar site called Tiny Workshops ( to stave off my own hunger to spend more time creating.
It’s all about interviews with artists, makers, and creatives of all sorts to document their processes and workspaces. The goal is to demystify creative work and encourage people to pick up new hobbies and crafts, even if floor space is at a premium!
I’d love to hear your thoughts! 🙂
Hey there,
Hope this message will find you heal and healthy! Aqib here from
I offer top-notch Content Writing services, SEO On-page & Off-page, and Website Optimization. Last but not least, my Blogger Outreach/Link Building services are one of my expertise.
I’ve been serving my client with my influencer marketing like publishing authentic, genuine content to publicize their brands, services, or products.
I’ve built strong interactions and relationships with several high DA and PA blogs with my hard work for Guest Posting. No matter what your brand is and which region you want to cover, I’m all there to serve you!
I’ve built my blog’s inventory with years of struggle, and this asset-list is what making my client happy. I’ll be more than happy to serve you!
Note: I do not work in PBN’s sites.
Kindest Regards,
Hi! I just found your website thanks to Dan Nelken. I subscribe to his email list, and just love the idea behind your site. I am an actor, and used to work at a large ad agency as a receptionist from 2004-2008. I saw so many creatives who seemed frustrated, obviously wanting to create for themselves but not making the time, lots of times due to fatigue from long hours doing client work. And myself, having a full-time day job to make ends meet while I did plays at night. The artist’s life isn’t an easy one, and I appreciate you sharing your journey and insight to inspire others. Thanks!
Billie Jo
oh thanks, billie jo! and yes, that is exactly right! i worked in advertising from 2000-2017 and i felt like that almost the whole time 😉
Hello, I’ve just found your blog and website, and love your website.
I am a Los Angeles artist constantly working at juggling normal life with growing my art practice.
Thank you for your postings, I’m looking forward to what’s coming up next!
Hi Danielle, I hope you’re well, I’ve recently discovered your blog, some fascinating reading so far 🙂 . I’m going to submit my own work from my website when I stop hiding behind the couch suffering from imposter syndrome eeek! Richard
ha! i’ll go look right now, richard 🙂
The art of lesbian artist Agnes Pelton (1881-1961).
Hi Danielle! gosh, where do I even start… A while ago I bought one of your books translated into Spanish and I’ve been reading it and liking it so much.
I kept reading about this blog and finally decided to google it and I LOVE IT. Thanks for writing “Your inner critic is a big jerk”. It has been so helpful for me.
Sending you love from Mexico!
oh! thank you so much, margarita! xo
Hi Danielle!
I’ve read some of the messages left here and honestly I’m with most people! I discovered your blog while I was on an embroidery blog and I absolutely love your idea and what you did with jealousy. Can’t wait to devour all your content in the next few days!
I don’t have a website right now but I’m working on it! You can find me now as @needlestitches on instagram.
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Hi mates, its wonderful piece of writing regarding teachingand completely explained, keep
it up all the time.
Absolutely a great article! I am jealous of your blog and of your wonderful eye for art! I hope you don’t mind if I post about you on my blog about art and a lot of other stuff.
I’ve been following you since tumblr days and subscribing to your newsletter (PAID) is the best investment in my own joy I’ve ever made. It motivates me to keep pursuing my own creativity in all its forms. Thanks for your ongoing work!
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Would you folks be of interest to interview Daniel Taylor about his 60 year career in the Art world and how he has been able to utilize his work toward benefiting others,handicap,Wildlife Conservation as well as presenting an international television series ” When Paintings Come Alive” and so much more?
Of course I would be delighted to discuss this further and thank you for this consideration.
Warm regards,
Ginette Taylor
Executive Producer
“When Paintings Come Alive”
I love this site! The paintings featured on The Jealous Curator are amazing, and the blog has a superb collection. It’s a go-to for discovering special and inspiring artists. Great job.
Love the creativity and diversity on The Jealous Curator! Every post is a visual delight. Keep inspiring!
1) Great name!
2) Amazing work from your books to your site to your podcast to all you do!
3) I am an art teacher (middle and high school) focusing on mixed media, design, and photography. I am lucky enough to have a semester sabbatical in the spring and am looking for educational opportunities in real life, in the US and abroad. It’s overwhelming on “the googles” and was wondering if you could recommend any organizations for me to enhance my own practice (photography, drawing, mixed media) or to help me further myself as an educator.
“I’ve been looking for vinyl wallpaper for my room, and this post is very helpful! Thanks for the inspiration”
“Yep. I’ve had one since I put on my gear at practice today.” He tells his dad. “What are ya now, by the way?”
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