Oh my goodness. Brooklyn based artist Claire Oswalt and her wooden paper dolls {ok, I realize that’s not a ‘thing’, but I couldn’t figure out how to describe these amazing pieces?!} are my newest obsession. Graphite and paper on wood, that I assume can pivot thanks to those little pins… although, let’s be honest, I would never have the guts to move these girls into different positions – yep, I’m a rule follower, plus, their perfect symmetry is part of why I love them oh so much.
These arrived in my inbox the other day. Yep, I love this “job”! Chilean artist, Pascuala Lira made my heart skip a beat with her lovely compositions, gorgeous color choices, and yes, I kinda love that lady behind the couch! Blue-soled shoes? Amazing. These pieces are from her painting portfolio, and I thought I had my post… and then I discovered her “lumber” portfolio:
Gor.Ge.Ous. On that note, have a happy weekend! I’m going to spend mine looking for scrap wood.
Ooh, a flash from the past! I love vintage imagery, especially old packaging & advertising. Clearly, American artist Dennis Bredow does too. Found images that have been cropped and mounted to wood panel, with just the right amount of acrylic paint. And, for obvious reasons, I think this one might be my favorite:
Ha! Remember that ad? Well, I’ve got my brush and pen… still waiting for the money to start rolling in… any day now!
Smashed cars, flower arrangements, and large fields of beautifully chosen colors. Seriously, how can I not love these collages {magazine clippings on panel} by American artist Matthew Cusick. They are all from his Happy Endings series, and they do in fact, make me very happy. The end.
{via Escape Into Life}
Yep, I have a thing for portraits. I also have a thing for work that combines beautiful detail, with absolutely no detail. Oh, and let’s not forget the fact that I have a thing for wood grain. Ok, clearly I have no choice but to have a thing for the work of Berlin based artist Tilo Uischner. Sigh ~ that woman’s lovely face, and gently crossed hands… ♥
So, a few weeks ago I found these amazing little arrowheads, by American artist Britt Bass, on Pinterest {via Kate Roebuck}.
So cool, right? Yep, I loved them right away! And then today, I was poking around on the always fabulous curate1k, and found more work by Britt… also in the ‘arrow family’:
Gasp! I love them so much. The real trick, of course, is deciding which ones to buy… pink? gold? neon red?! I literally cannot decide… {please stand by as I take a quick break in the writing of this post.} Ok, I just popped over to her Etsy shop and bought the final pair in this post…. Pink, gold, neon red it is! YAY!
Ooh, look what appeared in my inbox on Friday afternoon! Lovely, neon, geometric laser cut wood & styrene sculptures by Denver based artist Sandra Fettingis. LOVE! These were just a few of my favorites, but there are 23 new works in this show, titled “Tell Me When You Hear Me Falling”. You can see all of them at City O’ City {206 13th Avenue, Denver, CO} from March 13th – April 8th. Ok, I’m going back to my inbox to see what else is in there!
Every day I take my laptop to the same lovely coffee shop to write my posts. And everyday a lovely young woman, named Lauren Brevner, makes me a yummy latte. I knew that she was an artist, but she hasn’t wanted to show me her work… but I a few days ago I convinced her, and look what I found!
Yep. Fantastic, right? These are all works in progress, but I love them just the way they are! Lovely paintings on wood, and hand-made ceramic ball-jointed dolls! She is completely self taught, and actually just found out that she was accepted into art school this coming September – of course! How could they not have accepted her with a portfolio like this! I can’t wait to see how her work changes and grows over the next few years ~ good luck Lauren! xo
Birds, boxes, bold type, and bright pink paint. Yep, it’s love. I found Toronto based artist Amanda Happé on Design*Sponge, by accident actually. I was looking for inspiring living room photographs {I might be doing a little redecorating soon!} and Amanda’s Toronto apartment was featured in their ‘Sneak Peek’ section. The first shot featured a credenza, and the top-most painting in this post. I instantly forgot about the living room and was in search of that painting, and hopefully more like it… and I was in luck! It was, in fact, one of her own pieces! I found it, along with all of this other stunning work on her portfolio site. So. Good.
ps. The final image is obviously a detail, but I desperately want to frame it and put it in my soon-to-be redecorated living room! ♥
San Francisco based artist, Alison Kendall Swearingen, is a trained marine biologist and science illustrator… hence these gorgeous paintings of birds on wood panel. I love them all, but my favorite is the final piece above, titled “Swarm”. These paintings would have been enough for this jealous post, but while looking around her portfolio I found two of her older pieces, and I had to show them…
Fantastic, yes? You can definitely see the marine biologist in her coming through!
{via in the make}