medium /// drawing

thank you, and a leafy gift to say so

Congratulations to Heidi Neilson! {Heidi I’ll send you an email to get your address so Kiana can send you this lovely, leafy print!} … and thanks to everyone else that participated! The artists of GALLERYONE and I thank you!


You guys are amazing. For lots of reasons, but the reason I’m saying thank you today, is because of how supportive you are of artists! You are also ridiculously supportive of me, which I appreciate so, so much! Two months ago, when I opened GALLERYONE, my little online gallery shop, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Would it just sit there quietly? Nope… you guys have gone crazy! Lots of prints, quite a few originals, and my book have found new homes with so many of you. Thank you. That thank you comes from me, and all of the artists that you support every time you buy pieces from GALLERYONE.

And so, to really say thank you properly, I’ve teamed up with the very talented watercolor painter, Oregon based artist Kiana Mosley. She has donated a gorgeous 11″x14″ print {valued at $65} of this exclusive piece she made specifically for me! I’m going to keep an eye on my gallery over the weekend, and I’ll pick a name from everyone that buys something (there really is so much affordable art over there!) between now and Monday morning at 9am … I’ll announce the name, and then Kiana will ship out this lovely, leafy piece! Have fun, I hope you find something you love! And again, thank you!

{Art above:  1. Kiana Mosley 2. Heidi Leech – camera / chair 3. Lisa Golightly 4. Becky Kemp 5. Jaime Derringer 6. Kiana Mosley 7. Elsa Mora}

philippe weisbecker

Oh. I love these so much! They are from a little book, titled “Accessories”, by Paris based interior designer, turned illustrator, turned full time fine artist Philippe Weisbecker. These gorgeous pages are a little bit scrapbook, and a little bit sketchbook – found vintage illustrations snipped, cut, glued, and then paired beautifully with Philippe’s own drawings. Oh boy, I’m gonna need a trip to the thrift shop, a pair of scissors and a very sharp pencil… and maybe a big ball of pink yarn, just for good measure.

{found on sfgirlbybay, and this lovely book can be found here}

crystal liu

I wrote about Canadian, now Bay area based, artist Crystal Liu just over four years ago. We just recently reconnected through email, and boy am I happy that we did because I got a peek at these beauties {not even titled yet, nor on her site… lucky us!}. Beautifully drawn flowers, sitting on inky backgrounds, with what I like to imagine are magical gold seedpods falling from the sky. Sigh. I could look at them for hours.

guest curation /// saatchi art

Whenever I don’t have a post lined up for the next morning, I pop over to Saatchi Art and search for “portraits”… I am never ever disappointed! So when Saatchi reached out and asked if I’d be interested in curating a selection of work, I said Um, YES! They asked me to pick 10 ~ 20 pieces in any theme that interested me. Yeah, you guessed it, I went with all portraits all the time! Here’s my curatorial statement:

Oh, portraits. There are two main reasons why I love them so much. One: I am always in awe of how such a familiar, every day subject (a person!) can be handled so differently depending on the artist. Washy and mysterious. Unbelievably realistic. Partially complete, allowing your mind to fill in the rest. And two: Um… it’s hard! To capture the likeness of a person in a few brushstrokes or pencil lines? Yes sir, that’s tricky, and I admire anyone that can do it… like these fourteen artists, for example:

This is when you pop over to Saatchi to see the entire collection! I hope you love it as much as I loved putting it together and thanks so much to Saatchi for inviting me over. I’m so honored that you’d ask.

{Art above by: 1) Hyunju Kim  2) Christopher Stacey  3) Pawel Mendrek  4) Karoline Kroiß  5) Miguel Laino  6) An Siying}

na kim

True enough! But you know what distracts me even more… these beautiful, inky blue teapots by Brooklyn based artist/illustrator Na Kim. LOVE!

{I found a bunch of Na Kim’s fantastic work on, which led me down the rabbit hole that is her portfolio. Gorgeous.}

isabelle arsenault

So sweet, so pretty! This is the work of Montreal based artist/illustrator Isabelle Arsenault. The first two pieces are in her regular portfolio, but the last four pieces are from her sketchbook… sketchbook?! I love it when I find sketchbooks that could be framed and hung! Gorgeous!

ps. It happens to be my birthday today, so I have to include this piece too… that’s going to be me all day!!!

katharine morling

Black and white line drawings pulled magically from a sketchbook into the real world through the fantastic ceramic work of UK based artist Katharine Morling. The cameras, the sewing needles, and don’t even get me started on those kitchen utensils!!! L.O.V.E.

{via art is a way}

rachel danielle mcpherson

A little bunny post for Easter {ok, and a couple of baby foxes too because that’s just such a cool piece and I couldn’t control myself}. These are mixed media drawings… DRAWINGS… by California based artist Rachel Danielle McPherson. Between these beauties, and a giant basket of chocolate, I think I’m all set for today! Hippity-hop to you and yours!

{Some of these pieces, and more of Rachel’s work, can be purchased via Good Eye Gallery}

erin althea

Who wants to play a quick round of ‘eye spy with my little eye’ on this fine Monday?! Judge Judy, Queen Elizabeth, and a tiny little steak ~ GO! Only in the lovely portfolio of LA based artist/illustrator Erin Althea does that make any kind of sense. I am totally in love with every little, beautifully painted thing in this post. Yes, even the worm.

{Not only am I enamored by Erin’s work, I’m also completely in awe of the fact that she is a mom to twin baby girls… and still finds time to paint! GO ERIN!}

aimee bee brooks

Nail polish, pretty girls, and a giant tower of ice cream… I’m in. This is the work of New York based artist/illustrator Aimee Bee Brooks, and I’m quite smitten with all of it. And now I need some chocolate chip mint. And a manicure. Happy weekend!