medium /// drawing

vincent serritella (52 pickup project)

I wrote about San Francisco based artist Vincent Serritella in April of 2013. He was giving away a free drawing every day {?!} and I was dead set on getting one of his blow-pops… and I did! That’s mine right up there! Anywho, he finished that 365 project and has moved on to a new series titled “52 Pickup” {he’s making a free piece of art to be “picked up” once a week, every week for “52 weeks”… clever, yes?} Here’s his description of the project, and how it works:

“As mega corporations continue to grow, it’s proving harder and harder for unique small businesses to survive. With that in mind, this time around I’d like to use my art, the web, and social media as conduits to help support small businesses. How it works: I do an original drawing once a week for a full year and send it to a business (either within the US or internationally). I’ll then publish a post on my Medium account with the business’ address and a little information about what they do and why I chose them. Whoever is following the project in that town and goes to that business in person to pick it up can have it for FREE! In return, I only ask that you support that business in some way and post about it online to help spread awareness.” ~ Vincent Seritella

An amazing artist, and a ridiculously kind/giving guy! Just follow along on his Facebook page to see where the newest FREE piece can be picked up. I wonder if there’ll be another blow-pop? I’d go just about anywhere for another one those!

kim largey

Colorful explosions of paint/ink, and totally controlled graphite living in perfect harmony. Sigh. This is the beautifully composed mixed media work of American artist Kim Largey … she also does some really cool abstract sculpture, but for me, it was all about those very orderly fences holding back that clearly out of control paint. Love.

kelly puissegur

There are some days when life just gets way too serious… those are the days when you need to sit yourself down in front of a bunch of hilariously weird narrative paintings by LA based artist Kelly Puissegur. A donkey wearing cat pajamas, forest animals planning a heist, a golden horse totally engrossed in what I can only assume to be life-changing therapy session… ahhh, yes… I feel much better now.

ping-pong: claire & agata

I love this so much. I have written about both of these artists before… Claire Softley from the UK, and Polish artist Agata Królak. They’ve never met, but their portfolios are strangely similar – I’ve had to do the occasional double-take when I find their work around the interweb… Claire? Agata? Claire! Oops, no, Agata! Well clearly they must have seen the same similarities because now, thanks to the internet, they’ve connected and started this project! They’ve titled the series PING-PONG, as it’s “a game of visual ping-pong, each image created in response to the previous image.” So, Claire makes a piece and sends it to Agata. Agata makes a new work inspired by Claire’s piece and sends it back to Claire… and so on. Um, how fun is that!? Have a look:

And it goes on from there! I so want to do this… I just have to find my online art doppelganger and I’ll be all set!

ps. If there are any galleries reading this, I’m quite sure these ladies would love a space to hang this series {hint hint}

yusuke yonezu

Oh, the sweet & whimsical drawings of Japanese artist/children’s illustrator Yusuke Yonezu. The only information I have about these pieces is this… I love them {his site is in Japanese so that’s all I’ve got!}. But hey, when you’ve got bean paste buns and knit vests, who needs more? Happy Monday ♥

mercedes helnwein

I don’t know about you, but I feel like we should all be slightly concerned for “Jeff”. I am completely in awe of Los Angeles based artist Mercedes Helnweinf. Her portfolio goes on and on, each piece as fantastic as the last. Oil pastel, black pencil, paper… such a simple recipe that produces the most amazingly creepy/pretty, beautifully drawn work. LOVE.

{Mercedes’ work is in a group show that opens tomorrow night, Saturday October 11th, 8-11pm, at Merry Karnowsky Gallery in Los Angeles.  ps. You must be on the guest list to get in, so please RSVP to RSVP@MKGALLERY.COM}

lizzy stewart



I don’t know if these illustrated travel diaries have me more excited to hop on the next plane to Europe, or to start drawing/documenting everything in my general vicinity! London based artist/illustrator Lizzy Stewart says “When I visit new places I always keep a sketchbook” … well thank goodness, because the results are lovely, and oh so inspiring. Happy Monday, everyone!

marie gardeski

Bewildering Beauties is a new series by American artist/illustrator Marie Gardeski, Weird, right? Right. Everything Marie makes is weird.. and I love it all! I was curious where her bizarre compositions come from. Does she dream them? Do they just randomly pop into her head? This was her answer when I asked:

“I just surround myself with weird miscellaneous objects and images…  I’ll draw these things, not really trying to make the drawing look like the original, but infusing it with a new, more intense personality.  I’ll draw the same character again and again, each time creating a new beast or beauty.  Most of the time my ideas start with an element or character…  One thing suggests another and each drawing develops into a somewhat cryptic vignette. I rarely plan or sketch a piece before beginning.  This makes the marks more immediate, exciting and sometimes wobbly.  I think my favorite part of making art is being able to surprise myself with a mysteriously weird or funny image.”

Hm, what does she mean by “weird miscellaneous objects”, exactly? Let’s take a peek into her studio, shall we:

Ah. Yep. That explains it.

david pirrie

Huge, snowcapped, breathtaking mountains… covered in perfect, bright, semi-transparent dots? YES! These large scale paintings {and two drawings on mylar near the top} are the work of Canadian artist David Pirrie. He grew up in British Columbia {as did I}, and these mountains were his playground. I’ve seen these rocky beauties in person… now I need to see these huge, gorgeous paintings in person! Love, love, love.

{Thanks to Jessica G. for sending me a link to David’s work}

ken omom

The designer and collage artist in me are both very happy! Architectural yet loose … drawing mixed beautifully with collage… AND vintage match box covers!? Love, love, love! These pieces are the work of UK based artist Ken Omom, and it’s safe to say that I love all of them very, very much. I think those are the actual striking strips pasted on there! So cool… but don’t let your kids near them #safetyfirst #striking

{via Saatchi Art}