medium /// books

i’m jealous of WAFA’s collage books


Close your ears kids… We Are Fucking Awesome aka WAFA is a group of artists who are just that. Fucking Awesome. And so is this project. The control freak in me would have a very difficult time with this, but it would be an amazing and educational experience for just about any artist. Here’s what I’m jealous of:

‘A series of 9 collage books, passed back and forth between artists. As an experiment in disassociation, an effort was made to add to and tear away at eachother’s work, eliminating personal stake and attachment to the final outcome.’

See? Really hard, but fucking awesome none-the-less.

i’m jealous of karolin schnoor


Happy Groundhog Day… does that mean I can get ready for Spring? Please!? Ok fine, if I have to wait a little longer at least I can pass the time with Karolin Schnoor‘s beautiful Hibernation zine. The idea behind this cozy covered book is to treat ‘human hibernation as an actuality, advising on products and addressing the psychological steps that need to be taken to successfully hibernate.’ Sounds good to me! Call me when the tulips are up… Zzzzzzzz

i’m jealous of neil krug & joni harbeck


Sigh. I love this. So sexy, so fun and oh, so beautiful.

PULP ART BOOK is a collaboration between supermodel Joni Harbeck and photographer Neil Krug. Apparently it all began with one photo of Joni lighting a cigarette, wearing nothing but a feather headdress {that she made herself no less}, shot with some very old Polaroid film. Over 200 pages later this gorgeous book is full to the brim with 1960s and 70s inspired images. Even though they didn’t set out to create narratives, they obviously ended up there. I really wish that the very bizarre B-movie {that these shots could easily be stills from} actually existed… maybe that will be their next project? Hint hint Joni and Neil!

i’m jealous of joe fig


I’ve been jealous of other artist’s studios before, but never quite like this. These images are from Joe Fig’s book Inside the Painter’s Studio in which he gives the reader a unique glimpse into the studio, routine and daily life of 24 painters. Now, most authors would go into these studios to observe, take some photos and get their interview. Joe Fig did all of that… oh, and he also perfectly recreated these 24 work spaces into miniature sculpture form {11″ x 11″ x 9.5″} right down to the teeney-weeney oil paints and the splattered mess on the floor. Yep. I love this book, I love these sculptures, and I really wish I had that many bottles, tubes and cans of paint in my studio!

{The sculptures shown above are the studios of 1) Eric Fischl 2008 2) Malcolm Morley 2007 3) Barnaby Furnas 2006}

i’m jealous of camilla engman… again


First I was jealous of Camilla Engman’s studio… now I’m jealous of her book. It’s the first in a project called The Suitcase Series put together by Uppercase Gallery. In each one they will feature an artist or designer, both at work and in life. The book about Camilla is so beautifully done, and what an amazing little gem for her to show her grandchildren one day… or grandpuppies, if Morran ever decides to start a family.

{There are 192 pages in this book, and all of them are gorgeous. Really, you have to go and see it.}

i’m jealous of hannah waldron


Today I am a Polar Bear is a limited edition run of 225 handmade books by London based artist Hannah Waldron. There are seven different illustrated animal masks that you can cut out to disguise yourself with… and clearly, today I am an owl. It’s a book filled with goodies. Not only do you get the animal masks, but there’s also a hidden poster and a unique handmade finger puppet inside. Saying that though, I don’t think I could bring my scissors near this beautiful book! If for some reason I really need a disguise I’ll just pencil on a faux moustache… that should do the trick.

i’m jealous of… well, me!


Last  night was a pretty exciting evening for The Jealous Curator. I finally got to meet David Sedaris, my favourite writer ever! Not only did I get to say hello, and have a copy of When You Are Engulfed in Flames signed, I also got to put my Hanging with David Sedaris pitch directly into his hands. At this stage, I don’t even care if he says yes, I was just so thrilled to talk to him about it in person… Ok, who am I kidding, I really want him to say yes! Well, regardless of what happens next, his readings were hilarious, and he was kind and gracious about my idea. Such a fun night!

{Thanks so much to my wing man for coming with me… you know who you are.}

i’m jealous of david fullarton’s book


I Can’t Apologize Enough ~ oh no no, not me ~ that’s the title of David Fullarton‘s new book. It looks amazing and hilarious, as usual when it comes to his work, and can be purchased riiiiight… here.

i’m jealous of anthony zinonos… again


I’ve written about Anthony Zinonos before, but today I discovered his very simple / totally fantastic handmade zine, Le Dot.  Xeroxed photos whose subjects are totally engaged by orange dot stickers. Such a simple idea… surely if given enough time I could have come up with this?! Well, maybe not. I find Anthony’s use of white space so inspiring. He can tell a story with so few elements… aaaand here comes the jealousy.

And for today only, you could add this little gem to your own personal collection for the low, low price of $3…  Ok, you can actually get it any day for that price. What a deal!

{Some of these images are from Anthony’s etsy page, and the others were found on the always amazing blog, Book by It’s Cover}

i’m jealous of john hersey


One Two Three Four – I declare a thumb war!

Ooooh the graphic designer in me is crazy jealous. I love this limited edition hand-bound book by John Hersey, yet another San Franciso artist {I keep writing about them lately}. Such a fun idea with very cool illustrations… AND a wooden cover with laser-cut lettering? Are you kidding me?! Love.

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