medium /// books

i’m still jealous of lisa congdon’s stuff

I wrote about the ridiculously creative, San Francisco based artist Lisa Congdon and her blog, A Collection a Day, way back on day 10 of this 365 day project. Well, here we are with less than 100 days to go, and she’s still finding stuff to photograph every single day! Actually, Lisa has inspired me to start my own little collection… reasons for being jealous of this lovely project:

First of all, the idea is fantastic. Then of course, there’s the fact that she actually owns cupboards full of this weird & wonderful stuff {I especially love those doll hands!}. And finally, the most exciting development… this smart/simple little blog of hers is being turned into a book by Uppercase Gallery. It’s going to be beautiful, and it will definitely be added to another little collection of mine… art books that make me jealous!

i’m jealous of WAFA… again

WAFA, aka We Are Fucking Awesome, aren’t joking. They really are. I’ve written about the founder, I’ve written about them as a collective, and I’ve written about several individual members {Jesse, Anthony, Brandi}. Hmm, some might say I’m becoming a bit of a WAFA groupie {I wonder if they have tshirts?!}… anywho, onto today’s fucking awesome collaboration. This project, titled Anthology, is a National Geographic magazine split up by two members of WAFA… one worked on the first half, the other worked on the second half. I want to be this awesome. Dad, do you still have that box of National Geographics in the basement? I may need them.

{I’m not sure which two artists actually worked on this piece. If you know, let me know… I need it for my fan scrapbook research purposes. Thank you.}

i’m jealous of “the exquisite book”

This book is amazing… well, exquisite actually. Julia Rothman, Jenny Volvovski,  and Matt Lamothe of Also, a small American design company, are the creators of The Exquisite Book {which, fyi, just became available for purchase two days ago}. The book features 100 contemporary fine artists, illustrators, designers and comic artists, each of whom were “given the page that precedes theirs to connect their own image to. They needed to extend the horizon line of the last page onto their page.” Such a great collaborative idea, with absolutely gorgeous results! Oh boy, that Christmas list of mine is just getting longer and longer by the second.

august 21st ~ 22nd

If being the author of her own fabulous art blog {Art Hound} isn’t quite enough to make you jealous of Kate Singleton, then her personal art collection should definitely do the trick! Kate is a blogger/art consultant who puts her money where her mouth is. She is slowly building an amazing collection of work for her lovely apartment in Brooklyn… which, by the way, was recently featured on Apartment Therapy. Yep. I’m officially jealous. And so is Kate:


I’m jealous of Sarah Rutherford

I’m jealous of artist/illustrator Sarah Rutherford whose old-timey line drawings grace the pages of the newly released “Frankies Spuntino Kitchen Companion and Cooking Manual”. The cookbook, like its eponymous Brooklyn restaurant, Frankies 457, is hot among Brooklyn’s back-to-basics gastronomic circle, and Sarah’s illustrations epitomize the aesthetic and culinary sensibilities of this crowd.

Although I’m not an artist myself, I’m jealous of Rutherford’s participation in such a cool, culturally-significant project. And I bet she spent quite a bit of time sampling the food she illustrated, which also makes me jealous. Regardless, when I buy my copy, I plan to put it to good use!


Ok, that’s it, I’m coming over. A fabulous apartment filled with art, and delicious food? I want to be your weekend guest! {Thanks for visiting Kate!}

august 14th ~ 15th

Talk about jealous! I could not be more jealous of Victoria Smith. Why you ask? Well, it all started when I found her photography series, Sunday in the City, featured on Poppytalk. I just figured she was an amazing photographer, until of course I followed the images back to her blog. Ahh, her blog. sfgirlbybay quickly became one of my daily reads. With a background in interior design, she writes inspirational posts on design, style, art, food… everything you need for a fabulous life really. Victoria, and her lovely home, {which I’m also jealous of by the way} have been featured in several design magazines. But wait, there’s more! She is a huge part of the blogging community… speaking at conferences, creating projects like blog it forward, and hosting various guest bloggers every week {including me, which I could not be more thrilled about!}. Anyway, it turns out I’m not the only one who’s jealous… Victoria is jealous of someone too:


I’m jealous of Maira Kalman

I can never get enough of Ms. Kalman, an American illustrator, author, artist, and designer, originally born in Tel Aviv and transplanted to New York at the age of four. I get a sense that Ms. Kalman embraces her New York home whole-heartily…she walks the city streets and documents her travels consistently. She’s been known to say, “the best way to see the country, unless you are pressed for time, is to travel on foot.”  It is that which I greedily envy. Her prolific illustrations poke mild fun at the absurd people she meets along her journeys, never mean-spirited, just with a keen eye and wry observation that I thoroughly enjoy.

She’s illustrated numerous New Yorker covers, and is the author of like over a dozen children’s books, including Stay Up Late (from the song by David Byrne – another person I’m very jealous of, but we’ll save that for another day), and Swami on Rye (see, just there, you can tell she has a silly sense of humor). She’s also written and illustrated two of my very, very favorite ‘grown-up’s’ books, The Elements of Style (and her little film of the same name), and her very charming and moving book, The Principles of Uncertainty, in which she asks the deep, existential questions such as ‘What is Happiness?”. But mostly, I’m just really jealous of her pictures. ; )

Maira Kalman is currently showing her work at the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco, should you be out for a stroll this way.


I’m putting on my shoes right now! Thanks for spending the weekend Victoria! Come back any time : )

i’m jealous of jacque schiller

A boy in a book. Love, love, love.

This lovely handset & bound letterpress book by Jacque Schiller is now officially on my Christmas list… ok, I’m starting a bit early, but can you blame me?! Under Cover is a 32 page story of a ‘tiny boy who lives inside the book and is constantly trying to escape the page boundaries’. Poor little fella… holes, folds and all sorts of paper mechanics stop him from finding his way out! Such a clever idea, and oh so beautifully executed. There are only one hundred of them, so I’m going to have to be extra good if I want Santa to bring me a copy!

{You can find ‘Under Cover’ at the following places… Supermarket, Desert Island, Brooklyn, Proteus Gowanus Gallery, Brooklyn, Wonder Fair, Lawrence KS, The Secret Headquarters, LA, or you can contact Jacque directly.}

i’m jealous of mia nolting


My thoughts exactly! I love, love, love this beautiful little hand-bound book by Portland based illustrator Mia Nolting. In case my clever writing wasn’t clear, it’s titled I NEVER WANTED ANYTHING SO BADLY IN MY LIFE‘, and I want one… badly.

{via Uncovered Space}

i’m jealous of beatrice alemagna

So, here’s a little tidbit about me… I’m currently working on a children’s book with a dynamo writer friend of mine. I was quite happy with my illustrations, that is until I came across the work of Italian author/illustrator Beatrice Alemagna and this lovely book titled Un Lion à Paris. I absolutely love how she has seamlessly combined line drawings, with found imagery, with something magical that I can’t quite put my finger on. Damn. Back to the drawing board. Sorry dynamo writing friend… it might be awhile before you see any new pages!

{And if these illustrations aren’t enough to be jealous of, ‘in 1998 she started publishing with “editions du Seuil” and began a collaboration as poster artist for the Centre Pompidou in Paris. A collaboration that continues to this day.’ FYI: I have great dreams of working with the Pompidou someday… ooh, I’m so jealous!}

i’m still jealous of kate bingaman-burt

Do you live in New York? Did you buy something today? Do you want Kate Bingaman-Burt to draw it for you? If you answered yes, yes, and YES, then you need to get yourself down to the Jen Bekman Gallery tomorrow, Thursday June 17th. Kate will be there, with a bunch of new pens {some fine point, and some brush}, waiting to draw your most recent purchase… oh, and she’ll also be using those new pens to sign copies of her fabulous book, Obsessive Consumption: What Did You Buy Today? What are you waiting for? Get out there and buy something… anything! Even a pen will do.

{I wrote about Kate a few months ago. Yep… still jealous.}

i’m jealous of tom bonauro


I’m not entirely sure what it is we’re looking at here… but I’m 100% sure that I love it! What I do know is that it’s the work of San Francisco based artist/designer Tom Bonauro, and from what I can tell these are a few select pages from one of his artist edition books called The Third Stage of Matter. I think. Oh well, why get hung up on details like ‘the facts’? The images, colour choices, and composition are amazing so maybe I’ll just leave it at that… ok, who am I kidding, I love facts. Tom, if I’ve completely messed this up, please let me know!

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