i’m jealous of regine ramseier

Sigh… but not a huge sigh, otherwise this stunningly delicate installation by Swiss artist Regine Ramseier might come floating down around us! Ok, well, maybe not. If she managed to get two thousand dandelion blowies {yes, I call them “blowies”} from a grassy meadow to this little white room, our sighs of astonishment shouldn’t damage them in any way. How did she do it? Well, have a look at the images below for a blow-by-blow {pun totally intended} of their journey:

Step One: pick 2000 blowies from a beautiful meadow. Step Two: spray blowies with a light adhesive. Step Three: hang them upside down in your car. Step four: place them in a custom made, hole-punched blowie palette. Step Five: hang a gorgeous installation for ArToll Summer Lab 2011… and exhale. Carefully.

{via the always inspiring, Colossal}

comments (50)

  1. s. carmody /// 10.25.2011 /// 6:41am

    Oh my god! This is amazing!!!! I love it!!! I was obsessed with dandelions for a bit last year… this is the best dandelion thing I have seen.

  2. alexx /// 10.25.2011 /// 7:33am

    Other than dandelion beer, this is the best thing to happen to this plant.

  3. the jealous curator /// 10.25.2011 /// 8:34am

    isn’t it insane!! maybe you should drink a dandelion beer while sitting under this installation… now that would be somethin’ ; )

  4. L’art de la patience | L'appeau des filles /// 10.25.2011 /// 11:16am

    […] Source Partager : Cecile le 25/10/2011 à 19:16 | Commentez cette note ! Tags : Lire aussi : Xylophone géant en boisLes « City Map Cuts » de Karen O’Leary Poster un commentaire. […]

  5. The Storialist /// 10.25.2011 /// 1:14pm

    Yes–this is wonderful. Thanks for sharing this.

  6. Elsa /// 10.25.2011 /// 11:08pm

    wow… such a poetic installation.

  7. Amanda /// 10.26.2011 /// 8:58am

    Oh my goodness! This installation is so breathtaking. Definitely having a “damn I wish I thought of that” moment right now.

    P.S. alexx, you need to try some dandelion jam. It’s fairly easy to make and tastes pretty awesome too.

  8. Suze /// 10.28.2011 /// 4:04am

    Just stunning.
    I love your blog, having found you via Pinterest pins.
    I know exactly the feeling you describe in your header!!
    Thanks so much for the inspiration.

  9. the jealous curator /// 10.28.2011 /// 6:56am

    thanks suze! : )

  10. Chelsea /// 10.29.2011 /// 11:44am

    This is just incredible. A simple idea with a breathtaking effect.

  11. Delicate Dandelion Seed Art /// 11.02.2011 /// 12:20am

    […] Regine Ramseier via The Jealous Curator Share this:DiggRedditStumbleUpon Filed Under: All Art, Featured Articles Tagged With: Art, […]

  12. Art Hound /// 11.18.2011 /// 12:23pm

    […] Ramseier via The Jealous Curator inspired by the writings of Herman […]

  13. Jeanne /// 11.22.2011 /// 5:12am

    Totally incredible! WOW!

  14. gemma /// 12.01.2011 /// 6:20am

    If you started with “he loves me, he loves me not” what would the answer turn out to be?

  15. the jealous curator /// 12.01.2011 /// 7:22am

    ha! it better end up on “he loves me” after all that work! ; )

  16. David /// 01.10.2012 /// 6:54am

    My grandmother and I used to gather these on the farm, in addition to the very large ones, and use Aqua Net hair spray to keep them intact. After, we would use different colors of spray paint to give them color. She was such a creative person. This is just one of the many fond memories I have of her. She brought out the best in me inspiring me to be the artistic person that I am today. Love your work!!!

  17. the jealous curator /// 01.10.2012 /// 7:48am

    That’s amazing, and sounds so beautiful! Thanks so much David : )

  18. Sue and Danny OMullan /// 03.13.2012 /// 8:43pm

    I am speechless. Wow. May I share this on my blog? I don’t know how to do it, but I will learn. If you only knew what a dandelion means to me…. I wrote about it on our blog)… your work was nothing other than a dream come true for us;

  19. the jealous curator /// 03.13.2012 /// 9:32pm

    of course! please write about them… they’re too amazing not to share with everyone!! : )

  20. Uncle Beefy /// 03.16.2012 /// 8:17am

    Gasp and SWOON! Found this via Pinterest and am blown away by this. It’s breathtakingly beautiful!

  21. Dandelion Room - Art Installation of Dandelions In A Room | Design Happens /// 03.22.2012 /// 5:03am

    […] [Via: The Jealous Curator] […]

  22. Daily Delight: Dandelion Room « Weston Chronicles /// 03.22.2012 /// 5:31am

    […] [Via: The Jealous Curator] […]

  23. SCELTI PER VOI: BIANCO, ROSSO E VERDE | Siamo Donne /// 06.01.2012 /// 11:02pm

    […] d. Installazione artistica con soffioni di Regine Ramseier; […]

  24. Margaret /// 06.08.2012 /// 6:43am

    Insane, brilliant, extraordinary!!! <3

  25. Saffron /// 08.30.2012 /// 7:31pm

    Wow, amazing. I am jealous too.

  26. 20120904 pinpicture | lincoln's travel blog /// 09.04.2012 /// 10:15am

    […] thejealouscurator.com via Elena on Pinterest … other posts by […]

  27. Michelle Elvy /// 09.15.2012 /// 11:42pm

    I was looking at this and muttered something… then scrolled down to see that the first comment is exactly what I muttered. Oh my god! this is amazing!!!

    Wow! Gorgeous!

  28. Betty Biedermann /// 09.24.2012 /// 9:20am

    Did anyone ever mention to you the same work by the artist Michel François, first produced in Belgium in 2009 ?
    You can read the curator’s comments and see pictures here :

  29. Regine Ramseier’s Dandelion Ceiling | Seemingly So /// 02.01.2013 /// 12:07am

    […] All the flowers were hand-picked by the artist, then sprayed separately with an adhesive. All the dandelions were then installed into a special palette and transported to the installation room, where the artist hung the flowers down the ceiling one by one. Via Bored Panda and The jealous curator. […]

  30. Eva /// 02.19.2013 /// 4:17am

    It’s great to know that Regine’s work is appreciated elswhere.

    Just a small correction. She is Swiss, not German.

    Betty Biederman, the work is similar, but I think what each of the two works of art expresses is competely different!

  31. the jealous curator /// 02.19.2013 /// 7:34am

    oh no! thanks for the correction! made! : )

  32. jayshree /// 08.08.2013 /// 11:14am

    Heavenly breathtaking!!! WOWEE!

  33. Shiloh /// 08.16.2013 /// 6:10am

    From a would be artist, I really love it and wonder how long it will last if windows are open and wind blows, would like to try it! It’s beautiful!

  34. dawn /// 09.08.2013 /// 2:22pm


  35. Heather /// 10.09.2013 /// 9:59am

    This is amazing? About how long does it last?

  36. the jealous curator /// 10.09.2013 /// 2:38pm

    good question? i’m not sure. heather, if you read this, let us know! : )

  37. Madeleine Potvin /// 12.20.2013 /// 1:20pm

    Enfin! quelqu’un qui aime les pissenlits et qui en fait vraiment quelque chose de beau!

  38. Annemieke /// 01.22.2014 /// 3:21am


  39. menno /// 02.02.2014 /// 9:25am

    fantastic instalation

  40. Marilyn /// 04.04.2014 /// 4:57pm

    Awesome installation.

  41. MarieRoxanne /// 06.26.2014 /// 6:14am

    so cool! the human brain is capable of creative imagination and things like this are always a welcoming fresh of breath air!

  42. Gladis Fuentes /// 11.23.2014 /// 8:49am

    Precioso !!!

  43. Gladis Fuentes /// 11.23.2014 /// 4:02pm


  44. iman /// 03.18.2015 /// 1:09pm


  45. Anna /// 07.24.2015 /// 6:44am

    Total BLISS!

  46. missy vaughan /// 07.26.2015 /// 8:58pm

    Just beautiful do yo make or sell wedding bouquets

  47. 10 tohoto týdne - My Inspires /// 10.11.2015 /// 8:11am

    […] Senzace! Rozhodně to mám v plánu zařadit si mezi své TOP inspirace jednou, až budu mít celý dům na to, abych si ho zkrášlila <3 Nalezeno zde. […]

  48. 10 this week´s bests - My Inspires /// 10.11.2015 /// 8:12am

    […] Wonderful! I will definitely add it among my TOP inspiration for my future house <3 Found here. […]

  49. Suspended Centrepieces | into the woods….floral & foliage design /// 11.08.2015 /// 12:37am

    […] Image Source […]

  50. Ayarí Rodriguez /// 12.21.2015 /// 6:05am

    Quedé gratamente sorprendida con su trabajo, es sublime, delicado, muy femenino. Simplemente HERMOSO!!!

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