i’m jealous of pernille snedker hansen
I’m going to be perfectly honest… I’m not entirely sure what we’re looking at here. According to Danish artist Pernille Snedker Hansen, these are “exclusive one-off marbeling prints”. Hm. Ok, I think it might have something to do with wood {they look kind of woodgrain-ish, right?}, but the only reason I think that is because of the insanely beautiful wood floors she also creates. Oh well, however she does it, the result is absolutely gorgeous… and I want all of them!
{via Design for Mankind}
I wouldn’t think it has anything to do with wood – I would suspect she just marbles both paper and wood. This just involves using either oil paint (European tradition) or suminagashi Japanese inks on top of water. They sit on the surface and don’t mix, so patterns can be made on the water surface. Then a paper, and I guess wood, can be drawn across the surface and the ink or paint is transferred.
See, for instance: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_marbling
aha! thanks for that! it just looks so much like woodgrain that i thought maybe wood was involved?! ; )
those paintings are amazing! that looks alot like a marbling technique.
The wood work on the website it incredible. I am jealous too 😉
There’s a very clear video on the studio website that describes and demonstrates the process of marbling paper and the wood. It’s fascinating. Thanks for being “jealous”.
Thanks Rob… I saw that but I couldn’t get it to play. Here’s the link though: http://www.snedkerstudio.dk/#1507848/Video-about-Marbelous-Wood
I have to say I am totally in awe. Her technique is beautiful,
the floors are totally stunning…I am sure time consuming as well
but the effect is amazing and so organic feeling.
Thanks for sharing.