july 9th ~ 10th

It’s kinda hard not to have a design crush on Kelly Beall of Design Crush. She is a graphic designer, based in Oklahoma, with impeccable taste, and a great sense of humor. We “met” through Twitter, but I was so excited to see her pretty face, instead of a teeny-tiny icon, last January at Alt Summit. She is sassy, funny, & oh so fashionable… yep, totally crush-worthy! I knew when I invited her over for the weekend she’d show us something amazing… and she did not disappoint!

I’m jealous of Kate MccGwire

The first time I saw Kate MccGwire‘s feathered works I literally had to stop and catch my breath. I’d never seen art that felt like it was breathing until that moment. I’d never been intimidated by a mass of feathers that somehow managed to feel both evil and serene. And I’d definitely never had to look away to gather myself because something was so horrifyingly beautiful. Kate’s work does all that to me and more. The labor of love that lies behind every time intensive piece inspires me to persevere, while the juxtaposition of menace and beauty has me looking at everything I see through a different set of eyes.


Whoa. Gorgeous! Thanks so much lady! Hope to see you in Salt Lake City again in 2012 ~ xo

comments (10)

  1. Teresa /// 07.09.2011 /// 6:47pm

    These are truly, truly amazing! I wonder where she gets all the feathers!


  2. the jealous curator /// 07.09.2011 /// 6:50pm

    after a bit of digging, i have an answer for you! :

    “I started to pick up molted pigeon feathers in the park around 2007 within a couple of months I had a collection of about 400. I realized quickly their potential for a larger scale piece where I would need thousands.

    I contacted pigeon racing clubs and racing enthusiasts throughout the UK, asking them to send me their molted feathers that would normally be discarded as rubbish – now three years later, I have approximately 200 individuals who regularly send me envelopes full of pigeon feathers. I frequently keep them updated with images of my work and have been delighted with the incredible support they have given. This collaborative aspect of collecting to acquire materials has become an integral part of the process of making my work.”
    {via this interview with juxtapoz magazine}

  3. Teresa /// 07.11.2011 /// 9:09pm

    That is so cool! It is like me and all the fabric that is sent to me from all over. Huh! Who knew the same thing could happen with feathers. 🙂

  4. the jealous curator /// 07.12.2011 /// 6:20am

    yeah… you could fill your bags with them ; )

  5. Teresa /// 07.12.2011 /// 7:39pm

    True, maybe I should send her a bag for collecting in the park!

  6. the jealous curator /// 07.12.2011 /// 8:28pm

    ha! love it!!
    ps. just used mine today… for groceries, not pigeon feathers ; )

  7. Teresa /// 07.13.2011 /// 12:05pm

    You can tell her that I will send her a bag if she likes. Just email me and let me know. Of course, I would have to dig through my stash and find just the right fabric, something with birds or feathers on it, of course!

  8. guerilla embroidery /// 08.24.2011 /// 12:24pm

    These don’t really look like pigeon feathers, but regardless this work is some of the most original and breath-taking I have ever seen. It’s simply peerless.

  9. Kate MccGwire /// 11.01.2011 /// 8:59am

    Thanks Jealous Curator for hosting my work, I really appreciate it – In answer to the query – Yes absolutely, they are pigeon feathers.

    Also if Teresa is still up for it I would love one of her recycled bags.


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