the jealous curator goes to washington (1)

Yep! I’m curating a show in Washington DC this March. Oh my word – I’m curating a show in Washington DC this March!? Seriously, I could not be more thrilled, and wanted to make sure I was keeping all of you in the loop! So, here it goes, the first post in a new series… I’ll try and keep it short ; )

This fall I was contacted by the Honfleur Gallery in Washington DC. They asked if I’d be interested in curating a show in their 2011 schedule… umm… YES! Ok great, that was taken care of, now I just had to come up with something. After a week of brainstorming like a maniac, I ended up submitting three ideas – the first one was a solo show, and the other two were group shows. Now, I have to admit, I loved all of the ideas, but was so excited when they picked the solo show featuring Canadian artist, Ben Skinner. Not only do I love his work {he was one of the first people I ever wrote about, and last summer, I bought one of his pieces at The Cheaper Show}, but his portfolio is filled with work that speaks directly to the issues that are affecting Anacostia, the neighborhood that the gallery calls home. Ben is currently working away on a whole bunch of fantastic pieces. Some of the work featured above is similar to the new pieces he’s creating, along with installations, a text-based mural, and site-specific pieces in the neighborhood around the gallery. It’s gonna be amazing! Anywho, that’s all for now, but I’ll be sure to give you a sneak-peek as the work progresses!

{The show opens on March 4th 2011 and runs until April 8th. Wish us luck, and I hope all of you can come!}

comments (9)

  1. Tricia /// 12.06.2010 /// 9:54am

    The link to Honfleur Gallery doesn’t seem to be working (unless it is just an error on my end).

    Congrats JC! You rock!

  2. the jealous curator /// 12.06.2010 /// 10:58am

    oops! thanks tricia… all fixed! and thanks for the sweet words : )

  3. Melanie /// 12.06.2010 /// 11:07am

    So excited for you! Congratulations!

  4. the jealous curator /// 12.06.2010 /// 11:15am

    thanks melanie! xo

  5. Lorien /// 12.06.2010 /// 5:17pm

    Woot! Congratulations! This is VERY exciting news.

  6. the jealous curator /// 12.06.2010 /// 5:27pm

    thanks lorien! i’m crazy excited about it!!!

  7. Jessica /// 12.09.2010 /// 7:55pm

    Yay yay yay for you!!! I can’t wait to hear more…

  8. the jealous curator /// 12.09.2010 /// 9:19pm

    thanks jessica, and i can’t wait to show you more! this guy is a creative genius!

  9. Ben Skinner - I'M REVOLTING /// 12.13.2010 /// 6:14pm

    […] I love some melodrama. Ben Skinner via The Jealous Curator. ALSO: From a series of vinyl lettering on empty […]

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