i’m jealous of stina persson

After years of commercial illustration {where images always need to be scanned, retouched, digitally altered, and then retouched again} Stockholm based artist Stina Persson has finally had enough. In her new show, Perfectly Flawed, she’s decided to let the paint drip where it may, so to speak… and I don’t think I’ve ever seen such lovely imperfection! If you’re in New York this Thursday night, drop by Gallery Hanahou to see these gorgeous watercolours in persson… i mean, person. Wow. That was a really bad joke. Sorry Stina, I couldn’t help myself! xx

{Gallery Hanahou, New York, September 9 – October 1, 2010 : Opening reception Thursday September 9, 7-9 pm}

comments (7)

  1. Sonja /// 09.07.2010 /// 8:02pm

    Hahaha I liked the pun lol
    These are so great! Amazing colour!
    This is such a cool blog! Love the whole concept of it!

  2. Stina Persson at Gallery Hanahou « That's Right, Bitch! /// 09.09.2010 /// 5:35pm

    […] reading a new fav. blog of mine, The Jealous Curator, and saw the work of Stina Persson. I enjoy the imagery and can connect to her story of being a […]

  3. Ben /// 09.10.2010 /// 9:10pm


  4. Stina Persson’s Watercolors are Amazing | On Creativity /// 10.11.2010 /// 6:07am

    […] The Jealous Curator) Subscribe to comments Comment | Trackback | Post Tags: Stina […]

  5. Stina Persson – HonestlyWTF /// 12.01.2010 /// 9:20pm

    […] (via The Jealous Curator) […]

  6. Stina Persson – Honestly WTF /// 02.20.2013 /// 12:46pm

    […] (via The Jealous Curator) […]

  7. - Raj Singh | LA /// 12.03.2018 /// 10:49pm

    […] by Stina Persson […]

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