i’m jealous of willy verginer

How’s the water today? ~ Oh, a little bit ‘concrete floorish’ but other than that, quite lovely thanks.

I found this stunning work through a blog called I Heart Wood. Yes, that’s right, these unbelievable sculptures, by Italian artist Willy Verginer, are carved out of wood! His undeniable talent as a craftsman would be enough to make just about anyone jealous, but then you throw in these clever compositions/use of gallery space, not to mention his bold application of colour, and I don’t think you could find any artist who wouldn’t say ‘Damn, I wish I thought of that’… or maybe more likely, ‘Damn, I wish I could do that.’ {… that’s what I’m thinking right at this very moment!}

comments (10)

  1. Kira /// 06.14.2010 /// 6:58am

    wow, these are AMAZING!

  2. chum /// 06.14.2010 /// 8:06am

    sooooooo beautiful. the colour is startling, perfect.

  3. nathalie /// 06.15.2010 /// 8:18am

    fantastic! love this!

  4. Kate /// 06.15.2010 /// 4:17pm

    These are so cool and different. I really love how the colors are layered. It adds a really unusual, modern twist to an old-fashioned medium.

  5. The Jealous Curator /// 06.15.2010 /// 8:01pm

    yeah – very ‘graphic design meets sculpture’. i love the bars of colour right down the middle of the faces on a few of them.

  6. Artist Crush: Willy Verginer /// 06.15.2010 /// 7:22pm

    […] discovered Willy Verginer’s playful wooden sculpture on The jealous curator and couldn’t help but post about my big crush on him. His work is remarkably vibrant for […]

  7. Esti /// 06.16.2010 /// 12:20am

    I couldn’t agree more. This is fantastic!

  8. Tweets that mention The Jealous Curator » Blog Archive » I’m jealous of Willy Verginer -- Topsy.com /// 06.16.2010 /// 1:16am

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Greg Krysa, The Jealous Curator. The Jealous Curator said: @iheartwoody yep, i heart wood too… http://bit.ly/b74NX7 […]

  9. Eva /// 06.18.2010 /// 7:48pm

    Wow. I rarely see artwork that is so fresh and original. Love it! Would LOVE to see this in person.

  10. The Jealous Curator /// 06.18.2010 /// 7:53pm

    me too. the life-sized ones would be quite something to stand beside.

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