jedediah morfit

Wow. These are the past-meets-present / digital-meets-analog sculptures of American artist Jedediah Morfit. Plaster, yarn, rope, wood, foam, and the list goes on… and don’t get me started on the gorgeous color palette! Obviously I had to show you the scale as well… the install shot is from Jed’s show earlier this year at Paradigm Gallery in Philadelphia. Here’s the description of this show, and a peek into his process:

“In Adapting to Change, the muted busts Morfit is known for have gone through a total contemporary, bordering on futuristic, transformation. Digitally crafted, embedded with mixed media, dosed in color, manipulated, these works are a major departure for the artist. Unlike his last exhibition at Paradigm in 2017, the pieces in Adapting to Change are not about a modeler’s sensibility, but rather focuses on the intricacies of process, color and material. 

While Morfit’s new process uses digital tools, there is still evidence of the artist’s touch. The final pieces, while incredibly detailed, do not look manufactured or automated in any way. While many of the pieces in the exhibition started with existing 3D scans of Greek and Italian busts, they were realized through a combination of 3D fabrication tools and traditional modeling and casting techniques. Many of the pieces are embedded with found objects, like plastic beads and cake doilies, which act as a part of the piece’s DNA; exploited for their texture and bright colors. Morfit takes the intact busts, cuts them up and puts them (almost) back together again. The ensuing works are presented slightly off kilter, hanging upside down or teetering off an edge. 

The works in Adapting to Change are intended to look and feel disjointed. Countless hours were spent composing the busts, only to be deconstructed, modified, rebuilt, and reimagined. The shifting process mimics Morfit’s own sense of having lost and scrambling to keep his balance, as the ground shifts beneath his feet.”

Sigh… yes, I think the ground is shifting beneath all of us at the moment. {Some of these pieces are currently on view at Showfields in New York (until the end of November), and others/more are available through Paradigm Gallery + Studio}

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