troy emery

Gasp! These silky creatures are the fabulous work of Melbourne based artist Troy Emery. His sculptures “examine the discourse surrounding the delineation between fine arts and craft, as well as animals as both entrenched decorative motifs and tokens of ecological ruination.” Works for me. Happy Monday.

comments (8)

  1. Swaths of Colorful Fringe Disguise Animalistic Sculptures by Artist Troy Emery – SySyPhoTo /// 07.13.2020 /// 1:25pm

    […] Emery’s indeterminate sculptures are currently on view through an online exhibition with Martin Browne Contemporary, and more of his textile-based projects can be found on Instagram. (via The Jealous Curator) […]

  2. Swaths of Colorful Fringe Disguise Animalistic Sculptures by Artist Troy Emery | Sculptor Central /// 07.13.2020 /// 1:33pm

    […] Emery’s indeterminate sculptures are currently on view through an online exhibition with Martin Browne Contemporary, and more of his textile-based projects can be found on Instagram. (via The Jealous Curator) […]

  3. Swaths of Colorful Fringe Disguise Animalistic Sculptures by Artist Troy Emery | Sculpture Buzz /// 07.13.2020 /// 1:40pm

    […] Emery’s indeterminate sculptures are currently on view through an online exhibition with Martin Browne Contemporary, and more of his textile-based projects can be found on Instagram. (via The Jealous Curator) […]

  4. Swaths of Colorful Fringe Disguise Animalistic Sculptures by Artist Troy Emery | Sculptor Blog /// 07.13.2020 /// 1:41pm

    […] Emery’s indeterminate sculptures are currently on view through an online exhibition with Martin Browne Contemporary, and more of his textile-based projects can be found on Instagram. (via The Jealous Curator) […]

  5. Swaths of Colorful Fringe Disguise Animalistic Sculptures by Artist Troy Emery | Sculptor Search /// 07.13.2020 /// 1:48pm

    […] Emery’s indeterminate sculptures are currently on view through an online exhibition with Martin Browne Contemporary, and more of his textile-based projects can be found on Instagram. (via The Jealous Curator) […]

  6. Swaths of Colorful Fringe Disguise Animalistic Sculptures by Artist Troy Emery * Arts-The Review Page /// 07.14.2020 /// 12:08am

    […] Emery’s indeterminate sculptures are currently on view through an online exhibition with Martin Browne Contemporary, and more of his textile-based projects can be found on Instagram. (via The Jealous Curator) […]

  7. Swaths of Colorful Fringe Disguise Animalistic Sculptures by Artist Troy Emery - Carstly News /// 07.14.2020 /// 3:23am

    […] Emery’s indeterminate sculptures are currently on view through an online exhibition with Martin Browne Contemporary, and more of his textile-based projects can be found on Instagram. (via The Jealous Curator) […]

  8. Swaths of Colorful Fringe Disguise Animalistic Sculptures by Artist Troy Emery | Colossal /// 07.14.2020 /// 8:41pm

    […] Emery’s indeterminate sculptures are currently on view through an online exhibition with Martin Browne Contemporary, and more of his textile-based projects can be found on Instagram. (via The Jealous Curator) […]

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