“clearly confused about her role as a woman”

Don’t you hate it when that happens? So confused. Yep, my co-host today is Brooklyn based artist Natalie Baxter. I have loved Natalie’s textile work for years, and I’m sure you’ve seen it because I’ve written about her a bunch of times, she’s in both of my books on women (here and here), and she was on the podcast a few years ago. Natalie has taken quilting to a whole new level by making soft guns, stuffed American flags, and bedazzled eagles among other things. We were planning to tackle the topic of art vs. craft, which we attempted, but that also lead us down some other pretty winding paths like women in art, and mothers as artists. Yeah, big topics. You can listen right up there under her “clearly confused” banner, or subscribe here.

Here’s a little look at a few of the things we talked about. First up, a couple of her “Bloated Flags” and two “ALT CAPS” banners:

Love! And there’s more… how about some bedazzled eagles from her “Squad” series, and a bunch of “Warm Guns”:

Ooh, look at that big guy! So. Good. These guns were the first quilted pieces Natalie ever started making and, clearly, there was no turning back after that!

And finally, a couple of girls who both look fabulous in leopard print:

Ahhhh, so beautiful! I’m so excited to see what’s next for Natalie, ie., as soon as she posts about her “Housecoats”, I will too! Thanks so much to Natalie for taking the time to do this with me; thank you Create Magazine for supporting this episode… don’t forget to submit your work to their International call for women artists > February 2nd is the deadline for submissions; and huge thanks to you for listening… there will be more ART FOR YOUR EAR next weekend.

Other links:

  1. Sheila Hicks, Artist
  2. Allison Reimus, Artist
  3. Joshua Simpson Photography (Natalie’s husband)
  4. Vermont Student Center
  5. Gee’s Bend quilts
  6. Artist/Mother Podcast
  7. Erin M. Riley on AFYE
  8. The quilts she made for her sisters
  9. Natalie’s Upcoming Shows: FEMMEPHILIA (New York, NY) January 16 – 23, 2020 / DOMESTIC DISPLAYS, Alleghaney College Art Galleries (Meadeville, PA) Opening reception & panel discussion Tuesday Jan 21 6:30pm / MATERIAL ART FAIR (Mexico City) Feb 7-9, 2020 / BARBIE: Dreaming of a Female Future – Birmingham Museum of Art (Birmingham, AL) August 10, 2019 – January 26, 2020


comments (11)

  1. Rachel /// 01.19.2020 /// 5:38am

    Great podcast.
    I love this guy’s work. And he is in my town. Not saying it never happened, but I’ve never his art put in the “craft” category and he’s won awards and exhibited everywhere.


  2. the jealous curator /// 01.19.2020 /// 7:26am


  3. Ann /// 01.19.2020 /// 7:38am

    I feel we have a kinship. My son did not sleep through the night until he was 3 years old. OMG! I’m still not doing any art either. Sigh. Loved this podcast! Love her work and yours!

  4. Ann /// 01.19.2020 /// 8:55am

    And I just read an article about a textile artist: Luke Haynes from NC?The interviewer asked some questions exploring the line between function and fine art.

  5. the jealous curator /// 01.19.2020 /// 9:30am

    cool, thanks ann! i’ll go check it out (and i’m with you on the no sleeping thing!)

  6. Marc Cardwell /// 01.20.2020 /// 7:39am

    “is that your baby or a siren?” i was wondering too.

  7. the jealous curator /// 01.20.2020 /// 11:25pm

    haha! you never know

  8. Nicole Schyns /// 02.06.2020 /// 12:22pm

    I find it so comforting listening to your podcast! That said, listening to this episode, I had to think of a male artist whose work I absolutely adore and I’m pretty sure you will, too: Frode Bolhuis (frodebolhuis.nl)

  9. Michelle Gallagher /// 02.07.2020 /// 12:00pm

    This was a fabulous podcast, so glad I get to see the work here- baby Petra is very cute

  10. Ebony /// 02.09.2020 /// 6:52pm

    Great episode!! I was listening as I stitched and scrawled notes on scraps of fabric 🙂 I too have this inner battle between making the art that I naturally feel flows out of me and that which my layers of conditioning tell me makes a ‘real artist’. Fascinating stuff.

  11. the jealous curator /// 02.09.2020 /// 10:05pm

    keep stitchin’ & scrawlin’!

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