daniele sigalot

“Everything that could have been but wasn’t, now is” … LOVE! This “paper” sculpture {which is actually aluminum}, is the work of Italian artist Daniele Sigalot. I love the final piece, but it was his brilliant idea behind these bad ideas that got me:

“I wanted to see what happened if I put all the bad ideas I have ever had in my life, in one single room. Would all these crumpled papers turn from bad to good, once they joined forces? Is the repetition of failure, a success?”

Um… a huge success! This piece is currently part of his solo exhibition, titled EMPIRES AGO, at Anna Laudel Gallery in Istanbul until October 26th. Ooh, and one of his other pieces in this show? This insanely beautiful “paper” airplane:


comments (4)

  1. Maria Ho /// 10.04.2018 /// 2:10am

    Oh yes!

  2. Jaynie Crimmins /// 10.06.2018 /// 8:26am

    These pieces are incredible. Thanks for introducing us to this artist!

  3. daniele sigalot – Broadcast /// 10.11.2018 /// 9:56pm

    […] Original source: https://www.thejealouscurator.com/blog/2018/10/04/daniele-sigalot/ […]

  4. Avantia Damberg /// 10.29.2018 /// 10:45pm


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