denise gasser

YESSSSSS! These are just a few of the hilarious, inspiring, and very REAL paintings that Vancouver based painter Denise Gasser did for her self-imposed “100 days” project. She is an artist and a mother of three little boys, which begs the question: WHEN DOES SHE HAVE TIME TO MAKE ART? Well, she kinda doesn’t at the moment… but that hasn’t stopped her. Denise embraced her lack of time and abundance of interruptions by creating this series titled “Art After”. Lovely beginnings, and an absolutely beautiful documentation of her day to day life during these crazy little kid years. Truly brilliant.

ps. These lovely paintings are an example of what Denise does when she can actually finish a whole painting…

Denise’s work is available via her online shop.

comments (2)

  1. Brandi /// 05.26.2018 /// 9:25am

    This is just the best thing I’ve ever seen. Like, kinda brought tears to my eyes. Funny, beautiful, real life. It doesn’t get better.

  2. Nikkie /// 05.26.2018 /// 9:47am

    great journal to keep for days with your young children!