jenn dierdorf

Flowers at nighttime on paper … sigh. This is the dreamy/eery work of Brooklyn based artist Jenn Dierdorf. I love her palettes, loose strokes, and don’t even get me started on those grey-scale bouquets. I discovered Jenn’s work because we’re in a group show together! Yep, the lovely and talented artist/curator Kirstin Lamb assembled a show, titled “Bouquet”, that is currently hanging at The Yard in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The opening party is on April 18th {5:30-8pm}, so if you’d like to come and see a whole bunch of flower-inspired works by ten flower-loving artists, then RSVP right here.

comments (2)

  1. Kirstin /// 04.05.2018 /// 5:55am


  2. Desiree Warren /// 04.05.2018 /// 9:23am

    I went to school with Jenn, and I can tell you, not only is she a wonderful artist (be jealous: I snagged a sketch from this series last year), she a great person. Couldn’t believe it when I checked JC this morning!!

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