jean smith

First, oh my word I love these portraits {acrylic on canvas panel} so, so, so much. Second, Canadian rocker turned painter Jean Smith sells these paintings on Facebook for $100 a pop. WHAT? Yes, true story. Are you wondering what you’re still doing here and why you’re not over there buying a whole bunch of these 11×14 beauties? Me too. Here you go… Jean’s Facebook page. You’re welcome.

comments (7)

  1. Dawn /// 09.15.2017 /// 3:02pm

    Bought two when I saw this post. So good!

  2. the jealous curator /// 09.15.2017 /// 10:31pm


  3. The Jealous Curator | Mecca Normal /// 09.16.2017 /// 6:18am

    […] was a thrill to have 5 of my paintings featured on The Jealous Curator‘s blog on September […]

  4. Jean Smith Portraits - EverythingWithATwist /// 09.18.2017 /// 10:49am

    […] [via] […]

  5. Jean Smith /// 09.23.2017 /// 8:56am

    Thanks so much for featuring my paintings, Danielle! 25 of them sold as a result! You got some serious clout! Just for fun, here are the ones that sold.

  6. the jealous curator /// 09.23.2017 /// 9:43pm

    wow!!! so fantastic!!!

  7. Video: This is Different | Mecca Normal /// 11.15.2017 /// 9:37am

    […] “First, oh my word I love these portraits {acrylic on canvas panel} so, so, so much. Second, Canadian rocker turned painter Jean Smith sells these paintings on Facebook for $100 a pop. WHAT? Yes, true story. Are you wondering what you’re still doing here and why you’re not over there buying a whole bunch of these 11×14 beauties? Me too. Here you go… Jean’s Facebook page. You’re welcome.” – The Jealous Curator review 09/17 […]

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