lindsay arnold


Um, can we all collectively agree that these acrylic paintings on panel are insane? PAINTINGS. I’ve written about Canadian artist Lindsay Arnold and her painted doilies before, but she has recently kicked it up a notch by adding pins, and clothes pegs, and trinkets, oh my! All of these pieces are from her ongoing series, titled Tedium. Here are her words about this work:

“In my grandmother’s time the doily was required for protecting surfaces, concealing imperfections, ornamenting surroundings, and measuring status. Today doilies are found in abundance at thrift stories, auctions and forgotten linen closets. Hours of female labour are represented in these worn, stained and unfashionable objects. The imperfections which have rendered the doilies unusable for their original purpose inspire narratives which are further explored through interactions with objects such as scissors, pins, and utensils. The doilies are stretched, torn, and misshapen, such as we are by marriage, illness, motherhood and more. “Tedium” is way to honour the difficult experiences which leave us worn, acknowledge thankless repetitive labour, and reveal a part of the anonymous doily maker’s story.”

Amen, sister.

comments (8)

  1. Beth McBride /// 12.15.2016 /// 6:04am

    These are beautiful and I love the story/beautiful thought behind them.

  2. Charlene /// 12.15.2016 /// 9:19am

    Thank you for featuring Lindsay’s work again; it just sings to me.

  3. Carla /// 12.15.2016 /// 11:11am

    OMG, i love the work and the reflections feeding them.

  4. Porfyra /// 12.16.2016 /// 10:58am

    Amazing work! Thanks for sharing

  5. Julie /// 12.17.2016 /// 9:05am

    Holy shit! PAINTINGS?!?


  6. Nikkie /// 12.17.2016 /// 11:29am

    kiss kiss to doilies. but i hate doilies, but no, i love doilies, as they remind me of my grandmother. i respect the doily’s webby presence of family histories. kiss kiss to doilies, families, memories, little stitches in life that make up one big doily to sit so ugly on a dresser. kinda like tricky family memories that you don’t want to deal with. i don’t make much sense. but i do really appreciate how these cute doilies are remembered in this art. i get the doily stories! thanks!

  7. Sonia Richter /// 04.14.2018 /// 9:30pm

    OMG you teared me up listening to Lindsay’s reaction to your show offer!!! That is so special 🙂
    Her method/inspiration reminds me of a friends back home (New Zealand) who is a textile artist and has made this gorgeous show of 90 dresses (she comes from a line of seamstresses) that represent the 90 years her grandmother lived without her mother. She doesn’t have a website yet but some is on our colab gallery we set up over summer
    So love your podcast, i am full of inspiration. It’s so nice to have art chatter on while i work
    Thanks so much

  8. the jealous curator /// 04.16.2018 /// 7:36am

    ah, thanks sonia! i’ll go have a look : )

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