step-by-step. every day.


“Drawings are like wine, they need time to develop.” Lovely words from an amazing artist … who I might just have a major girl crush on. I have loved, and I mean loved, the work of Berlin based artist/illustrator Tina Berning for years. And now, if it’s even possible, I love it even more. Tina is obviously insanely talented, but I found out today that she’s also very smart, poetic, funny… and organized! I tried not to gush too much, but “fan-girling” was the name of the game. So, let’s get on with it. You can listen right up there under that lovely washy woman, or you can subscribe on iTunes.

First, these are just a few of Tina’s gorgeous paintings on found paper that are currently showing at Alison Milne Gallery in Toronto {until Nov 5, 2016}:


Gah! See? How can I not fan-girl over her! Now, here’s where the smart/organized part comes in. Everything she does goes into one of three boxes: CRAP*, NOT SO GOOD, NOT SO BAD:


*CRAP not shown here … Tina assured me that there really is a CRAP box, but I can’t imagine any of her work ending up there. I love love love this system and I am totally going to implement it in my studio, and I honestly think every artist should. She comes back to the CRAP and NOT SO GOOD boxes later and uses those pages for collage bits, or as a base for new work. Truly brilliant, and a perfect jumping off point for creativity.

Next, one of my favorite projects ever, “100 GIRLS ON CHEAP PAPER”… which is exactly that:


So beautiful. This project started online, it then became a book, and then a show… and then a traveling show. Most of the girls from the original exhibition sold, so when it traveled to New York and Japan, Tina had to paint 80 new women for each show! Here are two pieces from NY and two from Tokyo:


Do you know how much self control was required for me not to post all of the pieces from this series? Very. Difficult.

So, when you work on vintage found paper, most of your work will be small… unless you use old record album slips, or stitch lots of small pages together. Yes. That’s what Tina does from time to time, and no surprise, they’re gorgeous:


The staples! I love the staples!

And finally, in the not-so-speedy speed round, Tina told me her favorite paint colors are black and red. I guess she wasn’t kidding:


Yep, two words… Fan. Girl. Oh, I enjoyed this so much, and I hope you did too. Stunning work, a lovely person, and advice that I will use forever. Thank you so much to Tina for doing this with me, thanks to Saatchi Art for supporting this episode, and thanks to for making my new book into an audio book! To preorder a copy for FREE {or to pick up any other book you might want} just use my link: But wait, there’s more… thank YOU for listening! There will be more art for your ear next weekend.

Other links:

  1. Tina’s current show at Alison Milne Gallery, Toronto 
  2. Heinz Edelman


comments (16)

  1. Emily Grady Dodge /// 09.17.2016 /// 10:56am

    Oooh! I can’t wait to listen to this one today! Her work is sooooo amazing!

  2. JO /// 09.17.2016 /// 11:46am

    I will be listening AT LEAST one more time to this interview! Danielle … so good!! And when I do, I’ll have a pen and paper ready to write all her brilliant quotes. Oh yes, I did hear you giggle a few times – the girl crush was totally coming through, and totally contagious! I’ll be visiting the Alison Milne gallery this week. Shall I send photos?! Love all you do!

  3. the jealous curator /// 09.17.2016 /// 12:05pm

    gah! YES please!

  4. Susan Robison /// 09.17.2016 /// 4:11pm

    What marvelous work. I think I have a crush too.

  5. Julie /// 09.18.2016 /// 12:27am

    FANTASTIC!! I may even have to go back and listen to it again!!
    LOVE her work and her ways are so good! Thank you for this great interview!

  6. the jealous curator /// 09.18.2016 /// 9:14am

    my absolute pleasure! (and i’m going to listen to it over and over too!)

  7. Emily /// 09.18.2016 /// 2:17pm

    Very jealous!! In a very good way!

  8. Emma /// 09.18.2016 /// 9:39pm

    Thank you thank you! I have been a fan of Tina’s for the LONGEST time and this was such a treat.
    So inspired to go back to drawing ladies again and make art just because. Have just listened to this twice- and learned new things each time. Thank you so much. Magical.

  9. Brandi Marie Little /// 09.19.2016 /// 11:39am

    Gah I’m so upset that I’m not HER! Love all of this!

  10. the jealous curator /// 09.19.2016 /// 11:49am

    ditto ; )

  11. Mel(anie) /// 09.19.2016 /// 12:23pm

    Loved Tina. Love the podcast. Love this site. Thanks for it all, JC!

  12. deb ferguson /// 09.19.2016 /// 3:06pm

    Such a succulent interview. Thank you thank you both. Thank you Tina for sharing your “box” system, and your process. Thank you Danielle for a great show.

  13. the jealous curator /// 09.19.2016 /// 4:51pm

    and thanks to you guys for showing up to listen! xo

  14. Polly Jones /// 09.20.2016 /// 9:57am

    That was such an incredible post and interview! I had found her work on instagram and LOVE it but it’s even better after hearing her share her process and how she developed it. I really feel like hearing it is going to affect how I approach my work. Thank you very very much Danielle!!

  15. Anthea Baxter-Page /// 09.20.2016 /// 2:41pm

    We are thrilled to read comments from the hoards of Tina Berning fans who love her work as much as we do! Hope you can visit us at Alison Milne Gallery to see her latest paintings. Let us know if you’re coming by or if you’d like a catalogue of the show! –

  16. Those Who Stay, by Tina Berning - EverythingWithATwist /// 10.03.2016 /// 12:07am

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