meg hitchcock


Oh my. This is the insanely detailed and thoughtful work of Brooklyn based artist Meg Hitchcock. Most of her work combines different religious texts, but I just had to include that first stunning piece which is made up of excerpts from her grandmother’s diary and letters cut from the Kama Sutra. Amazing! Here are Meg’s words about this beautiful work:

“In my text drawings I examine and dissect the word of God. I deconstruct a sacred text by cutting its individual letters, and reassemble them to form a passage from another holy book. The Koran is transformed into the Bible, the Bible into the Bhagavad Gita, and so on. I discourage a literal reading of the text by eliminating punctuation and spacing; a sentence from one text merges with a passage from another. By bringing together the sacred writings of diverse religions, I undermine their authority and speak to the common thread that weaves through all scripture.”

Beautiful. What a different world it would be if we could all just appreciate the common threads that connect us.

{A few of Meg’s pieces are currently showing in “Summer Breeze” at Margaret Thatcher Gallery in New York – 539 West 23rd Street – until the end of this week.}

comments (6)

  1. Tracy Dickson /// 08.17.2016 /// 6:27am

    I saw her work when it was included in “State of the Art: Discovering American Art Now” at Crystal Bridges Museum in Arkansas. It is stunning in person.

  2. the jealous curator /// 08.17.2016 /// 7:24am

    oh i’m sure! (lucky you!)

  3. Carla /// 08.17.2016 /// 11:49am

    It’s beautiful work and thought provoking at the same time. Love it!

  4. Regina Alexandra /// 08.17.2016 /// 6:02pm

    Sigh. I just love the concept behind this. This must be intense work, wish I could watch her in process. Would love to hear you interview her for your podcast!!! Thank you for including her on your blog.

  5. Hilda /// 08.17.2016 /// 8:45pm

    I second the possibility of an interview with her!

  6. Kimberly Santini /// 08.18.2016 /// 6:27am

    absolutely stunning!

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