jeff topham


Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canucks… oh look, here’s one now! These stunning photographs, taken in both the Arctic and Antartica, are the work of Vancouver based photographer Jeff Topham. I wrote about him in 2010, when he and his brother {and their cameras} went to Africa to recreate photographs their father had taken when they lived in Liberia during the 1970s. Anyway, all that to say Jeff obviously comes from a very creative family and when I saw the icy/magical results of his latest adventures, well, here we are again! Now, just to be clear his portfolio is not all icebergs {although those are some of my faves as you can tell} – there are also a lot of urban gems like this beauty:


Sigh. Yes. I hope so. {Text installation in Vancouver by Martin Creed, 2008}

* Jeff has just recently started selling prints, and at the moment they’re only $100 CAD… so get over there right now!

comments (4)

  1. Marie Cameron /// 07.01.2016 /// 1:50pm

    Done and done!
    Love at first sight – Iceberg #12 is now winging its way to me in California, a Canada Day present to myself! Thanks for the tip!

  2. the jealous curator /// 07.01.2016 /// 2:25pm


  3. Alison Keenan /// 07.02.2016 /// 5:34pm

    Love this work!

  4. Kimberly Morelli /// 07.02.2016 /// 9:44pm

    Simply amazing! These photos give me chills!

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