“astronauts and dinosaurs”


Astronauts, dinosaurs, Hello Kitty, and even a pegasus thrown in for good measure. Yes, it is safe to say I absolutely love the gorgeous work {oil paintings!?} of Boston based artist Scott Listfield. I wrote about him for the first time in 2010, so it’s about time we finally talk. Well, it turns out he’s not only insanely talented, he’s also really funny and I’m pretty sure we’re on our way to being BFFs. You can listen right up there under that very stuck Hello Kitty balloon, or you can subscribe on iTunes.

As usual, let’s kick things off with a few of my favorites from Scott’s portfolio – yep, there are quite a few:


Oh. So. Good. You can definitely see his years of being a designer in there! Here are a few of his more recent pieces… and yep, they have astronauts in them too! In fact, he hasn’t done a painting in the last 15 years that doesn’t have a silver-suited space man in there somewhere. Why mess with brilliance!?


I love the work, and I love the story behind it {ie listen to the episode!}

Ok, next. Scott might kill me for posting this, but here is one of his first astronaut / dinosaur paintings. It was done in 2000, aka Y2K… remember that? When everyone was scared about what might happen when the clock ticked over from 1999 to 2000:


Sixteen years ago! Well, his subject matter may not have changed, but boy oh boy, his style / technique certainly has evolved. Speaking of evolution, let’s talk about his pal “dinosaur”. This hilarious gem came up during the speed round:


Yep. When his wife was his girlfriend, she gave Scott this little t-rex for his birthday… a little t-rex who ended up traveling the world! If you want to see everywhere that “dinosaur” went, before his arm fell off and he was retired to the shelf, check out the map right here.

And finally, I thought these three images were the perfect way to wrap things up:


The future, Scott in a secret hideout, and a Pizza Hut pegasus. The only thing that would have made this better… pie. Hm, I wonder if I could convince Scott to do a painting with an astronaut and a coconut cream pie? A girl can dream.

Thank you so much to Scott for sharing his story {and making me laugh for an hour}, thanks to Saatchi Art for supporting the episode, and big thanks to you for listening. There will be more art for your ear next weekend.

comments (19)

  1. Brandi Baldwin /// 05.28.2016 /// 5:30am

    Oh my gad!!!! These are sooooo good!
    I love the peek you gave us into his past work. I remember seeing something floating around the net a while back about artist’s previous and current work and I would have to say, as an artist just finding a voice, this has been the most encouraging thing I’ve seen. It really does give you a visual perspective on how important it is to just keep practicing and practicing and pumping out art and eventually you’ll get there.

  2. Michael Joyal /// 05.28.2016 /// 11:08am

    Wow! This has to be my favorite podcast to date. I think I would have a blast joining you two for pie and beverage. I would have a tea, or craft beer. As a boy who spent from age 10 to 20 in the 80’s, I too love pop culture and telling stories. Scott has joined my list of favorite artists and I simply must go buy a print or card. How is it that so many artists end up buying other artists’ work? Comic books, cartoons and pop culture. Best art for your ear ever.

  3. the jealous curator /// 05.30.2016 /// 9:05am

    thanks michael (i loved this one too… although i think i say that after every episode!)

  4. Cecile /// 05.30.2016 /// 10:07am

    I agree with Michael and Brandi, this is my favorite episode, because it’s so encouraging! It’s given me renewed hope in my endeavors!

  5. Karen robey /// 05.30.2016 /// 2:02pm


    Your work is is the total BOMB!! Thank you both for another great podcast. As always something to be learned and appreciated.

    There is just so much greatness in the world and I am so glad people like you both are out there doing what you do best to remind us all of that.

  6. the jealous curator /// 05.30.2016 /// 5:07pm

    thanks so much karen! you too cecile ; )

  7. Jen /// 05.31.2016 /// 12:51am

    I agree with Brandi, it’s so encouraging when artists let us see the evolution. Thanks for sharing, Scott, and thanks Danielle for doing this every week!

  8. Lee Boyd Artist /// 05.31.2016 /// 4:38am

    A great interview, a real look at life as an artist that many people who create can relate too on so many levels . Open natural responses to relevant questions. There is a wonderful human touch to the conversation, no spin or sales pitch. That level of openness and clarity is what the art market needs to communicate to a general public the real values of Art. Thank you for putting this together for us.

  9. the jealous curator /// 05.31.2016 /// 8:17am

    thanks you lee… and it’s my absolute pleasure : )

  10. Nicole Reddington /// 06.01.2016 /// 10:07am

    These paintings are hilarious and stunning! Amazing to hear Scott say he wasnt particularly good when he started out – makes the point that by putting the time into it – the technical abilities and ideas will grow – another great interview – so entertaining and I dont even notice how many miles I’ve run while i listen – xtra bonus 😉
    Danielle – one of the best parts of the interview was hearing that you are taking leap to full-time w/TJC!! Congratulations – so happy for you!!!

  11. Pattern Pulp - Friday Quick Links! /// 06.03.2016 /// 2:01pm

    […] Scott Listfield on art, dinosaurs and astronauts via The Jealous Curator 2. Inside the studio of Bharat Tiles via design*sponge 3. Maisie Broadhead critiques the historical […]

  12. Andy Walker /// 06.10.2016 /// 8:19pm

    Excellent episode Danielle and Scott! I listened to this at least three times (twice while mowing my lawn). Being a teacher and aspiring (but time-strapped) artist, both this blog and the entire podcast series in general have reawakened a great beast-sized passion within my creative spirit. Such a coincidence that Scott’s journey congealed when he first watched Kubrick’s brilliant “Space Odyssey 2001”, because this year marks my first viewing of it. Ifeel terrible admitting my late arrival to such a milestone, for I too am product of the 1975 babies. As a teacher, I pass this content onto my aspiring students – hearing from stories such as Scott’s validates my incessant reminders that making art is hard work; that, when pursued in seriousness – with great discipline – breakthroughs will occur. Keep up the amazing work, Danielle; and thanks Scott for your vision. Long live both the gravity defying and gravity obeying subject matter that inhabit your exceptional paintings!

  13. the jealous curator /// 06.10.2016 /// 9:26pm

    thanks so much andy! i’m so glad that the creative beast is awake ; ) (also love that you mow the lawn while listening)

  14. Berta /// 06.30.2016 /// 7:18am

    I can’t believe these are paintings. Love his work and really enjoyed listening to his stories behind the creation of his ideas. Great interview. Kudos on calling out the art galleries and gallery owners who stole from the artists.

  15. joanne neville /// 07.27.2017 /// 4:47am

    OMG one of my favourite artists. his work is Genius, love love!

  16. Kim /// 11.02.2017 /// 12:36pm

    I am in loooove with Pizza Hut Pegasus.

  17. the jealous curator /// 11.03.2017 /// 9:09am

    right!? he’s so good.

  18. Cecelia Ivy Price /// 05.22.2018 /// 12:36pm

    I had a gallery in Pennsylvania try to do that to me (HIVE). I got the, by opening a Paypal case against them. Still doesn’t like that I had to take it that far. I have avoided them since which I hate since they have Halloween art shows that my work would fit quite well in.

    Also have to say his paintings reminds me of the Depeche Mode video for Enjoy the Silence.

  19. Amy Martino /// 03.06.2019 /// 11:06am

    I love this podcast & love his art work too! It’s very unfortunate some galleries do not pay the artists. I have also encountered this with my wearable art socks….. I draw the patterns & then have them made. MANY times over my designs have been knocked off & sold by other companies. Keep up your GREAT work & may ‘good pay galleries’ come your way!