“distant friends”


Today I’m talking to Swedish artist/illustrator Camilla Engman. Eep! She is one of those people who I’ve got way up on an artsy pedestal… and so do a lot of you apparently! I’ve had several people send messages asking if I can get her to come on the podcast. Yes, yes I can! Listen on the little player right up there, or subscribe on iTunes

Let’s start with a few of my favorite paintings by Camilla:


Ah, so good. Mysterious, narrative, and oh so beautifully painted. We talked a little bit about her strange characters… the bears and dogs etc… turns out they represent people {people that may or may not take on those animal-like characteristics}:


Ahh, I love them so much. So sweet and innocent… but I have a feeling they’re probably not quite as sweet and innocent as one might think. Next, these are the amazing envelope collages, from her “Distant Friends” series that she and Ana Ventura started together. I cannot get over them. So simple. So smart. So “damn I wish I thought of that” :


LOVE! We also talked about her studio. Sigh. I want to go to there:


She’s in her own little house which is part of a larger arts community area, in Gothenburg Sweden, called Konstepidemin, which means “the epidemic of art”. There is a little blue restaurant, galleries, AND guest studios that you can apply for as part of their artist-in-residence program. Here’s a little peek:


Yeah. Let’s ALL go there! Thank you so, so much to Camilla for talking to me, even though she was worried about her English… which I thought was perfect/much better than my Swedish; thanks to Saatchi Art for supporting the episode; and THANK YOU for listening! There will be more art for your ear next weekend.

Other links:

  1. Her online shop, Studio Morran
  2. Book that Camilla did with Uppercase
  3. Apply for a guest residency at “Konstepidemin”


comments (7)

  1. Annika /// 03.19.2016 /// 1:54am

    Beautiful, and so inspiring, especially the collage collaboration. Her animal illustrations remind me of one of my favourite illustrators, Evie Barrow (http://www.eviebarrow.com/) who also uses a similar colour scheme with the same innocent and child-like drawing style.

  2. Carla /// 03.19.2016 /// 1:58pm

    whatever she makes has something so whimsical about it. Lovely!

  3. Priya Sebastian /// 03.21.2016 /// 10:32am

    Thank you for this lovely post on Camilla. I’ve been following her blog for years. It is great to hear her voice and listen to what she had to say.

  4. Priya Sebastian /// 03.21.2016 /// 10:37am

    Also, I am definitely planning to become a resident at that artist space, eat Semla, make collages just like Camilla’s, and drink expensive coffee with her.

  5. the jealous curator /// 03.21.2016 /// 9:52pm

    ha! you and me both! ; )

  6. “distant friends” – Viralbuzz-site /// 03.29.2016 /// 5:51am

    […] [ad_2] Source link […]

  7. Envelope Collages by Camilla Engman - ArtisticMoods.com /// 02.09.2017 /// 4:08am

    […] is a frequent feature on The Jealous Curator’s blog where you can also find a podcast of Camilla talking about her background and […]


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