amy judd


Oh, my goodness. These stunning oil paintings are the work of London based painter Amy Judd. Delicate, mysterious, and oh so feminine. This is a description of her work from the gallery that represents her, the Hicks Gallery:

“Amy Judd’s paintings are a collection of sensitive silent moments; some full of whimsical intrigue, others more surreal and seductive. These paintings draw inspiration from the enchanting and imaginative relationship between women and nature found in traditional mythologies and folklores.”

Sigh. Lovely.

comments (10)

  1. Chelo /// 03.03.2016 /// 5:51am

    Amy Judd is incredible. Also check out Amy Lind.

  2. Heather Gauthier /// 03.03.2016 /// 8:35am

    *puts down paintbrush. Seeks comfort food.

  3. Cecile /// 03.03.2016 /// 11:06am

    More hidden faces, Danielle! ; ) Lovely one though!

  4. Rhoda /// 03.03.2016 /// 4:26pm

    OMG! This is so beautiful, beautiful unbelievably beautiful

  5. Jen /// 03.03.2016 /// 8:37pm

    Heather, your comment is spot on!

  6. the jealous curator /// 03.04.2016 /// 7:55am

    haha! heather and jen… so funny! and true. just make sure you pick your brush back up after the ice cream is finished ; )

  7. Kimberly Santini /// 03.04.2016 /// 10:09am

    stunning!! I love them!!

  8. Mysteriously Surreal Paintings of Faceless Women Overpowered by Nature and Wildlife - Yatabaza /// 03.04.2016 /// 1:10pm

    […] Amy Judd: Facebook | FlickrHicks Gallery: Website | Facebook | Instagramvia [this isn’t happiness, The Jealous Curator] […]

  9. Dallas Photo /// 03.04.2016 /// 1:18pm

    […] Amy Judd: Facebook | FlickrHicks Gallery: Website | Facebook | Instagramvia [this isn’t happiness, The Jealous Curator] […]

  10. amy judd – Viralbuzz-site /// 03.29.2016 /// 5:36am

    […] [ad_2] Source link […]

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