trevor wheatley


Yes. To all of this. Just imagine wandering along, you know through the woods or a corn field, and coming upon one of these text-based installations by Canadian artist Trevor Wheatley… so good! I need that SQUAD in my backyard.

*photos by Jake Sherman ; SUS photos by Jp King

via Booooooom

comments (2)

  1. Segolene /// 02.17.2016 /// 8:43am

    Another culture vulture using things created by “the other” to get ahead.
    “real talk”
    “snitch” indeed.
    He’s Canadian. Why not use “eh”?
    No wonder people of color are up in arms.

  2. Lauren /// 02.17.2016 /// 2:17pm

    LOVE the snitch one- perfect!

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