“the best gift ever…”


Yep! It’s a mini pre-holiday episode of Art For Your Ear… the perfect way to wrap up 2015, yes? My plan for this podcast has always been to ask artists questions that the art history books just don’t cover, so, I asked twelve artists to tell me about “the best gift they ever got”… see, I bet the art history books won’t tell you about that! There are a bunch of hilarious childhood Christmas presents, incredibly thoughtful birthday gifts, and even a good report card gift in there too. Have a listen right up there under Jessica Brilli’s “Nova in the Snow”, or you can subscribe on iTunes.

And in case you don’t listen {why aren’t you listening!?}, I’m going to take a moment to get a little sappy. I want to say thank you so much to all of you for not only reading the blog, but also indulging me earlier this year when I decided to try this podcast thing. I was really nervous about it, and wasn’t sure if it would be right for me… but now I’m obsessed! Part of that obsession is thanks to all of you and your insane enthusiasm / support! I’ve received lovely messages from so many of you – stories about listening while you work in your studio, run errands, make dinner, exercise. I get heartfelt emails about episodes that hit a nerve with you, and got you fired up to get back into the studio. It makes me so happy… so happy, in fact, that I’m able to put my phone anxiety on the back burner while I make the next call.

AND, thank you so much to all of the artists who say yes! Yes to evening Skype calls {sometimes with alcohol}, yes to answering all of my crazy fan-girl questions, and yes to the speed round! I appreciate it so, so much. xo

Finally, one more thank you… thank you to Saatchi Art for being so amazing. Before I launched the podcast – before even I knew what it would be like/sound like – I called the lovely folks at Saatchi Art in LA and asked if they’d sponsor the first episode. You never know, right? They might say yes? Well, they didn’t even hesitate! And it has gone long past the first episode – they’ve been supporting me since the beginning. See? Amazing.

Ok. I’m finished typing now. Have a listen to “the best gift ever”, and I’ll be back with more episodes of Art For Your Ear in early January … Happy Holidays! xo

{The twelve artists in this episode: Kelly Puissegur  /  Tiffanie Turner  /  Jessica Brilli  /  Jaime Derringer  /  Stephanie Vovas  / Bobbie Burgers  /  Sidney Pink  /  Debra Broz  / Michelle Kohanzo  /  Jessica Bell  /  Martha Rich  /  Esther Pearl Watson }


comments (5)

  1. Arrnica Dayannandan /// 12.19.2015 /// 1:51pm

    That’s such an amazing blog post 🙂 I love it 🙂 Good idea asking artists about the best gifts they ever got. Truly something one would never find in an art book. It reminds me. There were so many gifts that compete for the best gifts I ever got for all of my birthdays, but the one gift that caused me to chance upon the world of art, was a variety of different types of colors, pencils, color pens, paper, canvas, and brushes my mother-in-law got for me, on my first birthday after marriage, which got me dabbling with colors and canvas.. something I never imagined I’d ever do in my life …. even just for fun… and to think that now I am quite a dedicated and serious artist.. what a twist of fate :p 😀

  2. the jealous curator /// 12.20.2015 /// 10:13am

    oh, what an amazing story arrnica!

  3. Sherrie /// 01.06.2016 /// 10:34am

    Hi Danielle, I just wanted to leave a quick comment to tell you how much I’ve been enjoying the podcast. I somehow stumbled across it in iTunes a few months ago, and have come to love it! I teach students with visual impairments over a pretty large geographic area here in southwest Nova Scotia (I also love that you’re a fellow Canadian!) which means that I drive quite a bit and I love having you along for the ride. I love how accessible you and your guests make art feel, and your encouragement to just get creating is inspiring. You’re so open and friendly and candid with your guests – it’s simply a joy to listen. Thanks so much for putting the podcast out there, and best of luck with all of your endeavours, especially come July! Sending all of the best (and a lovely ocean breeze) from Nova Scotia, Sherrie

  4. Katie /// 01.25.2016 /// 9:01am

    I love that your brother made the music for this podcast! I have wondered for far too long where that came from because I love it!

  5. Christine Aaron /// 04.10.2021 /// 3:25pm

    Oh my goodness what a FUN episode. I loved Deborah’s and even recorded it and sent to my youngest of three bc she had the same expereince! OOps . And so finally years and years later I got her ornaments for the first few years as I had for her older brother and sister…And the 40 gifts/calls gift? I mean, wow!


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