angela deane


Oh, these make me so happy… and kinda sad. Found photos starring gouachie ghosts by American artist Angela Deane. All of these pieces are from her Ghost Photographs series. Angela refers to them as “ghosts of moments” – special events gone by which may or may not be remembered fully and or correctly – which is why they make me happy… and kinda sad. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go pore over old family photos and do my very best to remember what was happening and who the hell all of those people are!

{thanks to Carol for pointing me to Angela’s portfolio}

comments (8)

  1. Tami Von Zalez /// 11.30.2015 /// 7:54am

    Ah, life is full of experiences, how can we remember all of them in great detail?

  2. bruna /// 11.30.2015 /// 10:12am

    well if you liked that, you might like this:

    i have a small piece of clint’s that Angela’s work reminded me of.

    found and i mean “found” photos, reimagined into new narratives!

  3. bruna /// 11.30.2015 /// 10:14am

    see here too.

  4. Kelly /// 11.30.2015 /// 10:28am

    damn wish I’d thought of that

  5. Megan /// 11.30.2015 /// 1:16pm

    This really taps in to why I love old family photos but why I also feel melancholy about them. The loss of memories, etc….reminds me of the movie “Inside Out” and how certain memories just fall into a pit and fade away…(I cried through the entire movie…LOL)

  6. Janette /// 12.03.2015 /// 10:31am

    Wow, love these.

  7. Jessica /// 01.16.2016 /// 9:52am

    Hahaha these are incredible!! But I get what you mean, they made me happy first and then a bit sad. Really interesting.

  8. “ufos, diaries & underdogs” | Alien News /// 08.19.2019 /// 5:34pm

    […] angela deane » […]

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