anna maria bellmann


Oh my. Delicate, floral, paper-cuts by German artist Anna Maria Bellmann. These gorgeous pieces were a lovely surprise when I went to look at her portfolio. I actually found her on Pinterest because of these blue beauties:


… also delicate and floral, but not paper-cuts! These are called cyanotypes. Here’s the deal, in Anna’s words:

The cyanotype is an old precious printing method, also called Prussian blue print. 1842 discovered by Sir John Herschel, one of the greatest scientists of his time, it was initially used predominantly, to blueprints – create – technical drawings for architectural, engineering or shipbuilding. The cyanotype uses the light sensitivity of certain iron salts that form insoluble crystals under UV irradiation. Is exposed in the sunshine, developed with running water, the result is the beautiful color tone, the “Prussian blue”. Photograms of this kind allow a very fine representation of floral structures – as a symbiosis a gift from the sun, blue sky and botanical beauties.

Ah, so, so lovely… all of it!

{Blue pieces found via Lisa Congdon on Pinterest}

comments (5)

  1. Cecile /// 08.21.2015 /// 5:53am

    Ooohhh… Those lovely paper-cuts tickle my detail-loving mind!

  2. andrea /// 08.21.2015 /// 4:25pm

    Very fine work, nature is always beautiful and delicate!!!
    I also work with cyanotype but in a whole different direction!!
    Love your blog always!!

  3. the jealous curator /// 08.22.2015 /// 8:00am

    ooh, going to check you out right now 🙂

  4. Susy /// 08.21.2015 /// 4:45pm

    Truly exquisite!

  5. 7 Inspiring Ways To Stretch Your Mind, Body & Life! | The Tao of Dana /// 09.06.2015 /// 9:28am

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