lorna simpson


Damn. I wish I thought of that. I haven’t said that out loud in awhile, but the moment I saw these beautiful women with their stunning, inky hair, well, I couldn’t help myself. These pieces are all from a collage & ink series, titled “Ebony”, by American artist Lorna Simpson. Lorna is an incredibly accomplished artist, known for her pioneering work in photography and film making … the list of galleries where her work has been shown is insane… MoMA, LACMA, and the Whitney just to name a few!  These collages are her most recent work, some of which are 30″x22″. She repurposes images from the 1950s {found in vintage issues of Ebony magazine I believe}, “taking the African-American woman as a point of departure, continuing [Lorna’s] longstanding examination of the ways that gender and culture shape the experience of life in our contemporary multiracial society.” Beautiful.

*Quote taken from the description of, “Lorna Simpson : Works on Paper”

comments (3)

  1. Jessica Wray /// 06.26.2015 /// 9:56am

    These are excellent! I love the movement in the second piece.

  2. the jealous curator /// 06.26.2015 /// 11:06am

    me too : )

  3. Must-Reads for Creatives 7.3.15 - In Tandem /// 07.03.2015 /// 5:05am

    […] Lorna Simpson >>> […]


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