philippa beveridge


Gasp! Glass change purses, filled with quiet traces of mystery contents. They are part of an ongoing series by British artist Philippa Beveridge, titled Lost & Found. Here, in her words, is how this work came to be:

“[These] works deal with the concept of collective and individual identity through the everyday form of a purse: a belonging which is often lost, stolen or mislaid, full of sentimental value and charged with personal memories. I began to make this work during a three-month long artist’s residency in Northern France. I invited local residents to visit me at the studio and show me the contents of their purses.  Building on the theme of traces, I highlighted the objects and details found in the purses to forge histories and construct identities. The resulting imagery, trapped in the material, expresses notions of time, memories and sentiments which lean towards metaphorical interpretations in relation to one’s own past.”

Sigh… lovely.

comments (8)

  1. Caren /// 03.20.2015 /// 9:16am

    These are Fantastic!

  2. Kim Putnam /// 03.20.2015 /// 1:58pm

    Love the purses for a number of reasons. First they speak of identity and more specifically for me they speak of identity of women (my artwork also relate to women’s issues such as identity), I find a connection to fashion when looking at these images as well as a level of vulnerability. Thank you for sharing these images.

  3. GregoryWest /// 03.20.2015 /// 10:11pm

    so beautiful

  4. Joy white /// 03.21.2015 /// 5:51am

    gasp is right! These are so intimate and lovely.

  5. Michele /// 03.21.2015 /// 9:12am

    That is so interesting and I bet really difficult to do with glass of all things. I can’t even wrap my head around how she fit the clasping mechanism so perfectly. Awe inspired

  6. Elizabeth Treweeke /// 03.22.2015 /// 6:07pm

    Gorgeous. So beautiful and evocative.

  7. Emily Filler /// 04.24.2015 /// 10:26am

    Unreal. These are so unique. I love that they look like melting ice…

  8. BJ Kennedy /// 04.29.2017 /// 6:45am

    I love these they are the work of someone who can look into your heart and soul and see what’s in there and I love the way it looks like people work on his left behind parts of themselves I do want to know if after she’s completed the collection and shown it if any of these will be for purchase

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