#creativeUNblock no.1


I have been wanting to do this for so long, but the timing never seemed right. Well how about the start of a new year… perfect! Yep, it’s time to earn that “unblocking” badge.

There are 50 amazing “unblocking” projects, given by the 50 very clever artists that I interviewed for my book, Creative Block, and I want to try all of them… and I will… but I’m going to do this in baby steps. Instead of doing 1 per week {my original, Type-A plan}, I’m going to do 1 per month for the next 12 months. Are you in? Yes! {If you all do it too, that will keep me motivated!}

The first Saturday of each month I’ll post the new project. I’m going to jump around the book a bit, picking 12 totally random projects. Some of them are actually 30 day projects unto themselves, while others only take an afternoon {feel free to spend the month doing those quicker projects multiple times in different ways!}. A few of them can be done in the studio, but others will take us outside on mini-adventures… oh, it’s gonna be good! Don’t feel like you have to share what you’ve made, but if you want to {I’ll share my progress from time to time}, just pop it up on instagram and/or twitter, and include #creativeunblock. And if you don’t mind, I might share a few of my favorites on the site! Ok, ready? Here we go:


#creativeunblock // January // by NYC based artist Trey Speegle p.79


A SEASON FOR NO REASON : Make a drawing in black and white {or use a found image} and then photocopy the drawing onto card stock 50 times – or enough copies so that you won’t “worry” about how many you’ve used. {Take your time and draw or find an image that you really love, and will like working with over and over} Then, alter the image in as many different ways as you can think of with colored pencils, paint, cutting, whatever. You can modify this idea and change it in whatever way you like but the important thing is to turn off your brain and just play with a repeated form and let your mind see where no ideas or thought process takes you. 

Create your own tight parameters… then give yourself a LOT of room to play. Have fun. ~ Trey Speegle  

Let’s do this… see ya on instagram! { ps. you can tag Trey when you post your pieces if you’d like: @treynyc }

comments (107)

  1. Les /// 01.03.2015 /// 9:39am

    i m on board for your 12 month 12 creative projects.
    It’s just what I needed. Thank you.
    This year I’ve made a commitment to start painting again.
    So this is perfect timing.
    Look forward to seeing everyone’s results on Instagram. Just joined.

    I’ve been following the jealous curator on pin interest and FB.
    Love your selections.

    Happy creating

  2. Terese Mullin /// 01.03.2015 /// 9:40am

    This sounds like a lot of fun.
    I am currently in school, so will be already busy creating, but I would like to try and find time to do this. Maybe even try this with my kids!

  3. Sandi /// 01.03.2015 /// 9:47am

    THANK YOU for knocking on my blocked creative door. I’m in!

  4. jo /// 01.03.2015 /// 9:52am

    Fantastic. I’m definitely on board x

  5. Yvonne /// 01.03.2015 /// 10:50am

    Ohhh this is great, I love the book. And once a month is definitely doable. This challenge could just be the extra push I needed, so… I’m in! Let’s do this! 😀

  6. Marianne /// 01.03.2015 /// 10:54am

    please add a “follow by email” button… a month from now I’m likely to forget all about this. An email reminder would be awesome. 🙂

  7. sally /// 01.03.2015 /// 10:55am


  8. maggie /// 01.03.2015 /// 11:01am

    Oh my gosh, this is such a freaking awesome idea! I will definitely be playing along with you.


  9. M.C. Mayo /// 01.03.2015 /// 11:08am

    I’m in.

  10. Michelle /// 01.03.2015 /// 11:56am

    Super excited about this project, I am soooooo in 🙂

  11. Brigitte /// 01.03.2015 /// 11:59am

    I’m in … scary as I haven’t done any work for a looong while but need something to start me off again …. x

  12. Joann Mariahazy /// 01.03.2015 /// 12:03pm

    I’ll be doing this along with you!

  13. the jealous curator /// 01.03.2015 /// 12:16pm

    yay! this is so great! i was going to do this on my own, but having all of you along for the ride will keep me sooo motivated!

  14. Laura Francescangeli /// 01.03.2015 /// 1:24pm

    This is a fantastic way to start the New Year.. and just what i needed. I definitely notice that i need a project to get me going otherwise i’ll go in circles and circles not really completing anything. but since these are designed to be quick and doable in a month it should be perfect for me! Thanks you are the master of creativity unblocking!

  15. Mary Gaspar /// 01.03.2015 /// 1:35pm

    Yes! I am in! Thanks for the inspiration as always!

  16. Kelly Arcacha /// 01.03.2015 /// 1:42pm

    Love this, count me in!!! I agree that it is a fantastic way to start the new year. Goes hand-in-hand with my resolution to spend more time in the studio and see what unfolds.

  17. caroline smith /// 01.03.2015 /// 2:45pm

    This sounds like a fantastic opportunity to keep my creativity flowing.

  18. Nanette Rae /// 01.03.2015 /// 4:28pm

    Fantastic way to jump right into 2015 creating some art with my favorite jealous curator!

  19. Connie /// 01.03.2015 /// 5:27pm

    WOW, Im in! Just what I need to start this year. Thanks a lot for sharing! Best wishes for this 2015.
    Connie, from Argentina – living at Mexico DF-

  20. caitlincz /// 01.03.2015 /// 5:52pm

    I’m in! 🙂

  21. Patricia /// 01.03.2015 /// 6:07pm

    this is cool! I will try to unblock my self.

  22. Laura Dunn /// 01.03.2015 /// 7:11pm

    Love this idea!! I will have to follow along with this series!

  23. Fer Scarlato /// 01.03.2015 /// 9:07pm

    This is such a great idea! I’ve been on a creative block (laziness) for the past year now, and it really is no good for my career (I’m a graphic designer). I’ll try to give it a shot and start using my empty instagram account!

  24. Cheshire /// 01.03.2015 /// 9:08pm

    I am so down to do this!

  25. chelsea /// 01.03.2015 /// 10:27pm

    IM DOING IT!!!!!!!!!!
    I must admit I’m sort of scared!!!! It’s a big commitment in more ways than one… not just time… (something deeper required!) But its awesome and I’m doing it!!!!!!!!!!! Fortunately its shared!!!!!

  26. the jealous curator /// 01.04.2015 /// 12:35am


  27. Tanya /// 01.04.2015 /// 1:11am

    What would be some interesting tight parameters?

  28. the jealous curator /// 01.04.2015 /// 10:13am

    tanya… the “tight parameters” refers to choosing one image to work with over and over again. it’s the purpose behind this exercise 🙂
    nafisa … there’s no schedule to share your work. you can instagram it at any point (mid process, finished) whatever you like. just hashtag it with #creativeunblock so i can find it 🙂
    janine … yep, instagram. just include #creativeunblock – thanks!

  29. Kathleen Sloggatt /// 01.04.2015 /// 2:54am

    I’m in.

  30. Rebecca /// 01.04.2015 /// 3:17am

    This sounds like great fun, I am also in!!

  31. Nafisa /// 01.04.2015 /// 3:37am

    Yes. I am in too. Is there a schedule when we share our works?

  32. Janine /// 01.04.2015 /// 5:30am

    Sounds great, I’m in too! How do we post our works? Instagram? (Finally I get to use my account :))

  33. Self-Care Sunday Links 1.4.15 | Weightless /// 01.04.2015 /// 7:34am

    […] fun creative project to try each […]

  34. Lynnette K. Black /// 01.04.2015 /// 8:26am

    I’m in, going to retire this year after almost 40 years of medical device marketing & communications. Wanted to go back to my roots as an artist. Went to grad school in printmaking at University of Iowa. Having a hard time restarting my art because of my inner critique. This seems a great way to break the ice. Thanks, Lynnette

  35. Adriana perez /// 01.04.2015 /// 9:27am

    In …… how do I sign up for the reminders?

  36. the jealous curator /// 01.04.2015 /// 10:12am

    hi adriana… i don’t have an email reminder, but i’ll post a reminders, and project updates on my site and fb every saturday:https://www.facebook.com/thejealouscurator

  37. Jessica /// 01.04.2015 /// 11:32am

    Yay! This is great. Thanks Danielle. xo

  38. Links I Loved Last Week: A Round-Up of Online Reading | the dirigible plum /// 01.04.2015 /// 2:06pm

    […] The Jealous Curator has cooked up a terrific creative challenge for 2015: 12 creative unblock projects. […]

  39. Amber /// 01.04.2015 /// 2:32pm

    Ok, just ordered shit from FedEx. It’s on.

  40. Nancy Benton /// 01.04.2015 /// 3:06pm

    I’m in! I’ve had the book for awhile and only have done one. I love the idea of doing it with others.

  41. Kathy Boyle /// 01.04.2015 /// 4:13pm

    fabulous idea, will be giving it a go, love the sound of the book, where is it available

  42. the jealous curator /// 01.04.2015 /// 9:27pm

    hi kathy… you can find it at any major bookshop (and lots of indie shops too!). you can also buy it online here: http://great.ly/t/jealouscurator/products/12650

  43. Nafisa /// 01.04.2015 /// 8:32pm

    Oh Great!!!! I am super excited about it 🙂

  44. Melanie Scallion /// 01.04.2015 /// 9:04pm

    This is great timing. My goal was to try something crafty/artsy this year. This kinda freaks me out but I’m going for it.

  45. Annebel /// 01.05.2015 /// 12:15am

    I wil go go go for it. Such an inspiring idea.

  46. Sarah Fritsche /// 01.05.2015 /// 1:32am

    wonderfull challenge! I take it on. Se you on the artfull web. 😉

  47. Ciara O Connell /// 01.05.2015 /// 3:40am

    We would love to be involved in this project

  48. barbara /// 01.05.2015 /// 9:09am

    I AM IN! Just ordered the book! So delighted to join!

  49. Kim /// 01.05.2015 /// 9:25am

    Thanks for creating this! I’m a big fan of and host an artists way group, will share with my members. Perfect new years host!

  50. sarah /// 01.05.2015 /// 9:38am

    Totally in!! Love this book and this is definitely the push I need!

  51. Nicky /// 01.05.2015 /// 10:07am

    Hey, wait for me, i’m so in!

  52. Susan /// 01.05.2015 /// 10:50am

    Excellent idea, great way to help me start the year. Merci!

  53. Stef Bauer /// 01.05.2015 /// 1:00pm

    Sounds like a great beginning!
    Looking forward to all the creations:))

    I’m in !!

  54. Haydee Torres /// 01.05.2015 /// 4:18pm

    I’m in:)

  55. Phyllis Fredendall /// 01.06.2015 /// 7:32am

    I’m going to make a variation of this in fiber as I have more than a lifetime supply. No photocopying, but can repeat an interesting ground shape and go from there. Thanks to former students Amanda and Jaimianne for sharing this link…. onward!

  56. Lisa P /// 01.06.2015 /// 7:53am

    Yes! I’ve been following your blog for a while now and am consistently inspired/weirded out/in love. I am so on board with this idea, gonna get on board asap 🙂

  57. Nicola Kirkman /// 01.06.2015 /// 1:19pm

    Yes Please! Bring it on!! “2015, the most creative year yet” !!

  58. Karen B. /// 01.06.2015 /// 2:39pm

    My friends and I heard you speak at the Bedford Gallery in Walnut Creek Calif. last month and we are all inspired to take on your creative challenges in 2015! It helps that one of us got your book for Christmas, too. We’re starting challenge #1 … can’t wait to see what we all make! Thanks for not only curating, but provoking and inspiring.

  59. the jealous curator /// 01.06.2015 /// 5:28pm

    yay! so thrilled that all of you are coming along with me on this one… so much easier when you’re not doing it alone!

  60. How will you experience 2015? | Brain Popcorn /// 01.07.2015 /// 12:28pm

    […] Jealous Curator is doing a monthly “Creative Un-Block” challenge: January’s features altering copies of the same image in as many ways and with as many […]

  61. Lesley /// 01.07.2015 /// 5:36pm

    Well now, this is exactly what I need to kick start my creative energy for 2015! I’m in with both feet!

  62. sarah /// 01.08.2015 /// 11:45am

    How fun is this!?!! Such a perfect idea for starting the year off right. Thanks for sharing!

  63. Lemonee /// 01.10.2015 /// 9:34am

    I’m jumping right in! Sounds like fun and I def could need a little kick in the ** heh heh 😉

  64. the jealous curator /// 01.10.2015 /// 5:43pm

    don’t we all 😉

  65. Maggie /// 01.10.2015 /// 6:27pm

    Started mine today! Can’t wait to dig in!

  66. Sydney /// 01.10.2015 /// 8:11pm

    Love this idea and the combined intentions of so many others. After several years away from the visual arts, I’m hoping to jump back in and try this out. Thanks!

  67. Nina frigault /// 01.11.2015 /// 12:33am

    Why not I am truly blocked at the moment starting at zero again with my art

  68. Olivia Hart-Hughes /// 01.11.2015 /// 8:33am

    What a great idea!!
    I’m getting started this week.

  69. Gretchen kelly /// 01.11.2015 /// 9:32am

    i think I’ll try this- thanks for the monthly rather than the weekly!

  70. Rendell /// 01.11.2015 /// 10:34am

    I’m a little late to the party, as I am giving myself 15 days to work into the new year…but, I’m IN! It’s a great way for me to finally enjoy your book more.

  71. the jealous curator /// 01.11.2015 /// 1:31pm

    great, me too rendell! and gretchen … that’s exactly what i thought… monthly is so much more manageable! 😉

  72. Meg /// 01.12.2015 /// 1:33pm

    Ooh this is an awesome idea! I’m definitely going to try this 🙂 I’m in need of a bit of creative recovery this year so this should help, thank you.

  73. Michelle Foligno /// 01.12.2015 /// 5:07pm

    I’m in! Thank you for this 🙂

  74. Round-up of 2015 Yearly Creative Challenges - Swoodson Says /// 01.13.2015 /// 5:31am

    […] ‘Creative Unblock: 12 Months, 12 Creative Projects’ on The Jealous Curator […]

  75. Marci Hirsch /// 01.13.2015 /// 6:51am

    I LOVE this idea and just heard about it yesterday, but am definitely in! This is something I have thought about doing for so long, so am thrilled that you are motivating me to do it…thanks!
    I’m going to share with some friends as well…

  76. Peg Grady /// 01.13.2015 /// 1:30pm

    Just what I needed to get unstuck…thank you!

  77. In lieu of a newsletter | e.tches.ca /// 01.14.2015 /// 3:18pm

    […] Speaking of inner critics, ever since I first read Danielle Krysa’s Creative Block, I’ve been thinking that it would be really cool to work my way through all the unblocking challenges recommended by the artists featured in the book (hey, I even mentioned that in the review I did of the book last March). So it was super cool to see Krysa leading just such an effort this year! […]

  78. NOTEWORTHY 1.16.15 | A Sensible Habit /// 01.16.2015 /// 10:12am

    […] Creative Unblock – The Jealous Curator – You can get the book and/or participate in her new monthly projects on the blog. This month the creative unblock is – Make a drawing in black and white {or use a found image} and then photocopy the drawing onto card stock 50 times. Then, alter the image in as many different ways as you can think of with colored pencils, paint, cutting, whatever. I love this idea and hope to make some time to try it. […]

  79. Nafisa /// 01.16.2015 /// 11:56am

    I have posted the January challenge on Instagram with #creativeunblock 🙂

  80. Nafisa /// 01.16.2015 /// 12:05pm

    What should I expect next?

  81. the jealous curator /// 01.16.2015 /// 12:09pm

    hi nafisa … the new one will be coming the first saturday in feb. i finished the jan project too… but i think i’m going to pick a totally different/new image and go again before the month is over 🙂

  82. Nafisa /// 01.16.2015 /// 6:47pm

    Hmmmm…that would be fun. 🙂 would try another one too 🙂

  83. janet hulme /// 01.22.2015 /// 2:23am

    I’m coming in late but will give this a crack in Feb, with the Feb one as well. Have to wait until school holidays finish so I have some brain space.

  84. Meredith Gisness /// 01.22.2015 /// 9:28am

    I’m having lots of fun with this. I put it out to my friends to join me too! I’m hoping they will share their work with me on a private facebook group I created. the Jealous Curator, I would love to see your work from the January project. I’m sure I won’t complete 50 interpretations of my drawing but even if I get 10 done, I’ll be happy!

  85. Creative challenges & this week | Mouseblossom /// 01.24.2015 /// 3:29am

    […] Knowing we’re all doing it at the same time, gave me the extra push. Read more about it: here. Are you up for a creative challenge […]

  86. Be Inspired Sunday: Green (With Envy) - My Nearest And Dearest /// 01.25.2015 /// 6:35pm

    […] Curator blog, which is chalk full of artsy eye candy.  I am hoping I can make time for their #creativeUNblock challenge, which could be just the thing to help me push the boundaries of my own […]

  87. 69 – journal wrecking | Dragonsnlace /// 01.26.2015 /// 7:13am

    […] I mentally calculate the things to do tomorrow. Kitchener the head. Knit the ears. Training at work. Put on the roast. Exercise. Mixed media class through Craftsy, so I can play with the pen and ink. Wondering how much ink I will spill all over my lustrous white table. Contemplating The Jealous Curator’s year unblock challenge. […]

  88. Leann F /// 01.28.2015 /// 9:32pm

    I’m late to the party but I’m here!

  89. The Jealous Curator January Creative UNBlock Challenge - Melanie Biehle /// 01.31.2015 /// 7:37pm

    […] For the past few days I’ve been playing around with The Jealous Curator’s January Creative UNBlock Challenge. We were instructed to take an image, copy it 50ish times, and alter each one a different way. You can read more about the challenge on Danielle’s blog. […]

  90. Featured – The Jealous Curator #creativeunblock | purple woods /// 02.04.2015 /// 12:05am

    […] I was truly inspired by the first challenge, and I want to thank Danielle for the feature on her blog! If you want to know more about the January Creative Unblock just click here. […]

  91. #creativeUNblock #1 | e.tches.cae.tches.ca /// 02.05.2015 /// 4:03pm

    […] already mentioned being excited about The Jealous Curator’s #creativeUNblock challenge. As soon as I saw what the challenge was for January, I beat feet to the Library of Congress’ […]

  92. Helen DeLamarter /// 02.07.2015 /// 1:05pm

    Stacey Hunter turned me on to this year long project. I have not done January’s project but just completed February’s. Not sure if I have used Instagram properly but hope so!! Thanks for the inspiration!

  93. the jealous curator /// 02.07.2015 /// 3:30pm

    yay! that’s great helen… i’ll see if i can find it on instagram 🙂

  94. Found Some Paper /// 03.05.2015 /// 1:58am

    […] I started a project The Jealous Curator introduced readers on her blog (you can read more here). In a nutshell, Trey Speegle, an artist presented in Danielle’s book, asked you to create a […]

  95. Leah Naomi /// 01.04.2016 /// 9:03am

    Is this happening again this year?

  96. bev michaels /// 01.22.2016 /// 6:39pm

    sign me up please

  97. Creative Unblock 1 /// 01.25.2016 /// 6:07pm

    […] creative blocks and how to get un-stuck, and her site spotlights 12 of them. I finally did one (the first one), a year later. My take was to draw some leaves, color them, photograph them and do some […]

  98. Creative Unblock 2 /// 01.25.2016 /// 6:19pm

    […] some point while working on these images (the project came from here)I heard a dub step tune (listen here), and felt an affinity to some lines in the song. This image […]

  99. Creative Unblock 3 /// 01.25.2016 /// 6:24pm

    […] This one, like the previous one, references that dub step song I heard. I used the Art Rage app on a Surface Pro for the painting, then composited some found old paper and LetterMpress set type in pshop. Inspiration for this image from here. […]

  100. Creative Unblock 4 /// 01.25.2016 /// 6:31pm

    […] some found old paper and the LetterMpress set type on top, all in pshop. Again, the idea came from here, highly […]

  101. Ana /// 01.31.2016 /// 6:53am

    Just saw this, is it too late to start? Do we start from the beginning or just hop on to the second project. This is such a great idea, thanks!

  102. the jealous curator /// 01.31.2016 /// 9:51am

    yeah just start wherever and whenever you like… there are 12. one for each month from 2015. have fun!

  103. Dave MCGuigan /// 02.26.2016 /// 4:35pm

    sign me up please!

  104. Suzanne Fellows /// 10.20.2016 /// 12:44pm

    sign me up – thanks!!

  105. Rachel /// 04.03.2017 /// 10:21pm

    Please sign me you. Sounds like a great idea. Is this still running?

  106. the jealous curator /// 04.04.2017 /// 6:24am

    there’s no sign up, you can just go ahead and do them! : )

  107. Barbara /// 01.09.2018 /// 6:33am

    I did this a few years back and am back for MORE! THANKS!


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