Congratulations to … Rachele (of studiorah)!!!! You won all of these books!? I’ll email you to get your address. Thank you so much to everyone that entered! I hope your holidays are full of beautiful books for all of you, and thank you for making the pledge to #givebooks. ps. There are lots of other giveaways coming up in the next few weeks, so don’t be sad if you didn’t win today… lots of other chances on their way!
So, who wants to win ten books? YES, I SAID TEN BOOKS! This incredibly generous give-away is all thanks to Chronicle Books and their amazingΒ #GiveBooks campaign… all they ask in return is this:
Share the love of reading, support your local bookseller, and help promote literacy! For every person who pledges to #GiveBooks this holiday season, by sharing this intention through social media, Chronicle Books will donate a book to a child in need through First Book. Help us donate 10,000 books by TAKING THE PLEDGE HERE.
How wonderful is that?! I’ve already taken the pledge, and I hope you will too! Speaking of wonderful, Chronicle let me to choose ten of my favorite books to give to one of my readers {that’s you!}. I decided to pick an assortment of art books, and beautiful children’s books because a. I’m an artist and a mama, b. I’m quite sure a lot of you are too, and c. people of all ages should have access to inspiring, art-filled books, right? Right! Here are my picks:
1. I like to Draw/I like to Write – Love this! Half the book is filled with art prompts, flip it over and be a writer!
2. For Just One Day – Such a sweet book about a little boy imagining that he’s different animals.
3. All my friends are dead – Ha! So smart & funny … my son loves this book.
4. Press Here – I love this book soooo much… Absolute magic for toddlers {and grown-ups too!}
5. Watercolor – I own this one and it’s gorgeous! A collection of work by watercolor artists. Love.
6. Hello NY – A beautifully illustrated love letter to New York by Julia Rothman. So good!
7. Collage – Ok, yes. I put my own books on the list.
8. Duck! Rabbit! – So fun/clever… a sweet little trick for your mind. It’s a duck. No, rabbit. No, duck!
9. Creative Block – I haven’t read it, but I hear this one is FANTASTIC {wink wink nudge nudge}
10. Art, Inc. – A very smart/helpful book by artist Lisa Congdon on turning your art practice into a business.
Whoa. What a line up! So, just leave a comment below telling me who you’ll give books to this year, and I’ll draw one very lucky winner on Monday November 24th at 9am PST. Good luck!
ps. An extra little note from the lovely folks at Chronicle… “We would like to offer your readers 30% + free ground shipping (excluding personalized products) at through the end of the year with offer code GIVEBOOKS”. Um, who loves Chronicle? Yep, me too!

On 6th of Dec Saint Nicolas is celebrated in Belgium (and the rest of Europe) and even St Nicolas is bringing a book for each of my children every year. He brings them at night and displays them nicely in the living room with candy and speculoos, only for the kids who are good off course. When they wake up it’s a big surprise!!
And for Christmas gifts, i always buy books for all, also for the naughty ones π
i love that, carla!
Always a great gift for friends but definitely to my 7-year-old daughter who is just starting to really flourish at reading and is always eager to read aloud to younger ones. What a great collection!
Following my mother’s tradition, I give each of my two children a special book for Christmas. This might not be the only book they receive, but it’s a book that’s a little larger, a little more expensive than average. Last year my then-four son received “The Ultimate Book of Vehicles,” a combo pop-up Richard Scary-style comprehensive orgy of vehicles. My then-seven year old daughter got a big DK book about “Animals.” She was less enthused, as the book didn’t have the instant payoff of her brother’s, but she now enjoys it and actually uses it as a reference.
I hope Santa smiles on me as I am hoping for the expensive but beautiful book “Lichens of North America”
I always give books to my children. They love to read and they look at books for hours each week… just like I did when I was their age. It makes me so happy!
This year I’ll give books to my brand new nephew and his 4-year old brother; I’ll continue adding them to our local “Little Free Library” as well as sending them to my grandma to swap and receive our daily reading.
My mom worked at a local bookstore, so my family always gets books for Christmas. They make some of the best presents.
My nephews and nieces would definitely enjoy these books. What a wonderful giveaway.
Such a wonderful giveaway, would be hugely inspiring for my a level art and photography subjects but certainly a list of books to put on my Christmas list π
I definitely give books and love to receive them as well. Bringing art in to it brings in my mother’s tradition and marries it with mine. My mother was an artist and always gave art supplies. I like giving books. The books you’ve selected marry both.
I always donate books at the holidays. One of the things I put in Toys for Tots bins or I purchase bookstore add-on requests that will end up in a hospital. So I buy books for strangers. Small, young strangers. π (My personal gift list is very small right now.)
I’m giving books to my son, nephew, brother and sister this year. And maybe a few for myself as well.
EVERYONE – family and friends – will get books. Books just make the best presents!
One of my New Year’s resolutions was to read more this year, specifically to read a minimum of 2 books a month for 2014. Any kind of book sufficed, novel or non-fiction, short stories or sweeping tomes, essays, memoirs and everything else in between. So while I’ll be gifting my nieces, nephew and the other kids in my life books as I always do, I’ll be making a special point to gift a few books to myself this year, too.
We only buy books and art supplies for my husband’s niece and the children of friends. I’ve already purchased several at our local used book store and will be getting more soon. These Chronicle books are fantastic. Those might be on the shopping list too.
I plan to give books to my 6 year old son. I saw an ideas of a book a day for the month of December, so that is our plan.
I am blessed with five younger siblings, ranging from 4-16 years of age. They would definitely be the benefactors of this collection over the holidays! Thanks for the giveaway. Chronicle always publishes the best books!
Books are always my go-to Christmas gift for my family and friends, but especially those family members who are just learning to read! Books are the perfect gift for my little cousins who read every night with their mom. I also have a stack of books waiting to be given away to local used book stores in my neighbourhood! π Donating books feels awesome.
Whoa! This is amazing!
I always give books to my kids at Christmas. I am also giving a book to my 1 year-old nephew, and I bought books for each of my children’s classroom libraries. π Books are my favourite gift to give!
My best friend and I always give each other books for Christmas and birthdays. I especially love it when she gives me something I’ve never heard of which turns out to be amazing! I love giving and receiving books from other people too – especially art books!
For my writing group’s holiday party, we each chose a well-loved book off our own shelves to wrap and give. We give a book and get a book!
I have been looking for books for all the beautiful women in my life.
I have two young cousins who are filled with energy and love art and reading.
My mother who is a 2nd grade teacher is always looking for good books to read to her children so I have been on a search for the perfect book to make a classroom full of young people scream with laughter and joy.
Last but not least my Grandmother who is a retired High School english teach who has set the book buying tradition in my family , so I am searching high and low for the perfect book.
As a teacher of course the books would be for my class : what a pleasure it is to watch their cute faces when I read to them. For the holidays books are my favorite present !
Ah what a wonderful scheme. Books are dreams on a page. I buy books for all my friends’ kids and of course myself! X
I always give books as gifts! My kiddos of course will be getting them this Christmas, as well as other family members based on their respective interests. I feel lucky to be part of a huge book loving family! As Chair of my kids’ school’s book fair this year too, I’ve already decided that the kids who don’t buy books (or other fun stuff from the fair) because they can’t afford them will be receiving them from a portion of our proceeds, as well as the teachers who need more to supplement their classrooms. I’m super excited about that happening real soon!
I always try to give something meaningful to the people I love, and I think that books are treasures that I can give. I’ll give some special books to my family and my boyfriend and I hope we can live a long a happy story together. π
Wow what a great roundup!
I already bought a book for a friend of mine, plus all my little cousins/nephews below 12 are getting books from me for the holidays :p
I love giving book gifts! There will be books opened up at our house Christmas morning, and those hard to buy for people always seem to love opening new books – my in-laws fill that niche! Love the giveaway Danielle! Fingers crossed!!! π
I will be giving books to my little brother and sister because they both have expressed interest in books and my sister is into everything artsy. π I’m also planning on giving books to my friends this christmas because we all really enjoy reading and art so it just seems appropriate π
I’ll be giving books to all of my friends that have new babies. I love great children’s books and there are so many fantastic ones to choose from!
Thanks for all of the hard work that goes into your blog!
There are books everywhere in my room, especially art books or graphic design books.
I want to give books to my sister and to my friends, something about what they are interested in.
I always give a book to everybody on my list! Some will be vintage and some will be new!
I’ll give books to my little nieces and nephews, because reading books is very important for child development. And also to my classmates, because we major in Advertising and books are an endless source of inspiration π
I’ve got kids books and an Orla Keily book in the ‘gift drawer’ already, and will be collecting some more….. books are one of the few gifts that I don’t feel guilty buying during the holiday consumption craze.
Beside my house, lives a girl named Carla. She is 12 years old.
One day, she walked into my room, where also my workspace. She loved to see me draw, so I taught her how to do it. Since that day, always give gift drawings and pencils to draw. It’s nice to see kids do these things, somehow I see me reflected in her. I love see that. With these books, I could teach her new things, she could learn a lot about arts. She likes arts, so much that I’m sure will study that when she grows up.
I give books to my daughter, husband, best friend, and nieces and nephews for Christmas. As you can tell, we are a readerly bunch. The books you have grouped together look fantastic and will make lovely gifts, although I have to admit I would like to keep #7 for myself π
I have some books for my 4 year old niece, Maggie. And, I just bought myself one on ebay so I have something to open and read on Christmas day. Hope to give more…
My twin sister. We’re children at heart, and we’ve had quite the rough past with one another. It’s taken 25 years to finally forgive and love each other, and it’s the most amazing thing in the world since she has always been my best friend and literal other half. I’m so grateful for her and how far we’ve come.
I don’t believe we’re ever too old to enjoy children’s books because there’s so much to learn from the lighthearted artwork and heartwarming, message-filled stories. To put us into perspective, we still watch Spongebob on the daily, so this is perfect.
We spent most of our lives fighting, but I’d love for this to represent the start of a new life together, cherishing and comforting our young & restless hearts.
half to friends, half to my partner. but first i will read them all!
I always give at least a few books each year for Christmas. I already have one picked out and purchased for my mom. Not sure who else.
I mostly give books to my 6-year-old for Christmas and upcoming New Years’ Eve birthday. I KNOW my art-loving daughter would adore several of these. Also, I have several very creative friends that would LOVE and super appreciate gifts of your books too!
Yeah, i know. These books are not of Arts. But, it works anyway. :3
What a lovely idea! something for everyone! xoxo
Sorry. i wanted to say that yes. is of Arts. But.. Okay. i’m leaving.
I’ve recently introduced two of my grand children to art journaling and plan to give them another journal and some art books this Christmas. Art + Books = hApPy caMpEr!
I like to gift people throughout the year with books that fit their life event, whether it is a major decision, travel plans, or an “a-ha” moment. This holiday season will be no different π
My nephews! I’m sure their Christmas lists are full of nothing but video games. I’ll be happy to give them something they didn’t realize they wanted / were missing out on.
Great idea.
I gave a lot of books this year. My mum got a Mother-Daughter-Book to Mother’s Day. My little brother got some books about persons whose are on his interest. And my best friend will get a special friendship-book with lot of memorys, photos and a lot of other stuff to Christmas.:)
How fantastic! Love giving books as gifts and also getting them as well. Would definitely share this bundle with a few friends as this list rocks! Thank you!!
I love gifting books to just about everyone! I know there are some people who might appreciate them less than others, but when appropriate, I try to choose a book that aligns with their interests. And it’s fun to pick books that will gently push my (rather conservative) father’s horizons π
This is the second year that my (grown) family has pledged not to give presents, which is making the season so much easier. However, whenever I give gifts they tend to be books. They’re lovely, compact, easily shipped and shared–and holding a lovely new (or old) book makes me feel rich and satisfied.
Oh, my! What a bounty! I’m especially interested in the collage and creative block ones but all of them are gorgeous!
I would give mum a book, I’m always telling her to leave social media alone for a while and dedicate some time to read a nice book. I usually give her books as presents and I seem to have a knack for it, cos she always likes them!
Books, books, books, and more books!!!
I will be giving books to my Darren(writer+comedian)
My boy just starting to really get into chapter books,
My girl, anything to do with drawing and crafts!!
To my nephew for his first Christmas too:)
Usually is the main gift we give out for Christmas!!
I will give a couple to nephews, and teachers, and I will be keeping at least a couple that have been on my wish list for awhile! How can I not?! I love everything about this!
This is so great! Books are my go-to gift, because, who can’t use a book? I’ll be sharing these lovely texts with all of the creative friends in my life.
This is fabulous- I love reading to my children and students but need to read more myself! I will be giving books as a main gift to my loved ones this season (children and family) and gift more art books to my classroom library for my students. I plan to buy a book or two for myself as well– perhaps a big coffee table photo book!
I want to give all my friends books but most of all I want to give them to my daughter. If I have enough money this year I want to give her a great big Nook gift card so she can buy all the amazing and wonderful YA that is out now. Since getting the Nook for her graduation she has read more books for pleasure the last few months than she read in the last few years!
i will definitely be giving books to my nephew Thomas, my niece Aubri, and my husband Will!
I have a copy of Creative Block to give to my friend Amy and I plan to give my four year old son enough books to fill up his bedroom!
I’m a big believer in books for children. Two of my best friends have young children and they ALWAYS get books from me for gifts. I love finding picture books to place in their tiny hands.
That’s a really awesome selection of books!
I looove to give and receive books as gifts but I don’t have the budget right now (books where I live are getting more and more expensive!), so I’ve decided to go for the DIY. I have been binding some notebooks to give as christmas presents for a lot of my friends and relatives this year.
A couple of months ago a friend from college graduated, and I decided to buy her a present: it was a really heavy and huge 20×30 cm book on editorial design. She loved it so much she even started crying a bit!
I always give books! And I love love love to get them too.
Have given to my nieces since there’re little girls & try to find perfect ones for each of my clients.
I’ll be giving books to my 3 year old daughter for xmas. She already has a ton, but I’d say reading is her favourite activity. If I win the draw I will be quite thrilled to keep your books, Collage and Creative Block, for myself! I am a recovering art school grad and your process and what I’ve read/watched of your experience has been really helpful. I have especially wanted to read Creative Block to see if I can get back in the saddle with some encouragement. And, I also like Lisa Congdon so I’ll be glad to have Art Inc as well. The rest will be icing on the cake, so to speak!
I would love to share your books with the other art teachers I work with, we all need a little extra inspiration every now and then. I would also love to pass a few on to special students who need a boost.
When I don’t know what to give someone, I always turn to book. This year, I think my sister may be the lucky recipient this year!
My two granddaughters are 12 and 8 and both enjoy art classes. They would so enjoy these wonderful books.
Books are my second favourite holiday gift to give. My first favourite being something hand made. I love giving books to my children and spouse and I hope someone will give one to me too! My family is part of an amazing public school community too. If I win the draw I would be happy to share some of these books with local schools that might not otherwise be able to purchase them. Thanks so much for your generosity!
Every year I give several books to my nephews, my younger cousins, my several of my family members. However if I were to win this glorious stack of books, I would take them to my art class and share them with my art students. My advanced kids would go absolutely NUTS over these books while my basic students can learn from all the great advice and techniques. Oh please oh please oh please!!! Pick me!
I will being giving books to my three daughters and artist friends this holiday season. I might even give myself a couple of gifts as well because books are one of my most favorite things to purchase.
I will give more books to the foster kids who find their way through my best friend’s house this year, so they can have something to take with them for comfort wherever they go because who doesn’t love a good book?
I like to give books to everyone. Fiction, cookbooks, art books, astronomy, lots of different genres. This collection of books looks amazing. I’d keep a few and share the rest. Thank you!
Books are THE ultimate gift, I’ve never been disappointed by receiving one or by finding a good match for a friend. They’re a staple for my mother, and have become the gift my boyfriend and I trade for each year. Last year he received de Kooning’s Retrospective book and his face was just pricelessβ¦.I’ll never forget it.
Thanks for the shot!
I will be giving books to my little girl. She loves them and I always long for new ones since we read the same ones over and over. Being an artist and a mama, I love this collection!
I plan to give books this Christmas to my daughter, god daughter, and some friends’ kids. π I love to read and it is amazing to see their faces light up when they open a present and see a book inside.
At this time of year I have such fun looking and then deciding what books to give as Christmas presents to 3 girls [aged 11, 13 and 17] – who are all daughters of a good friend of ours. As well I always give an art book to a close artist friend whose birthday is only days before Christmas.
You know I have a little brother who hates reading, and he does find a purpose in art. No matter how hard I try to teach him how to do collage work or watercolor he just does not like it. He always thinks books are no fun. I am the complete opposite. I love to read books and make art. With these books I want to learn how to be better at art and share books that are fun with my little brother. I have noticed that he really enjoys sketching he just does not show me nor admit it (I find him secretly reading illustrated books). I think the problem with him is that he has not seen and read artsy books that are truly enjoyable. I hope he gets these books because I have a strong feeling he has artistic potential. I want him to love books and art as much as I do.
What a great collection! I will be giving my 4 year old + 14 year old books for Christmas! My youngest loves books, and would read with me all day if we could. The older one love graphic novels and art books. I love books! And art! And especially books about art! π
I plan to give books to my whole family. There is nothing like spending the holidays curled up in a good chair and reading your new book. I’m personally asking for cookbooks, fiction bestsellers and that Art,Inc book you just mentioned! Thanks!
I’ve been buying my baby-to-be books left and right for his/her Christmas gift this year. I wasn’t spoiled, but was given most any book I wanted to inspire my love of reading, and it worked! I want my child to have the same opportunity.
I will be giving books to my two grown sons, they never got hooked on watching T.V…. So books it is! I send books to relatives who live far away. I especially love to send books to my mother who lives on the opposite end of the country. We share a love of beautiful things and a passion for art, color, cooking and gardens through books. Thank You for your generosity! Rachel Relin, Elementary Art Teacher and artist living in Boulder, CO.
These look great!! My husband and I almost always end up giving one another books on special occasions. I can’t wait to give and get books for Christmas π
I will be giving books to my family this year. I live a few provinces away and books are the perfect gift to send! Plus, when I do visit, we trade the books we give so it’s like another gift all over again!
What a wonderful array of books! I always gift my friends and family members with books for their Birthday’s and Christmas. Books are such a treasure, especially when they’re inscribed and thoughtfully selected.
As a bibliophile, I love to give books as gifts to just about everyone! My husband jokes that every time he finds our 3 year old curled up in bed with a stack of books, she’s a mini-me!.
Hey pretty~! I will give this books to my coming up sister in laws and my cousin’s newborn, BOTH DUE AT DECEMBER!!! How awesome! I can’t wait to teach them reading by the time they know how to look into books and being attracted by colors! Always the best gift as Christmas =).
Hope you have a wonderful days ahead.
Yumiko L.
Ah! I love receiving and giving books! Books are definitely my go to for gift giving and I’m sure my friends will be finding some amongst their holiday gifts this season!
I always give books as a gift. I am a mom as well as a first grade teacher. Every year I buy a book for each one of my students. I think that sharing books is one of the most important things you can give a child.
I’ll be giving books to my nieces and nephews and my daughter!
I will give myself books! Art books, design books, writing books, creative books. β‘
I’ll give and give and give books. To myself, my girl, my two children & all my friends. Giving books to people who love books (and who doesn’t love books) is one of my favorite things.
I will be giving books to my mother and a small independent resale bookshop in my neighborhood. I love sharing the gift of a great book and I am glad to see that you do, too!
They other day I was watching OpenEllbey (YouTuber) and she was talking about giving away books to a poor school in Colorado. I think I might do just that (or, atleast, to a school somewhere). I’m fifteen, and, personally, I believe that reading has made a huge impact on me, and is the number one reason I am who I am today. I’m an aspiring author, and I want to give people what other authors have given me. I refuse to believe that other kids won’t get the opportunity to have books change their lives like the way they’ve changed mine. So yeah. Here’s the video:
I will be giving my children and my nieces and my future niece or nephew lotsa books this Christmas. Can’t wait. Love this season, I love reading almost as much as drawing:)
Firstly I have to say, What a jolly good cause!!!!
I will be giving books to my little cousins for Christmas now. I was so unsure of what new toy/gadget to buy them, but a book is the most obvious and perfect choice!!!
I will also be giving books to some kids to the Kmart Wishing Tree Appeal.
Mon π
Everyone in our family gets books at Christmas..that’s just a given!! As a matter of fact it is a tradition that any celebration…birthday…Christmas…even Easter (yes the Easter bunny even brings books along with his chocie treat!) …we always get a book! Actually I have a book fetish (some woman prefer shoes…but books last a lifetime) so we don’t need a celebration to spoil ourselves with a book! So my children and I always start passing the bookstores and looking online for our favourites to add to our wish list….of course there is NEVER just one! My choices are mostly beautiful inspiring art books so I already own 3 in your selection so I would love to be able to pass those 3 onto someone else who would appreciate them too! And of course the others are all on my wish list!!!
Books are my go to gifts! Definitely my 5 boys and nieces and nephews! Can never have too many!!
Books are my favourite gift to give and receive. And I adore children’s books, even though I don’t have my own! Thank you, and thank you Chronicle Books!
I’ll be giving books to all of the kids In my life, my husband, and my dad. Books for everyone!
i always give books! I’ve been stocking up all year and have a boxful for Christmas and birthday gifts! I’ve found that with kids, toys will lose their novelty, but nothing keeps giving like a book you can read over and over!
I have already purchased books for both iof my boys for Christmas! I have a 7 year old who is learning to read…so I’ve gotten him a ton of early readers! And my 4 year old loves to be read to…so I have supported our local library by purchasing him several for Christmas! We love books….love art…& children books! And love Chronicle books for such a sweet giveaway! β€οΈ
What a lovely prize and such a good idea to include children’s books! Every Christmas I like to give a book to my sister, and I donate children’s books to my local literacy organization.
Every year for Christmas, I give my nephew new pjs and a few new bedtime stories.
I give books to my daughter, her cousins and always to new babies in our circle of friends. Thanks for the chance to win!
What a great prize! I used to love getting these kinds of books when I was a kid —- well, actually I still love getting books as gifts! So, I would give these to my 11 year old daughter and 5 year old niece. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would give my artist friends the books I already have. I would love love love to give them something special this year.
Books are one of my greatest inspirations and i love sharing this passion with my three young children!!! Five, four and 11 months old. Thank you to you and chronicle books for this great opportunity
Santa brings my son three books every year, so I get to pick out the best of the bunch. Thanks for the chance!
So many will get books this year. Of course the book club, my dad who taught me my love for reading and collecting books. Toys for Tots…Others too!
chronicle rocks, non? yey, let’s get the books to where they’re needed, and cheers! nβ₯
I always #givebooks to my children and my niece and nephews for Christmas.
My favorite thing in the world is to watch my kids with their noses in books.
My daughter. Four years old and so thirsty for more more more books. xo
being blissfully beatific and curled up with beautiful books this holiday season – what a sweet, generous giveaway Chronicle books and the Jealous curator! I give books to my friends, my mom, nephew, boyfriend, his mom and myself. <3
Books always seem like the perfect gift… Especially for the little ones on my list! What a wonderful giveaway!
Hello Danielle, love this idea – of getting and giving books for Christmas or any reason really! I have 2 things to say about loving books, 1 – according to my Mom, “it’s the best Christmas when I’ve been given a new book!” (she gets many, many of course), 2 – today at the Dixon Book Fair (yes, your old ‘hood!) I put aside 10 new books to buy for the upcoming Richmond Christmas Fund toy drive.
Me and my 4 younger brothers and sisters used to receive book from our grandma every Christmas. It was like a tradition in my family and we were allowed to choose what we get. Now we are not living in the same country and unfortunately rarely spend Christmas together but I’m sure they would very much appreciate little books’ gifts underneath the tree.
I’m a teacher in art and would give some books to my colleagues so we can use them in art classes with the children.
I just had my first baby three weeks ago and books are my favorite things to gift! I filled an entire bookshelf in anticipation of his arrival! So I decided this year for the holidays I would send as many books as I could to my friend who teaches English in Spain. We both love art and sharing art so books about art are pretty much our favorite thing! Keep up all the awesome work π
in my family, we always gift eachother books every Christmas. This year I’m especially excited because our first baby is due on December 18th! We are already picking out lots of great books for him – can’t wait to start reading to him every night. π
Whoa! This is amazing – great selection!
I always give books to family and friends at Christmas. I am also giving a book to my nephew, and women in my life . π
Books for my nieces and nephews at every opportunity. It’s so nice now that they’re a little older they love to read their older books to me as well as having me read new ones to them.
Here (in Poland) Saint Nicolas also brings books to my children on 6th December
Does it count that I’m currently organizing a book drive at school for my peers and profs in the English department to donate books to a local children’s literacy organization this holiday season? I’m seeding the donation boxes with a bunch of my favorite books from childhood (thank you student loan money), and I’m hoping we’ll have a diverse array of reads when the drive ends in three weeks!
I would give the books to my boyfriend who wants to start reading more as a new year’s pledge and to my family who’s abroad in South America π
I would give them to my freinds grandchildren
I would give some to my son and the rest to his cousin who is a few years older than him.
I love books! What a wonderful giveaway! I love giving books to my kids. My 11 year old daughter is such a reader and I think it’s because we always read together at bedtime. Now my 8 year old is discovering his love for reading and it just warms my heart.
I would give childrens book to my sister as shes just started teacher training and will hopefully help and encourage her on her new journey π
I always love to give books at Christmas! My mom, my husband, and my nephew are already definitely getting books. I have your book and the Art Inc. book on my list as well! Chronicle really does have some of the best books, and I’m not just saying that!
I’d love to give one or two books to the young homeless guy who lives down my fancy Parisian street, and who never fails to kindly smile to passer-bys, those with pennies to give and those without.
I am pretty sure he has been given many things people thought essential, yet books may have been forgotten
I’ll give books to my dad because he is so hard to buy for and the only thing he really needs, the only thing anyone really needs, is more books! I may also give some children’s books to my nephew so that he can be as smart as his parents think he is π
I think I have books on my wish list every year. They make such a great gift. I have books in mind for my husband this year!
I would give it to my sister. She loves these kind of books! π
I always give books as gifts!!! Duck! Rabbit! is a must have for every library.
Living where I do, a lot of the local libraries, while good, seem lacking in a lot of the children’s sections. I hope to give an assortment of kids books to the two branches closest to me. Dr. Seuss, Shel Silverstein, Tomi dePaola…the ones that made me want to keep reading when I was a kid (not to mention the gorgeous art).
Oh, and of course my family is getting books this Christmas. I always try finding one I think each will enjoy and one they need to read.
My wife and I give each other a special book, and I love giving books to my nieces to encourage their reading… I guess I should start planning my holiday gift list! Feeling a little behind right now… Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I would give them to my niece for Christmas instead of all the hi tech stuff all the other kids get!
I will be giving books to my son and my granddaughter as they both love books. I will probably give myself a book or two as well!
What a beautiful giveaway!!! I love books, always have. I’d give books to my niece and family and I’d gift myself with one too π
To some children which happen to be my friends:]
Giving books to my sorority’s philanthropy, Reading is Fundamental!
To my nephew & nieces who I am hoping will be bookworms like their Auntie π
I always give books to everyone! There’s always a perfect book/person match to be found.
Finally managed to score my first full time job in an arts library! I spend a lot of my day cataloguing the new orders and we order so many cool and interesting books based on the arts and other things. So far have wracked up a massive list of books my mum, dad and brother will all love!
So I can work and christmas shop at the same time haha! Thanks and this is a great competition!
I would give those to my little sisters, two young crazy future artists and the last two would be for me!
Books, of course! To my dear 19 months old girl who can’t have enough, to my 10 years old niece who reads faster than me, to my mom, my dad, my sister, my hubby! All of whom just want a full library.
We are soon to welcome a little one into the family and dream of a huge library of books to remind them tv is not the original or even the best form of entertainment.
I love to give and receive books! I’m currently looking for the perfect books to send to two of my clients as holiday gifts. This post is perfectly timed!
My kids. Every year. Piles of new books. (It’s the best present!) π
For the first 12 years of their lives I gave each of my kids a pop-up book for Christmas. We have a heck of a collection now! It’s harder to choose books for them now that they are teenagers. I always buy my dad a book, though, usually something to do with maps. And if I’m the lucky winner, “All my Friends are Dead” is going to my father-in-law for sure!
My son … we read books as a family every night!
I would give the children’s books to my friend who recently had a baby, Watercolor to my mother, who loves watercolor paintings, Art, Inc., Creative Block, and Collage to a few good friends of mine who are talented illustrators and designers, and Hello NY to a friend of mine who recently moved to NYC. …and I’ll be buying Creative Block and Hello NY for myself because I can’t resist! (I already own Art, Inc. :)) I LOVE and am so inspired by Julia Rothman’s work!
I will give them to my kids and family…they’ve come to expect it by now!
I’d give them to my daughter who is a School Librarian to add to her chool library so lots of children can read them. School budgets are tight so these would be be very welcomed.
I will give the children’s books to my niece. Whenever I buy her new clothes/toys, I always include a book as well. Young girls are often complimented on their appearance more than their intelligence so I want her to to have a balance and understand books/brains are very important.
The art books, I will keep few for myself and share the others with some creative friends!
I’ll give books to my niece and my nephew! And also to my boyfriend who’s a Creative Director at YR Buenos Aires and loves your work!
I will give books to my two children, my mother in law and if I win your ten books, Creative Block will be given to my neighbour as I know she will love it as do I! Thank you so much for the comp and the offer from Chronicle Books… Any excuse to bookshop and I’m there!! X
I give books every year to my family and friends (and practically live in the secondhand bookstore downtown Penticton after school), and this year I’ve already gotten two crock-pot recipe books for my sister, Hot Springs of Western Canada for my father, Attachments by Rainbow Rowell for my best friend, and since Christmas is still over a month away, who knows what else I will find!
I always give my four-year-old twin boys a book with their other gifts. We read to them every night as part of our bedtime routine. π Also, does gifting a book to myself count? π
As I ‘try’ to stick to the Christmas mantra of ‘buy them something: they need, something they want, something to wear and something to read’ all members of my (small) family will receive a book.
Me and my friend both go uni studying design, and we’re always sharing websites and books! We’re both huge fans of your site! π
I always give books to my 5 year old nephew Quinton. I want to give him the best start to a lifetime of reading.
This year, I’m giving books to my friend’s two year old sister, who is learning to love reading! I’m thinking basic children’s books like the Olivia’s and Madeline.
What a lovely idea! I often gift books And I cherish the time I spend reading with my little ones.I pledge to give books this year and I am Grateful bookS will be donated to others. Yay!β€οΈ
one special being we’ll be giving books to this year is our nephew. he is 6 and is finally in a permenant living situation with his grandpa. this will be the first year that i feel secure knowing that he will be able to enjoy our gifts (books and art supplies) for years to come.
I’d share between my nieces & nephews
Everyone! We are a book-loving family with endless reading lists. I recently treated myself to your book, and am completely inspired and in love with it. I wish I could give it to every one of my artist friends.
What an amazing collection!! I love chronicle π
This year I am planning on giving books to my 2 year old, plus to a couple of her friends!
They have already started to appreciate books in their own way and I am really glad as I am a book lover myself.
Thank you for this lovely giveaway!
I will be giving books to my daughter and nieces. I have chosen The Sleeper and the Spindle by Neil Gaiman for my daughter. The illustrations are beautiful and as always Gaiman’s reworking of classic myths and fairytales is refreshing and inspired.
I’ll be buying myself some books too, although as I have finished the latest in the series of Ben Aaronovitch’s River Stories, I will be looking through the comments on here for something new to try.
Thank you for drawing attention to the pledge.
My 4 year old is an avid reader and our local library is running out of suitable books for her to read. We would both like to donate books to her cousin, a budding artist and fellow book lover.
The kids books would go to two nieces under the age of five,
one young friend who is two,
the mother of said young friend,
the mother & father of the little boy who is due to arrive in a week or so,
the mother & father of the 8 month old twins,
my friend Carolyn,
my mentor,
Anna, and
That’s ten well used!
Oh wow! I love ALL of these!!!! “All My Friends are Dead” is one of my all time favs! I have 3 nieces and a nephew (5 yrs and under) who’ve had a very rough time this year (family issues). Whenever I visit them and put them to bed it’s always “Read me a story!!” lol So these would be awesome!! Thanks for the continued art and inspiration and overall happyness this site brings me daily. luv- Dani
Some for me, the rest for my 6 and 8 tear olds, they love reading and I am happy to encourage them.
some for my kids, some for me and perhaps one or two for deserving friends!
I’ve recently started working in the publishing industry myself so I suspect that absolutely everyone on my life is going to get books as their Christmas presents. However, I can think of the perfect home for the children’s books in this giveaway. I have a lovely friend who is about to have a baby any day now. She is the most creative soul I know and I can’t think of anyone better to give these books a home. *fingers crossed*
Thank you!
I work with Iraqi refugee children, who are just learning English and about life in a new country. I would give some of these books to them to help them get acquainted with both the language and new forms of creativity and art! π
What an amazing list.. some of which I have put on my son’s wish list. Henry has always shown interest in books from a very very young age. Now at 21 months old he still loves his books. If we visit toy shops he is normal and doesn’t fuss, but the minute we are in a bookshop he cries because he wants books. He has toys but always looks at his books every day.
On any occasion, I love receiving books and I love giving books. There are always people on my list who I like to buy special books for. As an artist myself, I totally adore these books so I would keep a few and give the rest to my son until he can have the others as well.
This is a great initiative!! More should follow this example to promote literacy!
I’ll probably buy a book for my ex-boyfriend, recently my new best friend. He always liked Sci-fi novels and comics and shared them with me when he’d finish reading them.
For my family and friends
I plan of giving the wonderful gift of books this year to my almost a toddler niece, and my newly born twin nephews. I believe books are one of the greatest gifts given to children.
I’ll be giving lots of books to my two kids as well as nieces and nephews.
What a great list!! Looooove Chronicle Books! Fingers crossed!
I will be giving books to my cousins’ children!! Most of my friends and family love to read so I will probably give each of them a unique book that they have yet to read!
This Christmas I am giving books to my twins and their toddler friends. My husband and I are both artists so these books are great for our family:)
Niece and Nephews!
I give everyone books! you get a book instead of a card basically- I love books.
There’s quite a few people in my family and in my husband’s family that might be getting books from their wishlists this year. And art!
I will be gifting books to my nephews – The Jolly Postman and Other People’s Letters is one on the list! I’ll also probably gift one or two for myself as well.
This year I will be giving books about birth and parenthood to my friend who is a first time mother.
I love giving books to my friends with younger kids… and with a new niece or nephew on the way I will definitely be picking up some books for the wee one!
I LOVE giving books as presents! This year, I plan on giving books to my youngest cousins; they’re learning how to read and I can’t wait to share some of my favourite books with them! Lots of Quentin Blake, Oliver Jeffers and Herve Tullet!
My husband and I are about to go through IVF and have started to collect books for our future children π would love to add these classics to the bookshelf!
I would give them to Rachel she’s 5 and she just got a new baby sister who will grow into them.
Wow! what a great giveaway!!! Amazing! i wish I’ll win π
Every thing you wrote is super correct! a. I’m an Illustrator b. and a mom… c. I’ve been buying and collecting art books and children books for several years now! my son and I simply love it! we read together and draw togheter! Wining this giveraway can be such a great inspiration to us both! Thank you for the oppertunaty π
I would donate the books to my children’s school.
I will give books about magical tricks to my little 12 years old sister Julia, since she is determined to become a magician.
My granddaughter Grace, she will be three in January and I feel that reading is one of the best gifts I can give her.
I have a 12 year old and a 4 year old so these books would be great for our family x x
I will give books to my sister, who’s currently studying aboard. She’ll love it π
I am going to buy some beautiful children books for my future nephew or niece. I will probably start with textile ones, hope they will be yummy for little baby:). And, as I am really looking forward to being a mum one day, I have started to collect children books which are illustrated by various artists from my and other countries. And I am going to buy a book for my husband about physics and atoms and I hope he will give me one about art or ceramics (to have balanced bookshelf:). Book is just the best present ever!
my daughter would like this xx
I’ll give books to each of my three siblingsβthe only problem will be deciding who gets which books!
I’d give the books to my daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter.
I’d give them to a school library
My family and I have cut down on all the excessive holiday spending. But, without a doubt, we always give each other books! We often go down to the bookstore and drool over a bunch of titles and then buy them for each other.
i would give them to my grandaughter x
Such a great giveaway!! I’d give the books to my wee 2 nieces and 2 nephews. I always encourage them to read and create. It would be so awesome to have these books to share with them.
Is it terrible to admit that it will be really hard to give any of these books away?
I’ll be giving books (though again, possibly not these if I happen to be so lucky as to win) to my stepdad (who is an avid reader and always gives me great books in return), my dad (who never reads but who I always hope will start! I never give up trying), and my husband (though he already buys so many book we have literally run out of space in our house – right now we have books in every room and even behind the couch – yikes!).
Thanks Chronicle for the great contest!!
Every week is Christmas when my kids and I cart home a gigantic load of books from the local public library. Oh how I LOVE the Berkeley public library. Checkout limit is 50 books at a time!!! But it is so very thrilling to go book shopping for the holidays. How-to, crafts, art, cookbooks or novels for siblings and parents. New journalistic nonfiction for my husband. Judy Moody, Ivy and Bean, graphic novels for my 6 year-old son, and I’m especially excited to get the amazing Mamoko books for my four year old son ( and, let’s be honest, for myself too.) A shout out to a few of my favorite bookstores: Mrs. Dalloway’s, Mr. Mopps, Pegasus books, Bookshop Santa Cruz. Your giveaway list is amazing!!
This is such a generous giveaway! I love the selection and can think of
Some friends and family I could share them with. I’ll be giving books to
My daughter and some nieces and nephews!
Beautiful books! I’ll absolutely #givebooks this year! and every year!!!
For my children – we would all enjoy them
I will be giving books to my aunt, who is a little picky abiut her presents… but you can’t go wrong with books
I’m planning on giving books to my mom this year. She is a book lover just like me…
i would give them to my step mum
I would give the books to my daughter. She is a bookworm just like me..
I love finding books for my nephew!
I’m a teacher at a secondary school. I would give them to the library/art department
I’m giving books to most of the people on my list — they’re always my favorite gift to receive, too!
I’ll be giving books to almost everyone this year. But these books would be split between the little people I know. Inspiration to be creative is priceless!
My children could read before they started Nursery and I am teaching my little niece now . books are the answer to a childs educational future. They teach them how to share, communicate, deal with situations and love .The books would be a gift to all the people who share my love of books and who will benefit from their contents greatly.
I’ll be giving books to my aunt this year. She’s always asking me what I’m reading, and vice versa. And I may give my husband a book this year too. Depends on if I can find the perfect cookbook that doesn’t have 20+ ingredient recipes.
children’s books to nephews. Some to friends’ kids. Creative Block to my girlfriend. She is stuck working on a piece and needs this book urgently!!
I would give some to my sons and I see two titles that would make the perfect gifts for my two closest friends.
I’ll definitely be giving books to my two pre-schoolers as always-helps me with a bit more variety for nightly reading too!
what a great collection! I cross my fingers!
Most would go to my neice, an artist still in high school. I also know dome youno readers that would love the rest!
They would be shared out amongst my extended family.. books are such good prezzies
Friends and family! Who doesnt like to cozy up in front of the fire place with a good book.
I’d love to give my mom some art books. She’s a preschool teacher with a focus on learning through the hands, self-expression, and the senses. She already does the most creative projects with her students, but I know she would love to share something new with them. Nothing gives her greater joy than seeing them blossom.
books and art, what is not to love?
Thank you, Jealous Curator, for the generous spirit and inspiring art you share here and thank you for the chance to participate in your giveaway. I will, as I have forever, give books, plural, to my son. I know some of the items on his list will be detective fiction from the 60s or earlier, stories I learned to love from my parents. Happily, the beat goes on.
This is a pledge I can get behind! I love giving and receiving books and will be giving books to all my near and dear friends and family this holiday season!
Since I am encouraging my kids in their creative outlets, I would give them the books (though I would borrow them, you know, monitor what they’re reading or whatever excuse…) enjoying the site Thanks
This year has been my reading year. I have read more books than ever and it’s one of the best things I know. The best thing I know about reading is when the timing is perfect. For example: I read Robinson Crusoe on a tiny island in the Philippines. I read the ending of 100 years of solitude at Portugal’s most windy beach (if you’ve read that book, you’ll know what I mean : )). And yesterday, when I came home after work I had planned to finalize some illustrations for a freelance project I do but got stuck with a super exciting book: A man was trying to escape the police. And they came closer and closer to Stockholm, where I live. There was a very vivid description about just how the falsely accused man ran by my house and decided to rest in my stairwell. I wish for all my friends and family to have experience how to travel through reading!
I would give them to my grandchild Holly who will be one just after Christmas. I would love to read them to her as she grows up and hopefully she will love books as much as I do.
my toddler, my husband, my father-in-law, and my mother will all be getting books this year!
All the small and tall children in my life are getting books.They is nothing better than sitting next to the fireplace with a good bookβ¦you will find my whole family there during the holidays.
Thank you for such a generous giveaway.
this year, as every year, IΒ΄ll give books to my children, my parents, my sister and my husband, and maybe to my granny who is 90 and also loves to read!
My girls 4 and 6 are book worms so I sure they will find a good place for them…As for the adult books – well like mummy like daughters x
I do love Chronicle Books, ever since Dan Eldon, and then my shelf is full ..all my pattern books, and subversive poster art/propaganda books, all Chronicle. I salute their taste and commitment to quality printing. Obviously I’d love to win this selection. To answer this (?) I give books for bdays and xmas to all my family and friends, because I love to think that rather than an object they are receiving this mass of ideas which will unfold as long as the books are read. Please read the book presents, family! They were specially picked! lol
I always buy my grandmother a Catherine Cookson book, chocolates and pj’s every year for Christmas, and I will also this year be buying my other half a book on running your own business π
Pontypridd Library craft group who meet every week in the library , sharing skills, fun and gossip
I’d keep a few and give the kids books to my son and daughter
Would give mine to my 5 year old grandson Ryley who is just beginning to appreciate his books
I have a lovely circle of friends who love to read and are very creative, I also would pick a couple for my 15 year old daughter, an avid reader, and am surrogate granny to a couple of toddlers, so enough books to make many people happy, just the way it should be.
My little boy because he loves all things creative.
I will share them between my 3 children.
What an amazing selection of books! Books are the most wonderful thing in the world, as is art, so you really can’t go wrong with art books! This pledge to #givebooks is such a great idea! I’m definetly going to take the pledge. My little sister is getting really good at reading and she’d adore all of those beautiful ones you’ve chosen!
I would select a few for my children and then donate the remainder to my childs school.
Whoa, so many of these books are already on my list (for myself and to give to others!). This clinches it, all be giving books to my parents this year! Maybe in-laws too, hmmm!
To my son, we cant keep up with his appetite for books!
I’d share these amongst my kids as they all love being creative π
My mum and my sister usually get books!
I give books to my kids as their starting to learn to read x
Family and friends and especially my 3yo daughter Pippa
My grandson frankie who has just started to read
I would give them to my son wjos just had his tonsils out yhanks
I would be temped to keep them for myself however would share them with my sister who would also love them
I’d split them between my niece and my daughter as they would both appreciate them, they just love to read.
would give most of them to my kids but would give a few to sister
My brothers fiance. She is soo creative I know she would love them.
I would give a book each to each of my three sons and also one to my best friends daughter and also to my neighbour.
I would share them between my 3 children and grandson π thanks for the chance
I would share them between my nieces and nephews..
I would give them to friends and family
I would share with my two children Matilda and Thomas
I would give them to my niece
I’d be thrilled to win and want to give books to my friends and sisters this year!
I would give them to my friends
books always for my father and my husband!!
I give books to everyone, every year! We’re booknerds in my house.
This year I will be giving books away to my art students!
This Year I’ll be giving my sister some books for Christmas! Also will be treating myself to a few new Art books! These look fab!
brothers and sisters, friends and family, what an amazing gift!
Oh yes please.
My boyfriend and I have just moved into our first home and we have so many bookshelves! They are, unfortunately, looking a bit bare so we’ve decided to buy each other books for Christmas π I am an art historian so hopefully that means lots of lovely, pretty art books!
I’d share them with my family and friends. They’d love them!
I would love to win these books for the English bookclub. That way, lots of children will be able to enjoy them, as the books will rotate between the members of the group
I have been giving and donating books since my first reading of On The Road. I, sence then, feel
committed to share that love of reading to friends, family and yes even strangers.
I would share them with my friends from Art & Design school π Books are the best inspiration for our many projects to come :))
Since my niece and nephew were born five years ago, I’ve always made or bought books for their holiday gifts. I plan to continue this tradition and develop their love for books as they get older!
Love this – I give books every year! This year I’ve already picked out books for my husband, friends and nephew. Oh, and myself π
I always give books to my family – there’s a bit of self interest there, because it means I get to read ’em too! This prize is WONDERFUL, such amazing books – one or two in particular, of course π
Books are always something I give to my friends and family! They’re always a joy to buy, give & receive. Especially pretty books with lots of beautiful visuals inside π
I give books to my nieces every chance I get.
I love this idea! A good book is always a great option. I plan on donating some books to a local kids association and I plan on giving some to my little brother. I grew up with two books I read over and over, so I am happy to be where I am and being able to give to others.
We can’t afford to get many gifts this holiday. The only ones I will be getting are for my three year old daughter and most will be books because books are her favorite. She will spend hours (like mommy) looking at her books. In fact she loves looking at my big art books! I did the same thing when I was her age (my grandparents raised me and were artists) and I am certain that is where my drive to be an artist originated. Money is better spent on books that will be read and looked at over and over and inspire rather than many of the junky plastic toys that lose their novelty after 5 min and sit in a pile taking up space and never used again.
I give books to my family, as we all like to read and appreciate books, so we get through a lot throughout the year, so Christmas is the perfect time to replenish and receive new books! I also love books for inspiration, looking at them for any creative purpose, from designing to cooking.
My 4 year old son, my husband, and my father will all be gifted with books from me this holiday season π Your selection is wonderful! Thank you for offering endless ways to inspire creativity!
I just bought my one year old two books, “toots” and “if I could keep you little”, I can’t wait for her to open them. Her two big loves, books and crinkling paper! I’d love to give her more for Xmas,and her mama, the artist, would love some inspiration!
WELL, I’m a writer, so the thing I give my parents every. single. year. without fail… is books. And boyfriends. And friends. I’m not entirely sure they actually read them! I wish people would gift books *more*, I have a few in my modest library that I cherish merely because someone influential in my life has given them to me. When I was a junior in high school, this teacher who absolutely changed my life gave me Letters to a Young Poet when I won this poetry contest she held for the class. She wrote the most beautiful inscription on the first pageβand I can honestly say that a huge reason I became a writer and took it seriously as a lifestyle was because of her, and that book. Cliche as it sounds!
My best friends, as usual π
To my almost 2 year old niece and my fiancΓ©! My sister’s baby shower was kids books themed. And I have so many favorites that I want to share with her. I have two new ones to give her that have wonderful illustrations and would love to give her more. And my fiancΓ© is a book fiend–he says they’re like his children. Definitely a book family here.
I’ll definitely be giving my boyfriend books this Christmas, and for the secret santa people I’ve got, too!
I seem to end up getting everyone books! I’m especially looking for some beautifully illustrated books for a nephew this year
I’ll give children’s books to my niece this christmas, and then graphic novels to my friends π
My little niece would L~O~V~E some artist books this year! She lives in a part of the country that doesn’t quite support radical thinkers so I’d love to support her!
I’ll be giving books to my 5 year old cousin who just recently started school!
I’ve been on the lookout for books to get my little cousins for Christmas. These would make my aunt happy to display them on her kids’ bookcase and would make my little munchkins overjoyed to get a present from their Auntie S.
I will be giving books to my almost 1 1/2 year-old. She loves to read and she’s really starting to get into art books, which I am so pumped about. I’m also going to give books to my brother and my husband. And maybe myself π
Just got a copy of Shel Silverstein’s ‘Falling Upwards’ for my boyfriend’s niece Sophia. I am so excited to think how it will open up a new world for her, as it did for so many of us.
Students, friends and family! π
I give books to my best friend’s daughter every Christmas! She is becoming a very talented artist at age 11!
I’m an artist and school teacher, and I plan to give all of my students a book for the holidays. I’ll also be giving the majority of my family books as we are avid readers.
What a wonderful collection of all the best books on state of the art art!
I will give books to my boyfriend this Christmas! He always buys great books for me. We try to stock out shelves with great reads all year long but Christmas is one time of year that we go all out. You are offering a great assortment of books above. I am an educator so I would keep several of the books above as reference for my students then I would share all of the ones meant for younger people with my friends children!
I was given a building to use for a community project, for this coming year. Since it’s in front of an elementary school, I thought it might be nice to have an open art studio, for the kids. I would love to create a fun space for learning…
I have always been an avid reader and for Christmas my parents would always get me “special” books (larger and hardcover usually) and write a thoughtful note inside. I still have all the books they gifted me and love going back to read the notes from each year. I don’t’ have children of my own yet, so I have started this practice with my niece and nephew in hopes it will encourage them to read as much as it did me.
Books are life!
Books are my favorite gift to give and receive. My spouse and I make it a point to always gift books to our friends who family, especially our nieces and nephews.
All my main Christmas Gifts this year will be books. And my wish list is mostly books, every year, along with pj’s.
Who doesn’t love books? I’ll be giving some to my 16-month-old niece!
I’m going to give loads of books to my kids’ teachers!!!
What a wonderful giveaway and publisher!!!!
Love me some books!
I can only look at those books with desire… I will be selfish: I want them all for me! (Well, I must admit that my 7 and 11 years old nephews will be very grateful when I use the books as inspiration for our tuesday art classes!) Thank you, it’s a great giveaway!
i always give books, to families at baby showers. My children could read books prior to going to kindergarten, and thought of the library as a very special place. I read books, and lately books regarding art, and photography.
My 3 year-old cousin was recently diagnosed with Leukemia and is undergoing chemo, which leaves him very tired. Books would be a perfect gift! He also has a sister he could share the books with. I think I would keep a couple for myself as well, maybe Creative Block & Art.Inc. π Thanks for the giveaway!
What an awesome giveaway! Definitely would give them to friends and family.. love to inspire people and get those heads into books. Though the internet is a wonderful place.. there is something special about books that the internet can’t replicate.
This christmas, I will give a book to my niece, to my boyfriend and probably have one for myself! π
I LOVE this competition! I just moved house and studio and did a BIG clear out. Many were hard to let go of but (in the end!) I was delighted to donate lots of books to local charities. It felt great. So much so that I am going to ensure that my collection of art books is bequeathed to my old school when I pop my clogs (not imminent I hope!). There were NO significant art books in the library when I was a student. Building a collection has made the world of difference to me and my practice. So I hope passing them along will make the difference to some future artists too x
Great selection! I always have trouble deciding what to buy people for the holidays, but books are easy to give!
Our family loves books. We have beautiful coffee table books, hobby books, get lost in the story books and lots of adventure books. My daughter is in fashion design school and has beautiful books on the history of fashion. I love to read to my niece and nephew and would share the children’s books with them. The rest may stay on my shelf and I would be proud to display Danielle’s creation front and center!
I LOVE THIS~~ Definitely share with my niece who is an rising designer!!I love books and more books!!
Everyone gets a book from me, but most fun is getting books every year for my nieces and nephews who are just discovering reading!
Lulu loves her tutus and the library. We (her great uncle and aunt) love to give her books.
Oh, my husband, my sister, everyone really will get at least one book from me this year! I love chronicle, they do such a great job from the content, design, etc!
We live in a flat full of books of every shape ,color and imagination—my boys ,5 and 2 years old, sink into them when they wake up and go to sleep with them….
i am always always happy to give them new ones – to let their brains and fantay expand ! greetings from austria
What a lovely idea. I’d give a book to my mum, to inspire her with her textiles.
Great selection – I’d share them with friends π
for as long as i can remember, instead of christmas and birthday cards i have given books with inscriptions, this is because people are more likely to keep a book than a card, this year everyone gets books again
I’m giving books to *everyone* and, in the process, no doubt, buying some for myself too π
Hi all π
I giving books, dad and niece thuscyear opps and maybe myself I adore book treasure boxes of fun and knowledge. π
I would give a book to my little cousin jedd who loves to draw! When I look after him we always sit together and draw all his favourite things- sometimes we illustrate our own made up stories he has a wonderful imagination!
My niece is the creative one in the family. I love giving her design and art books
These books look gorgeous- I would give them to my art teacher. She has an amazing display of artistic books of all kinds (next to her impressive vinyl collection). These books would perfectly complete her collection, and inspire a lot of young artists as well! And as for the children’s books, I would give them to my little sister (after reading them myself)!
I would give the books to my daughters, they would have to share them.
Most definitely will be giving books to my cousin. He’s ten and a brilliantly mature and smart boy. He’s in need of books as his house burnt down earlier this year. Also, he lives far away so I won’t be seeing him at Christmas, so lots of gifts for him to make up for it!
My nephews definitely need books!
These books would be perfect gifts for my baby cousin!
Just pledged to #givebooks π I would love to give a book to my goddaughter, niece and nephew! What a great giveaway – children’s books are the best!
I love to give books as gifts! I will give books to my 9 year old artist niece (who loves “Creative Block” she gets so inspired by just knowing that these adults are making amazing art!) and her little 5 year old brother, who is very particular about coloring between the lines. I will give books to my dad, because what do you give you day for Christmas and birthday (his birthday is December 25th.) I will also give my mother a cookbook because it is tradition. Thanks for doing what you are doing!
I love #givebooks! I’ll be giving books to everyone I can, as usual, but this year will be a bit different… I have a very young nephew (the first one!) which I hope will grow fond of reading. I’ll make sure to start teaching him at a very young age, giving him some of my favourite illustrated books π
Most probably will give this to my school. :’) I’m student digital design and development en in school we have a little, cozy corner where you can read al kinds of cool, artistic and beautiful books where you can find inspiration. New books always come in handy, especially when they are available for a larger public π
I will give books to my sister, my niece, my mom and my dad! (And myself, of course!) Reading is SO important, to learn, unwind, get inspired, and escape! I LOVE READING!!
I’ll give these books to myself. Because I’m great.
Wow,what an amazing giveaway! I would definitely be sharing these between my own little ones plus my two amazing sister in laws who are like my own sisters. They have done so much for my wee family this year and I would love to be able to give them something extra special this year for Christmas! My family is always my biggest inspiration! X
Books are my main Food. I love offering books randomly, books i loved to strangers. To offer a book is to offer a world, a travel, some extra brain Space.. Books are life!
I’ll give books to my baby girl on her first Christmas!
I’m going to give books to my niece Elizabeth and to her future sister! (due xmas eve)!!!
I bloody love getting books for Christmas. I’ll be giving one book to each of the special people in my life. Including my lovely little girl, Blue who is an aspiring author and blogger aged only eight! These all look so brilliant. I might keep a couple for myself! #givebooks
This is a gorgeous selection of books. I just found out that, after more than a year of trying, I am pregnant! What a wonderful complement these books would be to the beautiful adventure yet to come. Happy Holidays!
What a lovely group of books, Danielle. Besides my own art and illustration blog, I write for the blog ‘Children’s Illustration’ ( and am always delighted to find, see, hold, fondle, sniff, share, admire, and very possibly read, new and wonderful children’s books! And I’m really looking forward to getting hold of your new book. It looks soooo very inspiring!
I continue to buy books primarily for my daughter Raphy aka the most enthusiastic reader of all time! Still working on her accents…
Hugo and Eva! Activity book have encouraged so much growth in their reading skills. It’s so inspiring to see two children devour a good book! Colouring books, sticker books, books with pockets and flaps! Soon enough we’ll be moving onto small novels and such. I cannot wait!!
I would share these books with my best friend who is also visual artist, like me. Books are treasures and great gifts.
As always, I’ll give books to my son and my sister this year. I might need to start a new tradition, though, and give one or two to… Myself! π
So far I have 2 people I’m gifting books to, both dear college friends. One will be receiving a box set of Doctor Who books, and the other a collection of poetry… as for me I have some art books on my list!
Books are the best gifts!
I would like to give them to my sisters, who always share with me their daily inspirations. As well as my dear friends in school, I know they would love it!
&keep one or two for myself (heeh
What great books! I would share them out to friends who are artists and their children. Though 7 and 9 might have to be read my me first . . . if they get given away at all . . .
I would give these books to my lovely nieces and nephew this Christmas!
I would give these fab books to my daughters x
To friends and family : I have lots of nephews and nieces who would love this!
I absolutely love giving books as gifts to my nieces and nephews! They ask get books at Christmas with their little bank stub for the money I put into their savings account. I try to get them at books of sine kind usually and the boys both get a kid book about Magritte this year! Can’t wait these would great additions to the collection!
This year I will give books to my friends and their children π
I have 2 bags of books ready to donate to my local library dropbox!
My son is now 9 & had the idea to donate the books that he already read & the ones that are now too babyish for him, to the less privileged. βΊοΈ
I must admit I already own creative block! Saw it at Barnes & noble…when I got home I found you on insta & realized I bought the book on its first day becoming available on shelves!!
Thank you!!
I’m a first time mom to a beautiful 8 months old baby and this year I will be buying children’s books for her. I will also be sending some to my super mom who changed her career for pursuing her long time passion, therapeutic massage and reflexology. I think books are both inspirational and therapeutic, so one can never have too many good books, like the ones from Chronicle Books. Thank you for such an amazing giveaway!
This year I will give books to my mother, brother and some friends π
This year I’m thinking everyone will be receiving books!! We are a family of readers, so I will happily feed that addiction!
I’m giving books to my best friend who collects children’s books, and my boyfriend who enjoys reading.
This is awesome! Book-giving is big in my family. I’ll be giving the gift of reading to my close friends, mother, and little Nephew Michael who loves animal books. Go Books!!
I used to read my daughter 5-6 books at bedtime Hinton order to have a less protracted night time routine I have cut it down to 2 books at night. She often wakes up and asks for a book and goes to sleep looking at books. I would love to give these to also introduce a 25 books before Christmas – one wrapped book every day at night before Christmas read as a family.
Always giving books to my kids, not just for presents for holidays but whenever I can. It’s so important to get kids interested in reading. It opens so many doors for them along the way and promotes thinking and use of imagination! π
We are giving books (as well as other wished for and needed items ) to a dear friend and her four little ones who have fallen on hard times. Books are are wonderful ways to escape. They can inspire you to try something new, help you find your inner strength/peace or simply bring a smile and a giggle when most needed. Some of my best memories with my kids and of my own childhood are of time spent reading together.
I am an art teacher and I primarily teach kindergarteners. I always try to include a book with each lesson. I plan on getting some new books for my nieces to share my love of reading with them.
I teach 7th grade Language Arts in a low income neighborhood–I will share with all of my students!! For some of my students, their only exposure to art is through books and the internet. Amazing opportunity!
i always buy my children books. It’s just been my sons birthday and his favourite presents were the books I got him. I love reading together before bed, it’s a lovely time to spend the end of the day together.
i love your website, and I just purchased “Creative Block” for myself. I am a painter working in large scale abstracted realities. I am a bookivore. My husband busts my chops about my need and love for actual BOOKS that you can hold! But I love books and my bookshelf. It is a testament to all the things I have found inspiring for my whole life. I would love to add these books to my library. I give books for gifts every year to my family. Especially my new family–my 18 month old nephew and my thirteen month old daughter! Start them young with their love for books! Thank you for doing all that you do. You rock! And you are an inspiration!
I will give my creative daughter books that continue to foster creativity and imagination.
i would love to give them to my godson! he’s only 5, he’s Polish and doesn’t speak English yet, but this gift would be a perfect beginning of his great adventure in the world of books π
I will be buying my niece and nephews some lovely books π
i’ve bought both my mom a gardening book and my sister has a lovely lazer cut illustration copy of shakespeares romeo and juliet to look forward to! I have yet to get my boyfriend anything but its tradition that part of his present is a comic book π i’ve been buying a lot of art books recently as i started teaching, would love to add these to my collection.
I’ll be giving books to all 3 of my kids and also my sister. And I hope i’ll be receiving some at christmas too
I will give books to my students Nicolas (5) and Vasilis (7) and my sisters. Hopefully I ‘ll be given some in return!
I’ll be giving books to my kindergarten students this year!
I will donate it to our accidental school library for incarcerated teens
I’ll be giving books to my soon to born niece, baby d and my one of favorite and cherished cousins, Chelsea!
Every year for Christmas I give my favorite book I read that year to my small group of close friends! Its been a great tradition and its fun to give something that I know they’ll love and it gives us a reason to get back together– to discuss the book!
Hello! great idea! i would give one book to my beloved son named Lou, who will have 6 years on December 28th! Then to my little sister who have been so brave through hard times those last 2 years and that would deserve more happiness! drawing is often a synonym of happiness. then i think i would give one to my boyfriend, the man of my life, the best person i met to build my life with, he makes me happy so much and i like to offer him little presents, which i call “petites douceurs de la vie” π i ll give one to my lovely friend Alice who comes really from wonderland, and she might be happy to have that kind of book because she loves both creative and beautiful things. I have also plenty of nephew, so i think i have people to make happy over there. anyway congratulations for your idea, those books are amazing and very attractive at sight too!! π
What a beautiful package of books. I’m not a mum but I have several childrensbooks in my bookcase anyways just because they are mostly so very beautifully illustrated. For this Christmas I already have a whole list of books that I might give away. I always have a list on my phone where I write down all books that I love over to year, so that in the end of the year I have the perfect present for everyone. And if I can’t find the perfect book I’ll just make one myself π
Everyone! Plans for Dad – always a history book he hasn’t read. Aurelia and Brynja – a book for sisters. Danielle – a book to lift spirits. Jacob and Matthew – books (and socks)!
I get books every year for birthdays, easter and christmas as I’m known as a book worm. This year I will be giving books to my dad and my littlest niece who is 16 months as I want to get he rhooked too π
I will be giving books to all three of my daughters. They have all have developed a great love of reading and books and I am sure that is because my wife and I would read to them everyday when they were younger.
These books sound great. My daughter loves art and I love crafts, so these would be great for us.
I have a sweet three year old reader friend who lives next door. She would get a kids book or two and the rest would go to the community preschool where all the kids could use them. I have to admit, i might keep Art Inc to give it myself…. but the others, well, they’d get divvied up amongst my creative friends!
Having successfully fought to save my local library – I’ll be giving books to all the residents – but personally – to my sons, daughter, nephews and nieces
My son is only 2 y.o but i’ve already started building him a library of creative books and inspiration for when he grows up, especially illustrated stories full of fun, colourful characters. These would be a lovely addition – though I may have to steal Creative Block for myself π
I love giving books as presents to family and friends. Each special occasion (birthdays, christenings, christmas, etc) I give my 2 year old nephew a book. I always write a little note about our time together since the last time I left him a message. We love reading together and I hope our time doing this will forever stay with him. As an art student I think there is no better gift – the gift of creativity and expression through memory and art.
My bookcase, desk and bedside table always has room for a new book. I have bought, swapped and bargain hunted for books since I was 8 years old. This year my niece will get her own set of Australian Children’s picture books. All of the classics that her Mother, Aunty and Uncle have grown up on. I will also handover books from my own collection to friends. Recommendations are one thing but passing a great book on to a friend to enjoy is the best part of reading. Sharing the enjoyment!
There’s something very real and magical about books. It’s universally accepted that you can get lost in the hidden world a book helps us create, helping us to release and build our imaginations! Currently My family has quite a few young’uns on ‘on the way’, growing up fast and a fair few of us who consider ourselves young for our age we would love to share this great collection within our family and beyond.
I would give some to my boyfriend, but also keep some for myself. π Yes, it’s bit selfish, but these books are awesome!
Books for everyone! My three year old daughter, five year old step son, and nieces and nephew will all be receiving books. I’m so grateful to come from a family of readers. My 95 year old grandmother is still reading a ton. Her books of choice have changed a bit over the years, but she devours every book we bring to her:)
Books are to be read and given away…
My children, they need new reading and story material so iv been buying a good few π they love their books so much x
Would be great. Just saying. Could use them like crazy!!! Im living in Denmark and it is really hard to find good books in English. Would be like..water in the desert.
OMG!!!! <3 it all
A beautiful selection of books! If I’m lucky enough to win, my six year old, whose appreciation of art and literature is just beginning to bloom, will be receiving these under the tree this year.
My crafty friends will be getting books this year!
It would be wonderful to share a nice tea, a piece of cake and these amazing books! I only present books to special people who can appreciate the value of them!
I’ll be giving books to all my nieces and nephews this Christmas as well as a Vietnamese cooking book for my mom, to celebrate her getting really fit in the past month or so…and buying a few books for myself too.. :3
Beautiful Books! All of them, i will share them with my sister, we are currently living far away from home, and reading is one of those thing that reminds of of our Dad, he is a massive reader and he raised us with that habit, one of the best things that my Dad teach us The love for the books.
I’ll be giving books to my nieces and my son. Probably my husband, too.
I’d share these amongst my friends’ children π
I purchased a book from an op shop for my mother for christmas. It’s one of her favourite authors (Danielle Steele) and I can’t wait to give it to her.
Oh wow, what a fantastic lot of books. I’d love to read them with my little man, Eli
I graduated with a Fine Arts degree almost two years ago. I recently got married and I now have a step-son I love dearly. I love talking to him about art and I would love to share these books with him.
To me!!! I will give these books to myself… well, ok, I’m a good girl, I can share them with my two children.
Hi Danielle!!!
I would give the art books to my parents, who have decided to take art classes in their spare time at the community centre. My mum has always loved to sketch but between three children & all our busy schedules + working at the bank has meant she has to sketchbvery quickly whenever she has a spare moment. She is thinking about retiring, so if I were to win this competition, it would be great news as she can have this books to start her art career.
with love,
I’ll be giving books as christmas presents to my nieces and nephews and my own two kids. And as an illustrator, I would love some of these for my own bookshelf. You can never have too many books in your life!
My two wonderful sons
My sister gave birth to my first niece 8 months ago and I’d love her to enjoy reading as much as I do. If i was lucky enough to win I may have to keep one or two of the art books for myself though π
I’ll be giving books to my whole family this year, what’s not to like about a good book!
Every since they were born I have been giving books for every occasion to all the children in my life. I make a special point or including a thoughtful inscription with the date and occasion it was given on inside the front cover. My aunt did this for me throughout my childhood and those books are still among my most prized possessions. They not only served as portals to a million interesting and exciting places back then but reading those inscriptions now takes me back to that time in my childhood. I give books with the hope that they will be gift that never stops giving.
In South Africa, a lot of children start the school year with text books because of bad planning and corruption in our government. For a lot of students books are an absolute luxury. Last year for Mandel Day my sister organized for us to build and stock a library in an inderprivilaged school and it was an incredibly important and rewarding task. I would definitely like to keep on with that mission and try and build more libraries in schools, or at least make a consious effort to collect and donate second hand books for children in need. I believe books are doorways to new worlds.
I meant *without* text books!
This year I’ll be giving books to my toddler, who is enjoying books more and more. I’m also planning on giving Creative Block to my sister after buying my own copy. I think she’d really enjoy it. I’ve already bought my mom a few books and a journal this has been a big year for her–she fought off cancer and kept positive through it all.
Books are on my list for almost everyone…mom, brother, bestie and her kids, my niece and my cousins kids. Some have already been purchased, like “Runaway Tomato,” “Good Night Darth Vader,” and ” Whatever You Are, Be a Good One”…many from Chronicle Books. They have to have some of the best editors around! Would love to share these titles, too! π
These books look amazing π I don’t have a lot of books to give, because I rent almost all my books in the libary, but I write poetry and share it for free so people can enjoy it ^^
I would love to give these books to my daughter Gypsy. We’ve spent the last year in Thailand as this is where her father and family live. Were done so with one backpack of clothes and personal items each and in this she has one book. We are Going home to start fresh and 10 new books would be the most amazing preasent ever for her. Thanx π
Bloomin’ LOVE books!
Almost everyone in my family will find a book under the Christmas tree thanks to my favorite book shop Uslar & Rai in Berlin… Dangerous place… π
Every year I give books to the project called Children of the Street in Serbia. It’s a project that helps Roma population, educates them and present them how the knowledge can bring you a better life! What you give is what you get…
What a gorgeous selection! I love giving books most years during the holidays and even at birthdays- it is such a personalized way to give a gift. Books are just wonderful and I enjoy receiving them too! I know the book tastes and preferences of all of my family and most of my friends. Some examples of these preferences of special people in my life are biographies, California History, herbalism, art critiques, metal smithing, business leadership, surf memorabilia, cooking, etc.. I’ll be in those sections and more of the bookstore this holiday season choosing the perfect gifts.
I am plegding to give a book to every home in my street for Christmas. It will be an anonymous gift and I will pass on some of the many books that line my bookshelves. It seems silly that we hang on to books for long periods on time and don’t share what has inspired us.
I always give books….more likely to me….but also to others…I love books!!!!!!!!!!!
I get so much enjoyment out of rummaging around the best second hand bookstores in Austin and will find the perfect little illustrated books for all our nephews and nieces this year. Passing on a book that’s given you a lot of pleasure is the ultimate joy!
I love this idea. Ny daughter just read through two chapter books in one day and she’s 8. thank you for sharing this great message
I’d definitely give books to my family! We’re not big on Christmas gifts, but I think a book is something tangible that will actually contribute to their lives in some way, instead of the usual random bits & pieces.
I’ll be purchasing books for both my daughters for christmas. My eldest has just started to read and has fallen in love with reading…makes a momma so proud! I am planning to donate books to my local library to help expand there book collection.
Woo! Love this!
A couple of these books will no doubt go to my 8 year old nephew Bradyn. For birthdays I always give my nieces and nephews books. They LOVE to read! Each book gets a hand written note to them, that I am hoping holds much value as they grow older. For Bradyn’s birthday I gave him a book on how to draw. It was a good intro book on lines, shapes, figures, all that good stuff. I spoke with his beautiful and inspiring momma a few weeks after and she said, “Bradyn has brought the drawing book everyday to school with him this week. I had an idea of who may have given it to him!” My heart swelled. I would love to win these books and continue his passion for the arts. He isn’t the biggest fan of school right now and if art really peaks his interest — I say it should be nourished and celebrated.
The others in the list would be perfect for the little ones in my life and some of the books aimed toward the more advanced reader will be going to friends and family. What could be a better gift than the gift of words, beautiful pictures and a stimulated imagination?
Thank you!
My children, nieces and best friend are all getting books this year. Also, the friend’s new baby will get books from me when she makes her arrival in the new year.
I would give the children’s books to my son as he is a book worm, like his mum
This year I’m giving books to my soon to be 3 year old god son. We both love painting together and he’s always asking for me to read him a story. I’ve always wanted to get him All my friends are dead <3.
My sister, my friends and my boyfriend!A book is the best gift ever.
Thank you!
Books are for read and knowledge are for shared! So give away books is what i like to do. Every time my city has a book fair, there will always be a box for you to donate your old books. I did it too! Not only in the book fair. When ever i see the box of donation. I would bring some that I rarly read and give away. Sometimes, like they said, one man trash is another’s treasure.but it is not a trash, it is a knowledge and entertainment i would shared!
I’d love to give a book to my younger brother and my 4 other cousins! Being the eldest and just graduating from college means now I’m “all grown up” and wise. Nothing is wiser than books! I know they’ll love them π
I’ve already bought an assortment of McSweeney’s books to give away to friends and family this year.
What a wonderful gift!
I will be giving books to my neighbour’s children (aged 10 and 3). I pick up books for them from local shops each week, as the older girl has a school homework requirement; which is to read 100 pages a day. And so, I try to help and encourage her by keeping up a steady supply of books for her to enjoy.
I’ll be giving books to my kids this year, and also to great non-profit in my town that offers transitional housing to homeless families.
Oh, I would love to share these books with my 7-year-old daughter. Our favorite activities together are reading and making art. These would all be fabulous for our library!
These books would be a great addition to my Studio Arts classroom! Please add me to the hat. Thx.
Hello! What an AMAZING and beautiful idea.
I already planned on giving books to my wonderful students who bring me joy and inspiration every day. I will also be giving books to my writer Mum and explorer/spelunker Dad! And my wonderful friends too. And of course my painter Self.
Thank you for reminding us of the wonderful gift that is BOOKS <3
I’m giving some books to my two nieces (and a little treat for myself of course).
I’ll be giving books to my girlfriend. It’s our first Christmas together and it will be the perfect gift for her β‘
I’m gonna get my husband some cool books for Christmas! It’s our 3rd christmas together!
I’m giving a book to each of my Year 4 students at the end of the Australian school year. We’ve had a wonderful year of reading together so it makes sense to finish it with a book they can remember me by.
I’m giving books to friends and family.
My niece and great nephews as they like crafting projects.
I’ll be giving books to my three year old niece who LOVES reading books with me. Every time I go over she asks for more and more books to read!
I’m giving books to my daughter, my husband, relatives and friends…and myself! π
I give books to every child in my life – nieces, nephews, friends kids and also my partner and my sister. It is always easy to find the perfect gift when looking for a book.
I’ll be giving books to both of my young daughters this Christmas. And at least one to my husband. And we already bought and shipped one to his godson. Books are the best gifts!!
A book for each of my sisters as well as my best friend.
Would be absolutely thrilled to win these lovely artsy books. As an art student myself, I am so skint and Christmas shopping scares me (: > so if I won I would give these books, along with a handmade pot, to all my lovely nephews and nieces ans sisters and aunties and uncles and my parents. Christmas shopping would be sorted! π
I’ll give an album to my husband, a recipe book to a friend, some little smart books to my kids and nieces and one book to me!!
my grandson who is showing useful signs of creativity
I wish I may find the spark, from them, which lead me back to the path of my passion, illustrating.
Thank you.
A boy who came from a family of small-scale miners, they are featured in an indie film about small-scale mining. We’re raising funds for his medical care, I know he would love to have these books to cheer up his Christmas
I guess everyone of my family and friends has to suffer my book addictment =D Like every year.
My housemate, she loves book and define whoever she meet by books they read (Maybe that’s why we argued so much, we have completely different taste in books and music :D)
She gave me a book from my favourite author for my birthday. I want to give her one on this holiday too π
I’ve been reading books to my son since is was in the womb.
He’s 2 and half and fond of books. So for Christmas he is gonna have some books. (I can’t wait to read Harry Potter with him)
I’ll be offering a book to my brother-in-law, too. He is going to his twenties and he need to have inspiration. He’s becoming a informatic engineer and I feel like the Steve Jobs’ biography could be a good reading for him.
i would give the books to my daughter she has recently learnt to read and i have never seen her so happy as she is tooked up in bed with a good story book π
My family, friends and I exchange books every year both as gifts and we also have regular book swaps. Books are simply the best present to give, and receive!
I would give them to family and friends. I read on average one book a week and I don’t hoard them afterwards so I get asked for books on a regular basis.
My kids! My sister – her kids! My brother & my folks. Books are my #1 goto present for all occasions and all loved adored and revered at our place.
Hello! I am starting a beautiful creative book collection for my future niece or nephew, due in May 2014. Hopefully by the time he or she grows into an inspiring and creative young adult, they will have some colorful inspiring books to leaf through. At that stage, the books might be vintage! What wonderful idea.Thanks for the opportunity to enter.
Its the season to be giving… and I’ll be giving a stack of my own creative books to a local school for their art department so would love these to be new book friends/ends to inspire post my own declutter xx fingers crossed!! Anna xx
Since last year me and my sister are packing for “christmas in a shoebox”. ItΒ΄s the biggest German-speaking gift action for children from eastern europe. Everybody puts some books, school supplies, clothing, hygiene items, sweets and toys in a big shoebox and takes it to a collecting point, from where they send the boxes to romania, bulgaria etc.
ps: I am a graphic design student from austria and i would love to have those books!
Books are very important so i always give the kids in my family books from an early age! Get them use to them and enjoying reading is always a good thing
I live in germany and would give the books to my godchild and his two brothers. They need some support to learn english and they can benefit from the creative input π
I would give these to my daughter who is very creative.
Art + books = magic! And free books are awesome! I am an artist and reader who always give books for Christmas presents. I have been a Reading is Fundamental volunteer giving free books to children in schools and watching their eyes light up as for some, it was the first book they ever owned. First Book is a wonderful program and geart avenue to give away free books to children. Kudos to Chronicle Books for participating to donate books! I also started a Community Reads program in my town where we gave away free books, and have been a World Book Night giver, giving away free books to light or non readers. If I were to win this set I would just have to keep Lisa Congdon’s Art Inc, as I have been dying for this book. I would give the rest as gifts (well, most of them!)–I have Creative Block and it is excellent! I am a big reader, installing the love of reading to my daughters very early-getting them their first library card at age 1. Thank you for the giveaway, and thanks to Chronicle for the discount code-heading to their site now!
I would give the books to my new brother and his family as ive not met them yet and would like to make up for missed xmas’s as he was adopted and has just found us.
My cousins in Taiwan, to help them learn English and to learn to enjoy reading as much as I do π
this year my book All Star is my friend Harper Mae. She’ll be five this week! So far she’s got a copy of Olivia and The Day the Crayons Quit. Crossing my fingers to add some of these titles!
I would give books to my interns who are all trying to balance the difficult balance between being arts workers and artists – inspiration is always welcome.
I would give these books to my 3 sons. my 4 year old is very creative and really loves his reading, he gets excited about trips to the library!! hope he stays this enthusiastic for as long as possible
I love giving books to my children. I’m blown away by his creativity every single day and I try to foster that as much as possible.
I would love to get these books to gift to my 3 daughters, and my husband. Continue the creatives!
My son for sure, my husband, and my brother. Probably my sister and mom. We all LOVE books. Thanks for the opportunity! xo
Books are a timeless gift to be appreciated for a lifetime. Some of my most treasured posessions are books and I love giving books as gifts because they are very special and precious objects. This Christmas I will gift books to my closest family members and friends, and to myself!
Books are great gifts. Was thinking of books for everyone this year! Especially my 2 little girls. Maybe even myself!
I add my name to the hat ! For christmas, as usual, every one in my family will get a book and hopefully i will too !
I would love to have a collection of such inspirational books to share with my creative family over the x-mas holidays! Please add my name to the list with the thousands of others!
If I win this set, I’d love to give the sweet kids book to my friends who have little ones. Reading is so important and I love beautiful artsy kids books! Plus funny and creative books… who doesn’t love to receive those?!?
Love all these books!!
I just really want these books! Who won? I want to read them as I eat fried chicken.
I know I’m 20 minutes late but I just really want these books to help me become a successful artist. I’m bearily beginning so I want these books to nourish my creative inner child and guide my future artist. Thank you
This looks like an amazing collection of books I’d love to add to my collection …loved reading since I was little : )
my nephews and nieces
My boys to help them with their literacy
I would donate them to the children’s ward of our local hospital Dxx
to my sons and my black cat.