kristen martincic

Oh. Those pools! The diving boards! That shower! This is the gorgeous mixed media series, titled “Pool & Water”, by American artist Kristen Martincic. I loved all of these pieces the second I saw them, and my post would have been complete with this amazing, blue, perfectly composed work… but then I found these:

Gasp! Bathing suits. Bathing suits cut and crafted out of Japanese paper, with perfect monotype lines / patterns to finish them off… and there’s more! This is already the longest post I’ve EVER put together, so I’ll stop with these amazing suits, but please go to her site to see her bathing caps, and wardrobe series. Seriously, I could have shown her entire portfolio ♥ Sigh.

{Thank you so so much to Jenni Freidman for sending me a link to Kristen’s work!}

comments (11)

  1. John /// 09.11.2014 /// 2:40pm

    I left you the link to this artist’s web page, I think you will like his work, it is very interesting. His name is Alexis Reveles.

  2. John /// 09.11.2014 /// 2:45pm

    Sorry, I put his page under my name! :0

  3. the jealous curator /// 09.11.2014 /// 2:50pm

    got it! thanks john 🙂

  4. Jenni Freidman /// 09.11.2014 /// 4:39pm

    So glad you loved it! ps – Kristen is as lovely as she is talented!

  5. the jealous curator /// 09.11.2014 /// 8:06pm

    i’m not surprised! : ) thanks again for the link jenni!

  6. Amanda smith /// 09.11.2014 /// 9:23pm

    Hey, I think we went to undergrad together! Bgsu? Love this work!

  7. Nicky Whitehead /// 09.12.2014 /// 7:09am

    Thank you so much for sharing these. They are just wonderful. The details in the bathing suits are amazing.

  8. Marisa Hricovsky /// 09.12.2014 /// 7:24am

    Yeah BGSU! Kristen is married to Joe Pintz and they both also taught at BGSU for a bit. Kristen’s work is very beautiful!

  9. jessica ann mills /// 03.15.2015 /// 4:58pm

    Kristen’s work is just lovely! And such a small world to see her on your page – I am just going through your archives as it has been some time since I have been making new work myself, and therefore behind in all my art blogs as they make me feel bad for being post-grad school ‘artist block’. Revisiting your site after picking up your Creative Block book and I am so jazzed/energized. You’d featured my work back in 2009 or 2010 – when I still was trying to keep up an arts practice. So happy to see that you’ve found so much success and that this lovely site still is cranking out great artist features! Hopefully I will be able to send you a link to new work soon!!! For now, I will be using your book as inspiration to get back in regular practice. Thanks Danielle!!

  10. the jealous curator /// 03.16.2015 /// 7:09am

    oh that’s so great! YAY to getting your art mojo back! have fun : )

  11. Beth McBride /// 08.11.2016 /// 12:57pm

    I have been going through all your old posts and just stumbled upon this one today. Thank you for introducing me to one of my new favorite artists!! Wow wow wow. The delicate colors, transparent blue greens, tans, tissue paper…I took your advice and went through her whole website. Her inflatables are so gorgeous. Also, thank you so much for this website. Going through it daily has inspired me to start making work again, even if its just for 15 minutes a day. I also love your podcasts and will be a faithful listener/reader. Thank you!