angela fama

Vancouver based photographer Angela Fama wants to take your picture, and then ask you…

… and then she’ll take your picture AGAIN! Yep, next spring, Angela is going to drive across Canada and the US in a used motorhome, turned mobile-photo-studio, so that she can ask that question of people from all walks of life. Her goal is to “unify individuals throughout Canada and the United States using compassion and a pop-up photo studio. “What Is Love” will reveal through comparative photography the strength and beauty of vulnerability that can be found within all adults, regardless of age, nationality, income, sexual orientation or gender.”

She had planned on doing this on her own {Canadians aren’t very good at asking for money… too polite!}, but her friends told her that she was crazy, and that she should at least try Kickstarter. So she has. Reluctantly. I’m glad she did though, because “What is Love” is going to be a beautiful project, as you can see from her past projects, Mirror Face, and How Are You. For How Are You, she set up a quiet/private temporary studio at a street festival in Vancouver. As people came in, she started by taking their “mug shot”, then she told them to close their eyes, and while their eyes were closed she asked, ‘How Are You… really?‘ which is when she captured the final shot:

Lovely, and so simply human. And so, next spring, she is going to travel through small towns and big cities, in her new/old motorhome asking people “What is Love to you?”. She’s not sure if the final faces will be happy or sad or a combination of the two, depending on what the word love conjures up for each person… if you’d like to help her get on the road, please visit her Kickstarter page {Details of the project & pledge rewards are listed there. Pledging closes on October 2nd.}

comments (4)

  1. Jessica /// 09.05.2014 /// 6:58am

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea! I’ve had a similar idea floating around in my soul for years now and am excited to see what comes of Angela’s project. Thank you for sharing this with us! xo

  2. danielle (aka the jealous curator) /// 09.05.2014 /// 7:39am

    hi jessica! yes, i think this is going to be a beautiful project… i’ll keep you updated on it! xo

  3. Jessica /// 09.05.2014 /// 10:15am

    Yes, please do! Thank you 🙂

  4. jo /// 09.05.2014 /// 2:32pm

    beautiful project. love to support this. so great reflecting the community through the arts, we did something similar here,i do love that collective consciousness

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