antoine cordet

These haunting, sort of sad, portraits feel like they should be posted on a Monday morning on a dreary day at the end of January, but here we are on a sunny Friday in the middle of August. They might be quiet / sombre but the mixed media work {acrylic and marker on canvas} of Paris based artist Antoine Cordet makes me very, very happy. So much emotion, so beautifully executed… and perhaps an appropriate way to end a week filled with far too many sad headlines.

Have a lovely weekend, everyone xo

{found on Saatchi Art}

comments (5)

  1. Kreetta /// 08.15.2014 /// 1:06pm

    There is something haunting in these but very beautiful work. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Siobhan Jordan /// 08.16.2014 /// 12:43pm

    These are truly stunning. Love

  3. Colin Grant /// 08.16.2014 /// 2:04pm

    I think there is a beautiful use of “there” and “not there” in the portraits and for me the white really has a power. Thanks

  4. the jealous curator /// 08.17.2014 /// 12:28pm


  5. Random Weekly Roundup #43 - Free Wills Studio /// 09.10.2015 /// 9:07pm

    […] paint and marker portraits by artist Antoine Cadet are sad in the most beautiful and amazing way. (The Jealous Curator)  |  6  And finally, the weirdness of both 3-D printing and hermit crabs have combined in a […]