i’m jealous of michelle mckinney

I’m not quite ready for summer to be over yet, but these somewhat autumnal installations are slowly easing me in. Who knew that ultra-fine woven metal could be this organic looking… well, I suppose UK based artist Michelle McKinney had a hunch. The leaves, the butterflies… but those orangie-pink circles {aka “money plant”, “honesty”, or “silver dollars”} are my absolute favorites. So delicate, and oh so beautiful. If she had a few “chinese lanterns” and I might actually be ready for fall… maybe.

comments (8)

  1. Molly Swanson /// 09.10.2013 /// 7:19am

    LOVE how soft these are! I’m especially loving the leaves!

  2. Gabriel /// 09.10.2013 /// 8:06am

    they look delicious! seriously they do, like grape and grapefruit crystals

  3. the jealous curator /// 09.10.2013 /// 8:17am

    mmmmm… that does sound good!

  4. Jessica /// 09.10.2013 /// 10:03am

    Love. Love. LOVE. I need more wall space and more money!! Amazing! xo

  5. the jealous curator /// 09.10.2013 /// 11:11am

    i hear ya.

  6. BooBooNinja /// 09.10.2013 /// 6:09pm

    I’m jealous of Michelle McKinney too.

  7. the jealous curator /// 09.11.2013 /// 12:18pm

    it’s not hard, is it ; )

  8. Interview: Artist Michelle McKinney | Who'd Have Thought? /// 11.18.2013 /// 12:01pm

    […] first spotted UK artist Michelle McKinney’s work over at The Jealous Curator and was immediately hooked. How she can create such delicate, ethereal pieces from metal is beyond […]

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