i’m jealous of raúl lázaro

Usually, if I find an artist who has several series that I love, I manage to control myself and just show one. I could not do that today. Spanish artist Raúl Lázaro makes me jealous three times over. Reason No.1:

This. These are from his “cloudscapes” series, and I love them. Reason No.2:

Gah! Graph paper and mountains made of doilies?! These gorgeous collages from his “insulario” series. And of course, a few chopped up landscapes to round out reason No.3:

Oooh! Any artist that can make up their own river systems, from a bunch of found images, is ok in my books! Love.

{Good news – he has an online shop! Ok, it’s empty right now, but if you bug him I bet he’ll fill it up!}

comments (7)

  1. Kari /// 06.10.2013 /// 2:33pm

    These are great! I’m especially drawn to that last series- I love the lack of human figures in those landscapes.

  2. nicole /// 06.10.2013 /// 3:30pm

    I’m jealous too. The pieces are so dream like with a vintage touch that could bring anyone back to a happier time. This is such a great find!


  3. Monica Perez Vega /// 06.11.2013 /// 8:27am


  4. tracey /// 06.11.2013 /// 1:00pm

    Ah, you got me again ! Love these !

  5. the jealous curator /// 06.11.2013 /// 5:21pm

    nice! i love it when i do that! ; )

  6. renata /// 07.18.2013 /// 6:07pm

    i’ve come to your blog just by chance, fell in love with his work, went to his etsy store, bought a print, received it today and am even more in love right now! thanks for writing this post and therefore making this happen. 🙂 greetings from brazil. 🙂

  7. the jealous curator /// 07.18.2013 /// 8:08pm

    oh that’s exciting! which print did you buy?

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