i’m jealous of becky cooper … & manhattan

I love this. I love it so much, that instead of me fumbling to describe it, I’m going to copy and paste the description of this lovely project, titled Mapping Manhattan, by native New Yorker, Becky Cooper. Ready?

“Armed with hundreds of blank maps she had painstakingly printed by hand, Becky Cooper walked Manhattan from end to end. Along her journey she met police officers, homeless people, fashion models, and senior citizens who had lived in Manhattan all their lives. She asked the strangers to “map their Manhattan” and to mail the personalized maps back to her. Soon, her P.O. box was filled with a cartography of intimate narratives: past loves, lost homes, childhood memories, comical moments, and surprising confessions. A beautifully illustrated, PostSecret-style tribute to New York, Mapping Manhattan includes 75 maps from both anonymous mapmakers and notable New Yorkers, including Man on Wire aerialist Philippe Petit, New York Times wine critic Eric Asimov, Tony award-winning actor Harvey Fierstein, and many more.”

So, so, so good! Here are a few of my favorites:

Awww! Isn’t that last one so sweet? ♥  You want to make one now, don’t you? No problem! You can download the map right here! Now all you have to do is draw/paint/write your love {or hate} story with Manhattan, and send it to mapyourmemories@gmail.com. Happy mapping, and happy weekend to you 🙂

{ps. If you want to buy this book, you can find it in bookstores everywhere, or online at: ABRAMS, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble. Oh, and there’s a great article about it in The New York Times}

comments (7)

  1. Michelle /// 05.17.2013 /// 6:54am

    I google-mapped her addresses:)

  2. Second Floor Flat /// 05.18.2013 /// 3:39pm

    Such a great idea for a project – can’t wait to submit my own and check out the stories of others.

  3. the jealous curator /// 05.18.2013 /// 4:04pm

    cool! have fun with it!

  4. Kari /// 05.24.2013 /// 7:57am

    I would love one of these on my wall! Amazing. Really love your blog and the content!

  5. the jealous curator /// 05.24.2013 /// 2:18pm

    me too, and thank you! : )

  6. Mapping Manhattan | Diskursdisko /// 05.28.2013 /// 1:05am

    […] The Jealous Curator) Vincent Wilkie hat diesen tollen Beitrag verfasst. In seiner Freizeit ist er Musiker, Webdesigner […]

  7. Longchamps Soldes Paris /// 09.20.2014 /// 9:36pm

    Interesting approach towards this. Wondering what you think of its implication on society as a whole though? Sometimes people get a little upset with global expansion. Ill be around soon to check out your response.


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