i’m still jealous of chelsea james

I wrote about San Francisco based artist Chelsea James, and her sinks, a couple of years ago… and now, those chairs! Oh, those chairs! Simple, rich, beautifully lit interiors created with some of the loveliest brush strokes I’ve seen in quite some time. And those chairs! Sigh

comments (10)

  1. Kreetta /// 05.08.2013 /// 6:52am

    Lovely. I didn’t even know that i like paintings of chairs 🙂

  2. Rachael /// 05.08.2013 /// 7:50am

    These are so cool!
    Another chair painter is daily painter Kimberly Applegate. She does 5X5 inch paintings of chairs. She did a custom one for my son called Lucky Kid. Check out her Pinterest page.
    p.s. it’s NPR,Facebook and your blog, everyday.

  3. the jealous curator /// 05.08.2013 /// 8:05am

    thanks for the link rachael! (and thanks for making me part of your daily routine… that made my day!)

  4. Kristin /// 05.08.2013 /// 7:58am

    I’m jealous too. So great.

  5. Hila /// 05.08.2013 /// 12:53pm

    Love them! So “simple” yet interesting and colorful and complete.

  6. Daughter Earth /// 05.08.2013 /// 4:28pm

    such great brush strokes

  7. Kelsey Lynore /// 05.10.2013 /// 9:48pm

    The colors and design are late 70s, early 80s. It looks like the first house I was raised in, with the same heavy, stark energy.

  8. Simon Ward /// 06.14.2013 /// 5:27am

    These are great – both subject and painting style. Can’t beat a nice chair, although as the son of a furniture designer, perhaps I have a slightly biased view…

    On which point, and at the risk of looking slightly spammy (but on topic I think!) here’s some more chairs, drawn by my Dad in 1963 as part of his final degree portfolio at the RCA in London.

  9. the jealous curator /// 06.14.2013 /// 8:03am

    WOW! that is so cool – and what beautiful drawings! thanks for sending the link, simon!

  10. Simon /// 06.17.2013 /// 2:57pm

    No problem – glad you like them, Dad’ll be pleased! 🙂

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