peachy, spiffy, and not at all pants*

Yes, that is exactly how you start talking after you’ve spent a lovely, inspiring, creative day with Tif Fussell {aka Dottie Angel}

Sigh. What an amazing day we had at GIRL CRUSH Seattle this past Saturday, and it all started right here:

I had never been to Assemble Gallery in Seattle before this weekend, and I absolutely loved it! Emily and Andie, the lovely ladies behind Assemble, were amazing and made sure that everything was just right! It was beyond perfect for an art workshop & tea party… so airy, so pretty, and filled with artwork, design objects, & stacks of gorgeous books… including Uppercase Magazine! Thank you so much to Janine from Uppercase for giving each of us the latest issue… so peachy {as Tif would say!} Once we had everything in just the right spot, it was time to say hello…

What an amazing group of women. Lots of locals, and a few that weren’t so local. People came from LA, Boston, and Vancouver! We spent the morning talking… and talking, and talking. I was completely in awe of the transparency, and willingness to share. Tif’s story of her creative journey was so inspiring, and I was totally caught up in the reasons each of the women gave for being there. Painters, photographers, writers, performers, knitters. What we had in common was a passion to create… not to mention a few niggly doubts about what/how we create that have been slowing us down… well, no more!

I have a set of artist block crushing exercises that we spend the morning working through, and I am quite sure that all of us came away from them slightly changed. {There are already a few posts out there if you’d like to see what I mean… Here, here, and here.} We laughed, we cried, and so of course, by mid-afternoon we all desperately needed this:

So good! We had a lovely lunch catered by Macrina Bakery, followed by an afternoon of Dottie Angel inspired deer-adorned treats by Trophy Cupcakes… and our vintage teacups were constantly filled by the generous folks next door at Caffe Vita! Again, I am totally overwhelmed by the generosity that went into making this event happen.

So, after I finished my insanely delicious cupcake, it was time to lick the butter-cream icing off of Bambi’s hooves, and get to work!

Oh my word – I could have snipped, and glued, and painted until midnight! After a morning filled with amazing conversation, things went very quiet, very quickly. We listened to La Vie en Rose, and collaged like there was no tomorrow. It was heaven… and just like that it was over. I have to say, I felt a little sad to say goodbye to all of the beautiful women who I now call “friend”… oh well, at least we have Twitter!

Thank you so much to everyone involved in GIRL CRUSH Seattle… and to my lovely friend Tif ~ you truly are peachy, spiffy, and not at all ‘pants’ xo

ps. GIRL CRUSH Portland is only a few weeks away… if you’d like to come and spend a creative Saturday with me and Lisa Golightly {aka Kiki & Polly} you can sign up right here! If you’re thinking about it, please do come… we can’t make these events happen without you!

*Pants: adjective; British slang. Not good; total crap; nonsense; rubbish; bad; used quite a bit by the lovely Tif Fussell!


These photographs were all taken by the ladies at the event… what talent! Thanks to Andie, Sandra, and Melanie xo

comments (28)

  1. jacqueline @ thehourglassfiles /// 05.22.2012 /// 9:31am

    I so want to go to a Girl Crush event. This looks so inspiring. Wish the Minneapolis event hadn’t sold out before I had been able to figure out if I’d be able to attend. 🙁

  2. the jealous curator /// 05.22.2012 /// 11:35am

    oh too bad! where are you… there are a few more coming up next year in the east (and philly in october)

  3. tiffanie /// 05.22.2012 /// 11:10am

    You did it again, Danielle! This looks as wonderful as our SF tea party and from the resulting posts, you’ve spread the inspiration far and wide. I read someone already gave notice at their job to follow their dream. That is good stuff! Congrats! I can’t wait ’til we meet again! xo

  4. Amanda /// 05.22.2012 /// 1:30pm

    I love Assemble! (and Seattle) I don’t make it up to Greenwood nearly enough. This post inspired me. Gonna go meander after work!

  5. Melanie /// 05.22.2012 /// 2:11pm

    Sigh. SIGH. I wish we could have Girl Crush every day…or at least once a month. As you know, you and Tif and everyone at the event inspired me so much. I loved being a part of this amazing day. Keep in touch, my friend. 🙂 xoxo

  6. Sandra /// 05.22.2012 /// 3:57pm

    Once a month would be perfect! Enough to recharge and reenergize and remind – remind me of the new ideas and ways of thinking and inspiration. Real life intrudes and there may be a few steps back but I do believe it’ll be a net net three steps forward.

    You are building a lovely Girl Crush community!

  7. Victoria /// 05.22.2012 /// 6:08pm

    so jealous !

  8. Anastasia /// 05.22.2012 /// 8:19pm

    Lovely post, lovely photos, and a lovely day with all of you. So happy I was able to be part of it. And, I’m going to add Tif’s style of ‘pants’ to my vocabulary!

  9. the jealous curator /// 05.22.2012 /// 8:49pm

    ha! me too!
    yes, aren’t those photos fantastic!? all taken by sandra, melanie and andie!

  10. elizabeth /// 05.23.2012 /// 5:02am

    by east coast – do you mean Boston??? pretty please!

  11. the jealous curator /// 05.23.2012 /// 6:59am

    yep! boston in 2013 with leah giberson…. it’s gonna be good!

  12. Wanna Know What We’ve Been Up To? « Assemble Gallery and Studio /// 05.23.2012 /// 3:24pm

    […] and Tif of Dottie Angel for the Girl Crush Tea Party! Read all about it here on Neatloaf! (and here, and here, and here, and here). […]

  13. girl crush… - Move Lifestyle :: Move Lifestyle /// 05.25.2012 /// 6:43am

    […] while i was working in vancouver, i met up with one of my favorite bloggers, danielle from the jealous curator. we had such a lovely coffee date & i’m already looking forward to the next time i’ll see her, in june at girl crush portland…. here are some photos from last weekend’s girl crush event in seattle… […]

  14. Have a lovely weekend! /// 05.25.2012 /// 9:02am

    […] and did you see the write ups on the Seattle Girl Crush Tea party (here and here)?  There are still spots left for the Portland one I’m hosting June […]

  15. Desha /// 05.26.2012 /// 5:38pm

    This is right up my alley. When will you do one in New England por favor??
    Let me know if you need any help organizing 🙂

  16. the jealous curator /// 05.26.2012 /// 7:14pm

    I’ll be in Boston in 2013, with the lovely Leah Giberson! I’ll keep you posted on dates : )

  17. debbie /// 05.28.2012 /// 10:53am

    This was ammaaazing!!! so glad i was able to be a part of it, even for just a little while~~ =) Thank you so much for putting this together!!

  18. Marisa and Creative Thursday /// 05.28.2012 /// 12:00pm

    such a special day! it was a treat to be a part of it – you must come to LA soon, so we can play again! and go see an improv show xo

  19. the jealous curator /// 05.28.2012 /// 12:04pm

    YES!!!! so fantastic to see you marisa, and i will definitely find my way to LA soon xo .. and deborah, it was lovely meeting you! wish you could have stayed the whole day : )

  20. Susan /// 06.05.2012 /// 4:00pm

    This looks amazing! I would love to find something like this to do in my area. What a gift to be able to meet with talented, creative and like minded women!

  21. Girl Crush | El Jardín Rojo /// 06.07.2012 /// 10:08pm

    […] chicas de “Girl Crush”, que se lo montan como nadie, han organizado otra de sus charlas-taller-merienda que tanta envidia […]

  22. Pam (@iwriteinbooks) /// 06.19.2012 /// 2:17pm

    Wow, this is fantastic! I think I have a crush on this event! ;O)

  23. connie lehman /// 12.30.2012 /// 2:17pm

    would love to see one of these unbelievable events in Denver!
    so, so kool!

  24. the jealous curator /// 12.30.2012 /// 2:19pm

    i’d love to come to denver… i even have an artist in mind. hm, i’ll see what i can do! : )

  25. Missy Dahl /// 03.16.2013 /// 8:27am

    I loove the community you are creating. Come hang out with us artists in Chicago!

  26. Eva /// 04.22.2013 /// 8:31am

    Any chance New York City is in your future?

  27. Danielle Krysa of The Jealous Curator - Front & Main : Front & Main /// 02.14.2014 /// 6:28am

    […] and pretty cakes. And then we make art. I’ve been to four cities already (San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis), and I’m headed to Philly on October 13. They have all been amazing, […]

  28. Sac À Main Bowling Longchamps /// 12.11.2014 /// 3:31am

    Hey, what blog theme are you guys using? It looks awesome!

Bitpro Pulse Bitpro Pulse