i’m jealous of anne lindberg

Whoa. I am completely in awe of this fantastic installation work by American artist Anne Lindberg. Thousands and thousands of strands of thread, anchored from one wall to another, that seem to glow from within… I said whoa already, right? I wish I could see this work in person… well, if I lived in Omaha Nebraska I could! This work is part of a group show, titled Placemakers, currently on at the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts from January 13 – March 31, 2012. Please go, and report back! Count how many times you say, whoa. Thank you!

comments (20)

  1. Christina /// 03.02.2012 /// 2:39pm

    I have had the pleasure of spending a lot of time with this work at the Bemis Center. Anne has transformed the space (with the first piece above) and it’s so difficult to see the texture and subtlety from the photographs. Stunning work!

  2. the jealous curator /// 03.02.2012 /// 2:48pm

    Oh, I’m sure! I’d love to see this in person… the photographs are already stunning, so I can’t even imagine standing in front of it!

  3. Christina /// 03.02.2012 /// 3:38pm

    Yes! It’s just such a different experience in person (like most things). People audibly gasp when they see the work!

  4. the jealous curator /// 03.02.2012 /// 4:26pm

    ha! so did i (alone in my office!) ; )

  5. Mary /// 03.04.2012 /// 7:49am

    very cool! … and ditto on the wishing to see it in person. Must be amazing.

  6. priestscape /// 03.04.2012 /// 12:26pm

    Its over 23 miles of thread, and like Christina said, this ‘drawing’ really is amazing. The best is to hear ms lindberg talking about the colour. She has an amazingly intellectual nature to the way she describes it. ps there is a timelapse video on the bemis website, showing the its construction!.

  7. the jealous curator /// 03.04.2012 /// 1:25pm

    23 miles?!!? oh, thanks alex! could you post the link to the timelapse video? i couldn’t find it – thank you!

  8. joy /// 03.04.2012 /// 3:46pm

    Do Ho Suh did this:

  9. the jealous curator /// 03.04.2012 /// 4:25pm

    wow – that’s gorgeous too! thanks for the link!

  10. Ingrid /// 03.05.2012 /// 1:30pm

    Oh wow,those threads and the subtile colourbalance…amazing!

  11. WhiskeyKnight /// 03.05.2012 /// 1:51pm

    Here’s a link to that timelapse:


  12. the jealous curator /// 03.05.2012 /// 2:26pm

    thank you!

  13. The Jealous Curator | Anne Lindberg « Ku Daily (酷) /// 03.05.2012 /// 7:09pm

    […] The Jealous Curator » Blog Archive » i’m jealous of anne lindberg. […]

  14. The Jealous Curator | amandaprisciak /// 03.06.2012 /// 6:26pm

    […] post links to specific entries, because they are too cool to not share. For instance, this one of Anne Lindberg has me wondering how the weather is in Nebraska right […]

  15. battery /// 03.12.2012 /// 4:20pm

    Amazing art!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Annika /// 03.16.2012 /// 6:48am

    Wow really amazing work. Unfortunately Nebraska is on the other side of the ocean…
    How ever thank you for this amazing blog! Happy I found you.

  17. Anne Lindberg | mockturtledove /// 09.10.2012 /// 6:56pm

    […] this via The Jealous Curator.(p.s. she’s […]

  18. mamalama /// 01.31.2013 /// 11:43am

    I hate to think about it collecting dust!

  19. My CMS /// 05.02.2014 /// 1:16am

    […] coming out of the wall, make this beautiful gradient. Totally in love with the colors! More info here. Lonneke de Roos Uncategorized No […]

  20. Jealous: What’s New in the Art Scene | /// 11.10.2014 /// 9:10pm

    […] anne lindberg – thousands and thousands of strings of thread […]

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