Who better to have as my guest for the second installment of “PAINT CHIPS” than a junk food loving art consultant! Yes, my good friend Pennylane Shen is back on the podcast, this time with MORE CHEEZ TASTE! We’re eating Cheezies and talking about food themed art that takes our breath away. You can listen right up there under all of that cheesiness, or subscribe on Apple Podcasts and/or Spotify.
First up, the entire reason we both showed up to this episode with a bag of Cheez Doodles, “The Cocktail Party” {1992}, by American artist Sandy Skoglund:
Yes, a party covered entirely in REAL cheese doodles! FYI this is showing right now, until September 2021, at the McNay Art Museum in San Antonio, TX. I’m guessing it no longer smells like fake cheese? Sandy coated all of these doodles in epoxy in 1992… but you never know!
Here are some of the other Sandy Skoglund installations/photographs we talked about… the very timely “Germs Are Everywhere” {1984}, the super creepy “Walking on Eggshells” {1997}, the very famous “Revenge of the Goldfish” {1981}, and the green cats from “Radioactive Cats” {1980}:
Notice how I just sort of snuck the snakes and eggs in the middle of all that so I wouldn’t have to look directly at them for too long?
Alright, we’ve had our salty snack… time for something SWEET:
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Okay, it’s not actually sugary icing… it’s oil paint. SO MUCH OIL PAINT. This is the piece I brought to the party today. “Under Heaven” by Xu Zhen. The Instagram video is the one I took while standing in front of this jaw-dropper at Art Miami in 2016. Isn’t it insane!?
And finally, a few throw back photos to when Pennylane and I actually got to eat junk food / talk about art IN PERSON:
Ahhh, good times. I can’t wait until we can do this again. Hopefully Nick the Nalley Chip guy will be there with his truck! Thanks so much to Pennylane for doing this with me… twice {I’m so glad we didn’t eat the cucumber chips the second time around. So. Gross.} And, of course, thanks to all of YOU for listening… there will be more ART FOR YOUR EAR next weekend.
Other links:
- Pennylane on Instagram at @dazed.and.confucius
- Sandy Skoglund, Artist
- “The Cocktail Party” now on at McNay Art Museum, San Antonio, TX
- Xu Zhen, Artist
- Art Miami
- Episode no.200 hosted by Petah Coyne
- Co-Loop Podcast Network

[…] Posted bythe jealous curator […]
Damn you, Danielle and Pennylane. I listen to Art for Your Ear every time I hop in the car ( I live far from everything so am always in the car!) and I had to make an unplanned stop to buy Cheetos in order to keep listening today….seriously…. love and am addicted to Art for Your Ear.
hahaha! sorry (no i’m not)
I have been loving the clay cigarettes. So amazing. Plus, those green cats in that last Sandy Skoglund installation photo are incredible! I wants one!! Time. I have been taking more time in 2021 as a part of Elle Luna’s 100 Day Project group. 30 minutes each day I gather with fellow humans in our sacred art space. My project is called Dumpster Flowers. Yep, a band-aid for the dumpster fire of 2020. You can check them out on the Insta. Keep rolling those cigs!!
thanks michael! and the flowers sound cool… i’ll go take a peek 🙂