Sigh. This is the gorgeous collage work of Tanzanian-Nigerian, Atlanta based artist Marryam Moma. Her artist statement is just as powerful & beautiful as her work, so I’ll hand it over to Marryam:
“At the core of my art practice, I aim to empower and uplift the black female body. Unveiling the magic within this race of people breaks collective contemporary stereotypes, thus changing attitudes and perceptions of black women, allowing society to discover her beauty, ability to add value, appreciate and celebrate her. My collages are focused on elevating the importance of the black experience and this body, in a commitment to exploring the space where spirituality and higher consciousness, gender, race, and sexuality intersect … It is my intention to change the dynamics of how the black body is viewed in a society that is divisive versus inclusive. My work raises awareness that sparks discussions around traveling back into the higher self through racial reconciliation and gender equality. I hope to create a space in which the black body is celebrated.”
See? Beautiful.
*bio photo by @timberhousefilms. Thx to Clare Celeste for pointing me to Marryam’s work.

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