ashley amery

Ahhhh, as soon as we can travel again, I’m booking a flight into all of these wondrous paintings! Fragrant flowers, cool waterfalls, and magical underwater worlds… yes please! This is the work {gouache on paper} of London based, American artist Ashley Amery. Here are her words about these dreamy, detailed worlds:

“My art practice is based upon drawing and pattern making as a way to investigate form, depth and spatial representation. The process of revisiting a painting many times over the course of weeks, months, or even years, is essential to the way these paintings develop. The resulting images are as much a tracing out of time and visual thinking as they are pictures that reference the outside world. Beginning from the smallest marks, and using the simple materials of water-based paints and inks on paper, these works grow into complexity gradually, reflecting the very processes of nature they depict, often changing directions throughout the course of their evolution. Imagined shapes from memories and impressions of nature form an all-over landscape that speaks to this process of slow growth, wandering pathways, and multiple layers.

I am interested in the way memory informs image making. I draw from a personal stock of impressions to make sense of them through painting. My early years as a child spent in South America and Southern California feed into my use of bold colour, as well as subjects that centre around water and the ocean.”

Beautiful! Ashley’s work is available through Rebecca Hossack Gallery {ps. She has a solo show opening at their London gallery – and online – in the new year: January 30th – February 27th 2021

comments (2)

  1. ashley amery - fooledbyart /// 11.17.2020 /// 1:28am

    […] Posted bythe jealous curator […]

  2. Vanessa P /// 11.22.2020 /// 9:47am

    These are so beautiful. SO textured and lovely. I imagine painting them must feel like an escape. Thank you for showing them off. I’m now a huge fan.

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