Oh my word! This is the lacy, but not light, work of New York based / Canadian born artist Cal Lane. Here’s Cal’s bio, giving us a peek into both her background and her gorgeous work:
“Cal Lane is an internationally acclaimed sculptor known for turning ordinary objects into lacy artworks. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts from Nova Scotia College of Art and Design and a Master degree in Fine Arts in sculpture from State University of New York. To date, her pieces stand alone in capturing a delicacy and intricacy quite apart from her closest contemporaries. Lane’s tapestries, cut into harsh and often preternaturally large steel and iron structures, are sensual, alluring and deeply effeminate. Having spent much of her early life as a hairdresser in her mother’s salon in Vancouver Island, Lane soon became interested in exploring gender roles and conceptual art.”
From hairdresser to a sculptor of lace dumbbells? LOVE!

I think I’m in love.
me too.