petah coyne

“I gather materials everywhere I go … Materials are a language.” 

Yes, yes, a thousand times YES! New York based artist Petah Coyne is my new hero. I saw some of her glass work in Venice a few years ago but didn’t even realize it was hers until today… and then I went down the Petah Coyne rabbit hole! That amazing journey involved not only her intricate glass pieces but also works made from wax, beautifully bizarre taxidermy, silk flowers, more wax … and, eventually, I found my way to this video she did with SFMoMA. Watch the video. Have you watched it? Okay, I’ll wait. Seriously. [pauses for 4 minutes] Wasn’t that FABULOUS!? I’m going to spend the weekend ‘trying to make bad’, because as Petah wisely says, “sometimes when you make really bad, it’s really good.” LOVE.

comments (6)

  1. Bradford /// 10.09.2020 /// 8:03am

    LOVE! Dramatic, lush, otherworldly and transportive. Yes, please! And, I mean, watching that video? How I’d love to get “stuck” next to her at a dinner party and chat the night away. What a wonderful way to start a Friday, D.

  2. the jealous curator /// 10.09.2020 /// 8:42am

    oh my gosh, i wanna go to that dinner party too!

  3. Leila /// 10.09.2020 /// 11:17am

    She’s a delight! That chandelier made me think of Miss Haversham before I even watched the video! Oh and we always need permission to make bad fantastic

  4. Ana /// 10.10.2020 /// 12:17am

    This is amazing AND she seems lovely.

  5. Laura Larson /// 10.10.2020 /// 12:20pm

    OMG! AMAZING! I love her, her work and Miss Haversham. Thanks for finding this wonderful artist.

  6. Victoria Hopkins /// 10.10.2020 /// 1:14pm

    Thank you – she’s my hero now too . I love her and her work!

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