cassie arnold

Wow. Look at her go! Now that is truly blurring the line between art and motherhood, and I could not love it more! This is the work of Texas based artist Cassie Arnold. I’ve loved those droopy, lopsided, engorged – and super not engorged – boobs for ages, and have been following Cassie on Instagram. Well, a few weeks ago she posted ‘The Stereotype Sweater’ on her feed with this caption: ‘For anyone who has been torn down, labeled, verbally attacked, wrongfully stereotyped… this sweater is for you.’  Thank you, Cassie. Sadly, so many of us need this sweater. Here is part of her artist statement:

“My current body of work explores the unspoken and taboo topics connected to miscarriage, pregnancy, and the transformative female form. By using traditional fiber techniques, stereotypically associated with women, I hope to create more honest conversations through approachable art.”

Brilliant and beautiful. Happy Friday.

comments (3)

  1. Anneliek Nieuwland /// 08.08.2020 /// 2:35am

    Beautiful the work you posted of cassie arnold! I also Made a piece concerning breastfeeding. It is calles #selfie1997, ITs an autobiographical work. How I felt after giving birth to my beautiful daughter. The belly deformed and my big breasts full with mother’s milk. The milk poring from the breast I made from pearls to define the wonder fullness to be able to feed your child. I placed a picture on my website. Perhaps you are interested to take a look. Best regards, Anneliek Nieuwland

  2. Kaylee Dalton /// 08.10.2020 /// 6:55am

    I need this sweater! Love the bold text, many ways she can go forward with this work <3

  3. the jealous curator /// 08.10.2020 /// 7:12am

    i know! isn’t it GREAT!?!

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