jessie weitzel le grand

Yep, I love absolutely everything about this colorful, bizarre, craziness! This is the totally weird work of Portland based artist {and 2nd grade teacher!} Jessie Weitzel Le Grand. The majority of the images above are from a 2019 series titled “Bloom Tomb”. Here is Jessie’s poetic description of this installation:

A thought, like an ambient smell.
It wafts in like a fart.

Hot trash. Musky shoes. It’s meant to be ignored. But this time, maybe—TURN NOW!

Finally see the metal FLY.
Where would you go? A place like no other.

It’s either pitch black or a miracle.
A town of no rules, no pain.

You have arrived.

LOVE! And the final piece above, titled “Drowsy Droop”, is part of Jessie’s show that is currently at Stephanie Chefas Projects in Portland until March 21, 2020… GO.

{Photos of Bloom Tomb by John Whitten; Photo of Drowsy Droop by Mario Gallucci}

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